Published on Mar 3, 1993



X-Andrew-WideReply:, X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Received: via nntppoll with nntp; Wed, 10 Mar 1993 04:56:48 -0500 (EST) Path:!!!!!!!wupost!uunet!nowhere!nobody Newsgroups:, Message-ID: Reply-To: Sender: Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: Nobody's Home Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 284 Xref:

Attack of the HAZER

I had known Mark for about two months. I met him at the gym. I had noticed him the first day I was there; it was obvious he went there a lot. He was there every day I went, and he had one of the best-developed bodies around. I found it difficult not to stare (this was a mostly-straight gym), especially when he would do things like drop his comb in the locker room and bend over from the waist (with his gorgeous ass inches from my face) to pick it up.

After about a month I managed to get up enough courage to talk to him. He was a fairly bright guy for someone so good-looking, and it turned out we had several interests in common. When he mentioned that he had a girlfriend, I was disappointed, but we seemed to be getting along okay on a friendship level. My sexuality never came up in the conversation; I assumed that Mark assumed I was straight, and because I was enjoying the friendship, I let it go at that.

After a month or so, Mark told me he was having troubles with the internal modem in his computer at home and asked me what he should do about it. He wasn't really able to answer all of my questions about it, so I said I should probably come look at it first-hand. He gave me his address and we agreed that I would come by after work that day and check it out.

Mark lived alone in a two-bedroom house not too far from where I worked. I parked my pickup in the driveway and rang the front doorbell. He answered the door in a towel. "Sorry," he said, "I forgot you were coming by; I was in the hot tub." Little rivulets of water continued to trickle down his massive chest. I found myself getting hard looking at him.

"So," I said, to cover my arousal, "where's your PC?" He led me to his home-office, where his tower 386 was. I leaned over the keyboard to start investigating his modem problems, and suddenly found myself seized by his powerful arms. He pulled my hands behind my back, pinned them there with one arm and wrapped the other around my chest to pull me tight against his wet body. His arms and chest were as hard and unyielding as stone.

I instantly went hard, but I was also somewhat scared. I knew Mark had a girlfriend, so I couldn't imagine what this attack was about. "What's the deal, Mark?"

He chuckled low in my ear. "Sorry, I lied... there's nothing wrong with my modem, `AK-47'." I swallowed hard. Mark had connected me with my bulletin-board login name.

"You're HAZER?" I guessed, in shock. HAZER was the handle of another BBS user I had been corresponding with recently, mostly regarding my rape fantasies. The two of us hadn't arranged to meet, mainly because HAZER had made it clear that as a top he liked to go a lot farther than I liked to go as a bottom. I had not given him my name or number because he had said in online chat that he might just fulfill my rape fantasies some time as a surprise. Well, I was surprised now.

"That's right. You're in for a treat, `AK-47'. All your fantasies are about to come true... and mine, too." I shoved backward against him suddenly with all of my strength in an effort to surprise him and break his hold, but he was ready. He moved with the push, using it to swing me around and propel me out of the office, across the hall, and into the bedroom opposite, where we fell face-down on the bed with me on the bottom. In the darkened room I could just see several indistinct objects lying around the surface of the bed.

"How'd you figure out who I was?" I asked. He shifted his grip on my arms and twisted them high up my back, with his 190-pound weight resting heavily on me. I grunted at the discomfort. He had lost his towel in the struggle and I could feel his hard cock pressing against the seat of my pants.

"Remember that scene you told me about in chat, where your bottom kept biting you on the ass? Well, I guess you didn't see that he marked you. I noticed the bite marks in the shower at the gym the next day, and it all clicked -- your description, everything." I groaned inwardly. That had been over three weeks ago. "Ever since then, I've been feeding you a whole line of bullshit -- my `girlfriend,' all of it -- just to set you up for this moment."

I continued to try to struggle, and was rewarded with a painful wrench of my arms. "Don't give me any crap," HAZER said -- I could only think of him as HAZER now. "Now I'm going to strip you. Don't get any dumb ideas." He positioned my arms so that one was pinning the other and was in turn held in place by one of his hands. Then he reached around and began to loosen my necktie. I bit at his hand.

WHACK! His hand moved lightning fast, out of my biting range, then back to slap me a ringing blow across the side of my head. "I said no crap." I lay stunned for a few moments and allowed him to pull my necktie free of my collar, then bind my wrists with it. When they were secure he rolled me over onto my back, with me lying uncomfortably on my tied arms.

"That's more like it," he said. He straddled me, pinning my legs together with his, as his large cock stood straight up in front of him. He smiled down at me evilly. He had a beautiful smile, but there was no warmth or sympathy in it. "Yeah, that's real nice." He pinched my left nipple through my shirt -- not teasingly or subtly, but quickly and hard, so it hurt. I tried to squirm aside, to get my tit out of his grip, and with his other hand he slapped me again. "You're trouble, aren't you?" he said, still smiling. "Well, you've just found real trouble."

He reached past me on the bed, to take up one of the things I had seen lying there. It was a padded leather hood, with laces of wide nylon webbing. He fitted it over my head, blinding me and shutting out most sound. I didn't struggle -- I actually wanted that padding between me and the next blow. He tightened the straps, pressing the cool smoothness of the hood against my cheeks and forehead. There were no eyeholes, not even zippered ones.

HAZER proceeded to undress me. I put up a brief moment of struggle when he briefly untied my wrists again but, unable to see, my resistance was totally ineffective. This time he punched me in the stomach. His punishments were growing more severe, so I decided to submit quietly. I heard a rattling of chains, and HAZER placed padded leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles, then hooked them all together behind me, twisting both arms and legs backward and leaving me helpless.

"Very nice," he kept saying. "Very nice." HAZER lifted me slightly to adjust my position, then I felt his weight pressing the mattress down as he joined me on the bed. He wrapped one arm around my hooded head and held it still as he kissed me forcefully. I tried to keep his tongue from penetrating my mouth, until he again pinched one of my nipples painfully. "Kiss nice, damn you," he commanded, and I submitted, letting his tongue go where it would. His free hand roved over my chest, stomach, and groin; here caressing, there pinching; slapping or stroking or squeezing as he wished.

After a few minutes of this, he put his hand against my face and, through the hood, pinched my nostrils shut. He continued kissing me, not allowing me to breathe. I began to struggle as the need for air grew more intense; then he let me gasp another breath before he quickly resumed kissing/smothering me some more. He did this for what seemed a very long time, as my awareness grew more and more tightly focused on only one thing: getting my next breath of air.

At last he said, "Okay, now some head," he said, and rolled me onto my back. Woozy, I gasped for breath. I felt the heat of his legs as he moved to straddle my head; then the head of his erect cock pressing against my lips. It was already slick with his precum. I didn't open my mouth. "You know better than that," he said in a threatening tone. I opened up, and he lowered himself into my mouth. I don't know how many inches he was, but he was too big, and very thick. I gagged and convulsed involuntarily as the head of his cock pressed against the back of my throat. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and brought his fist down like a hammer on my nuts.

"You bit me," he said levelly.

"I didn't mean to," I said. "Your cock's too big. I can't take it."

"You'll learn to take it." I heard him lift something else off the bed, and moments later he was forcing something huge and rubber-tasting between my lips. It was an open-mouthed gag. It connected with snaps to the front of the hood, and held my mouth open so that I couldn't close it or bite down at all. "Now let's try this again."

This time he pulled me up to my knees as he stood on the bed. He fitted his cock into the gag's opening and, gripping my padded head with both of his hands, proceeded to fuck my helpless mouth. I choked and gagged on every stroke for the first few minutes; his dick was impossibly huge and he was completely merciless. I actually retched a couple of times, feeling air come up from my stomach and wondering, if I puked, would he stop, or let me choke to death?

After what seemed like days, my gag reflex wore itself out. By timing my breathing properly, it became possible to breathe with his meat moving in and out of my throat. The restricted flow of air was again making me feel woozy and out-of-it, while the unbroken rhythm of his thrusting seemed to carry me away from myself. Finally he tensed up and came. I swallowed what I could, letting the rest run out around the edges of the gag. He continued to hold his cock in my mouth as it slowly softened and subsided.

Finally he pulled his cock out of my mouth, then unsnapped the gag and removed it as well. "There, wasn't that easy?" he said. "Now lick me clean." He pressed my head against his crotch and I licked all of his wad off of his cock. It never even occurred to me to spit it out. He moved forward, above me, still holding my face to his crotch and bending me over backwards. Restrained as I was, it was uncomfortable. His hands on my head were all that held me up from falling over. "Now lick my nuts."

I let my tongue roam over his balls, tasting the dried chlorine water from his hot-tub soak. He smelled clean yet musky. "Suck them." He didn't need to add, "gently" -- I could guess what the penalty would be if I fucked up. I took first one testicle, then the other, in my mouth, and let my lips and tongue do what they could for his pleasure.

Abruptly he let me fall backwards onto the bed. Before I could adjust my tangled arms and legs to a more comfortable position, he was sitting on my face. "Now eat my ass, punk." The muscles of his ass framed my face completely, making it again hard to breathe as my tongue roamed over the puckered skin of his asshole. Fortunately he was clean there as well. "Harder!" he said, putting more of his weight on my face. My air was now cut off completely. I continued to try to please him, thrusting my tongue against his ass in the hopes he would relent and let me breathe again. He shifted position, and I had the opportunity to get out the words, "Can't breathe!"

"Tough!" he said, and, reaching between his legs with two fingers, pinched my nose shut again. "Now keep rimming me until I tell you to stop." The entire universe had narrowed down to just the region between my face and his ass, that airless space where I licked and kissed and tried in vain to suck another sip of air into my lungs...

I must have actually lost consciousness at some point, because the next thing I was aware of was his hand slapping hard against my ass. I was now tied spread-eagled on the bed, on my stomach, with HAZER sitting on the backs of my thighs. There was a pillow under my hips, with my erect cock uncomfortably arranged under me. Thick soft ropes stretched from my wrists and ankles to the corners of the mattress, too tight for me even to shift position and free my cramped dick. HAZER slapped my ass again. "Oww!" I said.

"That's the punishment for fainting," he said, and smacked me again, harder.

I got mad. "I didn't fucking faint, man; I suffocated!"

Of course, he smacked me again, harder still. "No backtalk, dammit!" I was still wearing the hood. Now he stretched out on top of me and reached to snap a different gag into place, this one a latex bulb that he quickly inflated to fill my whole mouth. "If you don't want me to inflate that any more, you better be good."

He took his weight off me and sat on the mattress between my spread legs. I heard him opening some container, and in a couple moments felt him spread something cool and slick over my exposed asshole. "Now this is going to be nice," he said. He finger-fucked me without any hesitation or preparation; just plunged two of his fingers into my anus and started to wiggle them around. I moaned involuntarily in pain for a moment before I regained my self-control; I did not want him to pump up the gag any more.

At least his fingers knew what they were doing. He went straight for my prostate and began to massage it deftly. It was clear that my pleasure was not his intention, though, because very shortly he pulled out his fingers and replaced them with his dick. His full weight lowered over me like a lead apron from an x-ray room, against my back, my legs, and especially my ass, as he plunged his cock all the way into me. His body was hard all over and uncomfortably warm, especially his cock, filling my ass with its heat and pressure. For what seemed like a full minute he just lay there, his hard-on inside me, his skin against mine in as many places as he could manage. Then he began to chew on the back of my neck. He varied from gentle nibbling and kissing, as if we were lovers, to hard biting that made me groan and try to shake free of his teeth, which only made the bite hurt worse. At one point, when I was trying particularly hard to escape his jaws, he gave the bulb of the inflatable gag another squeeze and I nearly choked. I fought with myself to lie still for his abuse.

After a long time he began to move his hips, pulling out and pushing back in again in slow, short strokes. Immobilized as I was, I could feel every millimeter of his motion. His hot breath washed over my neck as he ceased biting me. Instead, he put his arms under mine and over the back of my neck, pinning me in an uncomfortable and completely unnecessary full nelson. He gradually increased the length and speed of his strokes, gliding in and out of my relaxing asshole with the full length of his meat.

It felt indescribably good. He took his time and I slowly grew more and more distant from my body, washed over with wave after wave of sensation. When he finally started hitting me, I felt the blows not as punishment but as reward. He drove his fists into the muscles of my back in rhythm with his fucking, and with each impact I soared a little higher and farther. I came, and I kept coming, my cock not even hard, as his penis drummed against my prostate and kept drumming, wracking me with pulsating stimulation, even as the pounding of his fists warmed my entire back. When he finally had his orgasm, he clenched his hands on the muscles of my shoulders and squeezed, squeezed so hard I could feel my skin bruising instantly under the pressure. If his hands had been around my neck instead he would have snapped my spine.

After coming, he dropped his full weight on top of me, his cock still in my ass, and seemed to gradually fall asleep, again teasing the back of my neck with his lips and teeth and tongue. I also was soon asleep; the next thing I knew, I was awake, untied, and unhooded, lying on my side with HAZER curled up against my back, his massive arms clenched around me. I started to disentangle myself from him, but he pulled me back hard against him. "Hold still," he said, his voice slurred with drowsiness. "Go back to sleep." We slept.

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