Attorney Client Privilege

By eric jones

Published on Mar 13, 2016

  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

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Attorney-Client Privilege, Chapter 4

Case dismissed.

I gave Tyson the good news. Even his girlfriend, Sheena, seemed pleased - and surprised. It was a good outcome. Amazingly good. Too good, in fact.

After he hugged his girl he looked at me. He extended his hand for a shake. As I shook his hand he pulled me in for a hug. To anyone else in the courtroom it would have been a normal reaction for someone thrilled by the outcome of their case. As I felt him hug me, so strong and hard underneath his clothes, he whispered in my ear.

TYSON: Come see me outside, yo.

Tyson, Sheena and his son walked outside the courtroom. Tyson had his arm around Sheena, and she had her arm around his waist. They had reason to celebrate.

I waited a few minutes and then headed out to the lobby. I wanted to hear what Tyson had to say. No doubt he was going to promise a reward for my good work. Lord knows I deserved one. You only have so many favors doled out in one lifetime. I had just used a big one for him. He was lucky I was his lawyer. He was lucky he had a big dick. He was lucky I...

Oh, never mind...

I walked out to the lobby. There was a mass of people milling around, checking their phones and nervously talking with lawyers and loved ones. Courthouse lobbies are all the same. It's not a place anyone, except lawyers, wants to be.

But I didn't see Tyson. Even here he would stand out.

I walked the length of the lobby but there was no sign of him. Odd. He had said come outside. Perhaps he literally meant outside the building.

I flew down the one flight of stairs to the ground floor and out the main entrance. The bright sunshine hit me in the eyes and it took a minute to adjust and look around.

But there he was. Leaning on the railing at the bottom of the stairs. I approached slowly. He hadn't seen me yet. I wanted the chance to remember as much of him as possible.

When I was only a few feet away he fired up a cigarette.

ME: You can't smoke here. It's too close to the entrance.

TYSON: So ya a cop now, huh? Ya gonna arrest me, officer?

I chuckled a little.

ME: Nah. But we should walk away.

TYSON: I'm good, officer. Don't wanna walk.

Clearly he wasn't worried about a ticket for smoking on government property. I guess he knows a good lawyer.

ME: Congratulations.

I wanted him to know I was happy for him. I wanted him to know I was happy for myself.

TYSON: Shit, the congrats fa you, officer.

He emphasized the word "officer." Not our first little inside joke, although I didn't get how this one was funny.

ME: Shit, I'm not a cop.

He took a long pull on cigarette, blew smoke in my direction and then flicked the half-smoked cig off to the side.

TYSON: Ya like breakin' da law so fuckin' much thought ya was a cop.

ME: No sir, I'm a law-abiding citizen.

Here was that smirk I knew already and he narrowed his eyes. He was gonna respond. I could tell the wheels were spinning for a retort. Then, as soon as it happened, it was gone. He face relaxed and he looked away.

TYSON: So, what chu sayin is that Fa - Lay - She - Oh ain't illegal?

I looked around quickly to make sure no one was close enough to hear him. The way he emphasized each segment of that word there was no mistaking what he said. Fortunately for me, there was no one close by or even paying us any attention.

ME: Uh, well sure, but no one gets arrested for that anymore.

TYSON: How's that?

ME: The police and courts focus on bigger criminal problems, not things like sex between consenting adults.

TYSON: Bigger problems, huh? Like a bag of green? A few pills?

ME: Well, yeah, illegal drugs.

TYSON: Dat's bullshit and ya know it, officer.

Here he comes with that officer bullshit again. If I was really an officer I wouldn't have just got him off scot-free.

ME: I didn't make those rules.

TYSON: Who does?

ME: Judges. Politicians.

TYSON: Still bullshit.

He narrowed his eyes again and stared me down again.

TYSON: And ya know it's bullshit, officer.

Well, the whole system is bullshit. Everyone knows that. I wasn't going to argue a losing point.

ME: Yeah, the whole criminal justice system is pretty fucked up, if we're being honest.

TYSON: Are we being honest, officer?

ME: I am.

He narrowed his eyes again. He looked like he was getting ready to say something important.

TYSON: Ya know what's not fucked up?

ME: What?

TYSON: Ya boy.

ME: Indeed not.

TYSON: Not today. An ya know why?

I shrugged my shoulders. He had my attention.

TYSON: Cause of you, officer.

I smiled and nodded my head.

ME: Just doing my job.

TYSON: Uh huh.

His focus intensified.

TYSON: Just did ya job, huh?

ME: Yes, sir.

He fired up another cigarette and kept staring.

TYSON: Well, I owe ya, officer.

Before I had a chance to respond he continued.

TYSON: And I always pay my debts.

ME: You don't me anything.

I smiled again and shook my head. I was getting embarrassed. Yeah, I did do him a big ass favor but it still felt odd to hear him say it.

TYSON: Well, officer, what chu want?

ME: Uh, you don't need to...

TYSON: Ya wanna get fucked?

I'm sure I blushed. So blunt, and out in public. People were walking around us, up and down the courthouse steps.

ME: Uh... I... Uh... If you... Uh...

I was tongue-tied. If this had been a text message or an online chat I probably wouldn't have been left so dumbstruck. But here, I was assed-out not knowing what to say.

Tyson wasn't in a hurry, but he didn't back down.

TYSON: Ya want me to fuck ya?

He took a pull off his cig and kept looking.

TYSON: Do ya want this big black dick up yo ass?

I was still reeling, caught off guard. A lawyer who was finally left with nothing to say.

He changed the mood, but only slightly.

TYSON: Dude, it ain't a hard fuckin question.

He broke out in a broad, friendly smile and shook his head. He was having some fun.

TYSON: Imma do it, but ya gotta ask.

HE still had that friendly smile on his face, but it didn't feel friendly. I was hot all over.

TYSON: Ya did a bid for me today in there. So, if ya want it ya can have it. However you say, officer.

I'm sure I was bright fucking red in the face. But my dick was tenting out the front of my slacks.

He blew smoke my way and flicked the cig away. He leaned forward a bit, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

TYSON: I know ya want it. Imma give ya the chance of a lifetime. Imma do what chu want and how ya want it. Dick on demand, officer. Like ya paid for it.

My head was spinning. I was so horny at this point I would have said yes to anything he said. But I couldn't speak.

TYSON: Shit, ya did fuckin pay for it.

He laughed at that one, and leaned in even closer. He was so close I could hear his breathing.

TYSON: Ya saved my ass, and now Imma fuck the shit out of yours.

I could tell he was smiling as he whispered that phrase. He was feeling himself as much as I was.

He leaned back against the rail, checked his phone and then put it back in his pocket.

TYSON: Gimme ya phone, officer.

I handed over my personal cell.

TYSON: Password?

If it had been anyone else I would have just asked for the phone back to type it in myself. He I obeyed.

ME: 9876

TYSON: Dat's some high security shit, officer.

We both laughed.

He typed in my password, flicked through some screens and started typing. He handed my phone back.

TYSON: Hit me up when ya want it.

I looked at the phone. Then looked back up at him. I was still speechless.

TYSON: Da number under "D" I'll let ya figure out what the "D" stand for.

He then pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the screen. He typed in a few words and kept looking. I heard it vibrate in his hand. He read the message, looked up at me and smiled.

TYSON: I gotta roll. But you got work to do.

Yeah, I had plenty of work to do, but I could tell he meant something different.

TYSON: Courtroom 2B. Ya gotta help my boy, D. Darryl.

I was finally able to speak.

ME: D? What's his last name?

TYSON: You da officer, Officer, figure it out.

Oh this was gonna be fun.

TYSON: Ya ain't gonna miss him. He look like a bigger version of the kid.

So, a bigger version of Tyson, huh? Interesting. Very interesting.

TYSON: He just yo type.

I guess now he felt like he knew my type. Well, I guess that made sense.

TYSON: Hook him up, and he will hook you up.

Hook me up? Hmm...

Tyson got up and started to walk away. He stopped, turned around and came back my way.

He leaned closer.

TYSON: Oh, and one more thing, officer... He in there for slapping some bitch, so don't give him no mouth.

He smiled that big toothy grin and leaned a bit closer.

TYSON: Well... if he ask give him ya mouth. But don't talk shit to him. He an asshole.

ME: Ok. I understand.

TYSON: An use a rubber. He fuck all kinda trash. But da hoes come back ova and ova. I bet ya little punk ass will too.

He laughed, turned and walked away.

It was my turn to lean on the railing. Wow, what a morning. Tyson had me spinning. My brain couldn't catch up.

I was so horny I wasn't sure I could walk up stairs. I wanted Tyson so badly. I pulled out my phone and scanned the contact. There he was. "D." Damn.

I looked up and there he was again. Tyson had come back.

ME: Hey.

TYSON: You didn't tell me.

ME: Tell you what?

I really didn't know what he was talking about.

He stepped closer.

TYSON: Do ya want me to fuck ya?

Oh God yes. Hell he could take me right here, right now. I don't even care who sees. I'd willingly go to jail just to get a few minutes of his dick. There was no point in lying.

ME: Yea.

Tyson smiled. He really was a handsome bastard. He leaned closer, moving towards my ear. I knew he was going to whisper something.

TYSON: I know.

Yea, he did know.

With that smile on his face he walked away again. I watched him until he disappeared around the corner. I wished I could go with him. There was something about him I desired. I felt stronger just being next to him. Lust can be a powerful force. I knew from experience that Tyson could be too.

I looked at the time and realized I had work to do. I had been standing around outside for way too long. There were cases pending for me in two district courtrooms and there wasn't a lot of time before the lunchtime adjournment. I had clients to talk to and deals to work out.

As I walked up to the second floor lobby I walked by Courtroom 2B. Oh yeah, I have work in there too. This was going to be a really long day.

Next: Chapter 5

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