At My Doctors Service

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Oct 25, 2023


At my Doctor's service Part 3 By Chaim

Feedback to authors is their primary compensation and motivation! Thanks to LouMcci, P, maninneed, reydoddantos, slaveboyx, cj, daytonabiker, P200084, MasterB, dave M, Fredo, DavidS, cumslutboy for their mail on the first and second part of this story.

My stories can be found at Prolific Authors Directory: Chaim B. (Bchaim, Bchaimstory)

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The Last lines of part 2:

"Good puppy boy."

And he pinched my tits hard before he grabbed hold of my crotch.

"Mmmm my boy is hard, are you horny boy."

My Master slapped my ass and ordered me,

"I gotta shower and head out, boy. Get your ass home."

I slowly grabbed my clothes. I got dressed, the doctor didn't allow me to take the doggy plug from my ass, so I had to manoeuvre the tail part inside my briefs.


I barked when I saw myself in the mirror. The doctor smiled and grabbed hold of my collar and pulled me up.

"Right boy, you can walk upright and talk as long as you are outside, but as soon as we get together you do as ordered, do you understand?"

I nodded my head,

"You will be back as I want to use your boy pussy."

I smiled and nodded again as I left his house and somehow made it to my own place. Still in a daze from my awakening with my doctor and my still-sensitive penis, nipples, feet and boy ass, all a constant reminder of whay happened to me.

I was laying on my bed later on, when I heard the buzz of my phone. It was a text from the doctor.

'Forget to tell you boy, no jacking! I want you a horny boy next time I see you. If you do, that ass will pay!'

At the moment, the thought of jacking-off was the furthest thing on my mind.


Part 3


A day went by. And though I got horny plenty of times, the vigorous work-outs in the gym and a lot of swimming allowed plenty of release of pent-up energy. It was actually a twenty-four hours later when I heard back from the doctor. I read the text:

'Where you at boy?'

I told him I was in the swimmingpool, doing my best to be in shape for my next visit. The doctor was quick to reply.

'Get your fucking ass over here.'

I felt a twinge in my penis. There was no denying anymore, that I was turned-on. The doctor messaged me how to behave as soon as I arrived. Quickly I obeyed his message, I made an excuse and left my buddies.

Within an hour I stood in front of the door of the doctor. I looked around and opened my shorts as ordered and let them drop my ankles. I was wearing white little boy briefs, the doctor gave me, as ordered. I stood there in my briefs and my cut-off tee shirt and nothing else. I took my penis in my trembling hand and waited. I felt stupid and exposed, vulnerable and humiliated as I waited for at least ten minutes. After that the doctor slowly opened the door and stood in front of me. My doctor said nothink, just looked at every square inch of my smooth shaved body and simply ordered,

"Display yourself."

I thrembled, I felt exposed in public, everyone could see me, with my shorts around my ankles, but followed his order as his boy. The doctor ran his strong hands over my silky, smooth body fondling my muscles. When his strong hands reached my taut buns, he fondled them and drew me closer to his body. The doctor lowered my briefs to my ankles stroked my shaved balls and my hard penis. I groaned softly enjoying his touch. The doctor stood now very close to my body and said with a smile,

"Well, boy, I hope you have learned your lesson. You have to obey my orders always and everywhere."

I couldn't believe I was doing this but at the same time so turned on by being accepted by my Master. Believe me I fucking afraid of being seen or worse, exposed to my friends this way. Relieved and scared, in complete confusion I said,

"Yes sir. I learned my lesson and will serve you everywhere."

Here I was standing in front of my doctor's house, naked with my hands on my neck spread legs apart. I was exposed to the world and very close to a public road in broad daylight with my doctor. Boy voices called out to me from the street,

"Hey look there, that guy is showing off his bare ass."

They laughed and whistled on their fingers,


I was humiliated in public and experienced a lot of ambivalent emotions, embarrassment, fear, excitement, pride and lust, I couldn't understand how the doctor's way of treating me had turned me on. I was exposed to the cool air had a sudden desire to cum, it alarmed me that he hoped the doctor would grab his cock and bring him off to an orgasm. The doctor looked at my tense face and said,

"You might not be smart, but you have a great little body, boy."

The doctor took my penis and started to stroke my penis faster and faster and I forgot everything around me. This was what I needed, my strong Master was stroking my cock. It felt so good to be in his hands and I groaned,

"More, oh Master, do me, make me, please!"

and that very moment the doctor slapped my face hard,

"You are even too dumb to start good. You sound like a fucking cry baby, behave yourself, boy."

The doctor slapped me again and I came to my senses.

"You are focused too much on your own needs, boy. You don't have any self-control yet, but always remember, you can only cum to please me."

I started to cry in pain, anger and frustration. I messed up, I wasn't good and smart enough to serve him.

"Calm down, I haven't hurt you so far, have I?"

For a couple of minutes, he stroked my hair, and it somehow made me feel better.

"I can be gentle and loving. I will break you slowly, you will be a good bitch. I won't lie to you, I will make you a good and willing slave boy. It will hurt sometimes but I have to train you, that doesn't sound that bad, does it?"

I trembled and waited for his next orders,

"Now, get dressed and come inside, everyone who comes by can see your naked ass and your excitement."

as I walked inside my doctor patted my butt cheeks and said,

"It's good to see you again, boy, you showed me you are eager to continue."

I sat down on a chair and faced the doctor's desk. The doctor quickly pulled out a form on his desk. My name along with my signature, was written on it. After showing the paper to me the doctor said,

"This is the form which you signed yesterday. It states that you've agreed to participate in your physical and desired treatment and will obey me and my staff."

I nodded wiiling me, whatever. I even didn't remembered I signed the form.

"I'm glad you're determined to participate, boy. You still see yourself as a handsome independent teenager. Well, as I told you you will be my boy, my bitch and you're gonna be a good willing slave boy afterward."

The doctor looked at me the aura of his sexiness rediated out from his toned body.

"You must realize your position and stop behaving like you have anything to say. If something bothers you, you should ask me what to do, not make your own choices."

I looked humbly at him, I realized the relation we were in. I was his subject, that's the way how it was going to be, I would be his boy, his puppy and bitch and his slave boy.

"Lost your tongue? Turn around, boy."

and when I had my back to him, the doctor told me,

"Bend over, boy."

The doctor rubbed his hand over my ass, and he slapped my butt cheeks. In a flash, the doctor was standing next to me, and he slapped my ass several times, hard. I yepped!

"You do exactly what I tell you to do. You answer al my questions straight away!"

He slapped me again until I yelled,

"Yes sir!"

He pulled me upright, getting me into a standing spooning position. The doctor he hooked his right elbow around my neck and whispered,

"You are not getting outta this one easy. I'm gonna deal with you attitude, bitch!"

and he started to slap me, and any time I tried to resist, he slapped me harder, and more. The doctor's hand went down over my smooth chest and he pinched, squeezed and twisted my boy nipples, and yanked my shorts down to my knees. The doctor grabbed my hard penis and began to roughly yank on it. I groaned in pain,

"Sir, you are hurting me,"

and the doctor laughed.

"It's supposed to hurt, bitch and besides that, I don't really care about getting you off, at least not by your little boy penis."

I felt he shifted his focus to my sore ass. The didn't use lube and his finger went into my crack and it hurt like hell when he started to assault my boy hole.

"Stop squirming like a baby, to be a good bitch. Take what I give to you, the only sound coming out of your pretty mouth will be better only grunts and groans. From now on, if you say a word without permission, you get slapped."

I wanted to protest, but it seemed hopeless and I remebered his words and my desire to serve him all the way. I surrendered to the pain, to his punishment, to him as my Master. He seemed to notice the change, and encouraged me,

"Bitch boy, obey me, just give in, take it like a good bitch, try to be a good bitch. You like it, or you'll learn to love it, just relax and accept everything what I have in store for you."

I had little choice but to relax as the doctor intensified his attack on my boy hole. The doctor had his finger deep inside, working its way in and out of me. The doctor's other hand was for his spankings, positioning me, yanking me around, pulling my hair. I was whimpering by now, moaning and groaning, I started to go with the flow, and the more I did, the more awesome the painful sensations felt. That was when the doctor shoved me over to the floor, without warning he slapped my face and he asked me again,

"You lost yout tongue, bitch?"

This time I answered immediately,

"No, Sir. Sorry Sir, thank you Sir, for your punishment. I am thankful for everything. I have to learn from you and I want to follow your orders and I have learn from you. You know how to treat me and what I need, Sir."

I had accepted the doctor's power and superiority over me and wanted him to teach me how I should be to become better and more usable to him. Still, I was shocked ny my own thoughts and willingness to serve him.

"Life is very simple to understand, boy. You must never lie to yourself. When you asked me to get a physical you became my boy, on Gay-Chat you begged for it and I have accepted you as such. You will become my boy slave, will be my humble servant and I can do what I want because I'm your Master."

With each sentence he made me realize my position and that this would never change. I had no rights and there was no escape. I was loosing my freedom and giving it to him. He was educating me to be his lve boy and made me realize what it means to be a little boy again and his slave boy. he asked me,

"You are ready?"

I nodded saying,

"Yes Sir."

and standing up, the doctor moved me inside the examination room. I wanted to do my very best to please him and was immediately in the display position in the middle of the room. The doctor ignored my response and said,

"Come, boy, let's get started. Strip bare-ass naked boy, and grab a shower. I want to to be shaved, everything, don't forget your little boy hole. I want you to look like a little boy, got it?"

"Yes Sir!"

"You can put your clothes in those drawers, today you will get your physical but also series of mental and physical tests. Yesterday was just the introduction to me and my treatment."

I quickly folded my clothes and put my them away and I did as ordered. Minutes later I was waiting on my knees to enter the doctor's examination room. Suddenly I heard my doctor's voice,

"Get out boy and show yourself."

I stood naked in front of him, wiggling on my feet. The doctor smirked as he saw my penis,

"Stand still, boy and get in position."

I obeyed very quickly, stood with my feet apart and with my hands behind my neck, with his fingers interlocked together, my penis stricking out in excitement. The doctor walked around me and had a close inspection. He reached down and gave my erection a hard slap with his open hand.

"What do you call that small white thing there?"

I answered softly,

"My penis, Sir."

The doctor laughed and slapped it hard again.

"Is that your little boy cock?"

I nodded my head slowly and he slapped it again. By this time it was beginning to sting.

"If I force your little penis to squirt, will I get anything?"

I replied softly again.

"Yes, Sir."

"What will get?"

He said in a loud voice.

"my sperm,"

I replied and the doctor slapped my burning penis again,

"What, boy?"

I said,

"my boy cum, Sir."

My doctor smiled,

"I would like to see it!"

the doctor said and grabbed my penis and began pulling hard up and down. I groaned in pain, his hand didn't feel like a gentle wank, but it was a torture of my penis.


he urged me,

"Make this little penis squirt for your Master. I don't have all day."

The doctor looked down on my helpless body and he let go of my throbbing penis and he suddenly said,

"My bitch boy is too little to give me his boy load. It's a pity, because you're a handsome boy, I like your body very much, those little boy balls have to make some boy cum..."

I felt humiliated and my face burned with embarrassment. The doctor ran his bare hand on my sweating body and he teased my boy nipples.

"Yes, I like you very much, sexually. I chose you to serve me as my boy, because I wanted to fuck your cute little ass. A good fucking will get you ready to ejaculate your boy cum for me."

My doctor laughed and ran his hands all over my chest and he reached down and groped the head of my penis. As the glas was touched, I flinched and whimpered. To his pleasure, my penis throbbed and finally oozed out its first pre-cum drop.

"I see that you have pre-cum, bitch. You are very horny for me. Believe me, I will drive you insane with pent-up lust."

I had no choice and he stoked my penis gentle now. I got the feeling and groaned softly. He wanked me untill I yelled,

"Ah! Fuck!"

as the lust growing in me was unbearable. I knew that I would be fucked. Whatever, there was no other way, just to please my Master. I had no other choice than to surrender and deep inside that was all I needed. I groaned as my doctor continued.

"Oh please, help me, doc! Release my cum! Quick! I'm so horny, Sir."

I begged him desperately.

"Good boy, that's what I want from you. Your total submission to me. I will force you to keep spurting cum until you can't stand it anymore."

My doctor's hand left my penis and I groaned in frustration.

"Oh boy, get used to it. There a lot of ways to empty those little boy balls of you. Believe me, I will get your boy load, but I will drive you insane with pent-up lust and you had the opportunity to cum, but you didn't, now you will regret it."

He grabbed his own erect cock. Stroking it in front of me,

"Look at my man cock, yes, have a good look. I've been hard for you, boy can you believe that? Well, I can get pleasure from seeing you cum. Yeah bitch, but you didn't please me. Now I'll make you cum till you beg for mercy."

Fondling my sweaty chest, the doctor gave me a sly yet horny grin,

"You're so horny. And you do want to cum, right?"

he said, teasing my left nipple with his fingers. Using his thumb and index finger, the doctor played with my hard nipple. Tears welled up in my eyes, as the pain went from my nipples went up into my brain. My doctor's hands went up and ran his hand over my smooth chest and his finger circled the nipples and he lightly brushed the fingertips over eachI will drive you insane with pent-up lust nub.

"Yeah, I love your nipples, boy. They're so pinkish, so sexy, and so hard. Does it feel good if I rub them with my fingers?"

Releasing his own cock, the doctor used his other hand to finger my right nipple.

"Yeah, groan for me. Let me hear that sensual moan. I like your boyish groans."

I whimpered, squirming helplessly as I desperately tried to avoid his strong fingers. I begged him to stop,

"Don't play with my nipples! They're too sensitive. Doctor, please! Ah, fuck! Doc, please leave my nipples alone!"

and seconds later I yelled out,

"Please, don't rub my nipples,"

I sobbed, flinching weakly.

"Yeah, you're nothing but a little boy in need of a Master. You desperately need to cum, boy. A little nipple play make your penis rock hard."

I knew this excited my doctor, but it was too much. My breathing became heavy and my penis throbbed and my pre-cum flew everywhere. He smiled,

"I see that your penis is throbbing hard. Poor bitch boy, so in need, but you can't cum anymore for your own pleasue. That's over and came to an end. You can only squirt for your Master."

I groaned and accepted his words, are stern but righteous words which I feared and wished so ardently. I had disappointed him, my doctor and Master, withheld his pleasure and had to pay for it... I shivered and knew I was going to suffer. I bowed my head,

"Yes Sir, your wish is my command."

"This is what I want from you, bitch boy. Those humble words are your surrender. I can do anything with you, your nipples, your penis and your little ass and you will beg for an orgasm. Your need to cum will crush you and make you humble."

My doctor watched as the tears form in the corner of my eyes. When a tear started to run down my cheek, he wiped it with his finger and rubbed it on my lower lip.

"Poor little bitch, it just started, but you will survive every step on this journey into your slavery."

he worked both nipples with his fingers and I accepted the pain as a reward. The doctor reached for something and showed me silver nipple clamps. He held them in front of my face and squeezed them open to show me the rigid teeth that were going to be attached to each nipple.

"Oh no, Sir, please...!"

He wore a knowing smile as reached for my nipple held it firm between his two fingers, before applying the clamp with his other hand. I felt the sudden sting on my nipple as my doctor removed the pressure from the clamp and it bit down on my erect nipple.

"Oh Shit! Oh no, please!"

However, the doctor ignored my pleas, he continued as I felt the tug on my nipple as he reached for the other. I tried to block the pain from my clamped nipple. He held the other nipple as he carefully applied the clamp just behind the nub. I felt the teeth bite in and I tried to block the pain but my head went back and I screamed,

"Oh god, please Sir. What are you doing to me?"

my penis reared, and I was fighting the pain and the intense glowing sensation in my balls. The pain shot from my nipples right into my little boy's balls and my cum boiled deep inside my being.


I panted and already lost the battle,

"Make me cum, please, doc. I want to cum,"

I whimpered, almost crying as a little boy. The lust that I felt started to disorient me. I only had one thought in my mind, which was to cum. And the only one who could make him cum was the doctor, I needed his permission.

"Doc, Have mercy, Sir."

I begged him crying,

"My penis almost bursts, Sir. Please, make me cum, Sir. Do anything you want to me, but make me cum now, please."

Throbbing, the head of my penis looked shiny as it was covered in a thick layer of pre-cum. My doctor was very pelased and whispered in my ear,

"Oh my poor bitch boy, you want to cum? I'm gonna make you cum, slut boy, but first we get rit of those clamps, boy."

The clamps were still attached. Pain stabbed through my nipples when the doctor touched the clamps. He eased the clamps open to take them off and I yelled in pain as he gave my sore nipples a very painful massage but I nearly came from the pain surging through my body. I groaned and the mixture of pain and lust made me crying. I felt defeated, humble and humiliated, I was crying openly like a desperate little boy, my need to cum went beyond all my limits. My penis only wanted one thing: to squirt!

"You can struggle all you want, and cry, beg and wonder what's next. I don't care, bitch boy, it's all for my own pleasure."

He looked at my dripping penis as he continued to manipulate my nipples. He looked me in the eyes and shook his head,

"No, boy!"

as he grabbed my penis and holding it pointing straight up. He forced the piss hole open with his fingers. The doctor stared in my eyes and formed the word NO with his mouth as he said,

"No boy, do not cum!"

as I lost all control feeling the sensations all through my body. A roar came all the way from my toes and exited my throat as my balls felt as though they would explode as the doctor suddenly hit my balls hard. I barely felt the pain in my nipples as I tried to protect myself, but all he could do was moan. He was reaching out for my impatient penis. As the doctor's hand wrapped around my shaft, I shuddered and let out a desperate groan.

"Yeah boy, my hand feels so good on your penis, huh?"

My doctor asked, tightening his grip around my throbbing boy meat. Mercilessly, he kept squeezing my boy shaft until I groaned out in pain.

"I'm making you cum. Spurt your cum for me. Let me see how much you can cum, boy. Oh, I love seeing a boy cum."

The gripping hand started to slide up and down my slick shaft. As my penis throbbed harder, it produced more pre-cum.

"I'm jacking your penis off. Cum for me, boy. Let me see you shoot that boy juice. Ah yeah, you can do it. Shoot it. Shoot now!"

That was all it took!

"Oh my God!"

I felt my glans explode and I ejaculated in his hand.

The doctor took his hand and immediately smeared it all over my face. I was shocked and relieved, I panted and still needed to recover from my intense orgasm as I tasted my own cum. It was humilating, but I painfully became aware of what was happing to me. I wanted to be humiliated, I wanted to be his boy. The doctor was my Master. I tried hard to get it straight, the doctor had punished and intimidated me, which made me weak and passive. He dominated me which made me obedient to him and my reaction was one of real pleasure!

The doktor looked at my cum covered face ans smiled,

"Take your time, bitch. You will recover soon and understand your surrender. You're young but already bright and handsome, I like that on a boy."

I slowly recovered and listened to his words,

"You have a nice tight boy butt, smooth shaved balls and penis. You did not bad for a second visit, boy. Get a shower and calm down, we are you really going to play with you. I have a lot planned for you, this was just the beginning."

Thanks for reading

Feedback to authors is their primary compensation and motivation!

My stories can be found at Prolific Authors Directory: Chaim B. (Bchaim, Bchaimstory)

English is not my native language, which partly explains the perhaps somewhat unexpected structure of sentences and my imperfect spelling of words.

Next: Chapter 4

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