As It Should Be

By Swallows It All

Published on Sep 21, 2023


As It Should Be

Some guys know when they have a faggot on their hands. Some guys just know that if they wanted to get their dick sucked, the faggot would happily do it for them and thank them for the privilege after. Todd, a kid in my neighborhood, was one of those guys.

I was about three months removed from buying my first house in Northern Virginia at 33 years old. I was excited to have the space and freedom to choose, for myself, what I wanted my place to look like and what I wanted to do with it. Also, I was finally able to have a dog again since I now had the space for one.

I was outside washing my truck one day, one of the other perks of owning a house, when I noticed a white dude walking his dog. The guy couldn't have been any older than 15 or 16 years old.

I could tell that the guy was freeballing as I watched his junk bob around in his blue basketball shorts. He was tall and lean, standing at no less than 6'4" and 165-185 lbs with black hair and huge feet.

I wanted nothing more than to worship and service him. As he rounded the corner, I went inside to bring my dog out. I knew that Hunter would run straight to the other dog so I conveniently forgot the leash. About 12 minutes later, the guy and his dog came back around the corner. I held on to Hunter until they were walking past my house. When he was close enough, I let Hunter go.

"What the fuck?" The boy said as Hunter and the other dog began to wrestle and sniff delaying him from getting home.

"Hunter! Down!. I'm sorry about that dude, my dog loves to play." I said.

I quickly shifted my focus to the guy. "Havng a nice day?" I asked.

"Ummm, yeah, I guess." The guy said, trying to get his dog back.

"Right on. My name is Allen." reaching out to shake his hand.

He reluctantly reached out and shook my hand. Upon the pull back though, I let mine linger a little longer than I normally would. I was enamored by how sexy this dude was.

"Yeah, I'm Todd." he replied.

"Pretty cool dog you have." I said as I knelt down to pet him.

I was petting the dog, but sneaking a closer look at Todd's dick print in his shorts. It was heaven.

"Thanks." Todd replied.

"Yeah. Very cool dog." I said, but while sneaking peeks at Todd's crotch, or so I thought.

"You okay down there?" Todd said and took a step closer.

I looked up at him from on my knees. I was more than okay, but I didn't say anything. Guilt began to rush through me. What the fuck was I doing? This dude is, literally, half my age and I am on my knees in front of him eyeing his crotch while petting his dog. It was too late though. Todd could sense it. He figured out what I was.

"I knew you were a faggot." He said. "We've seen the men that you parade in and out of your house. My parents think you are selling drugs, but I know the truth. You must be sucking dick you fucking faggot."

I began to think I had bitten off more than I could chew and tried to stand up.

Todd pushed me back down. "Stay on your knees, you fucking faggot. You niggers should always be on your knees in front of a white man." he said.

Yeah, I had definitely bitten off more than I could chew.

He took another step closer and flopped his dick in his shorts. Then the smell hit me. The smell of his white teenage dick.

"Can you smell my dick, bitch? Can you smell my balls?" he asked.

I closed my eyes and moaned, "Yes, sir."

"That's fucking right. You call me Sir from now on." Todd stated.

"Can I...can I bury my nose in your crotch, Sir? I want to get a better smell." I asked. We were right out in the open so we really couldn't do a lot.

"Tell you what, faggot. Since you asked so nicely, I'm going to do you one even better. I'm going to take my dog home, but I will be back. When I do, you can smell my dick as much as you want. But, you're going to do some other stuff for me. Aren't you, faggot?" Todd asked.

"I'll do anything you want, Sir. Anything." I replied.

"Good. See you later, nigger". Todd said as he walked away leading his dog.

I finished washing my truck half expecting Todd to return shortly. I had already put Hunter in his crate as I often did when I was expecting some dick to suck, but the minutes turned to hours as I continued to wait. I was beginning to think that I had seriously fucked up. I didn't want to give up hope though. I really wanted to suck Todd's dick. Beg him to rub it all over my faggot face so my face would smell like his white dick. Then, I would jerk off to his smell. Hopefully, I would still have the chance to do least once.

End part 1...more to follow.

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Next: Chapter 2

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