At the Worlds End

By moc.hsuh@yobnibaceht

Published on Feb 22, 2014



This story contains consensual sexual activity between males, some of them are minors. It didn't really happen, you know – seeing as it's a story and all. If that is an issue for you then please don't read on. It's also a fantasy, so don't go expecting real life resolutions to situations as they arise. Although not practiced by the characters in this story, the author always recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in whatever god forsaken part of the globe you are reading this in. If not turn back to something a little more your speed.

Also Please remember that nifty is a free site and relies on the donations of its readers to continue to provide its service.

Copyright 2014

At the World's End

Part One

The alarm woke me. Someone had made it passed the gates and gotten into the compound. I cracked open my eyes and tried to adjust – tried to pull focus. I hit the alarm off before flicking on the bed side lamp and the bank of monitors across the room. The lights from the screens were too much at first but I blinked away the discomfort. Shifting between the exterior CCTV cameras – the grounds were mostly covered in darkness – a light breeze shifting the shrubs and grass.

Then the knock at my door.

"Yeah, come in!"

The door creaked open and Jake stepped in. 17 years-old, Hispanic, short dark brown hair with a few well-placed curls in the front. Jake was my go-to-boy and the alarm had sounded in his room too. "You find anything?"

"No, not yet." I kept flicking, trying to keep my eyes on the monitors and not on Jake standing in just his tight white jockey shorts.

Closing the door he padded barefoot across to my bed and sat himself beside me, his leg touching mine.

"We've not had anyone get passed the gate in months."

He leant back on the bed straightening his legs and putting his hands behind his head. I cast my gaze across his lean muscular body; slim shoulders, nice pits with a small dusting of thick dark hairs, a high tight chest with puffy nut brown nipples, ripped abs and a thin dark treasure trail that disappeared into his underwear.

"You know it was probably just a cat or something."

"It wasn't a cat. The motion detectors are set too high."

"Maybe it was a big cat." He flashed that killer smile that always set my stomach on fire.

"It wasn't a cat."

I turned back to the monitors but not before letting my eyes pass over his legs. The fine hairs on his calves and shins – I wanted to run my fingers over them – launch my hands down and massage his slender feet. Instead I kept flicking through the monitors.

"You know raiders don't use the back roads that lead here. They'd be lost in the woods before they'd find this place."

He wasn't wrong. In the six years since I'd found this place – an old hotel abandoned years before the war – hidden behind a thick forest to the north east and protected by mountains to the south – only a handful of lads had found our little slice of heaven on their own and all had ended up staying. But I was nervous. I'd been out beyond the forest many times and had seen what the raiders and gangs were capable of. We'd worked hard to make this place liveable – to make it more than liveable – to make it a home and I wasn't prepared to have it burned to cinders by raider trash.

Jake shuffled on my bed, making it creak and rock. He ran his hand over my chest, grazed my nipples with his thumb. I sighed softly, giving him permission to continue.

"It'll be a fault in the system."

"The system is fine. I ran checks on it two days ago."

"It'll be a fault in the system. I'll check it tomorrow. Now turn it off and let me help you get back to sleep..."

His hand ran down my stomach and beneath the thin bed sheets. His fingertips found my stiffening cock – plumping further with each gentle caress. I looked over at him – into his big brown eyes – saw that smile again – felt his hand wrap around my hard six inches. I leaned back on the bed – leaving the monitors running but resting the remote on the bedside table.

Jake pulled back the sheets exposing my erection to the air. I always liked the way my cock looked in his hand – my relatively pale flesh next to his darker skin tone. He stroked it softly – rubbed his thumb over the head of my prick. A shiver ran through me as he raised himself forward – put his soft thick lips to mine. Christ! I loved this kid!

His lips traced down my neck – his tongue pressing against my skin. He knew how much I loved this. He kissed my chest – ran his tongue over my nipples – light bites and gentle sucking. Jake shifted on top of me – put his knees either side of my legs – my hands found his shoulders – his soft skin and firm young muscles – I stroked his arms and he tensed his biceps for me – strong little fucker knew how to keep me hard. He kissed my stomach – licked around my navel – my hands in his mop of thick dark hair. Jake buried his nose in my pubic hair and inhaled deeply – his lips grazing the base of my cock.

"Oh baby boy..."

"You like this?"

"You know I do."

He smiled and my heart melted a little bit more. Jake licked the length of my six inches – his tongue stopping and circling the throbbing head. Through half closed eyes I watched his beautiful full Latino boy lips wrap around my cock as he welcomed it into his warm wet willing mouth. As my shaft disappeared between this stunning teenagers lips – his fat tongue working magic as it rounded the tip – flicked the slit – circled under over and round the glans – I realised I loved this boy. I love all my boys but Jake – Jake gave without want – gave knowing what he meant to me. Jakes head bobbed up and down his breathing heavy – his left hand rubbing my thigh – his right playing with my balls gently squeezing them in the palm of his strong hand while his index finger stroked my taint.

"Fuck... I love you boy."

Jake picked up speed – rolled my balls faster – with his finger pressed harder and reached further – its tip grazing my hole. My hips thrust in time with his sucking – my grip on his hair tightening. I watched as he ground himself into the mattress. I imagined the front of his underwear sopping wet with his thick sticky pre-cum.

The boy lifted his head from my cock – it slapped against my belly.

"I love you too." His lips turned a smile and Jake lifted himself to my face and kissed me hard – his tongue searching my mouth – his mouth tasting like my prick.

My fingers delved beneath the waistband of his jockeys – I grabbed his firm round cheeks in each hand and squeezed his perfect muscled backside.


We were brought back to earth by the alarm at my bedside.

"What now?"

Jake lifted himself off of me, his white shorts tenting with his five inch boner – that wetness at the front no longer needed imagined. I gave it a little squeeze with one hand and grabbed the remote for the monitors with the other.

"Is that someone at the main door?"

I clicked channel seventeen and brought it up on the big screen.

"It's a boy."

"It's always a boy."

The boy was cute – maybe fifteen or sixteen – light brown but definitely Afro-Caribbean although the features on his face were slender – a short crop of frizzy hair cut close to his head. He was wearing a pair of dark tinted goggles that hid his eyes – they looked to have been adapted from a set that cyclists would have worn. He was saying something but...

"Put the sound on I wanna hear what he has to say."

I turned up the volume.

The boy was out of breath and looked directly into the camera: "If anyone's there... Let me in." He looked tired – not late night last night tired but bone tired – like he's been running from something his whole life.

Jake and I turned to each other.

"Is the chamber online?"

"Yeah, I recalibrated it a couple of weeks ago after Tyler brought those two brothers in after his last scout."

"Brooklyn and Romeo? Was that two weeks ago?"

"Like you don't remember..."

Jake poked me in the ribs playfully and laughed. Yeah I had remembered – they'd settled in quickly and enjoyed the attentions of the other boys. They were a wary of me at first – rightly so – most of the adults that they would have come across out there wouldn't have shown them the kindness they had received here. Little Romeo had even taken to running toward me and wrapping his arms around my waist when he sees me.

"Please... It's so cold."

I turned my attention back to the screen and typed the code into the remote that opened the main door.

"Thank you."

The boy stumbled through the high heavy metal doors that locked behind him.

I switched the channel to receive one of the eight cameras inside the chamber. As the lights flickered on the boy seemed surprised to be greeted by the cold steel room he found himself in. He pulled off his googles and shoved them into the pocket of his overly large torn black puffer jacket. The tiles on the floor lit up a soft clean white. I saw his full frame for the first time. Dressed in dirty jeans and beaten orange sneakers he stood no taller than 5ft 5". Slung over his shoulder was a tattered backpack that didn't look like it could contain much. The boy wasn't as cute I first thought he was – he was stunning – light brown unblemished skin – almond eyes and beautiful full lips.

Jakes right hand started to massage his half hard cock through his underwear.

"Fuck me he's hot!"

"Careful Jake. You'll make me jealous..."

"You don't get jealous."

That wasn't strictly true. I always felt a pang of jealousy when I watched him drive his hard five inch cock into the willing and waiting cunt of any of the boys. It was strange – I loved watching Jake jack hammer into their tight pink holes – loved how hard it got me – the special tingling in my balls I only got when watching him fuck another – but I still felt a little jealous.

"Please state your name, age and affiliation"

The voice that came over the chamber had been programmed by a couple of the older lads to sound like a computer – a male voice – not harsh and not welcoming but neutral.

"What?" asked the boy.

"Please state your name, age and affiliation"

The boy squinted around the room looking to see where the voice was coming from.

"Jaden. I'm fourteen. I don't know what you mean by affiliation. It's just me."

Fourteen? I was out by a year or two. To his left the wall shuddered and a small draw ejected just above the ground. Instinctively Jaden backed away. All of this – the chamber – the computer generated voice – the tricks and the cheats – it was all a little theatrical for my own tastes but the boys who built it were having so much fun that it would have been mean of me to tell them to tone it down.

"Please state reason for visit: trade, conference or shelter"


"Please state reason for visit: trade, conference or shelter"

"Shelter I guess... shelter."

"Please remove all items of clothing and place in the drawer provided"


Jake laughed beside me and ran his hand into his underwear in anticipation.

"Please remove all items of clothing and place in the drawer provided"

"I unh... I... Really?"

"Please remove all items of clothing and place in the drawer provided"

Jaden walked over to the wall and dropped his bag into the drawer – he pulled off his sneakers and threw them in too. He unzipped his jacket and shucked it from his shoulders – tossed it in with his shoes. A thick red knitted jumper next revealing a black vest top and a surprisingly muscular physique.

I watched movement from his cotton shorts as Jake massaged his prick beside me. My own dick returning to full attention like the good little soldier it was.

Jaden unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his strong young smooth thighs. He stepped out of them and added them to the pile in the drawer. Standing now in only his underwear – a pair of holey green socks black vest and white briefs –the boy looked vulnerable. Vulnerable and fuckable.

"Now what?"

"Please remove all items of clothing and place in the drawer provided"

"Shit! You kidding me? Everything?"

"Please remove all items of clothing and place in the drawer provided"

The socks first – slender feet – I wanted them on my face – to lick the soles – to suck his little brown toes while my hands ran over his hairless legs. Then the vest – the boy was well developed. A tight muscular chest with tiny brown nipples barely visible against his skin – a well-developed six pack – the contours and lines so well cut and defined.

Jake was now working in earnest on his own meat. His breathing heavy and slow. He'd pulled down his shorts while my attention was on the monitor – one hand working his beautiful 17-year-old prick while the other played with his hairless balls. That little nest of brown pubes crowning his treasure forced a glimmer of pre-cum from my own swollen cock.

"You like him huh?"

Jake flashed me a smile: "What's not to like..."

Jaden pulled down his white briefs revealing a flaccid slim four inches – cut. His balls were small and hairless – pulled tight under him – he had a small patch of brown curls at the base of his hot little cock. He tossed his underwear into the drawer now standing naked and hiding nothing.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Your clothing will be sterilised and returned to you within twenty-four hours"

As the drawer pulled shut on the monitor I heard a grunt next to me as Jake let loose a thick stream of cum that splattered his chest and abs – another rope pooling in his belly button – a third matting in his pubic hair.


"You enjoy that?"

"Fuck yeah!"

My eyes were on him – on the spilled seed that covered his gorgeous toned young body.

"You know I don't like you wasting your juice like that."

Jake smiled – scooped some of his cum up in his fingers and raised it to my lips. I leant forward and took his cream into my mouth – sucking eagerly at his fingers.

"You want the rest?"

I lay further back on the bed – shuffled further down – spread my legs and raised my ass.

Breathily I whispered: "Put it in me."

That smile again. He scooped up more of his cum and reached between my legs – his slender jizz covered fingers finding my hole.

In the centre of the chamber a two of the tiles lit up red on the floor.

"Please stand on the red tiles"

Dutifully but with some reservations Jaden did as the computer voice instructed.

"Please raise your arms straight out from your shoulders and stand with your feet 2ft apart"

"What the..?"

"Please raise your arms straight out from your shoulders and stand with your feet 2ft apart"

Jaden followed the instructions from the disembodied voice and displayed his perfect fourteen year old body in all its profound and outstanding beauty.

Jakes fingers found their way into my hole – his index finger pushed in to the second knuckle while the ring finger massaged the puckered lips – his thumb circling hard at my taint. I stroked my dick while this gorgeous young Latino god fingered his cum into my hungry ass.

"Please do not move from your current position while the shower is active."

"The what?"

Warm water cascaded over Jaden's hard little body. I watched him sigh at what I imagined to be the first time he'd washed in weeks. His soft stunning brown skin glistened. As the water ran in rivers over his muscular young torso I wondered how a 14-year-old boy out of the wastelands had managed to get such a body.

"Eat me..."

Jake kissed my lips and dove down between my legs. He continued to finger my hole using his cum as lube while he bathed my balls in spit – caressing each heavy nut with his fat and wonderful tongue. My hand worked my prick – my thumb rubbing the throbbing pink head – my eyes darting between Jakes naked body between my legs and the wet naked black boy on the monitor.

Jakes mouth moved from my balls to my taint – his lips his tongue – if I could have spread my legs wider I would have. I could feel a my climax building as Jakes tongue found my hole – the tip tickling the lips of my ring – he pushed further and lapped harder – my stroke grew faster. Jake had broken through – now working the walls of my arse.

As the water stopped showering Jaden he lowered his arms to his side and greeted the warm jets of air that replaced it – drying his body. I saw him smile – between that and Jake penetrating me with his long and wide tongue – working my hole – my balls tingled and I felt my ring's grip on Jakes tongue tighten. He knew it too. Jake raised himself from my arse and wrapped those sweet plump lips around the head of my cock as I finished jacking and sprayed into his hungry mouth. I let go as the boy devoured my dick, taking all of it. Shot after shot went down his throat – I grunted – he moaned.

"Fuck me..." I sighed


I laughed. "No, not now."

Jake pulled up and lay atop of me – our naked bodies pressed together – we kissed – softly – we kissed deep – swirling my seed between our tongues.

"Please wait"

"Please wait"

"Please wait"

"Please wait"


Jake jumped off of me as we realised that we'd forgotten the boy in the chamber. He was at the door before realising he was still naked. I threw him his jockey shorts.

"What room do you want him in?"

"Put him in the 209 and lock the door."

"Really?" He pulled on his jockey shorts.

"Really. Get him some food if he's hungry – and pop a sedative in a drink. I don't want him walking around the place on his own."

"Sure." Jake opened the door and turned to leave

"And Jake... Put something on if you're gonna greet him will you." I pointed at the wet patch at the front of his shorts highlighting his half hard dick.

He smiled and left – closing the door behind him.

In the chamber the wall to Jaden's right rattled and another drawer popped open. He cautiously stepped toward it before pulling out a pair of camo cargo shorts.

"Please where these until new items of clothing can be provided"

Jaden slid on the shorts, bending over to do so – I switched cameras to get a better view of what was a striking strong and smooth bubble butt. I squeezed my deflated cock at the thought of burying my face in between those cheeks as Jake had just done to me.

The drawer closed itself once Jaden zipped up the shorts and fastened the top button. The shorts hung low on his hips leaving the deep cut lines of his Apollo's belt on display. If he'd have had more pubic hair then that would have been on show too.

Invisible to Jaden at first – he startled when a hidden door opened in the wall.

I swapped channels to one of the lobby cameras. Jake sat on the bottom step of the large winding staircase still only in his underwear – the stain of his pre-cum still evident at the front – always was trying to wind me up. When Jaden stepped into the lobby he saw Jake – bare feet flat on the floor – legs splayed open – backside on the bottom step – elbows resting back a few steps up. I could see Jake tensing his abs – trying to impress the younger boy.

"Uhmmm... Hi."

"Hi. Welcome." Jake stood up and reached out to shake Jaden's hand. "I'm sorry for the whole creepy computer thing. Have to be careful you know? I'm Jake."

"Jaden. It's cool." Jaden took the older boys hand. "What's with the shower and taking my clothes?"

"The chamber doubles as security and decontamination. Like I said – you have to be careful. Once your clothes have been sterilised I'll get them to your room. Should be tomorrow sometime."

"Ok. Thanks." Jaden cast his eyes over the lobby. "This place is... big."

"Needs to be. I'll give you a tour in the morning. Are you hungry? Can I get you something to eat?"

"No. I could sleep for a week though."

"Follow me. I've got a room for you."

I watched the two nearly naked boys ascend the stairs – Jake leading while Jaden followed – his hand never leaving the wooden bannister.

"So are you with a tribe or clan or anything?"

"No. It's just me."

"No family? No friends?"


"Well we can sort that out I'm sure."

Jaden half smiled. He looked unsure. I can't say I blamed him – when I refitted this place I didn't intend it to be intimidating but to a kid from the wastelands who was used to shacks and sleeping rough it couldn't help but be a little frightening.

They ascended the two flights up to the second floor in silence – Jaden continually looking around – taking in the size and grandeur of the place. Jake led Jaden left – passed a few closed doors – each numbered and with a security key pad at waist height. Jake punched in the four digits and the lock clicked open.

Interior CCTV was located in every communal room and hallway but the bedrooms were private – all but 209. 209 was the room where everyone spent their first couple of days. Somewhere I could keep an eye on them. Make sure that they were who they claimed to be.

Jaden looked over the room. Simply decorated – two double beds with bedside tables, a green couch, a desk and two mirrors – two-way – each with a camera behind it – it was comfortable but functional.

"There's a glass of water on the desk there. Don't worry it's clean. We've got a filter system."


Jake put his hand on the younger boy's bare shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

"Get some sleep ok. I'll bring you some food in the morning and give you the tour."

"Thanks again."

Jake closed the door and left Jaden alone.

My door opened and Jake stepped in. Running to my bed he dived beneath the covers and pulled off his underwear – throwing it to the floor. He wrapped his arm around my stomach and kissed my cheek.

"He's even better looking in person."

"I could believe it."

We lay in bed together – Jakes hand stroking my chest – his fattening cock gyrated at my thigh while I watched the boy in the bedroom next to mine.

Jaden picked up the glass and smelled at the water. He dipped in a finger and brought the liquid to his tongue. Satisfied that it was safe he sipped, then glugged, then downed the glass before resting it back on the desk. He walked over to one of the beds - sat himself down and fell back.

"Give him the full tour tomorrow. I want him impressed enough to stay."

"And the tour is to end in your bed?"

I smiled at Jake – my boy – my love.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading - I hope for this to be a multi story universe with many of the blanks concerning the background filled in as it goes along. Feel free to email me with banter etc at

Next: Chapter 2

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