At What Price Love

By Stephanie M

Published on Jul 16, 2002


Title: At What Price Love? Part 1 Author: Stephanie M Disclaimer: Never happened. Complete Fiction not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. Pairing: Nick/JC Summary: What would you do for love? It's a question Nick is forced to answer when he falls in love with his rival. Notes: Writer's Block fic.

Part 1

Nick couldn't help biting his lip as he looked over at his secret crush knowing it was pointless. The fact that their groups hated each other only made the situation worse, all he wanted was to be with JC but none of his bandmates would listen. They had argued over JC, hence the reason why he was at the party alone.

Realising someone was talking to him, Nick said "Hmm?"

"Why don't you go and speak to him?" Paul said seriously nudging the blonde pointedly.

Nick shook his head quickly, "There's no point, I don't even know if he's into guys. Anyway what would we talk about? How much our friends hate each other?"

"Just start with hi and see what happens." Paul said rolling his eyes, noticing the topic of their conversation was approaching and Nick hadn't realised.

"I don't think so, maybe we should go." Nick said staring at Paul pointedly.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I wanted to talk to you." JC said seriously, his face falling at the blonde's words.

"JC!" Nick exclaimed as he spun round, causing people nearby to look at him.

"Yeah. Want to go outside and talk, Nick?" JC said seriously, his eyes sparkling strangely.

"Sure." Nick said still looking into the brunette's eyes. He didn't give Paul another thought as he let JC lead him out.

Nick took a deep breath to calm himself, unable to believe the man he had been dreaming about for months was actually with him. He didn't know whether to jump for joy or faint in shock.

Nick said as he looked out at the lake, "It's beautiful here."

"Yeah. How come you are the only Backstreet here?" JC said wanting to do his best to take the sorrow from Nick's face.

Nick answered his voice strained, "The others were busy."

JC didn't comment on the obvious lie. It was the same line he had used after a massive argument with his bandmates. He wondered just what they had argued about and why Nick looked about to burst into tears.

"Want to come to my room? We can talk in privacy there." JC said knowing the conversation wasn't something they wanted to have with the media around.

"Yeah. It was just your run of the mill band argument, I guess." Nick said, smiling when JC put an arm around his shoulder. ******* "Want a drink?" JC offered as he closed the door of his hotel room.

Nick said smiling, "Nah. So how come you came and talked to me?"

JC shrugged, "I wondered what was making you look so sad."

"I'm just lonely. You know what its like to be in a room full of people and be completely alone?"

"Yeah." JC answered thinking of the nights he would wander the towns and hotels, wanting to find someplace where he could connect with someone.

"The rest of the guys don't understand, they've all got someone. Everyone has someone but me and the one person I want doesn't want me."

"I know how that feels." JC said being the only single Nsyncer was painful at times, he often felt like the third wheel.

Nick suggested seriously, "Want to get drunk with me and forget all our problems?"

In answer JC pulled a bottle of Tequila from under his bed and poured it into a couple of shot glasses. Giving one to Nick he offered a toast, "To unrequited love!"

Three hours later Nick unstably poured the last of the alcohol in the room into glasses and gave a toast, "To men with sexy hands, like you!"

"I need to sleep!" Nick declared as he got to his feet shaking from side to side.

"Stay here Nicky!" JC shouted eagerly, pulling the blonde down onto the bed.

Nick protested, "Kev'll kill me."

JC didn't like the answer and started pulling at Nick's clothes, some part of his mind telling him that Nick couldn't leave if he was naked. He smiled half an hour later when he looked at a giggling, naked Nick Carter.

"You're beautiful." JC said in a hushed whisper.

Shaking his head empathically Nick said, "I'm not."

"You are. You're the most beautiful and bewitching creature I've ever seen!" JC protested looking into the other man's eyes.

Pulling at JC's pants Nick said, "If I'm naked, you have to be naked too."

Once they were both completely undressed they looked at each other in an awed, confused silence. JC ran one finger over Nick's chest as he said, "You're so beautiful, baby!"

Nick moved forward and gently pressed his lips to JC's and gave a contented sigh when JC pulled him closer. They kissed hungrily, trying to get impossibly close to each other. ******* Lance whistled to himself as he walked up to JC's room, it was his turn to wake the beast that was JC. They all hated doing it, JC tended to hit out at people who tried to wake him, something he never remembered doing once he was truly conscious.

Finding the key for JC's room Lance opened it and gasped at the mess. Clothes were strewn all over the place, he looked up and realised there was a tong hanging on the lampshade. He stealthily moved to the bed and froze, there was a blonde head sticking out of the covers. JC had got laid? That didn't make any sense, JC was never one for sex with strangers.

Deciding a retreat was in order, Lance left the room in shock. He just knew the others wouldn't believe him. Grabbing the Do Not Disturb sign, he placed it on the outside doorknob and walked down the corridor quickly.

"Jayce has someone in his room!" Lance shouted as he walked into his room where Justin, Chris and Joey were eating breakfast.

"Our Jayce?" Justin said arching his eyebrows at Lance.

"Yeah, a blonde. There's a thong hanging from the lampshade, so it looks like they had a good time."

"A blonde guy or a blonde chick?" Joey questioned wanting all the details.

Lance shrugged, "A guy judging by the cowboy boots I fell over on the way out." ******* Nick froze as he woke up with someone's arms around him. Where was he and who was he with? The last time this had happened, over a year ago, he woke up next to Ashley Angel, something he was working hard to forget.

"Mmm?" A voice murmured burrowing into his arms.

`At least I know it's a guy,' Nick thought to himself as he moved to look at the man lying on his chest. His mouth fell open as he realised the identity of the man, it was JC Chasez. The man he had been secretly crushed on for the last six months, and he couldn't remember what had happened the night before.

"Josh? Joshy? Can you wake up?" Nick said gently running one hand through JC's hair.

"Hmm? I'm awake!" JC said stretching slightly, stopping when he felt someone's chest beneath him. He looked up and gasped when Nick grinned back at him.

"Hi, Josh." Nick said not releasing his hold on JC wanting to keep his arms around his maybe-lover for as long as possible.

JC blushed, "Hi Nicky. I don't suppose you can remember what happened last night?"

Nick shook his head, "I remember you asked me to your hotel room and we talked about being lonely."

"It looks like we made love last night. Right?" JC said looking at Nick for confirmation.

Nick said sadly, "Yeah but I just wish I could remember what had happened."

"I know what you mean. Our first time and we can't remember it." JC said with a rueful grin.

"First time?" Nick questioned hopefully.

JC smirked, "I think we could be good together. We were last night if the room's anything to go by."

"So we're dating?" Nick said as he looked into JC's eyes.

"Yeah. You hungry?" JC answered as he got out of bed.

Nick got out of bed and answered, "Famished. I'll have to wear last night's clothes! Have you seen my tong?"

JC said with a laugh, "Its on the ceiling. You can borrow some of my clothes, Nicky."

"I like you calling me that." Nick commented as JC passed him some clothes.

"And I like you calling me Josh. Now for a proper good morning!" JC said as he pulled Nick into a kiss.

As they kissed there was a distinct feeling of déjà vu, reassuring them of what had happened the night before. They kissed for what felt like an eternity, taking the time to reacquaint themselves with each other's mouth.

Breaking the kiss Nick shivered and smiled at JC, "Want to shower together?"

"There is nothing I want more, but if I get into the shower with you we might never leave the room. You shower first, feel free to use anything you find in there."

"Okay see you later, Joshy." Nick answered as he walked into the bathroom. ******* "Sorry about being late guys!" JC said as he walked into the room with one arm around Nick's waist.

Justin spat orange juice out, narrowly missing Joey as he shouted, "What the fuck?"

"How could you do this to us?" Joey questioned angrily.

Chris said confused, "Huh?"

"Hi everyone." Nick said with a self-conscious smile.

"Hi Nick." Lance seeing how anxious the other man was, he didn't like Backstreet but it looked like Jayce had feelings for the blonde singer. For JC's sake, Lance would at least try to get to know Nick.

"Nick is my lover, and I expect you to be nice to him!" JC said glaring at his bandmates.

Nick said honestly, "Joshy, don't worry about it. This is nothing compared to how my guys are going to react."

There was a loud ringing causing everyone to look at Nick who quickly took the phone from his pocket.

"Yeah?" Nick said as he sat down smiling when JC moved next to him.

As he looked over at Kevin who was driving as quickly as possible Brian said seriously, "Don't worry, Nick. We're coming to rescue you!"

"I don't need you to rescue me!" Nick protested with a laugh.

Brian ignored him, "We know JC's holding you prisoner but we're coming to get you back."

"JC's not holding me prisoner! I'm with him because I love him." Nick said angrily, not noticing the way the whole room drew a breath at his words.

Picking up the phone Howie said seriously, "Oh Nick! They've brainwashed you but we'll make everything alright again."

"I don't need you to come and get me. I'm fine, I'm with the man I love!" Nick protested only to hear the dial tone.

"You love me?" JC said in amazement as he looked at Nick.

Nick looked at the floor, "Yeah but I don't expect you to love me back."

"Oh Nicky. Of course I love you, who wouldn't?" JC said before giving Nick a passionate kiss, showing the man exactly how he felt.

End Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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