Ask Me

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 11, 2023


Ask Me 98


Eventually, I looked up at the sun and couldn't wait to get back into the cabin for some cool air. Dave gave me the thumbs up, so I quickly walked back to the steps.

"Everything okay Dave?"

"Yes Brent all good, go inside and relax."

I did just that after closing the exit door, I watched the two men disconnect the steps and Phil started up the jets.

It was Phil's turn to pilot the takeoff, he was being cautious today and we had a smooth ascent into the sky.

At cruising altitude I unbuckled and readied their lunches, taking them up to them. I didn't stay I sat in one of the plush seats and ate by myself flicking through the thousands of photos I had on my Ipad.

So many memories, and when I flicked through to my first photo there was my Conner smiling at me, it was taken in his hotel room the night he had sent his goon to collect me. I remembered how I felt that night I was so tired of it all and had wanted some sort of closure, but instead I got a new life full of excitement and tragedy. I also received a wonderful extended family of friends and children, I was blessed. I smiled then closed my phone down then started making animals again in the clouds.

The flight was smooth and surprisingly fast, I guess they were gunning the jets for maximum speed. Phil once told me they do that sometimes to give them a good clean-out, I think he fibs a bit. Dave walked past to go to the toilet and said.

"We will be landing in Melbourne soon Brent, we snatched an earlier landing slot." He smiled.

"Good, I can get to the park early." I smiled but wasn't in the mood to help him out in the toilet, which is so unlike me.

I batten down the hatches and by the time the seat belt sign flashed I was already buckled up.

On landing they said they will see me on Friday, I have tomorrow off and am looking forward to spending it with my sons, and Conner of course. The drive to the park was slow I had hit the afternoon rush, so I concentrated on my driving and not on what I was going to do with Conner tomorrow.

I was on time and as I pulled into the car park the kids were already jumping up and down to greet me. Con had a big grin on his face and John and Ray were smiling, everyone was glad to see me. I guess that old saying,

absence makes the heart grow fonder, is true. The boys wanted me to carry them and Con wanted a kiss, so I obliged them all and they started telling me what they had done today, it all sounded pretty normal, but to them it was epic.

I let them run around and tumble on the grass when we got there, I had missed their giggling. Andy and Fran, as usual, were already seated and after our greetings, the bell went and the kids poured out the front doors going wherever they go after school, our boy ran over to us and he kissed me then Con then his brothers who wanted to play ball with him. Grant was looking good today I think his old ripped shorts have finally fallen apart because he had some new body-hugging stretchy sports ones on, they left nothing to the imagination they were so tight. I caught Conner having a look and whispered in his ear.

"You should have fucked him."

"No, he's just frosting, you're the chocolate and candles." He kissed me again, then he walked over to Grant who laughed at something he said.

I saw two men walking around the oval, there will be hell to pay if they think they can take the oval over. Ted watched with Shaun and Bubby I think they had the same idea.

It's not unusual that some guys run the oval but they know by now there is serious football business going on here after school, not to mention the oversexed couple that uses the bushes daily.

They were a couple of good-looking guys and so fit, almost up to Grants standards, well maybe a little more pumped than him.

They started talking to Grant who had shaken their hands then they all sat at the next table, I looked at Con he winked. Something is up and as usual, I haven't been pre-warned.

I tried to listen but the boys were being too loud and they wanted me to play with them. Teddy was called over to the table and Conner grabbed Curtis and sat with them, why not, so I grabbed Jack and moved in on them also.

"This is Barry and George, boys these guys are Ted's parents and his little brothers." Grant sort of introduced us.

"Teddy, can you go get your statistics book?" Grant asked him.

He ran off with a big smile on his face and grabbed his backpack, his book is where he writes down everything he has done with his team, who kicked what goals at which game, and so forth.

The guys opened it and looked it over. When they had finished they asked him if they could borrow it for a few days then they explained who they were. They were recruiting agents for the St Kilda football club, a famous team here in Melbourne. They had heard of Ted's school team and had been watching from afar for a few months now.

"We would like to invite you Teddy Richards to join our junior team for training twice a week and maybe if you do your best we will play you at some stage. It means every Monday and Tuesday you come to our ground and train with twenty-five other boys, if your numbers are right we think you might have a big career playing football and we want you for our team." I watched Ted's face light up and his fists were white he scrunched them so tightly. He looked at me then Conner then the boys, but no he's not going to cry he's going to scream.

"Yess, lift-off." He then fisted the air and jumped off the seat and did a small victory dance.

Ted had been discovered finally, so I guess I will have to retire again to get him to games during the season, he had better talk to Bubby about payments.

When they left he was carried around the oval by his boys and brothers who dragged themselves behind. Conner had set it up, I am sure of it.

"Did you do that?"

"No, Daniel Lawrence did, I sent him copies of Teds notes."

"So you set it up?"

"No Brent, Ted did this all on his own. Dan is just helping, he knows Ted is good at football, and he is. I didn't have to do anything except send the documents, he wanted them to pass around to the clubs but because we live in the St Kilda zone they were first to pick."

"Wow, he makes me so proud every day." A small tear escaped, but I caught my emotions, and then I punched the air screaming.

Grant explained everything to us when the guys left with Ted's book. He will be training with the other kids, and then if they think he's good enough he gets to play every Saturday before the kick-off of the big game. It's all to do with recruiting, when he turns fourteen he will play with the under sixteens then around sixteen years of age he will get to play with the bigger boys in the second team, while that is going on, he will be monitored for a place in the main team. He has to start bulking up a bit, at the moment he's too lean, and any big bump will send him flying. But for now, he gets the chance to play in front of a crowd of no less than fifty thousand fans, if he's picked to play.

The excitement built and training was forgotten, his buddies were so happy for him and also I felt a little sad once again, my boys growing up so fast.

He received a pie and peas for dinner he loves them the best and his smile was still awesome.

"Day off tomorrow, want to do something?" Conner asked.

"Yes, I want to spend the day with our sons and you." I winked.

"I guess your new job will have to come to an end baby."

"I don't mind Con, today reminded me how much I missed my babies and Teddy. He's getting older and I want to be with him when he starts his journey into adulthood, this is epic for him and I pray it's everything he has ever dreamed of."

"I have something epic for you to baby."

"I know, how do you want it?'

"Ummm, on your back so I can see your eyes."

My life was full of love, I want for nothing, and the greatest event I have ever experienced is fatherhood and Conners's eyes staring back at me, he is the love of my life, not the stage star but the man he's become. I like that the best.

Thank you for reading my story, it has been a heartwarming write. This story will return when I can devote my time fully to it.

But for now, this is.

The End.

Cheers and beers from your mate in Australia Maxie.

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