Attending to My Brother in Law

By James Herbert

Published on Feb 22, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. It involves consensual sex between two adult males. If this sort of story offends you, please do not read. If it appeals to you, please enjoy

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That evening I couldn't sit still. I tried putting a film on but couldn't concentrate, I kept trying to interest Matt in a game of Xbox, or even to talk him into taking the dog out with me but he wouldn't do either. To make matters worse his phone was relentlessly beeping with incoming messages. Each time a new message came in my heart would be in my mouth, waiting for it to be from Chris or Charlotte telling him what had happened.

After the 40th time of me asking "who's that from?" Matt had had enough. "What is wrong with you tonight!? You can't sit still and you keep wanting me to do stuff that you know I don't want to do."

I just stared and him. I couldn't find the words to tell him what had happened, so I opted for the cowards route. "I dunno, I think I must have been in the sun too long and not drunk enough. It's put me on edge".

"Well go away, I can't stand you when you're in this mood" snapped Matt. That immediately made me panic. Matt wasn't like that, he didn't tell me to go away. He was the affectionate one, I was the slightly aloof one in our relationship. Was one of the messages from Chris or Charlotte and he'd just lied to me about it? Surely not? He wouldn't have been able to hold a poker face like that. I decided I needed to do something. I whipped out my phone and sent Chris a text... "we need to talk".

About five minutes later I got a reply. "I've got nothing to say to you, ever again!".

Well that wasn't exactly reassuring. I did realise that the harder I pushed the subject the more likely something would happen that I would regret. So I did eventually manage to sit on the sofa and concentrate enough to placate Matt.

Over the next few weeks things, on the surface, returned to normal. It turned out that Matt snapped at me that night because one of the wedding suppliers had fallen through and we'd lost a heap of money. He couldn't work out why I was so relaxed when he told me as he thought i'd be super angry, what did he know!

Out of the blue, but not entirely unreasonably Matt asked "when are you and Chris going to finish the decking?"

For the first time in a couple of weeks guilt washed over me again. I had been putting it off and coming up with excuses for Chris. "Ohh he's busy with work or he said he was taking Charlotte out for a day out". But I knew the day was coming when Matt was going to get involved again. Sure enough, on Friday Matt said he'd text Chris.

"I sent him a message earlier saying to come over and finish the decking with you".

"Oh... did... did he reply?"

"Yeah, that's the weird thing. He said he could do tomorrow, but that you hadn't asked him" said Matt.

Huh, I thought. Well that's weird! I mean, to go from telling me he's got nothing to say to me and not replying to any of my texts to then replying to his brother and saying he can come over the next day. What the fuck?

Needless to say I couldn't sleep that night. What was going through Chris' head? Had he gotten over it, realised it wasn't a big deal? Was he planning some kind of weird revenge? My head was swimming with situations but one thing kept coming back into my mind - the possibility that maybe, just maybe, he wanted a round two.

Saturday morning eventually dawned and i'd had practically no sleep. I must have looked rough as the first thing Matt said to me was "are you feeling ok? You look terrible".

"Thanks" i mumbled in a surly tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Sorry I asked" and Matt rolled over and went back to sleep. I decided to take the dog out and go for a run to try and wake me up and shake me out of the funk I was in. I needed to sort myself out, Chris was coming and what he was going to do wasn't in my control.

I rolled out of bed, dressed in my runners shorts and put a tank top on. I liked running in sleeveless tops, the air around my torso kept me cool and, i'll admit, I liked the looks people gave as they used the long slits down the side to sneak glimpses of my chest. I grabbed the dog and slammed the front door behind me. I took a deep breath, and set off at an easy pace. It was still early but a couple of keen runners were already out. I saw most of them regularly and would occasionally run with one or two of them to keep each other company.

As I rounded the corner to go into the park I saw one of those runners coming the other way. His name was Harry and he was a nice guy. From the brief chats we'd had I knew he was married with a couple of kids. He is a bit older than me and not as keen a runner as me so I always slowed down a little to make it easier to keep pace with each other.

"Morning Harry" I called and gave him a wave.

I saw him smile and wave and start to jog over to join me. As he came closer I saw his eyes racking over my body. I have always had my doubts about just how straight Harry is as he seems to spend a lot of time checking out my bulge or my bum. Had he been 10 years younger I might have been interested but I just let him look where he wanted. However, this morning he seemed to be looking more at my crotch than usual. What I hadn't realised until I glanced down myself was that I had forgotten to wear a jock and the briefs I was wearing that day were struggling to hold my junk in place as I ran. Now whilst i'm not super hung, I do have some big balls which bounce around heavily if not kept in check. There was nothing I could do about it now so I just shrugged it off and carried on.

Harry chatted away to me on the run which I paid partial attention to. Something about one of his girls starting at a new school. His wife was hounding him to fix this or that. The usual 'straight' man problems. After the fourth lap of the park I gestured over to a bench and we slowed to a stop to stretch off.

"You alright James?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, just a feel things playing on my mind" I answered vaguely.

To be honest, the first thing on my mind was that my balls ached like crazy. They'd been banging around and were now pretty sore and tender. I reached in and cupped them in my briefs. This didn't go unnoticed my Harry who watched as I fondled my balls.

"You just don't seem as chatty as normal, that's all. You know if you ever want to chat about anything I'm happy to listen".

Weirdly, I just blurted out "I've done something stupid and I don't know what to do about it"

The good news is that Harry and I aren't close. He knows i'm gay and knows Matt's name but nothing else about our life. He's never met Matt, doesn't know where we live or have any contact details. Ironically my jogging partner is one of the only people I feel I can actually confide in about what happened between me and Chris.

"You got time for a coffee?" I asked Harry.

"Sure, i've got half an hour or so".

With that I clipped my knackered spaniel back onto the lead and we headed for the coffee shop in the middle of the park.

As we sat down on the picnic bench outside, Harry was first to break the silence. "So what's on your mind?"

For the next 20 minutes I told Harry everything. I explained about my sudden attraction to Chris, the dreams I'd had about him, how the encounter happened, how Chris' attitude totally shifted minutes after he seemed to having the time of his life. When I finally trailed off I looked at Harry for the first time in a few minutes. He was definitely flushed.

"Wow, well... shiitttt. mate, I don't know what to say. It sounds as though you gave him what he wanted and obviously it was totally consensual from both you and him. It sounds to me like you've done nothing wrong and you just need to chat to him about it".

"Yeah, I know that" I whined. It wasn't what I wanted to hear. I wanted Harry to say something profound and actually useful. Instead he told me exactly what I already knew.

"So, was it good?"

"Was what good?" I knew what he was talking about but I wanted him to have to say it.

"You know... messing around with Chris".

Whilst I was anticipating the question it still annoyed me. He was supposed to be listening and helping me, but instead he just wanted to know about the sex.

"Of course it was good. You should really try it, I know you want to!" With that I stood up and left a open mouthed Harry staring after me. I didn't want to be nasty but I couldn't help it. I was just going to need to face this situation head on and deal with whatever the consequences were.

By the time I got home I had an hour to shower and get changed into my DIY clothes. Matt had again arranged to go out which did put my mind at rest a little. At least if Chris kicked off Matt wouldn't be there to witness it first hand. Half an hour after I got home Matt was out the front door leaving me alone to wait for Chris' arrival.

I had just been getting into a TV show when the doorbell rang. I took a deep breath and went and answered.

"Hi" said Chris, a lopsided grin on his face.

"Hi, come in. Do you want to get straight to work?" I felt awkward, we didn't have the usual easy going feeling between us that i'd grown to love.

"Can we talk first" Chris gestured towards the front room.

"Yeah, sure" I followed Chris into the living room and sat next to him on the sofa.

We both sat there in silence and I couldn't help but drink the sight in front of me in. Chris has turned up wearing a tank top and some baggy shorts. He looked especially hot with a baseball cap on his head just setting the look of perfectly.

"You can't look at me like that" whispered Chris.

That snapped me out of my gaze.

"I'm not just a piece of meat James. What we did... it felt amazing, but I can't do that ever again. It totally messed with my head".

I let his words sink in before replying. Did he just say it felt amazing?

"You mean, you enjoyed it?"

"Of course I enjoyed it you idiot! You know I did, I told you I did!"

"Yeah but the way you reacted afterwards. I thought you were going to kill me..."

"Yeah, about that. I'm sorry. I got hit by the reality of what we had done like a pile of bricks. I thought I had totally fucked my life up and it took me a while to realise that it was just a mistake."

Those words cut deeper than I thought they ever would. It was just a mistake? I knew nothing was ever going to happen but i'd spent so long thinking about Chris over the last month he definitely meant more to me than I wanted to admit to myself.

"What changed your mind? I text you and you were still pretty angry then a couple of days later you were fine?" I asked.

"I spoke to Phil..."

"Phil! What the hell did you say? What if he says something to Jess!?"

Jess was Matt's sister and her husband Phil was unbelievably hot. Ever since I laid eyes on him i'd lusted after him. But he'd never given me an inkling that he was anything but 100% interested in women so my fantasies never led anywhere.

"Calm down James, he's not going to say anything. He swore he'd take it to his grave and not breath a word to Jess. He reminded me that I was married and that what happened between us was just a one-off, a mistake because I was drunk and hadn't got laid for weeks. Any red blooded male wouldn't turn down a free blowjob in that situation."

I was getting more and more annoyed. Chris didn't let me suck him off, give him "the best blowjob ever" because he was just a bit drunk and horny. He had wanted it and I was going to prove to him that he wanted more than just a blowjob!.

"Come on, lets crack on with the decking" I pushed up out of the sofa and stomped my way to the back garden. I was annoyed and I couldn't help letting my emotions bubble up to the surface. I was going to have Chris whether he wanted to or not and he was going to enjoy it.

We worked tirelessly for three hours in the beating mid summer heat. I'd stripped right off and was just working in my old cutoffs. I was purposefully bending over and sticking my bum in Chris' direction at every opportunity. I saw him looking and I knew he wanted it, he just wouldn't admit it to himself.

When we stopped for lunch I kept complaining that i'd hurt my back. Chris came to the rescue.

"Come ere, let me rub it for you".

As soon as Chris touched me I melted into his touch, his warm work hardened hands needed the muscle on my back.

"Mmmm that feels so good, go a little lower..." I moaned.

Chris' hands slid down my back and started to work just above my bubble butt. I bent over slightly pushing my bum out, I looked over my shoulder and Chris was openly staring.

"Harder, push deeper..." I said in a husky voice. The comment lingered in the air as the electricity between us built.

"Fuck it!" I heard him mumble.

Chris grabbed me by the hand and dragged me upstairs. I had him, he knew it and I knew it. When we got to the bedroom he spun me round and his lips crashed onto mine. This was a kiss filled with passion, his arms pulled me in, one wrapped around my back pushing our hot sweaty torso's together and the other kneaded by butt through my shorts. His tongue snaked into my mouth and we dueled for control. When he finally let me go he pushed by backwards and I fell onto my back. I propped my self up on my elbows and watched him slowly start to undress.

His top was the first to come off revealing his gorgeous chest. His muscles gently flexed with each breath and I watched as his nipples harden on his tight pecs.

"You like what you see don't you?" Chris asked in a sexy husky voice.

"YES!" i practically shouted back.

The slow teasing undressing was getting me worked up. My cock was slowly going from semi to hard in my shorts. My heart was pounding and my mouth was going dry. He was teasing me and i was loving it.

Next came his shorts, they slipped down his powerful thighs and landed on a heap around his ankles.

What... a... sight. He'd gone commando. His beautiful cock flopped out over his huge balls. He wasn't hard or even semi, it was just huge and heavy. My mind flashed back to how it tasted, how it felt when it was stuffed down my throat.

"Gunna do this my way this time. Going to show you how a real man fucks" snarled Chris.

With that he stepped forward and started crawling up the bed. I was practically shaking with anticipation. Chris' hand gabbed the waste band of my cut offs and pulled. The material was old and worn and as the muscles flexed in Chris' arm they lost the fight. A ripping noise came from the side seam and that was it. He pulled the shorts completely off my body leaving me naked. My cock was rock hard, gently pulsing above my torso leaking precum already.

"Flip" said Chris

"Wha, what?"

"Flip over!" he barked.

I immediately spun over onto my front. My cock ground into the mattress and I could help but grind against the fabric a few times. I was so horny, it was a complete personality change from Chris of last time. He was in control, he was going to dominate me. A sharp thwack and the immediate sting shock me out of my dream state. One of Chris' huge hands had just slapped my butt.

"Fuck, what an arse! Best i've ever seen, better than any womens!" Chris said more to himself that to me.

THWACK! Another landed across the other cheek. I gasped, reared up whilst simultaneously driving my cock against the mattress.

I felt Chris' weight move higher up and then the familiar feeling of his thighs against mine, then something hot, thick and sticky slid into my bum crack. He'd gotten hard, just staring at my bum. He lowered his body onto mine whilst his cock nestled into my crack. Soon I was almost completely covered my this huge man.

"Ugh, my cock likes it there" he whispered into my ear before biting my neck.

With that his hips started to rock, his red hot cock slid backwards ever so slowly leaving a hot sticky trail of his delicious precum. His hips then pushed forwards, driving his cock over my hole and back along my ass. I grunted and shivered as the big bulbous head scrapped over my hole. I wanted it, no, I needed it inside me. I started to squirm under him, trying to increase the pleasure.

"How much do you want it" he asked.

"Ugh, please, please, I need it in me"

At that moment his thick, slippery cock head bumped into my hole. The gradual, slow thrusting had completely covered it in his precum. I couldn't have been any more relaxed or lubed up. His hips raised just a few more centimeters to change the angle. With that he started to push, his cock was steel hard and even if i'd wanted to there was no stopping it.

I felt the stretch, the familiar sensation of a cock pushing inside me. Only this time I was really being stretched. His huge cock was prying me apart before the sudden pop and his cock broke through.

"Ahh, shit, your so big" I cried.

"Come on baby, let me in" he whispered.

With that I felt the inevitable push as his drove his cock deeper and deeper. Slowly stretching me further than i'd ever been before. Travelling deeper than ever before. Finally I felt the tell tell tickle of his pubes on my arse. He was there, fully inside me.

"Mmmm, your so hot and tight"

He stayed perfectly still and I could feel the slow pulse of his cock inside me. At that moment I knew he was slowly filling my hole with his delicious precum. Getting me well lubed for what was to come. At that moment he started to pull out, I tried to grip his cock but it was no use. He pulled right back until his cock head nearly popped out. I really flexed and refused to let him pull out.

"You not want me to leave" he said with a smile in his voice.


"Ok, i'll grant you your wish"

With that he thrust back into me with a powerful push from his huge legs.

"Ahhhhhh!!" I half cried and half moaned

Chris gradually picked up to a slow rythm, his cock was grinding over my prostate making me shudder and moan each time. My cock was like an iron rod constantly rubbing the bed sheets. The pleasure was getting too much.

"Slow down, I don't want to cum like this" I said as I pushed myself up underneath him.

With that I managed to flip onto my back whilst never letting his cock out of me. Now I could look as his face as he fucked me.

I stared up at his face. As I grabbed his tight little bum and pulled him back inside me. I saw his eyes flutter as the my tight hole milked his shaft. With the other hand I reached between our bodies and cupped his balls. I was expecting them to be hanging lose, but instead they'd pulled tight against his body. I felt him shudder as I palmed them.

"Don't... do.. that" he hissed.

"Do what"? I asked whilst palming them harder

"Ugh, THAT!" As his body shuddered and the rhythm of his thrusts faltered.

He was close and like putty in my hands.

I took control and started to guide his hips. I would only let him pull out 2 or 3 inches before pulling him hard back inside me. It was driving his big bulbous head right over my spot and I was going crazy for it.

I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. His tongue snaked into my mouth and began dueling with mine. It was getting too much, my cock was now rubbing over his tight abs and the relentless pounding on my prostate was sending me over the edge.

One... two... three... more thrusts and my eyes rolled back. My whole body tensed up and began to shake.

"Ahhhhh fuccccckkkkkk, shittttt"

My cock cut lose, shooting powerful shots of boiling hot cum over Chris' chest.

About 2 seconds later Chris' body started shuddering.

"I can't.... I can't hold it"

I felt him try to pull out but I grabbed him and drove him as deep inside me as I could. I felt his cock expand and his whole body went rigid. Then I felt it, that familiar warm, wet feeling as his cock shot round after round of his scolding cum inside me. My orgasm was starting to subside but an occasional wave would pass over me.

"Stop doing that" Chris begged


"That squeezing on my cock, i'm too sensitive"

With that a sweaty Chris collapsed on top of me. His cock still lodged deep in my hole.

End of part 3

Please let me know what you think. I love hearing from all my readers.

Next: Chapter 4

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