Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Feb 23, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 7.

I picked some more items before checking out. Ray is still waiting for me next to the counter. I don't want him to know what I have selected so I order him to face to the door.

I want to know what John has bought for me. So I try to look at the basket. But John does not want me to know and he ordered me to face to the door. I am so exited because John has bought several new `toys' for me. Again, my cock try to gets hard inside the cock cage.

John said it's better to go back to the hostel tonight as the driving time is much less than back to my home. And I want to see the new stuffs too.

On the way back to the hostel, John ordered me to stop at a Chinese restaurant and he buys some food as dinner for tonight.

When we arrived, I carry all the bags into the hostel and strip naked once inside. John can see my hard-on inside the cock cage and laugh at me.

"You can never wait for a minute!" He said, "Ok, let's start."

John first ordered me to fist my hand and put something on my fisted hands. They are locked mitts. Next, he put the kneepads onto my knees. I have no idea for the process. Then he pushes me down and orders me to have my hands and knees on the floor. Leather straps are used to fasten my lower legs tightly to my thighs. Now I can only walk with my hands and knees on the floor, like a dog.

Then I feel John is pulling out my butt plug and he inserts another plug back to my hole. Afterward, a leash attached to my collar and John leash me to the shower room in front of the mirror.

"Take a look at yourself and see what you look like." John said.

I look at the mirror and turn around on my fours. I found the butt plug just inserted has the other end exposed form my hole. It looks like a tail, a dog's tail. So I try to wag my tail by using the muscles of my ass hole. I have to walk on my fours now, together with a leash attached to my color. I look like a dog.

"I look like a dog, Sir!" I said to John.

Without noticing John carries the whip, he whips on my butt and he said, "Yes, you looks like a dog, but you haven't behave as a dog. Did you hear a dog spoke?"

"No… wow wow!" I bark.

"So you are a fast learner" John says and he pads my head.

John leashes me back to the living room and he starts eating with me looking at him. After he finishes, he puts the remained food into the metallic dog bowl in front of me.

"Eat the food up, dog." John orders and he takes photos when I am eating.

It is difficult for me to eat like a dog without the use of my hands. I have mess up my face with the foods. When I have finished the foods. John pours a can of beers into the bowel and orders me to drink it up, follows by another can.

John turns on the TV and we watch the TV. Later, I feel I have to piss and I bark.

"So my little dog want to piss, right?" John asked.

"Wow!" I bark and I node my head.

John leashes me to the shower room and asks, "Do you know how a dog piss?"

I bark with a node, then I raise my right leg. It's difficult for me to maintain the balance but I just do so. And it is humiliate to piss like a dog too. John takes some photos when I am pissing like a dog. When I finish pissing, I cannot keep my balance and drop to my own piss. John laughs at me.

The whole doggy scene is totally new to me, so humiliating but exciting.

John strips his clothes and turn on the shower. He washes off the piss from my body.

I want to suck his cock and I try to turn my head towards his cock. When I get my position, I start licking his balls.

John likes to be licked and doesn't refuse to my action. Then my tongue shift to his cock, licking all over his cock and start sucking it.

When I have John's cock hard as rock, he withdraw from my mouth and ask, "Buy, do you really want me to fuck you?"

I am so excited to have John fuck me. I want him to fuck me so much. So I keep barking and nodding my head.

"Ok then, it's the time now." John says as he puts on a condom.

John removes my tail and lube up my hole again. Then I feel his cock. He pushes slowly and I feel the pain. I bark for the pain but I love it. I have to adjust to the pain. John's cock enters more and more and I bark louder and louder. Once he's totally inside me, he starts fucking me.

Yes! I like it. I like to be fucked. I like to be fucked by John. This is the first time I being fucked, by the one I love, my Master, John! He keeps fucking harder and harder. Finally, he shoots his load. Then he withdraw his cock from my ass and remove the condom. I waste no time to lick his cock clean. His cum tastes good to me. I like eating his cum.

John then insert the tail back to my ass and lead me under the shower. He clean himself first then carefully wash me clean. It's uncomfortable to bond like a dog but I love the feeling. I like to have John wash me. The feeling is wonderful.

After drying our bodies, John leashes me back to the living room. Then he takes out another thing from the bag.

It's a hood, a leather hood. John shows me the hood. It's a thick one. There's a zipper for the mouth and a detachable blindfold. John has the blindfold removed and the zipper opened before putting it on. Then he tightens the hood by lacing at the back, and buckles the straps around the hood. John has also buckle up the collar of the hood, and lock it in place. He then takes another padlock, zip up the mouth zipper and lock it. Finally, He puts the blindfold in place and buckle it too. I am now in total darkness and cannot make a sound, totally helpless.

After fixing the hood, I leash my doggy around the hostel so as to make him adjust to his new situation. Suddenly, a crazy idea came up from my mind. Why don't I lead him out? Maybe just have a walk around the hostel. Or some other places around the campus. Most of the students have left and not much people stay behind. But it's difficult for him to walk too far. First of all, he has to walk on four. Second, he can see nothing. Moreover, it is winter now. Even it is not very cold here, but it's a bit cool. Staying outside naked too long will catch a cold.

Anyway, I decided to leash him out. So I get upstairs to put on my clothes. Leaving him waiting me at the living room. Then I leash him to the door. He has no idea where we are going as he cannot see anything. But once I open the door, he knows. He can feel the wind. It's not very cold tonight and I know he can stand with the temperature naked.

I keep pulling his leash and he tries to resist. So I said, "If you don't follow me, I will just kick you out from the hostel and leave you alone outside. And see if someone will pass by and to release you."

He must scar like shit and he just follow my direction. It is interesting to walk this doggy outside. Totally naked except for the hood, tail, mitts, kneepads, collar and the cock cage. And the funniest thing is the wagging of its tail when walking.

I walk him around the hostel and decided to drive to somewhere else. So I open the rear door and help the doggy get into the car.

Walking on four is uneasy. Now John has placed the hood over me. It cuts of my voice and my sight. I cannot see anything. So when John leashes me, I walk very careful in order to prevent from hitting anything.

John then leave me alone and I don't know where he is going. Later, he returns and start walking me again. What I can do is to follow the direction he leashes.

Suddenly, I feel the cool of the wind. John must has opened the door and he keeps pulling on my leash. No! He's going out. He's leashing me outside the hostel. Shit! How can he do that on me. I have already been his slave and now a dog. I try to resist to his pulls. Then he said if I don't follow him, he will kick me out and just leave me outside. What can I do other than following his order. I just hope no one is around to see me in such a humiliating scene, completely helpless, naked and hairless human dog, walks on all four with a tail plugged in the ass, and the locked up cock.

After walking for a while, John orders me to get into the car. What else can I do? I just hope no one will see me.

I have no idea where to go. I just want to state clear that he has to follow my every command no matter how humiliate it is. I drive around the campus and it's completely quite. Then I decided to go out and drive towards the main entrance. There's a security and I lowered the window to show off my student ID.

"Haven't gone home. You live far a way?" said the security.

"Yeah! It's very quite as everyone has left." I said.

"Will you be back tonight?" He asked.

"Sure. Just too boring and want to have a ride!" I answered.

The security opens the gate I drive out.

I am completely frightened when someone is talking to John. According to the dialogue, I think the guy is the campus security at the entrance. I hope he would not notice my existence inside the car, on the floor of the rear seats.

I have no idea where will John go and I don't know what he is going to do.

After thirty minutes, I arrives at a wood where I always go alone. It's a very quite place and I have never meet a person even in daytime. I leashes him out and walk into the wood. I think he need to piss so I order him to piss. I hold a plastic bag under his locked cock as I don't want him to mess up the car.

Not only him but also I get excited. So I unlock the mouth zipper and unzip it. Then I take out my cock and pull his head towards my cock. He can smell my cock and start licking my cock and suck it. It feels great to get sucked outdoor, inside a wood. I know he gets excited too as he sucks harder and harder. I cum directly down his stomach and have him to lick me clean.

I think everyone would enjoy this scene and I will have our buddies altogether next time when they back from the break.

I zip up his mouth and lock it back before we go back to the campus.

It's a very exciting journey for me. Going out completely naked and to suck a cock at an unknown place. And I can only walk on all fours in complete darkness.

When we are back to the hostel, John asks me if I enjoy the scene, I keep nodding my head as I have not been released. Then he led me upstairs. I have to walk very careful as I cannot see and I have never climb upstairs bounded like this.

"Ok, it's bed time." John said as he fastens the leash towards the leg of his bed. The he unbuckles the leather straps bounding my legs towards my thighs.

"Take a good rest my little doggy. Tomorrow, I will have something to do for you. This is what you have asked for and I promise you will enjoy it." John say and I node to response.

I think it is time to tattoo him, to mark him as my slave. And this is what he wants. I take out my designs and think that may be some more piercings would make him looks great. So I add something more to the designs.

In the morning, I call Sam, the owner of the studio that we have our bodies inked. I tell him that my roommate want to get some tattoos and piercings and see if we can make an appointment now.

"Sure John! I don't have any appointment today. See you at eleven in my studio." Sam answers through the phone.

"Ok, see you then." I said.

I know Ray has to clean up his body for the tattoos and piercings. So I undid everything from Ray, even with the collar and the cock cage unlocked. Then I tell him to clean himself completely.

Maybe it's too much to do but I will leave it for Sam to decide. He's professional enough to allow what to be done in a day.

I drive to Sam's studio and Sam is already waiting for us.

"Good morning Sam! This is Ray, my slave, to be tattooed and pierced" I said and to Sam and turn to Ray, "Slave, meet Sam and he will be working on your body."

I am completely shocked with John referring me as his slave to a stranger. I don't know how to react and stay still. I haven't expected John will humiliate me in the public. Even last night, he led me as a dog outside the hostel, no body has seen me. But now, calling me a slave in front of someone is too much for me.

"Never mind slave, don't you forget what you saw at the fetish shop? The shop owner as his slave as a salesman and the slave does not feel shame at all." John said, "And Sam has meet so a lot of Masters and slaves and it's completely not a matter to him. At the hostel, you are not only humiliated by me, but also by the others. So why do you feel shame? Moreover, have I ever expose you to be my slave in the environment I don't confirm if it is acceptable or not?"

"I am very sorry Sir!" I said, "I do always trust you Sir! But you have never called me as a slave in front of a stranger to me. Sir! I know I am your slave and I promise this would not be happened again."

Then I turn to Sam and said, "Good morning Sir! Thank you for doing on my body Sir!"

"He's great!" Sam said to John, "Like a well-trained slave as I have met. Ok, let me see what you want to do."

Then they walk into a room in the rear leaving me alone. I trust John and I think he has some beautiful tattoos designed for me.

I hand the papers to Sam with the designs of the tattoos. I said it's better to talk to him inside his working room as I don't want to let Ray know what will happen.

"But John, don't you want to let him know what will be mark on his body?" Sam asked.

"It's unnecessary for him to know. He just want to put something on his body but he's too scar to have done before." I said, "And I have to tell you that when he first saw my tattoos, he can't help from masturbating. Is it funny? And these are what I have in mind now. When I have my ideas later, I will have him marked further. And you have any suggestion?"

"I see. Same as the other slaves I met, the Masters made the decisions on marking their slaves. You are a good designer yourself and it's better for you to have the decisions." Sam said, "There's a lot to do and it will take a lot of time. And I don't think I can finish the job in one day. Those on the chest take a lot of time and I think it's better to just have the front to deal with for today. And leave the back for the next time. Or maybe you have more to add on the back too."

"Ok, it's fine. As I still have no ideas other than for his butt cheek, you give me the time for the next appointment later and now I will leave him for you." I said, "One more thing, I think it's better to blindfold him as it will drive him crazy but not knowing what's being happen on his body."

"Alright! When it's about to finish, I will call you." Sam said and we go back to the store.

(to be continued)

Comments are welcomed.

Attending university series.

This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 7.

I picked some more items before checking out. Ray is still waiting for me next to the counter. I don't want him to know what I have selected so I order him to face to the door.

I want to know what John has bought for me. So I try to look at the basket. But John does not want me to know and he ordered me to face to the door. I am so exited because John has bought several new `toys' for me. Again, my cock try to gets hard inside the cock cage.

John said it's better to go back to the hostel tonight as the driving time is much less than back to my home. And I want to see the new stuffs too.

On the way back to the hostel, John ordered me to stop at a Chinese restaurant and he buys some food as dinner for tonight.

When we arrived, I carry all the bags into the hostel and strip naked once inside. John can see my hard-on inside the cock cage and laugh at me.

"You can never wait for a minute!" He said, "Ok, let's start."

John first ordered me to fist my hand and put something on my fisted hands. They are locked mitts. Next, he put the kneepads onto my knees. I have no idea for the process. Then he pushes me down and orders me to have my hands and knees on the floor. Leather straps are used to fasten my lower legs tightly to my thighs. Now I can only walk with my hands and knees on the floor, like a dog.

Then I feel John is pulling out my butt plug and he inserts another plug back to my hole. Afterward, a leash attached to my collar and John leash me to the shower room in front of the mirror.

"Take a look at yourself and see what you look like." John said.

I look at the mirror and turn around on my fours. I found the butt plug just inserted has the other end exposed form my hole. It looks like a tail, a dog's tail. So I try to wag my tail by using the muscles of my ass hole. I have to walk on my fours now, together with a leash attached to my color. I look like a dog.

"I look like a dog, Sir!" I said to John.

Without noticing John carries the whip, he whips on my butt and he said, "Yes, you looks like a dog, but you haven't behave as a dog. Did you hear a dog spoke?"

"No… wow wow!" I bark.

"So you are a fast learner" John says and he pads my head.

John leashes me back to the living room and he starts eating with me looking at him. After he finishes, he puts the remained food into the metallic dog bowl in front of me.

"Eat the food up, dog." John orders and he takes photos when I am eating.

It is difficult for me to eat like a dog without the use of my hands. I have mess up my face with the foods. When I have finished the foods. John pours a can of beers into the bowel and orders me to drink it up, follows by another can.

John turns on the TV and we watch the TV. Later, I feel I have to piss and I bark.

"So my little dog want to piss, right?" John asked.

"Wow!" I bark and I node my head.

John leashes me to the shower room and asks, "Do you know how a dog piss?"

I bark with a node, then I raise my right leg. It's difficult for me to maintain the balance but I just do so. And it is humiliate to piss like a dog too. John takes some photos when I am pissing like a dog. When I finish pissing, I cannot keep my balance and drop to my own piss. John laughs at me.

The whole doggy scene is totally new to me, so humiliating but exciting.

John strips his clothes and turn on the shower. He washes off the piss from my body.

I want to suck his cock and I try to turn my head towards his cock. When I get my position, I start licking his balls.

John likes to be licked and doesn't refuse to my action. Then my tongue shift to his cock, licking all over his cock and start sucking it.

When I have John's cock hard as rock, he withdraw from my mouth and ask, "Buy, do you really want me to fuck you?"

I am so excited to have John fuck me. I want him to fuck me so much. So I keep barking and nodding my head.

"Ok then, it's the time now." John says as he puts on a condom.

John removes my tail and lube up my hole again. Then I feel his cock. He pushes slowly and I feel the pain. I bark for the pain but I love it. I have to adjust to the pain. John's cock enters more and more and I bark louder and louder. Once he's totally inside me, he starts fucking me.

Yes! I like it. I like to be fucked. I like to be fucked by John. This is the first time I being fucked, by the one I love, my Master, John! He keeps fucking harder and harder. Finally, he shoots his load. Then he withdraw his cock from my ass and remove the condom. I waste no time to lick his cock clean. His cum tastes good to me. I like eating his cum.

John then insert the tail back to my ass and lead me under the shower. He clean himself first then carefully wash me clean. It's uncomfortable to bond like a dog but I love the feeling. I like to have John wash me. The feeling is wonderful.

After drying our bodies, John leashes me back to the living room. Then he takes out another thing from the bag.

It's a hood, a leather hood. John shows me the hood. It's a thick one. There's a zipper for the mouth and a detachable blindfold. John has the blindfold removed and the zipper opened before putting it on. Then he tightens the hood by lacing at the back, and buckles the straps around the hood. John has also buckle up the collar of the hood, and lock it in place. He then takes another padlock, zip up the mouth zipper and lock it. Finally, He puts the blindfold in place and buckle it too. I am now in total darkness and cannot make a sound, totally helpless.

After fixing the hood, I leash my doggy around the hostel so as to make him adjust to his new situation. Suddenly, a crazy idea came up from my mind. Why don't I lead him out? Maybe just have a walk around the hostel. Or some other places around the campus. Most of the students have left and not much people stay behind. But it's difficult for him to walk too far. First of all, he has to walk on four. Second, he can see nothing. Moreover, it is winter now. Even it is not very cold here, but it's a bit cool. Staying outside naked too long will catch a cold.

Anyway, I decided to leash him out. So I get upstairs to put on my clothes. Leaving him waiting me at the living room. Then I leash him to the door. He has no idea where we are going as he cannot see anything. But once I open the door, he knows. He can feel the wind. It's not very cold tonight and I know he can stand with the temperature naked.

I keep pulling his leash and he tries to resist. So I said, "If you don't follow me, I will just kick you out from the hostel and leave you alone outside. And see if someone will pass by and to release you."

He must scar like shit and he just follow my direction. It is interesting to walk this doggy outside. Totally naked except for the hood, tail, mitts, kneepads, collar and the cock cage. And the funniest thing is the wagging of its tail when walking.

I walk him around the hostel and decided to drive to somewhere else. So I open the rear door and help the doggy get into the car.

Walking on four is uneasy. Now John has placed the hood over me. It cuts of my voice and my sight. I cannot see anything. So when John leashes me, I walk very careful in order to prevent from hitting anything.

John then leave me alone and I don't know where he is going. Later, he returns and start walking me again. What I can do is to follow the direction he leashes.

Suddenly, I feel the cool of the wind. John must has opened the door and he keeps pulling on my leash. No! He's going out. He's leashing me outside the hostel. Shit! How can he do that on me. I have already been his slave and now a dog. I try to resist to his pulls. Then he said if I don't follow him, he will kick me out and just leave me outside. What can I do other than following his order. I just hope no one is around to see me in such a humiliating scene, completely helpless, naked and hairless human dog, walks on all four with a tail plugged in the ass, and the locked up cock.

After walking for a while, John orders me to get into the car. What else can I do? I just hope no one will see me.

I have no idea where to go. I just want to state clear that he has to follow my every command no matter how humiliate it is. I drive around the campus and it's completely quite. Then I decided to go out and drive towards the main entrance. There's a security and I lowered the window to show off my student ID.

"Haven't gone home. You live far a way?" said the security.

"Yeah! It's very quite as everyone has left." I said.

"Will you be back tonight?" He asked.

"Sure. Just too boring and want to have a ride!" I answered.

The security opens the gate I drive out.

I am completely frightened when someone is talking to John. According to the dialogue, I think the guy is the campus security at the entrance. I hope he would not notice my existence inside the car, on the floor of the rear seats.

I have no idea where will John go and I don't know what he is going to do.

After thirty minutes, I arrives at a wood where I always go alone. It's a very quite place and I have never meet a person even in daytime. I leashes him out and walk into the wood. I think he need to piss so I order him to piss. I hold a plastic bag under his locked cock as I don't want him to mess up the car.

Not only him but also I get excited. So I unlock the mouth zipper and unzip it. Then I take out my cock and pull his head towards my cock. He can smell my cock and start licking my cock and suck it. It feels great to get sucked outdoor, inside a wood. I know he gets excited too as he sucks harder and harder. I cum directly down his stomach and have him to lick me clean.

I think everyone would enjoy this scene and I will have our buddies altogether next time when they back from the break.

I zip up his mouth and lock it back before we go back to the campus.

It's a very exciting journey for me. Going out completely naked and to suck a cock at an unknown place. And I can only walk on all fours in complete darkness.

When we are back to the hostel, John asks me if I enjoy the scene, I keep nodding my head as I have not been released. Then he led me upstairs. I have to walk very careful as I cannot see and I have never climb upstairs bounded like this.

"Ok, it's bed time." John said as he fastens the leash towards the leg of his bed. The he unbuckles the leather straps bounding my legs towards my thighs.

"Take a good rest my little doggy. Tomorrow, I will have something to do for you. This is what you have asked for and I promise you will enjoy it." John say and I node to response.

I think it is time to tattoo him, to mark him as my slave. And this is what he wants. I take out my designs and think that may be some more piercings would make him looks great. So I add something more to the designs.

In the morning, I call Sam, the owner of the studio that we have our bodies inked. I tell him that my roommate want to get some tattoos and piercings and see if we can make an appointment now.

"Sure John! I don't have any appointment today. See you at eleven in my studio." Sam answers through the phone.

"Ok, see you then." I said.

I know Ray has to clean up his body for the tattoos and piercings. So I undid everything from Ray, even with the collar and the cock cage unlocked. Then I tell him to clean himself completely.

Maybe it's too much to do but I will leave it for Sam to decide. He's professional enough to allow what to be done in a day.

I drive to Sam's studio and Sam is already waiting for us.

"Good morning Sam! This is Ray, my slave, to be tattooed and pierced" I said and to Sam and turn to Ray, "Slave, meet Sam and he will be working on your body."

I am completely shocked with John referring me as his slave to a stranger. I don't know how to react and stay still. I haven't expected John will humiliate me in the public. Even last night, he led me as a dog outside the hostel, no body has seen me. But now, calling me a slave in front of someone is too much for me.

"Never mind slave, don't you forget what you saw at the fetish shop? The shop owner as his slave as a salesman and the slave does not feel shame at all." John said, "And Sam has meet so a lot of Masters and slaves and it's completely not a matter to him. At the hostel, you are not only humiliated by me, but also by the others. So why do you feel shame? Moreover, have I ever expose you to be my slave in the environment I don't confirm if it is acceptable or not?"

"I am very sorry Sir!" I said, "I do always trust you Sir! But you have never called me as a slave in front of a stranger to me. Sir! I know I am your slave and I promise this would not be happened again."

Then I turn to Sam and said, "Good morning Sir! Thank you for doing on my body Sir!"

"He's great!" Sam said to John, "Like a well-trained slave as I have met. Ok, let me see what you want to do."

Then they walk into a room in the rear leaving me alone. I trust John and I think he has some beautiful tattoos designed for me.

I hand the papers to Sam with the designs of the tattoos. I said it's better to talk to him inside his working room as I don't want to let Ray know what will happen.

"But John, don't you want to let him know what will be mark on his body?" Sam asked.

"It's unnecessary for him to know. He just want to put something on his body but he's too scar to have done before." I said, "And I have to tell you that when he first saw my tattoos, he can't help from masturbating. Is it funny? And these are what I have in mind now. When I have my ideas later, I will have him marked further. And you have any suggestion?"

"I see. Same as the other slaves I met, the Masters made the decisions on marking their slaves. You are a good designer yourself and it's better for you to have the decisions." Sam said, "There's a lot to do and it will take a lot of time. And I don't think I can finish the job in one day. Those on the chest take a lot of time and I think it's better to just have the front to deal with for today. And leave the back for the next time. Or maybe you have more to add on the back too."

"Ok, it's fine. As I still have no ideas other than for his butt cheek, you give me the time for the next appointment later and now I will leave him for you." I said, "One more thing, I think it's better to blindfold him as it will drive him crazy but not knowing what's being happen on his body."

"Alright! When it's about to finish, I will call you." Sam said and we go back to the store.

(to be continued)

Comments are welcomed.

Next: Chapter 8

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