At the Worlds End

By moc.hsuh@yobnibaceht

Published on Mar 4, 2014



This story contains consensual sexual activity between males, some of them are minors. It didn't really happen, you know – seeing as it's a story and all. If that is an issue for you then please don't read on. It's also a fantasy, so don't go expecting real life resolutions to situations as they arise. Although not practiced by the characters in this story, the author always recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in whatever god forsaken part of the globe you are reading this in. If not turn back to something a little more your speed.

Copyright 2014

At the World's End

Part 3

The second floor lounge doubled for the Prefects Mess. It was a comfortable circular room with two green leather three-seater couches, a couple of high back fireside chairs and a few bookcases loaded with novels long forgotten.

Leo was stretched out on one of the couches – his head on the armrest – brown hair cascading over his eyes – his size thirteen feet in my lap – my hands gently massaging the soles.

"If we could live anywhere... just us two... where would you like to live?"

I told him about the log cabin we'd build ourselves – the lake that we'd swim in every day – the dogs that we'd name after obscure Italian authors.

"That sounds nice," he sighed. "And maybe after a few years we could build our own boat and set sail for a desert island – all white sands and palm trees."

I squeezed his feet in my hands and for a moment dared to think that such a thing was possible.

"We could go you know." Leo sat up straight – his back against the armrest. "The guys could run things here. They'd look after the boys."

"Leo... there's nothing I want more but we've got responsibilities here. And it's not safe out there... slavers... raiders... the fucking Banshees! Any old psycho wandering the roads could put pay to our plans. Here you're safe. You've a family to look after you."

"I'd have you to look after me. And I'd look after you."

"Don't you like it here? We've carved out a pretty good life for ourselves. You've been out there. You've seen what it's like. How the others are forced to live."

Leo pulled his legs away from me and crossed them under him – his fingers playing with the toggles on the legs of his shorts – his hair falling back over face.

"I know, I know. I just... I'd like it to be just us is all. I just don't wanna share you anymore." He looked up at me through the strands of his hair – big olive green eyes searching my face. Christ I loved this kid.

"Wouldn't you miss the others? What you do with the others?"

"Yeah it's fun and all that... like REAL fun... but if it could just be us..."

I stretched out my hand and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear – my palm stroking his soft cheek.

"Let me think about it ok?"

"As long as you do think about it."

Taking his chin in my fingers I drew his face to mine and kissed those big soft pink lips.

"I will. I promise."

I thought about the boys and how they'd get along without me. I'd miss them all... Jake especially and although I loved him and I knew that he loved me I also knew that he loved the life he had here.

The door opened and Rafi came in.

"Hey boss man," he put a hand on my shoulder, "Pip squeak," he ruffled Leo's hair and sat himself down in one of the high back chairs putting his socked feet up on the coffee table.

At twenty-four Rafi was the oldest of the prefects and one of the boys who found this old hotel with me. 6ft tall –broad, strong shoulders – brown eyes and cropped dark brown hair – with deep olive skin and a small scar at the top of his right cheek he was roguish and handsome. In all he'd been with me for eight years. I'd found him – this sixteen-year-old boy – raggedy clothes, dust in his hair and a bruised cheek – he'd been scavenging for food in the wreckage of an already turned over supermarket. All he'd found was a couple of dented tins of beans. I pulled up in an American Coach Eagle motorhome that I'd been living in for the last six months and offered to cook him a meal and a comfortable bed for the night. The cute little fucker tried to steal from me when he thought I was asleep but I caught him and we thrashed it out. He's been with me ever since.

"You met the new boy yet?" asked Leo.

"Ha-ha. Yeah. Jake brought him by the gym. He's quiet. Pretty... but quiet. We'll see..."

Rafi wasn't quick to trust. I watched him look over every new comer with those hazel eyes – searching for any shadows on their face from the last lie they told. He'd had it rough before I found him. Shit! Since the war and the bio-bombs there wasn't a single soul who hadn't but he wore his misery different to most.

That first night in the Motorhome he'd told me how he lost his mother – how he'd found her in his little brothers room – her eyes – his brother's body – how he ran from the house and moved from shelter to shelter while such things were still a going concern. He told me how he'd fallen in with a gang of older men – and how they passed him around. One night, after taking turns on his young arse – drunk and high they left the door of the room they kept him in unlocked and he ran again. He'd been alone on the road for a couple of months when I found him in that supermarket.

Rafi was a cute if unkempt sixteen-year-old – at twenty-four he was dusky and handsome with strong features – a firm muscled body – and serious lips that rarely rose to a smile. He was thoughtful and earnest – honest in all his dealings but reserved to the point that even a few of the boys who'd been here for years couldn't tell whether or not he liked them.

"Did he say anything about his intentions?" I asked.

"Not to me. Jake said he hadn't really given much away."


"Yeah pipsqueak?"

I don't know how the pipsqueak thing started but I know that Rafi cared deeply for Leo. Their relationship had always been as siblings and in the three years that Leo had been with us at the compound he and Rafi had never engaged in any sexual conduct. In fact in the time I've known Rafi I've only known him to have been with two partners – me when it was just the two of us and then when Logan joined – Rafi fell in love. At first Rafi still came to my bed but when he told me how he felt about Logan I suggested that he'd feel better if it was just them. Rafi and Logan – the only monogamous couple on the compound.

"You'd be alright running this place wouldn't you?"

Rafi shot me a look: "You thinking of going somewhere Boss?"

I nipped Leo's knee and he squealed.

"I was just thinking out loud is all," said Leo recovering.

"You'd tell me if you going anywhere right?" He leant forward – eyes narrowed.

"Rafi, if I were going anywhere you'd be the first to know."

His eyes shifted between me and Leo who was fidgeting on the couch – realising that thinking aloud wasn't wise.

Luckily for Leo the door opened and Logan and Jake strolled in sharing a joke – breaking the tension as quickly as it appeared and sending Rafi back to resting in his seat.

Jake threw himself on the couch between Leo and me – stretching his arms out behind us and giving me a good view of the dark hair in his armpit.

Logan leant in and kissed Rafi softly on the lips – Rafi's hand lingering on Logan's hip.

"So what have we missed?" asked Logan sitting himself in the high back chair next to Rafi.

Logan was the second boy that I took in. Rafi and I were passing through a town long since deserted and while he scouted for food I hit the town's small library hoping to find a handful of books I hadn't read. I had managed to gather a few paperbacks when I heard a rustle behind me. Quick to the draw – I dropped the books, spun on my heels and pulled the revolver I'd been carrying since the world turned to shit. In front of me stood this scrawny thirteen-year-old boy – black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was chewing on some breakfast bar – the wrapper in his hand. I lowered the gun and he stepped forward – stretching out his free hand – ready to make friends.

Logan had been holed up in the library when the town emptied – hadn't seen a single soul since. He told me he'd followed events on the emergency broadcast over the radio until that eventually stopped. Thought himself the last boy on earth. I asked him if he wanted to join us and he jumped at the chance.

Over the years Logan proved himself a thoughtful and resourceful kid. He'd been responsible for much of the upgrades and maintenance at the compound – figured out how to create a water filter – a working generator – he rigged up the alarm systems and the CCTV cameras that filled the place. Rafi took to him straight away. When Logan was younger he shared my bed in the motorhome some nights just like Rafi had, but the two of them were so close and so obviously into each other that I reluctantly stepped aside.

He'd grown – like Rafi – from a cute kid into a handsome young man – with an easy grin and a cheeky sense of humour.

"You've not missed anything. We've just been waiting for you two," said Rafi – still eyeing me suspiciously.

Jake stretched out of the couch – his head in my lap – his bare feet in Leo's. I ran my fingers into his brown hair – playing with the curls at the front.

"How was Jaden's tour?" I asked.

"It was good. I think he really likes it here."

"You think he'll stay with us?" asked Leo – his thumbs running circles in the arches of Jake's feet.

"He's not got anyone else. Slavers chased down his crew and caught them all but him."

"Slavers were chasing him? Did they follow him into the woods?" Rafi sat up again – his eyes focused on Jake.

"They chased him in but that was days ago. They'll either be lost or have given up..."

"Or have followed him here. If he led a Slaver crew to our door Jake..."

"Rafi relax! He didn't its fine. They'd have tried to get into the compound by now if they found us and none of the alarms have triggered since last night."

"I should speak to him properly. Find out what he knows. If Slavers are operating in the area and we've missed them then we need to act fast."

"There's nothing we can do at the moment." The voice of reason – Logan put his hand on top of Rafi's. "We're ten men down while the others are out scouting. We'll speak to Jaden but we don't want to frighten him or cause him unnecessary stress. It sounds like he's been through the mill recently. Let him find his feet. We can deal with it then."

Jake shifted on the couch and sat up – his hands in his lap.

"Guys. I err... I kinda promised him that we'd help him look for his old crew."

"You what?" Rafi stood up – pushing Logan's hand away – his own balled into fists. "You're gonna have to tell him that that isn't going to happen Jake."

"I know we're not exactly in the hero business here but we can at least try look for them."

"That's idiotic! That's idiotic and you're an idiot," Rafi was pointing at Jake – his outstretched finger accusing. "You're thinking with your dick and about getting into that boy's pants, promising him shit that we don't have the resources for."

"We have to help him Rafi."

"I heard you on the monitors." I said to Jake – standing to take Rafi's shoulder. "When the other's get back tonight we'll revisit it as an idea."

"If there is a slaver camp in the area then we'd need to deal with it anyway." Logan stood and rested his hand on Rafi's other shoulder. "If the rest of Jaden's crew were still with them what difference would it make if we took them in too?"

"Jaden's crew were Misfits." I said. "And if we did free them and take them in, it would be good to have a Misfit cell working out of the compound."

"You wanna go public?" Rafi looked at me – his eyes searching my face.

"I've just given it a little thought. The Misfits network stretches to most of the larger camps and towns in the area and it would be good to be able to share information with them. We could even expand our trading."

I looked at Leo – his gorgeous green eyes looking up at me from the couch. If I did decide to go away with him – just me and this fifteen-year-old boy god – I could at least set it up so that the boys left behind had a network of allies that they could rely on.

"It's a sound idea. We'd need to vote on it of course," said Logan, his eyes locked with Rafi's.

"I don't like it. I'm putting it out there... I don't like it. I think it's dangerous to get mixed up with slavers trying to save a bunch of gutter-rats like the Misfits and I think it's dangerous to announce ourselves to the other towns. We trade with a couple of the smaller communities because we have to. They don't know where we're based. It's necessary and it's safe. This? What you're suggesting? It's crazy. It's crazy and it's dangerous and it's all because this fool wants to get his little dick wet in some fresh young pussy."

Jake jumped up from the sofa and on tip-toe went nose to nose with Rafi.

"Fuck you Rafi! If you gave a second thought to what it's like out there..."

As Rafi reached out to grab Jake's vest I stepped between them – pushing Jake back to the couch and placing my hands on Rafi's strong, muscular chest.

"Both of you. Calm down."

"I'm sorry." Rafi stepped back while Logan put his arm around him.

"Look. Take time and think about it. The others get back sometime tonight and we can talk about it in the morning. We'll way up the pros and the cons – we'll take some time to think it through and then we'll put it to a vote."

Rafi shrugged off Logan's arm and headed for the door. He turned back to the room half way between the mess and the hallway.

"If we do this we've got to do it for the right reasons."

He left.

I looked to Logan and saw in his handsome expressive face a concern. He shrugged it off and kissed my left cheek: "I'll talk to him. It's a sound idea." He then left the room following after Rafi.

"Rafi needs to calm the fuck down!" said Jake crossing him arms and pouting. I forget sometimes that he's only seventeen.

"Rafi's just concerned about our safety and what we've built here. Logan will bring him round, he always does. And you need to be more sensitive to his concerns and stop making promises you don't know you can fulfil."

"I know. I'm sorry."

Jake stood up from the sofa put his hands on my waist. Instinctively I drew him closer to me. His soft lips went to mine and we kissed.

"Go and have a shower. You stink of sweaty boy after playing basketball with Jaden all afternoon."

"You like my stink." He smiled – lifting his right arm behind his head and exposing the patch of dark hair in his armpit.

I pushed my face into his armpit and inhaled that hot sticky scent of male adolescence. He was right. That aroma always got me hard.

"I love your stink. Still – go and shower. Then get Jaden ready for dinner. It's about time I met him I guess."

Jake kissed me again and left the room – the sexy musky smell of his sweat still filling my nostrils.

I sat back down on the sofa and sighed.

"Do you really want a Misfit cell working out of the compound?" Leo had his knees drawn up under his chin – his hands on his oversized bare feet.

"I think the benefits would outweigh the negatives. I also think that it would be easier for us to keep in touch with them if we did go away."

A big wide smile crossed Leo's face.

"Really? Does that mean we're gonna go? Just us two?"

"I said I'd think about it and I'm thinking about it."

Leo jumped onto my lap – his knees either side of me. He kissed me – his hands on my head – my hands finding his firm round mounds.

"You taste of Jake's pit."

"You don't like it?"

"That's not the point," Leo laughed.

He raised both arms – both hands interlocking fingers behind his head. The hard little muscles of biceps and triceps flexing – his armpits exposed a small dusting of brown hairs. I place my face into the right pit – smelled his delicious scent – lighter than Jakes – sweeter – still all boy. I licked at the boy – tasting the salty sweat in his pit – my tongue soaking the hair – Leo groaned. I moved to the other – again burying my face in Leo's armpit.

"I wanna blow you."

Leo lifted himself off of me – parted my legs and got on his knees on the floor. He unzipped my shorts and popped open the button freeing my rock hard six inches of flesh. Without hesitation his mouth closed over the head. I watched his puffy pink lips encircle my cock as his head bowed up and down – saliva dribbling down the side of my shaft. My hands went into his thick long hair – my head rolled back. He arched his neck a little more and took more of my thick prick into his young mouth. The boy was giving master class in cock-sucking – his lips grazing my pubic hair – the head of my cock tickling the back of his throat.

It wasn't until I lifted my head for another look of my iron hard dick between Leo's fleshy pink lips that I noticed we had company.

Gavin was standing in the door way. Naked except for a pair of red briefs – his hand was massaging the stiffness that I could see there.

He had been with us for a little under a year – Logan had found him in one of the communities that we trade with. Gavin had no family and only a few of the men in the community would give him the time of day. When Logan asked if he wanted to come and see the compound he jumped at the chance.

At fourteen Gavin was 4ft 8" of pure undiluted boy – dirty blonde hair – hazel eyes – and a permanent air of mischievousness. He mostly hung around with the younger boys and Leo had had the pleasure of his company a number of times as he taught him martial arts. I'd sucked his then three inch prick a few times when he first got here and spent a good couple of hours with my face buried between his butt cheeks since then but knowing that he preferred to play with boys his own age I mostly left him alone – instead jerking myself off watching him fucking the younger boys on the CCTV system.

I coughed and tapped Leo's head.

Leo looked up at me and turned when I nodded to the doorway.

"Hey Gavin."

"Um... hey."

Leo looked up at me – a sweet but devilish grin crossing his face. He raised himself to his feet and dropped his shorts – his stiff slim four and half inch prick bouncing against his firm belly. He pulled his vest off over his head, threw it to the floor and walked over to Gavin – leant in close to the younger boy – gently placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You wanna play with us Gavin?" Leo's hand trailed the length of the boy's bicep, following the curves of his young muscles. His fingers slowly dawdled along Gavin's soft forearm – snaking in circles to his wrist. Leo took Gavin's hand – holding it in his. "You can play it on your own if you'd prefer..." Leo placed Gavin's hand on the younger boys inflating penis. "... but it's more fun to play with others." He moved Gavin's hand to his own hard adolescent prick and shuddered.

I watched Leo smile as he wrapped the boy's fingers around his cock and shifted his hand to softly stroke it. My own member throbbed at the sight of these two teenage boys. Leo let go of Gavin and watched the boy's hand sliding up and down his solid four and half inch dick.

The younger boy was biting his lip, looking to Leo for approval – making sure that what he was doing was ok. Leo's smile was the only acknowledgement Gavin needed. Leo's own right hand gripped the younger boy's stiff little prick. He slid his fingers over the boy's shaft. I watched Gavin shudder from the sensation – his hard little body quiver with the thrill.

"That feels so nice," whispered Gavin with heavy breaths.

Leo began to speed up his stroke on Gavin's little pecker. My hand wandered down to my own rigid cock and began to stroke.

Getting up from the couch I stepped forward – kicked off my shorts and threw my shirt to the floor on top of Leo's – I pressed myself into Leo and kissed his soft neck. The boy leant back into me.

"I love that," said Leo.

"I know," I kissed his neck again – my hands on his shoulders.

"This is so hot." Gavin was smiling at Leo and me.

"You want some more?" I continued to kiss Leo's smooth bronzed skin.

"Unh-huh," Gavin was biting his bottom lip – still enjoying Leo's slow gentle stroke.

"Do you wanna go first or shall I?" I whispered into Leo's ear – his head back on my shoulder.

"Me first."

Leo grinned and dropped to his knees and with his fingers still holding fast he inspected Gavin's stiff little nail. He hooked his fingers into the waist band of Gavin's red briefs and slowly and gently pulled them over the boy's soft lithe thighs – down past his knees and let them drop at his ankles.

Leo's hands glided their way back up Gavin's young legs – his left hand brushing the boy's hairless petite sack, his fingers rolling his small testicles. Leo took the boy's hard four inch pecker between forefinger and thumb and pulled the skin along the shaft – pulling it back to expose the small purple/pink head of the younger boys prick. I could see Gavin's strong little chest expanding – his heart beating faster than it ever had before.

"Taste it." I whispered.

Leo leant in – kept his fingers at the base on the boy's shaft, and ran his tongue the length of the boy's four inches. Gavin trembled and squeaked.

"He's good huh?" I asked Gavin.

"Yeah – real good."

Leo pulled Gavin's cock to him and shielding his teeth, ran his mouth over it. He started with the tip – letting it penetrate his soft pink lips. Centimetre by centimetre he took the stiff pink nail in. Gavin's hands were clenched into fists by his side. Leo bobbed his head a little – Gavin bucked his hips forward – forcing his whole prick into the boy's mouth.

The sight was astounding - one boy's unbending little cock deep in the mouth of another. I ran my fingers through Leo's russet hair and leant down towards Gavin. My mouth found his – our lips brushing against one another. I separated his lips with my tongue and softly ran my tongue around his.

It had been a few months since I'd touched the boy and his response was more eager than I'd prepared for. He grabbed the sides of my face with his hands and returned my kiss with unexpected passion. His tongue was searching my mouth – my hand was on the small of his back – tracking downward. I squeezed one of his perfect little mounds in the palm of my hand – firm from the exercises that Leo put him through on the mats.

As we kissed, Gavin groaned softly into my mouth, his body jolted as he bucked harder between Leo's pink lips. He pulled away from me from me.

"Oh... Leo stop. I'm gonna cum."

"It's ok." I said. "Just let it happen." I worked my prick fiercely watching Leo increase his speed – watching him work his young mouth – watching Gavin take great gulps of air as his body buckled under the pleasure.

"Oh... Oh... Leo. Shit!" Gavin cried out – with a final thrust forward the young boy's body tensed up and released – he went limp, I caught him in my arms. Leo stayed locked fast onto Gavin's hard little four inches draining every last drop of cum from the young boy's pricklet.

"My turn." said Gavin taking me a little by surprise.

"You do me," offered Leo, "and I'll go back to you." He said looking at me.

I swear you could barely keep the smile off of my face.

"Lay down on your back Leo." I instructed.

Leo rolled onto his back, his fingers playing around with his stiff young cock. His smile – his eager expectation getting me harder than I had ever felt.

"Gavin, you get down between Leo's legs." I watched the boy lay flat on his tummy – his fingers were already working their way around Leo's soft young balls. Gavin looked over to me – his lips wrapped over his teeth and I nodded. He stuck out his tongue and let the tip graze the exposed pink head of Leo's cock. The boy trembled and Gavin smiled. He shuffled up – moving himself into position to take Leo's four and half hard inches into his mouth. I watched him lick the head, run his tongue around the ridge. Another quick swipe and he had licked the boy's piss slit. He was quite the pro. Leo must have been teaching more than martial arts.

Gavin took the head of Leo's hard prick into his mouth; his fingers continued to work the base of the shaft. He couldn't get the whole thing in – instead focusing on the three or so inches of flesh he could. Leo was groaning – enjoying every swipe of the tongue, every brush of the lip – his eyes closed so tight and mouth open so wide –

Kneeling beside him I looked at Gavin lying between Leo's legs – two young perfect naked boys. Gavin's arse looked spectacular – two little hills of unblemished tanned flesh. I reached down and stroked them with my fingers tips – kneaded them with my both hands – they were firm and supple – flawless young boy flesh. I ran my index finger along his crack – with two fingers I parted his cheeks and gazed at his tight little hole. I stroked my cock with my free hand, imagining how close a fit it would be – how tight and how absolute. I ran a finger over his pretty little pink pucker – the boy shuddered and giggled his mouth still full of Leo's cock. The boy would be so tight –I don't think he'd been fucked since he got here – I was getting close just staring at it. I was getting so close to blowing a heavy wad of thick cream in between his little butt cheeks – I was getting close – Leo was getting impatient.

I lay on my side – allowing Leo access to cock – throbbing in time with my heartbeat. Leo Licked at my balls at first – taking each one into his mouth – humming softly – he ran his tongue the length of my shaft and licked the expectant head before taking it back into his mouth.

My attentions went back to Gavin's butt. I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer to me – spread those perfect hairless golden mounds with my hands and kissed each one. I lowered my nose into his crack – took a sniff – he was clean. Stretching out my tongue I ran the tip around the soft little lips of his pucker – I pressed forward – pushing my tongue into his quivering pussy – relishing the bitter taste of his clean hole. Little gives me more pleasure than burying my face between the cheeks of a hot young stud – searching his tight boy cunt with my tongue.

The three of us – laying on the floor of the prefects mess – a triangle of bodies – the satisfied sound of groans and sighs – the wet sound of slurping and sucking. I was getting close to blowing my nut for the third time that day – with my cock in Leo's mouth and my tongue worming its way into Gavin's insides.

Feeling my balls tighten and the familiar throb in my cock – I pulled away from Gavin's hot wet boy cunt and let out a deep and guttural holler as I exploded into Leos's mouth. I Looked down and watched as he struggled to swallow his third load of the day – he pulled off of my cock and coughed and spluttered – my cum covering his chin and the dropping on the carpet. A final belated spurt shot out spraying his cheek.

He looked up at me – shocked that I could produce that much cum on a third hit of the day.

Gavin pulled himself up on all fours and flattened Leo's back on the floor. He worked Leo's cock with his young mouth – on hand stretching up and stroking the boy's strong chest – the other working his nuts – rolling them in his palm like they were Baoding balls.

I wanted to watch Leo fuck that tight young arse – I wanted to watch Gavin slip his thin young prick into Leo's willing hole but I knew Leo wasn't going to be able hold out much longer. I saw his fists clench and his toes curl as Gavin focused his attention to the head of Leo's hard four and half inches. Then he bucked – his backside lifting off of the floor. Leo grunted and thrust upwards one last time as he spayed his seed into Gavin's young mouth.

"Fuck! When did you get so good at that and why haven't you been doing this more often?"

Gavin smiled – wiping a few stray drops of the boy's cum from his lips.

"You should stop by my room later Gavin," I said – my hand in Leo's hair. "After dinner maybe? If you wanted to? I know Leo would like it if you wanted to play with us again."

"I'd like that."

Leo sat up and edged himself between my legs – his back resting on my chest. I kissed his cheek and he purred like a satisfied kitten.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading - I hope for this to be a multi-story universe with many of the blanks concerning the background filled in as it goes along. Feel free to email me with banter etc. at

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