Ask Me

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 19, 2019


Chapter 77.

The madhouse was happening at our place on Sunday. Everyone was there, looking at the plans, playing with the kids and generally the excitement reached fever pitch. I had to slow it down because it was getting out of hand. Little Conner and our sons needed a nap so we placed them into our bed with heaps of pillows, Conner kissed the babies while I took photos. I closed the door a bit, then went back to the party, well, Jen Bob Conner and Ray followed me after they also kissed the babies.

Daryl and Fran were making plans to give Bubby a little brother, I think because they wouldn't stop kissing each other much to Bubby's delight. He had sat with Shane and Ray for a while and when he left to play I saw Ray open his laptop and look at the shares again. I don't know if he's fiddling the books and I didn't care, but he did say later it was all Bubbies work and he was buying some for himself.

"You have some too Brent; you cannot ignore them they are too good." He smiled.

"I will leave all that up to you Ray, I haven't a clue what's in there." He made me sit down and look, yes I have more than enough for the renovations, I laughed to myself.

Daryl, Sam, and Conner took the boys on with a game of passing the ball, my son was very good at it because he gets loads of practice. Di sat with me and was doodling on a note pad.

"I have to put the ideas down as I think of them Brent, otherwise I forget." She smiled.

"Well don't forget my boy, I want his room to be something very special Di. Maybe a football field or something." She laughed and I kissed her hand, it must be sore from all that sketching.

We had a beautiful day and when the babies woke it was time for our guests to go home. Everyone had pitched in to clean up and by eight at night it was just us seven again. Con had the three boys on the bed playing with them, and I was hard at it doing a wash.

We had to go to the architect's office to try and hurry up the apartment, Ray suggested we tell him to hire more men to get it finished quicker. I told him I didn't relish lugging the babies around so early in the peace. He told me I was being over-cautious, but he and John would babysit for the day for Con and me to chill out somewhere for a few hours. I knew what he was talking about, Con and I haven't really talked about the boys yet and we need to, so we are on the same page with them.

"Okay, fish and chips on the beach then." I grinned at Ray, John dropped his jaw.

Teddy said his goodbyes and John drove him to school, Con and I chilled with the kids for a while then he came back with Ray in tow. They took the kids to their place and we immediately missed them. I drove to the builds office and we were ushered into the site dressed in Hi-viz vests and hard hats, it kind of suited Con and I couldn't stop looking at him.

"It's nearly finished, the painting starts today and the plumbers have done the bathrooms and kitchen, I believe the furniture will start to arrive in a few days. Come for a walk and I'll show you." He smiled.

It was gorgeous, I couldn't believe the absolute change in the place in such a small time. The chandeliers were still covered in plastic and the central one was huge. I felt like I was standing in a hotel lobby.

"So we can start moving boxes whenever we like?"

"Yes, of course, you can all the facilities are in, Dianna has thought of everything even down to the washers and dryers. As soon as the paintings finished the cleaners will arrive and get it ready to be occupied. Are you going to move in?"

"Yes, just for a few months until our house is finished."

"Do you have Di doing the styling again?"

"Yes, she's awesome." Con grinned.

"I have to put her on my books, there's a big project coming up soon and we will need her company to style."

"Apartments?" I asked.

"Yes Brent, fifty-five of them over on the waterfront. It's only at the foundation stage, but in a few months she's going to have to submit a tender, but I have the last say." He grinned, and my heart warmed for Di, she will have to hire some more helpers, I think.

"Maybe you can have a go at it, Brent." Conner smiled at me.

"No way I have a family to wash and clean for."

"We will get a housekeeper baby, don't fret."

"I want Adam then." He laughed his ass off as we continued on our day trip.

"What do you want Con?"

"Just some chips and a piece of fish baby, can you get some of that white stuff too?"

"Tartar sauce Con."

"Yes, I love the white sauce on my big fish Brenty."

Umm, if I didn't know better he was talking sex to me.

I collected our fish and chips and we parked in an empty car park along the beachfront. We sat on a wall and ate to our heart's content. He can fill up on rubbish today because that's his reward for being a good father and lover.

"How are we going to play this Con, like is it going to interfere with your career?"

"No, it will never come close to my career, in fact, it's so much better. I am going to retire, no more overseas trips. I will create good music, release some albums and stay at home with you all. Brent I don't want to miss a minute away from the boys. Also, we missed all that with Teddy and I want to experience that with the twins. I'm going nowhere." He leaned in and kissed me, I felt good.

"Do you think we should get a housekeeper Con? I think in a way it would be a good thing, but in another way, it will impeach upon our privacy."

He thought about it for a moment then said.

"You know Brent, John, and Ray do a lot for us without question. And I know its because they love us all. How about we get a cleaning company to handle everyday things like washing, cleaning, ironing, garden, stuff like that, then we will have free time to be with the kids. I don't think John would let a stranger cook for us but we can ask him."

"I can clean and wash Con."

"Brent you're not hearing what I'm saying. When the house is finished Ray and John will have more to clean, and so will you. Knowing them, they will help you and of course, so can I. I would like to make it easier for them, they aren't getting any younger baby. But I also want us all to spend our reserve energy giving the boys our attention. I love the little guys so much, and I hardly know them, and Teddy, well Teddy just blows my mind away whenever I have contact with him, I go all soft and warm when I see him and I want to spend more daddy time with him."

"Okay, we start with the cleaning company to come in once a week, then we go with their suggestions on garden and laundry."

"See, that's what I'm saying, let's free up some us time." he kissed me with his greasy fishy lips, it tasted good to me.

"Come for a stroll baby." He took my hand and we started walking down the deserted beachfront.

"I guess we have to start packing things up, what are you going to do with the safe and your paintings?"

"The safe will come with us, the paintings will go into the Arts center to be reunited with aunties collection that's already there. My sunshine comes with us and the rest will be placed in storage, we will get a moving company in to do it. We need to concentrate on the kids for now, not hard work." He grinned at me then kissed me again.

So I suppose he has it all organized for me, all I had to do was hide the porn DVD and the underwear because I don't want anyone to steal it and sell it on eBay.

We passed some thick bushes along the way and Conner pulled me into them, then he pulled my shorts down.

He sang to me on the way home, I think it was some of the words to that movie tune he's doing, it was very nice to hear and I do love his voice.

"We need to have a family conference sometime John and Ray."

"No time like the present Conner."

We each had a baby and they were awake, although mine was trying to sit up and see what was going on, I kissed him endlessly as I smelt his sweet baby odor.

"When the house is finished I want to hire a cleaning company to do the weekly chores. I wanted to ask you, John, are you happy to continue cooking for us all, or will I hire a cook slash housekeeper." You would have thought Con had hit him with the baseball bat as his face went into shock.

"Son, I cook for my family because I love to if there's going to be a crowd we get Nans to cater or a catering company in. But I cook everyday meals, nothing will change there." He was adamant about that, I could see it in his eyes.

There was someone at the door so I went to answer it, the boy's cribs had arrived along with the carry swags and twin pram. I got the delivery men to cart it down the back room.

"When did you organize these Con?"

"I didn't, Jenny did, she knows what we need so I gave her that job on Sunday." He grinned.

"Well I wanted to pick out our son's beds, you should have asked me," I whined.

"Are they nice or awful Brent?"

"Nice Con, she knows me well." I giggled into another cream cake.

We unpacked all the stuff, Jen had done a good job, there were soft baby towels and bedding with teddies all over them and rattles for them to play with, just about everything we needed straight away.

"Boys, don't worry about the cleaning company Ray will ask the one we use at work if they can recommend someone. They can sort that out, saves you doing interviews, and with the apartment, I'm sure between the four of us we can get it done in half a day." Ray was talking now.

Okay if your sure, I don't want just anyone traipsing around our house they might go through our drawers." I replied.

"They won't Brent, they wouldn't risk their jobs for a quick sniff of your underpants." John laughed, Curtis's arms flew up in surprise. He then started trying to eat his hand again so I shoved his dummy back and he happily suckled away on that.

I couldn't take my eyes off them, and wanted to hold them all the time, they were good babies and didn't give us any trouble at all. I didn't care whether they did or didn't, because they sure are beautiful.

Di had more drawings for us to okay or veto, she had been hard at it for most of the day and thought she would rush up to show us. I think she's a little excited about her venture and when Conner told her what the architect had said she got a hell of a lot more excited.

"You have to sack Adam Conner; I need him full time I want to make him my business partner."

"Okay, you tell him though."

"I'm not going to tell him you do it, it's your plane." They both looked at me and I smiled and put my hand up.

"I'll do it." My innocent voice said softly.

"Who will we replace him with Brent?"

"I don't know, get Tan to do it, he's the obvious choice."

"He's at college Brent if he wants his pilot's license he has to complete it."

"Oh, well let me think about it then."

"Does it have to be a man?" I asked.

"Well, no, the job is open to anyone why?"

"Why don't you just use tempts, it wouldn't cost you much more I'm sure."

"Maybe we will ask Phil and Dave when they come for dinner tonight maybe they know of someone." Ray smiled at me.

"Okay, can we pick Teddy up today?" I asked.

"Go pick him up, we will meet you at the park," John said.

"Good, come on Con grab the kids." I started walking out.

"Brent." He wined. I laughed as I picked up a baby and a basket. John and Ray helped us place them in the car then I drove us to school to get our other son. He was exercising on the fence with Shaun and Bubby when we arrived. We waited until we saw Andy then Conner walked across the road. I watched him jump into his arms and being hugged by his daddy then he waved to his mates and he will see them in five minutes.

I leaned over and made sure he was well belted in before I kissed his cheek.

"Did you have a good day son?"

"Yes daddy, we had some geography today it was good because I was showing the class where I had been. I didn't know where I was when we were there, but now I know." He smiled.

"Good, if you need to know anything else just let us know." He wasn't listening he was saying hello to his brothers.

We settled down after the first week, and by the second week, we were old hands at looking after babies. We packed everything that we would need at the apartment, and Con and I had been taking it up there almost twice a day. The safe was moved and stored at Armguard the security people. His paintings and valuable documents were on loan to the Arts center and storage space was reserved for our furniture.

John and Ray had done the same with their things and the last weekend of the month we moved in there, leaving our little home to the builders. I wasn't going to go and watch the build because I didn't want to see what they destroyed or kept. I didn't want to know, but surprisingly Conner was excited about it.

Di had done a brilliant job and everywhere we looked it was perfect. Teddy's room was the best, he had his posters on the wall and a bigger bed so he can sleep with his brothers if he needed to. His baseball bat was again placed in a handy spot, and his little shells and sand from the beach were again placed on his nightstand.

Because we were the only tenants Grant had placed his men in the lobby and they would patrol the floors during the night. It's something that Conner started when his aunt passed away, and because he was a little famous he needed some security. I didn't think we needed it now but was happy for Ted's sake to have the guys around. If I was, to be honest, Ray John and Conner are doing well with the security side of the business, so I don't even think Con pays for them.

We had childproofed the balcony doors earlier on and when dusk arrived I turned on the big central chandelier, Teddy went ape shit and rushed to grab his pillow. He lay underneath it and stared at all the sparkles. I turned it down a bit so it wouldn't hurt his eyes. The boys were cooing away on the lounge room floor, John was busy in the kitchen and Conner and Ray were sitting at the big table. There was loads of room for a piano too, and the baby grand sat proudly in front of the city backdrop. It will be wonderful to be here on New Year's Eve the fireworks would be awesome, and noiseless for the kids.

I was looking at my new sons cooing away on the floor, their arms and legs were everywhere as they sucked on their dummies. I had better start doing some reading on what to expect and when I can snaffle the laptop I may do some investigating.

The one thing I have to do one night is to buy a pizza and take Conner across to our park. I need to feed the possums and cuddle with my man, maybe we will take Teddy with us. Conner came and sat with me he and Ray had finished, he took my hand and said.

"It's a lot different from when you lived here baby, do you like it?"

"Yes Con, I was just thinking we might get a pizza one night and go across the road for a while, can we do that?"

"Of course we can baby, we have some awful memories of that park but some beautiful ones too."

I leaned into him and gave him a smacker of a kiss.

Grant was with us tonight and he said Stan will be coming home in a few days, he's been overseas for seven weeks now. We didn't see a lot of Stan he was always busy with the Governments of the world, but we saw Grant every day, which was very nice.

There is also a spare room here so whenever he wants to stay he doesn't have to sleep with Ted.

He had finished looking at the sparkles and was still a little excited as he pressed his nose against the huge windows with Benny by his side.

When John placed our dinner on the table I dimmed all the lights and we watched the city lights. Ray was showing Ted the planes that were flying into Tullamarine, and Ted was whooping it up whenever he spotted one. The babies had fallen asleep with bottles in their mouths, we are going to keep them in their carry baskets for a bit longer, then they will be shifted to cribs. It was an awesome apartment and everywhere I looked I had a different view, the most amazing one was to the east, millions of suburban houses were lit up and they continued to the mountains.

An excited Teddy was ready for bed and we six sat on the sofas just taking it all in, the granddads had a glass of wine, we had coffee.

The perfect ending to the perfect day was when I let Conner have his way in our new apartment on our new bed in our own little world in the sky.

It was sort of like our old house in the morning, Ted was sitting in front of the TV, John was cooking breakfast, Ray had the newspaper and Conner was scratching his balls. The babies were being changed and they are due for a bath sometime today, they just looked adorable, that was their only job.

"Did you go out this morning Ray?" I asked.

"Yes son, just to get the papers at the coffee shop up the road, it was open early, and I took Benny for his morning poop." He giggled.

"Good, I was just going to do that, are we putting a mini mart downstairs?"

"A small one Brent, dry cleaners, Lotto and a sort of surf clothing shop I think. But it's all still in negotiations, whatever goes into the six shops I'm sure will be conducive to the building." He smiled because he probably doesn't think I know what conducive means, so I smiled back.

"Come on Teddy, it's time to go," John said.

"In a minute granddad." Was his answer, at least he got one.

"Now, grandson or we will be late for your play."

He jumped up and grabbed his back pack, but he took his time saying goodbye to his brothers and fathers. John opened the front door to the lobby and yelled out.

"I'm going."

"Wait for me granddad." He giggled as he ran towards the door.

"What are you going to do today Con?"

"I really need to get some work done Brent, it's been a madhouse these past weeks and I need to knuckle down and do something."

"Well, I might go for a walk to the park with the boys, get them some fresh air."

"I'll come with you then."

"I thought you were working?"

"Well, I can do that tomorrow."

"Okay, but don't you slack off."

"Please, Brenty can I come with you?"

"All right, but just this once. I plan to make it a daily thing just to get the kids out of here."

He grinned at me and said

"What time are we leaving?"

"After I bathe them Con." He grinned again.

"Umm, probably not a good idea Brent." Ray interrupted our foreplay.


"Because they might catch a chill."

Doh, how dumb am I, of course, they might, maybe I won't go to the park after all.

"Okay point taken, we can go later." He looked at me over his glasses and said.

"Well if they were my kids I would take them now and give them a bath when you get back. Maybe you and Conner can have one with them, god knows they are big enough." I didn't say anything except.

"Come on Con, I'm waiting." I took his hand and pulled him off the sofa and bundled the boys up into their carry cases.

"Oh, Brent, why don't you use the baby wraps they are easier to manage than those bulky things."

"Thanks, Ray, I didn't think of that."

So for the next ten minutes, he helped us to attach and place a baby in each, I kissed him and said we won't be long. We went down in the lift and laughed.

"I thought they would be a god send Conner, but don't tell him will ya."

"No Brent, its a joke between you and him I already knew we should be using these." He grinned.

"Bull shit," I smirked as I kissed him.

The doors flew open and we marched out to go get some fresh air in the park, it was a glorious morning and we were careful to walk on the crossing, Cons big hands protecting Jacks head and mine was doing the same with Curtis. We walked around the park until we found a spare seat, then we talked about his music and generally wallowed in the warmth of our babies.

We sat for an hour then Con wanted a coffee, my old coffee shop restaurant was still there so we headed that way. I haven't been here since I lived at the flats, but I did recognize a couple of the waitresses. We ordered as the kids slept on peacefully.

"Hi guys, good to see you again, it's been a long time. Have you moved back into the area?" One pretty lady said.

"Hi, good to see you again, yes just temporarily while our house gets a facelift," I replied.

"Good, now what can I get you?"

I ordered our coffees and a piece of cake, Con smiled and pulled his cap down lower.

"It's okay Mr. Conner's I won't say anything." She smiled at him.

"Thank you."

"Are these your boys?" She asked.


"I didn't know you had got married."

"I didn't, my boys are adopted." Conner was getting a little annoyed and it showed. I hope she doesn't run off to the tabloids, but she did say something before she left.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me, I'm Gina, Geoff's sister from Nans cafe."

"Really? he's an awesome friend, what was your name again?' I asked.

"Gina, Brent, I've owned this place for ten years now. I'll get your coffees." she walked off to make our orders.

"She's nice Brent." I smiled at him because we weren't prepared for that question. Con had thought quick but I suspect Gina already knows about us. I lived at the block of flats and had seen her around, but I had never introduced myself to her. I had my own problems back then.

We had a very pleasant time and as Con dropped a twenty on the table we waved to Gina and moved back to the apartment.

John was back, and Ray and he looked like they had just had sex, but we didn't say anything. Conner ran the bath and when it was ready we stripped the babies, but before we got in john had to check the water temperature then he said to wrap the small towels around them, they get pretty slippery when they are babies and the towels will help us to hold them better. See I'm learning every day.

We had some baby soap and massaged them clean, then we played with them. Con sang a small lullaby and I stuck my foot out resting it on his balls. It was a wonderful intimate time, but we won't do that every day, I get too excited.

"Now is there anything you need today Brent?"

"No not really John, I think we have it all, why are you going shopping?"

"Well, I thought I might take advantage of the city being so close, and go look at the shops."

"Okay sounds good to me, I'll come with you," Ray said.

"You don't have to leave, it's your flat too."

"We know that and I want to go shopping in the city, don't think that every time we go out we are trying to give you some space. Everything will work out just fine as we settle in. I'm just a little excited the city is closer that's all. I do have a life you know." He smiled at me.


We made love after the kids went back to sleep, well we romped until we spent everything and tried for more but it wouldn't happen.

We showered and I went about looking in the fridge for something for lunch. Conner was tinkering on the piano, I was listening to his soft voice and every time he stopped I stared at him to hopefully go on.

Teddy was picked up by the granddads and we all met in the park, as usual, my babies were cuddled and kissed and I'm sure they were wondering who these strangers were because they got antsy there at one stage, and Con and I had to take them.

John had made small pies and they were still warm so the kids enjoyed them with half a bottle of tomato sauce.

We left the babies with Fran and Andy and ran around the bigger track stopping for a smooch every now and then. When we arrived back Shane and Tom were there, they had just got out of classes. They had a baby each and were talking to them like they had known them forever.

"How is it all going boys?" I hadn't seen then since we got back from overseas and I am interested in what they are doing.

"Good Brent, Shanes's parents have finally let me have a sleepover in his room at long last. I think they have realized we aren't just having a fling." Tom smiled his dimples popped.

"Good, and you know they were only looking out for Shane don't you."

"Yes, but it's taken so long but now we feel more comfortable around them. His dad said when we finish college we can move in together, we can't wait."

"Good," Conner said.

"And before you say anything Conner, no we won't move into the apartment block it's too posh for us." Shane is onto us.

"Where will you live then?" Conner has plans.

"We will get our own flat maybe in Prahran, but we will do it on our own, don't interfere please Conner." He was telling Con to butt out.

"Of course you want to do it boys, but if there anything you need just let us know." At least the offers there.

I know Conner will help the boys when ever he can, so we will wait and see what they plan before we get involved.

Bubby ran over waving his piece of paper, Shane took it and thanked him. We stared at him looking for an explanation but he was tight lipped, that was until Tom asked him.

"What's that all about Shane?"

"I gave Bubs my codes and he's now looking after my investments. I don't seem to get the time nowadays what with you and school and such." He grinned, and I know Bubby would be as pleased as punch to be doing them for Shane.

We packed up the car and headed for home, we did have three car parks but because the building was empty we just parked anywhere. I made Teddy change and wash his hands and face then he went back to looking at the pretty chandelier, I had to turn it on for him. Benny was watching too but I need to take him for a wiz, oh no I'm not, Ray is. He wants to get the evening papers. John helped me make up a few bottles then I put another wash on when I looked over Conner had joined Teddy on the floor and they were naming all the crystals that were winking back at them. I think they were giving them names because I did hear Ted saying the big one was his daddies one, and one for Jack and one for Curtis and he went on and on, even Mrs. Green got one.

I toiled away until dinner was ready, then I had to ask Con to stop playing and come and eat with us. We talked about our day and John was so excited to have done some shopping, he said we should go into town tomorrow while they look after the kids.

We agreed that maybe we will go in, but I didn't relish going across the park, the other side has some very painful memories for me. Maybe I should go about making them better ones with Conner, I will think about it. We were generally talking and helping Ted with his homework when Conner mentioned we met Geoff's sister who works at the coffee lounge her name is Gina. Ted's head lifted up and he stared at me.

"What's up son?"

"I know Gina, she's come to nannas place a lot and we play, sometimes she babysat me. I forget her that's all."

"Do you want to go and visit her sometime?"

"Yes please daddy, she sings well like my dad too."

"Oh does she now, is she good?"

"Yes daddy but not like you do, she's softer and she sings baby songs." I gathered Gina sang Ted to sleep with lullabies.

"Okay, when we get some time dad will take you for a visit then."

"Good, daddy can I play with my brothers now?"

I took the kids out of their carry bags and placed them on the floor, they played with their big brother until they dropped off to sleep again, then Con and I had the pleasure of placing them in our bedroom.

We were up again at three, the boys were hungry and wanted their bottles, Con took one and I had Jack and we sat on the sofa with no lights on and watched the city sleep. My baby was nodding off again so I had to keep him awake so he at least got some of his milk into his tummy. Cons happily sucked away and every now and then I would hear his bottle squeal as he released is mouth to smile.

They were put back to bed and we crawled in and cuddled, the rubbing started and the kissing was already well on the way but we were too tired, we both knew that we just wanted to be close. I longed for my old queen size bed, these king sized ones are huge.

The same routine again and Ray had taken Ben for his morning poo, then he wanted to play with Ted in front of the TV. He wasn't a barking dog so he didn't disturb the babies who were again sleeping, he only barks at strangers he's a good puppy actually. Grant came by to see if everything was all right and John invited him out for dinner. It looks like we are all going down to the coffee shop for dinner tonight, which was good. It was Friday and John doesn't have to cook every night anyway.

There are some fabulous restaurants in Melbourne, and more and more every day I see more opening on my way to Ted's park.

"I'll book for six I think; we can take the babies with us." He smiled because he knows not one of us would ever leave them at home.

"We can do that John, we are going for a walk again and will probably call in for a coffee."

"Say hello to Gina's for me will you daddy?"

"Of course we will son, and you will probably see her tonight too." His face lit up. I think the memory of Gina has bought back a few dark ones of his nanny, time for another talk I think.

Next: Chapter 78

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