At My Doctors Service

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Oct 18, 2023


At my doctor's service by Chaim

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"Don't you worry about anything, you know why you are here. I will take care of your needs."

I looked at him, my doctor was only dressed in a wife-beater and shorts, he looked impressive. Maybe it was after all, not such bright idea to ask this gay doctor on Gay-chat for my physical. Once I pulled into driveway and locked my bike against a tree, I knew there was no turning back.

It was my doctor who opened the door, and led me into his house. Once inside, he locked the door behind me. I didn't have any time to consider what was happening, but knew that I had to obey him. That's what we agreed on, a free physical for my obedience. I had signed a form, jus a formalty, I agreed his terms and conditions. This was not going to be a regular physical.


the doctor said with a grin on his handsome face. I was led to the examination room, and he made to stand in the middle. I looked around, it was huge room, with one raised examination table in the middle, a wall of glass cabinets, and There were also posters of naked boys of various ages framed to the walls. I stood in amazement of the whole room, with its bright lights and white walls.

"I have to inspect you, boy."

I asked,

"Is this okay, Sir?"

As I stood there trembling a little. The word 'Sir' sounded strange and foreign on my tongue even though I had said it many times in my e-mails. My cock was stirring in my shorts. The doctor just smiled at me and asked,

"I see this excites you, boy. Are you ready for your treatment?"

I didn't understood what he meant by 'treatment', but said,

"Yes sir..."

my heart was pounding with conflicting feelings, the fear of regretting my decision, and the excitement of undergoing this physical. I started to feel my cock grow in excitement, he was right I was excited.

My doctor left the room and came back with two glasses. I drank the water standing and waited for his instructions. The doctor looked at me and I wondered if I should drop to my knees when he got closer to me.

"Spread eagle, boy,"

a low and very commanding voice said into my ear. This voice was the voice of a Master. I felt it deep down and his hand was running up my back under my T-shirt which I had not tucked into my shorts. The doctor's hand was strong, warm and as I felt it press against my skin, it seemed to push me to a door,

"Now get your ass there."

My doctor pointed at an open door leading to a small walk-in-closet.

"Top drawer of the dresser, you will see a pair of white boy briefs. Now come back out here with your ass in those briefs, and nothing else!"

I was shocked at the doctor's words and tone. I just came in for my physical and yes, I knew about our deal; a physical for my obedience. So, I made my way to the walk-in-closet. I stood there in front of a hug mirror. I pulled off my T-shirt, in reflex I passed my hand over my pink boy nipples. The nipple extended and became hard, I liked to touch my nipples. I kicked off my sneakers and my white socks. With my shorts still on, I went to the drawer. Opening it, I pulled out the boy briefs which were right on the top.

"Fuck, they are too small."

I muttered, as I looked at them. No way those tight boy briefs were gonna fit me.

"What is taking so long, boy?"

"These are pretty tiny, doc."

"Put the fucking briefs on boy and hurry up!"

I shook my head as I unsnapped, then pulled down my shorts, my boxershorts followed. Standing stark naked in the doctor's house, completely vulnerable, the sensation sent shivers up my spine, covering my body in goosebumps. I put the briefs on, the soft silk like cotton barely passed over my thighs, wrapping tightly around my firm ass. The pouch itself, tented around my cock and balls. I looked down and smiled to myself in the mirror. Even if I got hard, no way my boner could escape! When I entered, the doctor smirked at me,

"Your sexy little penis will leak into your briefs when you think about who I am, and what I want to do to your little soft sexy body."

I couldn't deny the first statement but he saw the surprise on my face.

"Yes boy, as long as you answer all my questions truthfully and follow my rules, we agreed you get a free physical for your obedience, there's nothing to worry about. And for your information, real man do have a cock, to me you are just a little boy, so you have just a penis."

he laughed softly, but I felt humiliated, but I was horny as hell and my doctor knew it, he reached out for my arm,

"Stand in position, legs wide and your hands behind your neck. You need a physical, so you will get one."

He laughed again and I did as he instructed. This part didn't seem so bad. The doctor was strict but friendly, I trusted him in a strange way. After listening to my heart, and taking blood pressure, he looked in my mouth and ears. He pulled my briefs down and my hard penis flopped up, smacking my stomach.

"Don't worry about that. It happens all the time. There's nothing to be ashamed of. I've seen hundreds of penises."

With a tape he took some measurements.

"Well, you have a very healthy penis, your balls hang nicely, which is all normal for your age."

The doctor started to run his hands up and down my torso, pulling on my nipples and stroking my hard boy cock, then moving down to my ass.

"Ah, yes! Just what I was expecting. You are in good shape for a young teenager and going to be a wonderful boy to play with! I knew when I saw your profile that you were going to be just what your doctor wanted!"

Needless to say, I did as he said. He soon had another surprise for me that drew a sharp breath of excitement from me and made my boy cock that much harder. He pulled me over and started slapping my ass!

"Oh please doctor! No, stop! Ow!"

With only the soft cotton covering my butt, there was no protection from the spanking!

"When I tell you to do something, boy. Don't argue with me, got it?"

Though I have a well-shaped firm ass for a young teenager, the doctor's hand was also very strong. The doctor's blows made my butt cheeks jiggle as he took turns from my left, to the right butt cheek. He was only stopping when I was gasping, and moaning! My doctor put his mouth to my ear and said whispering,

"That sounds of moans of pleasure, not pain, boy! You fucking love it! I like getting a spanking, don't you? This is gonna be easier than I thought."

My mind was racing, yes I told him in our chats and an e-mail I had my submissive site I wanted to explore. I admitted to the doctor having sensitive nipples, but I had never acted out on my desires. I was still young and had only discussed my desires on the Internet and never had anal sex. The doctor was kind to me and assured me that he could help me. I offered me a physical, coaching and if necessary treatment. I agreed on that and in our further conversations I admitted to being was confused but would appreciate his guidance. Believe me, I had had never a spanking before. Strange enough however painful, I got excited!

My boy cock had gotten rock hard and the slit had definitely seeped some pre-cum. I wondered if my doctor had spiked my drink, as how quickly his voice had got to me! I felt little and submissive to him

The doctor made me get on my knees in front of the examination table. I watched as he lowered the examination table and got himself another drink. The doctor pushed a chair in position and sat across from me.

"Clasped your hands behind your head, and flex those pecs, boy."

I did as my doctor requested.

"Good boy. Remain in this position. You consider yourself as a healthy teenager, to me you are just a little boy, who has little in the way of teen muscles, but your smooth chest and arms make up for that. Looking at you as your doctor, you must be a year or two into puberty and will have already nice patch of blond pubes just above your penis. I will take care of that, don't worry."

My doctor smiled,

"Believe me or not, as your doctor I will be training you. My training has stages that you cannot understand yet, but you will turn you into my boy, into my bitch, into my slave. I can see you are natural submissive, are a a born slave-boy whose future will be dedicated to the service of my needs."

I was shocked, but my sore ass a reminder to just do what he asked and to stay in position. I watched as my doctor slowly removed his white socks. He slowly stretched his feet out over the examination table. Kneeling down with my hands clasped behind my head, my chest was above the examination table. And that was exactly where my doctor moved his feet and his toes started flicking at my exposed erect nipples!

"Your little boys nipples are your on and off buttons, isn?t it?"

What started as tickling, became soon more of an itching! The doctor passed his toes over and over my nipples. Scraping the excited ends purposely, with his toe-nails. I groaned and felt sore, he was scratching of my pink boy nipples. I shivered and asked him,

"Why are you doing this to me, doc?"

He looked at me sternly,

"Remember our chats, remember your e-mails. You wanted a physical, you wanted to be submissive. Now you get it, boy, you will get the physical and a proper treatment you dreamed of. I am your doctor and I will make you totally subordinate to my wishes and make you feel little but more confident about your body and submissive mind."

he waited for a few seconds and then my doctor ordered,

"Open your mouth, boy! This will shut you up! I don't want your stupid questions. I'm your doctor and you have to learn to accept my power and authority."

The doctor pushed one of his white socks in my open mouth. I tried to protest, but as soon as I opened my mouth, he held my head and shoved the sock inside. Two hard strokes on each of my butt cheeks, and I knew better then to spit it out. The doctor returned to his position. I assumed for my objections earlier, my sensitive boy nipples were to pay the price. My doctor toes returned to my swelling boy nipples. Teasing them, this time he was much rougher, together with my flexed pecs. Believe me, I was freaking moaning!

Had never had anyone even touch my sensitive nipples, and my doctor, having found that weakness, was using them non-stop. I was almost whimpering in the sock in my mouth. I wanted to sparing my nipples so badly. I was also moaning because I knew soon, my doctor was gonna notice my hard boy cock! In all this teasing, his spanking, made my uncut boy cock hard, it stretched to its full length. My teen balls were aching, they were so fucking packed-in, with my boy cock, in the tight material of those stupid boy briefs. As if reading my mind, my doctor got up and he ordered me to stand as well. My boy cock was stretching lewdly the boy briefs. The glans soaked them with my pre-cum. Again he whispered in my ear,

"So your penis get hard, boy? Your get a boner when you were getting spanked by a real man? When a man played with your little boy nipples with his toes? Which part of my treatment feels better, boy?"

With the sock still in my mouth, I could not answer him. Not that my doctor was waiting for one, he just walked away, laughing at my humiliation.

I stayed in position and I hadn't moved when he returned to the examination room. To my shock, he yanked my briefs down to my thighs. My boy cock slapped against my belly and my pre-cum was dripping on the examination table. I fucking moaned in the sock, as I looked down and watched my doctor man-handled my balls,

"Good boy, just accept my way of checking your body."

The doctor took his thumb and forefinger and put both of my nipples between them, Pinching, pulling on them, nail-scratching my nipples.

"Yeah, Boy. I like boys like you that moan when your nipples are played with. Boys like you should have nice tits. Or maybe you whimpering because you hungry for more. Fuck boy, look down at your pink tits!"

He took his index and middle finger and trapped my nipple in-between. Making the erect nipple-tip stick out.

I babbled in the sock at him to stop, but instead of stopping, the doctor stood, and his strong fingers started mauling at my pecs. As if trying to get something off them, he flicked at the tips. I could not bring them up to stop the molesting of my nipples. The position actually had my boy chest sticking out. Obviously, put them there for easy access.

"Oh boy, you look like I got you a little excited. Your penis is throbbing and looking at your penis it is dripping your ooze. It get all over your pubes, boy. Speaking about your pubes, I think my boy needs a little trimming down


He just continued to pull and knead the nipple to keep me steadily groaning and said,

"The way you are moaning, I think you agree, it's always good to have a willing boy around."

He walked out of the room. My moans were actually only part moans of protest, as I couldn't stop reacting from the non-stop abuse of my nipple-tips!

The doctor returned with a small bowl full of water, shaving cream and a razor.

First his hands returned to my nipples. Fingers of both hands all over my pecs. Me, powerless to stop the teasing, could only groan louder! My nipples felt swollen. Tips tingling from the abuse.

"Better not be moving too much, boy. Wouldn't wanna cut those pretty boy balls of yours. "

I didn't think I wanted my penis shaved, but my head was nodding furiously. I couldn't remember anymore what I wanted, but I knew that if the doctor said he didn't want me to have pubes, I had to obey.

"Pubic hair is a sign of a man, and you are a boy. You will never be allowed to grow your pubic hair again."

I struggled to think clearly enough to speak but I couldn't. I mumbled in his white sock,

"I don't deserve this. I will do anything for you."

My mouth mumbled the words and my brain let it happen, I couldn't help it, the words just came out. I actually wanted him to shave me more than I wanted anything else at the moment.

"Good boy, I didn't hear your words, but you are so obedient, so willing to please me. Yes boy, I will remove your pubic hair."

With that, the doctor went to work on my balls. It was not a gentle shaving of my ball sac! He yanked, milked, slapped my balls around, as he shaved them. One ball, or both, always in his fingers as he scraped off all of my pubic hair! As I looked down my boy-cock, well it was now His penis, my hard penis seemed so exposed, sticking straight-out from my smooth lower belly.

"You look much better this way boy. Don't you agree?"

He asked and my doctor wrapped his fingers around my boy balls. Pulling my shaved balls hard enough, so my stiff penis was yanked. He brought the soapy water up. Washing my sac of any stray hairs. He has a piece of thread in his hands, it was soon being wrapped around one of my boy balls, then the other. Then the end of the thread was tied underneath the mushroom cap of my penis.

"I now control your load, boy. You will never orgasm without my permission"

He then grabbed a little box he had brought with him.

"My boys wear a cock-ball sling, boy."

I looked surprised up at him, but moments later I knew what it was! The doctor opened the contraption around the base of my hard penis. Then snapping it shut, so it was snug around the shaft of my penis. Meanwhile, my tied balls were trapped at the bottom. There was a hole, where my sac was able to fall through. My balls exposed, but snugly held by the sling.

With that, he pulled up the tight boy briefs, and pushed me back to my knees. I groaned as my hard penis was again, trapped in the tight cotton of my boy briefs. My doctor lay back, his right foot returned to work on my nipple and his left hand went to the table. Scooping up, with his hand, my pre-cum, which had dripped down from my penis. He brought it up to my mouth and ordered,

"Suck! Let's see how you can work a finger, boy! Don't lick, put my finger in your mouth, and suck it like an eager little baby!"

Reluctantly, I pulled the sock from my mouth and did as ordered, I wrapped my soft lips around his finger. Sucking it, as it filled my mouth.

"Yeah boy, you a natural! Slide those pretty lips up and down that finger. Use your tongue too, clean my hand. Taste your pre-cum, baby. Fuck yeah! Knew you'd love that boy!"

I was so fucking turned on, I was worshipping his finger, worshipped his open hand. Using my tongue between his fingers as ordered. Constant moaning as my tied balls continued churning up a huge load. My doctor kept up his verbal taunts, as I slobbered on his hand.

"Don't think about yourself, you are here to serve my needs, boy."

The doctor's voice was stern, knowing that this was making me fucking hotter!

"That's it, baby. Suck it. Keep licking too, boy. Clean off my hand of your pre-cum."

As I slurped on the doctor's hand, I looked up and watched as he pulled off his wife-beater. My doctor's chest, like mine, was smooth, his nipples, though big like mine, did not stick out of his pecs. Rather, the nubs lay flat on his chest. My doctor, again ordered me to rise.

"Get up, boy."

My doctor stood in front of me and grabbed the back of my head, and pushed it to his pecs.

"Nurse on that nipple, boy! And no teeth, or your ass will pay. Not that you would have a problem with that, would you boy?"

I moaned as my doctor reached down and cupped my ass cheeks. Roughly man-handling them as I sucked on his nipple.

"Boy, that is so fucking hot! Little did I know I had a submissive boy hooked up as a patient, with an ass begging to be played with."

I stopped sucking his nipple. I love to suck his man nipple, but my brain was alarmed, deep down I knew I had to leave, this was too much. I shook my head, this was insane! This doctor was driving me crazy. I looked up at the doctor and saw him smiling at me, and nodded but I couldn't speak. I thought to myself that I liked to follow his orders and that I wanted to be a good boy. As if was reading my thoughts the doctor said softly,

"You are a good boy. The pain and humiliation is nothing. It's your struggle against it that's driving you mad. Accept it, welcome it and it will set you free. There is no escape, you need this, you need me as your Master."

My Master's voice was stronger than his hands on my sore ass, he was keeping me in place and I was sucking his nipple as a baby. He was wearing down the barriers of my mind, giving me no choice but to accept him as my Master because it came from him, because it was inescapably part of me. My Master drove the words home with harsh slaps across my sore ass cheeks.

"Yes boy, accept it, accept me. Nothing can frighten you, nothing can harm you, you have a Master who will protect and teach you everything you need to know."

Suddenly my Master yanked my balls down and gripped them hard. I scream out, but he cuts me short by slapping my ass again. I feel my eyes water from the pain, but he just starts to maul me all over, squeezing my nipples, biting my neck,

pulling my hair and choking me. I whimper at his violence.

"You stupid little shit, you asked for it and now you're gonna get it. You're gonna get the full treatment."

He slapped my ass repeatedly.

"You will be fucked you so hard, you'll never want another guy!"

Part of me was scared, but it also a promise! I wanted to be fucked, to give my body to him. I want to be bred, to feel his man cum in my boy hole. I was so worked up I thought he just trash talking for the fun, just because it got him hot. In truth I was loving how he talked me.

"You are a bitch, a fucking bitch boy. You are going to be doing this a lot, boy. I need a boy to get off with when I am so damn horny."

The thought of doing this more than one time had not occurred to me. The doctor, my Master was going to make me serve him all the time. I didn't want to be his slave boy like that, I thought to myself, but accepted his wishes and nodded my head but trembled, I wanted to run to end my confusion. Away from my desires and my surrender. He felt my confusions and struggle,

"You are not gonna stop me from getting what I want anyway, so you might as well enjoy it."

I stammered and begged,

"Please, I did everything you asked, can I go now?!"

The doctor kept me close, his hands remaining wrapped around each of my butt cheeks, not slapping them.

"Oh poor boy, we having too much fun! Of course you cannot leave me now, you have to obey me and be a good boy. Accept the things you cannot change, you will learn to accept whatever I give you and be thankful for it."

I felt tears coming up and bit my lip. I had no idea what the doctor, my Master wanted of me. Surrender? He wants me to surrender?

"You'll give up you everything of course, think of yourself as becoming my boy, you will be sometimes my bitch and I will train you to become a willing slave. Sounds good, you need that, don't you?"

The good Dutch boy part of me rebelled at this, but the thought of being his boy was more than a bit arousing. O tried to calm myself, what is surrender without a struggle beforehand? Would I make him angry with my resistance? He was

looking at me for a few seconds, and I finally decided. Yes, I needed to surrender. I wanted to surrender, but not before I was give meaning to it.

"I will stay and surrender."

My doctor laughed at my tensed face,

"That's what you need, boy."

"I never have thought about that, doc."

My doctor stared at me.

"You will."

And I did, my doctor had a very interesting way of getting me to agree. He looked me and said softly,

"I wanna use my power over you."

So, his hand went up to my chest and he began playing with my very sensitive nipples again.

"Gonna submit boy? Gonna be my boy?"

He didn't expect the question and I struggled, he was holding me tight, and my nipples were so sensitive. It didn't take long.

"Yes doc. I submit and surrender. I'll be your boy. Anytime you want me, doc."

I mumbled and he said,

"Enough with that doctor shit, you can call me your Master and all you have to say is Sir!"

"What? But Doc... "

I was cut off with two loud slaps on my ass.

"I said it's Sir, boy!"

The doctor suddenly lifted my head, and covered my mouth with his! Now, I have kissed a man before, but I had been was always the one who started. This time, I was definitely not! My doctor's tongue relentlessly pushed in my mouth. He held my head in place, as he sucked on my tongue. I was panting and gasping for air, when the doctor left my mouth. Only to wrap his tongue and lips around my nipple.

"Ahhh fuck doc! Ahhh man, that feels so good! Please, don't!"

A quick spanking of my ass made me remember I forgot to call him Sir, but the sucking of my nipple was making me leak a river in my boy briefs! My nipples that were still stiff and sensitive from the nipple-play, were now being suctioned hard into his hot wet mouth. My Master stepped back, he looked down and smiled as he saw my penis, now totally visible through my boy briefs, from the amount of pre-cum that has seeped from my slit.

"Oh yeah, that's right boy. Your Master had almost forgotten your intake e-mail, saying what a leaker you are!"

Actually, My doctor read everything and I exposed a lot of my desires and weakness to him in mail e-mails. Holy shit, I was in deep trouble. Right now, my boy briefs were his proof. My hard penis and tied balls were sticky with the amount that had oozed from the doctor's teasing.

"Pull my shorts and boxershorts off, boy."

At this point, I had no clue whether it was the drugs in my soda or just my extreme horniness, but I obeyed him without thinking. The doctor took my hands and placed them on my shoulders. I understood and lowered myself to my knees. The doctor stepped forward and pushed my face into his shorts covered crotch. He held my blonde head there as he rubbed my face and open mouth over the front of his shorts. The doctor began to moan as my lips were moving over his hard cock-head. The doctor pulled my head back from his crotch.

"You may lower my shorts with your hands,"

he instructed me. I reached forward and lowered his shorts just below his boxershorts. My nose was flaring as I smelled his musk wafting from his white boxershorts. The doctor pushed my head into his crotch again. I took a deep breath, smelling in his masculine scent. Without thinking I began to lick the pouch stretching over his prominent man cock. I was careful to not move more than he instructed. I found a pool of my pre-cum and lapped it up. In reflex I was

smacking my lips as he savored his sticky man juice for the first time.

"You can lower my shorts all the way,"

he said as he pulled my blonde head back,

"and take them off."

My hands go to his shorts to lower them to the floor. As they get close to the floor the doctor lifted each foot to step out of them. My doctor was now standing in his straining white boxershorts and his white socks, with me still on my knees in front of him. The doctor sat down in the chair and lifted his foot. He moved the foot in front of my face, rubbing from heel to toe across my face starting at the top of my forehead down to my chin. I took multiple deep breaths in to capture his man smell.

"You may scoot forward, boy."

Still on my knees I moved forward the few feet that separated us coming up to the chair between his opened legs. The doctor reached his hand to my head and brought it towards his powerful chest. My face was touching his chest, with my wet boy lips at his nipples. I opened my mouth, but paused awaiting his permission.

"You may suck them,"

he said softly. After receiving his approval, I sealed my lips around his nipple and began to suck, tease with my tongue and nibbled. The doctor's moans were my reward as was as his nipple hardened to a point for me I could play with it. He moved me to the other nipple and it received similar treatment. The doctor placed his hand on the back of my blonde head while I sucked and licked. He moved my head over to his armpit where I sniffed first and the began to lick and kiss the open pit. I had made the hair wet and matted before he moved him to the other pit.

Oh, I liked what my doctor was asking from me. Strange enough I felt being now his little slave boy and loved every second of it.

My doctor positioned my head at the top of his treasure trail, my chin almost touching the top of the waistband of his boxershorts. With a shiver I kissed and licked my way down the littles hair leading to his prominent crotch. My lips touched the waistband and I stopped and waited for permission. My doctor said,

"Good boy, you're doing well, don't be shy to please your Master."

He stroked my blonde hair reassuringly and I continued down. My kissing and licking the pouch wet and I spent extra time above my doctor's glans where I tasted his pre-cum again. I trailed my tongue up and down the length of my Master's man cock, through the soaked fabric.

"Good boy,"

My doctor praised me and placed his hand on my forehead and moved me back. Reaching down, he moved his hard, dripping man cock from his soaked pouch. My Master's man cock jutted up and out. Pushing the pouch aside he also freed his balls. The view of his shaved balls and trimmed pubes were very impressive and I lowered my eyes in submission, and waited patiently with an open mouth, my tongue pressed low just over my lip.

"Feel my cock, boy. Get your hand around that cock!"

I wrapped my fingers around the doctor's cut man cock. The heat off that hard cock on the palm of my hand. The doctor moved his hips up and down. Making his man cock piston in and out of my fist.

Slowly he started walking towards the examination table, ordering me to keep fingers around his man cock as I crawled as a puppy after him. My doctor sat back on the examination table with is muscular legs wide. Leaving me kneeling on the floor in front of him, I moaned softly as I looked at him.

"Good puppy boy, see how easy it is to obey me. My cock gonna feel good in your little mouth, boy. Quit your moaning, boy, I know what you want, you're just dying to have a taste of your Master's cock. Your own penis is trying to rip those briefs, you so excited, my pleasure comes first, always remember that, but it is good to know that you enjoy your surrender as well."

He smiled down at me and brought a finger to my wet lips,

"Open your mouth, little bitch! There you go. Suck your Master's finger! Fuck yeah! Get those pretty pink lips of yours to show me how you gonna suck my cock!"

I was gonna protest that this was going too far! I felt like a slave to his man cock and... I loved it, but it also confused me. I think my experiences and the lack of them at the moment, were the reason for my restlessness and doubts. The doctor starting to get more and more demanding. I feel like it's time to start doing something about it. Obeying the doctor as my Master was one thing, but sucking his man cock?

The doctor smiled at me and was moving his other hand to my nipple and played with it. He teased my nipple softly and I groaned,

"Fuck, you have such horny tits, you groan like this bitch."

My nipples were now so sensitive, I pressed my chest out in need for more.

"You gonna be my favourite boy for sure. You see boy, all kinds of different fetish are provided to me, by boys like you, believe me you are not the only one who is in need."

I shivered and he continued,

"I will make sure, you get the best with me. Your own horny fetish will be used by and on you. Don't worry boy, you gonna have a lot of pleasure."

I was only hearing snippets of what the doctor was telling me. Sure I wanted him to play with my nipples, I liked it roughly, my nipples being yanked or scratched, but it felt strange and wrong to act on my needs. Meanwhile, I was very aware that my penis betrayed me. I loved what my doctor was doing! The constant teasing had led to me having a raging boner which was standing proud against my belly. I groaned and when I opened my mouth wide to say something. My doctor pushed his two fingers inside my mouth. My words, my objections, came out as sucks and wet slobbers on his finger.

"Fucking boy! I think your Master gonna have you on your knees a lot! That makes my cock even harder, boy, knowing how I can get you horny and hot. I just have to play with your fucking little boy nipples and you crawl for me!"

The doctor could feel my excitement at his taunts. My fingers around his meat squeezing at his man cock.

"Yeah that's it, boy. Practice on those fingers till you get a real man cock in your little boy mouth."

I moved my lips around them, really, did not have much choice as my Master kept his fingers firmly in my mouth. Finally, my Master slowly pushed my head down to his smooth balls. I licked and sucked the balls. My doctor slipped one ball in my mouth and I sucked it, swishing it with my tongue. I popped it out and repeated the process with the other ball. I tried hard to get both balls in my little mouth, but they were too large to fit in. I moved my head up slightly, placing my wet lips just at the base of his man cock. I surrendered, needed his man cock and I shivered with anticipation. I licked up my Master's shaft and around his cock-head.

My doctor gasped as my lips covered his glans and my tongue played with his piss slit. I swirled my tongue around my Master's corona.

"Ahh, such a good boy!"

I opened my mouth wide and slide down to his trimmed pubes at the base of his man cock in one steady motion. I felt proud, really! I had swallowed down his rigid cock and my throat was gripping the glans of his man cock. My Master guided my movements and soon I was bobbing my blonde head up and down. He coached me,

"Don't use your teeth boy, or I will get that boy ass of yours stinging again!"

I sucked his boy with determination and in a total bliss, I wanted to satisfy him, serve him, to show him my submission.

"That's it, boy! Now work your tongue around it as I feed you a bit more. There you go, boy, suck that cock. Ahhh yeah, boy. Slide those pretty lips around my cock. See if I can get you to give your Master a hummer-boy. I will get you moaning around that meat."

I went to the tip and back to the base with each bob, I was moaning in lust for him. When my lips were buried in his trimmed pubes and his cock-head was in my throat, he grabbed my head and held it still. I gagged as I was deprived of most of my air, my throat muscled were clamping on his cock-head. My Master coached me,

Oh boy, the trick for little boys like you, is to just relax your throat entrance, swallow and it slides right on down. Believe me, I'm your doctor, your gag reflex is just in your mind. When you feel yourself getting the urge to gag just focus on how much you'll love having your my cock down your throat."

With that my Master pulled my head up an inch or so and paused a moment before he pushed my head back down, lodging his man cock in my throat again. My Master continued, I only could catch quick breaths when he pulled my head up slightly. Tears were streaming down my face, but this time I was not protesting and I was controlling my gag reflex.

My doctor released the hold on my head, I pulled up and returned to bobbing on his man cock as a good and willing boy. I felt that the doctor was getting close, but secretly I wanted to be bred, to have his man cum deep in my ass. I was shocked by my own thoughts, but went on. Suddenly my Master pulled my head off his man cock and moved me back on my knees. I was patient and waited for his orders as a good willing boy, feeling his little slave bot now.

My Master stood upright and walked around and was now next to me. The doctor returned his fingers to my extended nipple-tips. Using his fingernails to tease my nipples and his finger sliding down to poke in my belly-button. All having the effects of me groaning and I was fucking loving it!

My Master used his hand to hold me steady and I opened my mouth when he aimed his man cock at my face. I was ready to receive him again,

"Keep your lips closed boy, I learn you a trick."

Placing my lips against his gland coated with his pre-cum, I pursed my lips together tightly. My Master pressed firmly, letting his cock-head separate my lips and penetrate my mouth. Once the tip broke my seal, the rest of his cock-head soon forced my lips further apart, my wet, tight lips pressing firmly around the sensitive glans.

My Master found my nipples and squeezed them, my only reaction was moaning, and sucking hard, around that lovely man cock in my mouth!

"Fuck boy! Your Master found your trigger, didn't he? Your nipples are your weakness, aren't they? Ah boy, suck my cock! Boy, the doctor gonna feed you his healthy sperm. Yeah, moan around that cock. Gonna play with your horny nipples, till you get your reward!"

Once my Master's cock-head was completely inside my wet, warm mouth, he placed his hands around on my nipples again, pulling me down with them on to his man cock with a loud grunt. I could taste the salty pre-cum of the doctor as his pre-cum seeped from his piss-slit.

"I'm going to cum soon,"

my Master suddenly groaned.

"When I do you suck it down, right?"

I moaned around his man cock.


he said breathlessly.

"And you take it all down. Don't spit it out, don't let a drop out, you take it all. Good slave boys take it all. You want to be good?"

I could barely hear him anymore. All I was concerned about, with was his man cock in his mouth, was to be good. I was gagging repeatedly onto it, but the doctor had learned by now to keep him throat relaxed and loose. It was more like getting fucked now, his man cock inside me, while I obediently did what good slave boys do and helped him get off as best I could.

The doctor thrust his hips forward, making my face slam into his crotch, completely penetrating me, my lips pressing against his pubes. He hold me steady at my nipples as he started thrusting into the my mouth. I was moving my head in sync with his thrusts, moaning and grunting each time he felt his tip hit the back of my throat. My mouth was tight and wet around his length, his man cock started to pulsate at it rapidly penetrated the my mouth. With a loud grunt, with a powerfully thrust into the my mouth, holding my head tightly against his body, as the cum travelled through his cock. I very nearly cried, when my Master's cock erupted, spewing gobs of thick, gooey semen into my open mouth. My Master forced me to swallow. As I gulped it down to keep from choking, I realized that I felt more turned on then I ever had before, it was both humiliating and exhilarating.

"Take it boy, take your Master's cum."

I looked up. At the same time I knew this was just the beginning. I watched the doctor arch his back, and push his powerful chest out, his man cock blasted in my mouth again. My Master moaned loudly as his second load was released, his body twitching as another surge of sensations coursed through his body, his hips jerking forward with each spasm.

"Oh fuck boy, take your reward, you are a fucking bitch boy."

Filling my mouth for the second time, his man cock gradually stopped throbbing as each shot lessened, soon leaving his cock to slowly return to its original state engulfed in his own hot cum. I had no option but to swallow my Master's man load. Though so much cum, it seeped out of my mouth as he kept up sliding his man cock in and out of my mouth in time to his moaning and tugging at my sore nipples. My Master made me keep servicing his man cock, long after his cream had stopped shooting.

"Clean that cock, boy. Don't waste any of my cum. Yeah, let me slide my cock on your face. Get all that hot cum!"

Again his man cock pushed in my panting mouth. I obeyed his demands, I wanted to be a good boy, licking and nursing on his glans.

The booze, drugs, and now the servicing of my first real man cock, had wiped me out. With the doctor's cock falling from my lips, I passed-out while I dreamed about my Master, the doctor and the pleasure

he had given him whilst he slapped my ass with hands. My penis pushed up as I felt the rushes of ecstasy I gained from his treatment. I dreamed about the future that awaited and woke up next to my Master after dawn.

Thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 2

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