Autumn Blue

By Rick Sambrano

Published on Aug 9, 2010


Warning: There is content beyond this point of the sexual sort and should not be viewed unless you are of age. Please cooperate with these rules and leave now if you are not of age, or if homosexuality is offensive to you. This story is about male love and if you have a problem with that please vacate this page now.

Disclaimer: Any persons in this story that resemble a person in real life is completely coincidental. No characters in this story are exact representations of real people although they may be similar. This story is purely fictitious.

Autumn Blue: Chapter 1

Justin stirred in his sleep as his cell phone vibrated in his hand. This seemed to set off a nice reaction in his dream because he quickly began to "tent up" in his happy face boxers. After very consistent vibrations, though, Justin finally opened his eyes. He did so slowly, but nonetheless: mission accomplished. Justin answered his phone to a very frantic sounding young lady on the other line. Justin was still trying to focus and the stream of incomprehensible words was not making things any easier. Finally he was able to get a few words in since the young lady finally realized she needed to breathe like the rest of the human species (although after hearing how fast she spoke Justin had a hard time believing she was human at all).

"Slow down Penny," Justin began slowly, "what's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Justin! I need you to do me a gigantic favor! I need you to get dressed A.S.A.P and pick up a close friend of mine." Penny was so glad that her friend wasn't in high school anymore and she was especially glad that she had gotten a hold of him.

"You want me to get dressed and actually drive? This early? On my break?" Justin was still yawning and scratching his bed head. He caught a quick glance of himself in the mirror. He always thought he looked kinda sexy in the morning with his tight muscle shirt and happy face boxers. Even though his clothing wasn't amazing he loved his morning complexion. He felt that his bed head and rugged stubble seemed to accent his deep green eyes and light brown hair. He just loved the way he looked as soon as he woke up. Then he realized that he had kind of dozed off and heard Penny frantically asking for him on the other side of the phone. "Yes Penny I'm still here. I'll go it's fine; I needed to wake up in about 5 hours anyways." Justin always enjoyed giving Penny a nice heap of sarcasm whenever she asked him to do something.

"Thank you so much Justin!! I really appreciate it! I swear I'll pay you back! Just name the price whenever okay?" Penny was so relieved that she had been able to find Kris a ride. Otherwise it's not unlikely that he would have quite literally killed her.

Justin got dressed as quickly as possible because apparently he only had about 15 minutes to pick this guy up and take him to school. If Justin was lucky maybe this guy would be hot and make the car trip worth it. It would be nice to have a new image to help work out his neglected tent later.

Justin left his apartment in a black muscle shirt, some ripped jeans with paint stains on the front and back (from when he re-decorated his apartment), and he was also wearing his favorite pair of yellow flip-flops. As he was driving to pick up this "Kris" person he was wondering to himself why the hell this high school senior couldn't just walk or drive himself or have his parents take him. Justin wasn't exactly a morning person and with Penny just having frantically yelled in his ear, he was certainly not going to be able to put on a smile very easily. All Justin could think about was how hot this Kris guy might be so that he would at least start having a better from then on.

As Justin neared Kris's house he realized how beautiful the neighbourhood was. It was one of those neighbourhoods that you see in the movies where the streets are lined with beautiful towering trees that create a canopy over the road. It was like driving in a tunnel of beautifully etched green stone. It was a suburb that was quite awe-inspiring. Especially for a guy like Justin who had always lived in a trailer park and who now lived in a one bedroom apartment that was smaller than most of these people's front lawns. It was staggering for Justin to see such beauty and when he finally reached his destination his jaw dropped a bit. Before him stood a beautiful two-story home. Most of the house seemed to be made of red brick while there were linings of white paint all along the edges of the house. It was very patriotic in Justin's opinion.

Justin got down from his raggedy old car and went to knock on the door. If this guy wasn't ready to go by the third set of knocks he was leaving. He wasn't in the mood to wait for some high school kid to do his hair and pick the perfect shirt to make a great first impression. Justin was, in fact, one of those people so he knew how long it could take and he was definitely not up for waiting that long.

He walked up the pathway that went through the wonderfully cut emerald lawn that led up to the gated doorway. Justin tugged at the gate and found that it was open so he let himself in. He walked up to a very elegant white door and knocked as hard as he could. He could feel the reverberations of his knocks go through his arm, to his shoulder, and all the way into the depths of his chest. He could hear the echoes that sounded within the magnificent structure. He was a taken aback by the impact that he had made. Then he could see movement from one of the large windows that seemed to showcase the living room. Shortly after, the door opened and he saw the boy. His eyes grew wide and he couldn't help but sport a goofy half-smile when he saw the young man in front of him. He was certain then that this car ride would not be a waste of time in the least bit.

Kris heard the knocks and gathered his things as he hurried to the door wondering who on Earth it could be. As Kris opened the door he strongly hoped it wouldn't just be someone that would waste his time, like a girl scout or something of that nature.

When he opened his door he saw a guy who looked like he had just gotten out of bed. The guy had on this weird little smile and Kris thought it was kinda weird. The guy did have a pretty decent build and wasn't all that much taller than Kris. Kris thought he was kind of cute but quickly rushed that thought out of his head to avoid any unwanted bulges.

"Who are you?" Kris asked with a bit of edge in his tone.

"Well that's not a very friendly way to introduce yourself to your only hope of getting to school on time." Justin was having going to enjoy playfully flirting with this kid whether he was gay or not.

"Uh...sorry...can we please just get going? I really don't want to be late!" Kris was already very agitated by the situation and this guy was making the situation any better, except for the fact that he was actually taking him to school.

"Hahaha sure your highness. Hop into my limo out front and I'll take you to your destination as swiftly as possible." Justin was not going to let this car ride be the boring drive that this kid seemed to want.

"Ugh whatever." Kris rolled his eyes and walked out to the gross looking car that sat on his driveway. "This is your car? And it actually runs?" Justin was certainly offended by this remark.

"Hey man this piece of crap is what's taking your ass to school alright?" Justin this was a bit harsh, but no one made fun of his car.

"Geez sorry!" Kris got into the car, crossed him arms, and waited for the guy to hurry up and take him to school.

Eventually, Justin pulled out of the driveway and started to head towards the school. He already knew his way since he was an alumni. All he needed was to find the major streets.

"So I know we got off to a bad start, but my name is Justin." Justin turned quickly towards Kris and gave him a smile only to realize Kris was looking the other way.

"I'm Kris." Kris introduced himself in a very mumbled tone. Justin was barely even able to hear it.

"Well, Kris, are you ready for senior year?" Justin was really bad at making small talk and with this grumpy kid it was even harder.

"Hell yeah! I seriously need to get out of here." Kris was reminded of the fact that he really was almost out of school. Just nine more months and he would be free to do what he wanted.

"So how do you know Penny anyways?" Kris was rather curious about this stranger's connection to his best friend since she had never mentioned a Justin.

"Oh well you see, last summer when I was about to start my senior year, and Penny her junior year, I went to a camp for future leaders of America or something shit like that and I met her there. It took us almost the entire program to meet but at one point we were assigned to be group partners for a presentation. We met up everyday and eventually we just bonded really well and decided to keep in touch. Then when we found out we went to the same school we were really excited. But sadly being in different grades meant different classes and different lunch so we never got to see each other. So yeah that's how I met Penny. What about you?" Justin realized he had done a bit too much talking and needed to give Kris a chance to open up as well.

"Well we've been friends for a while now and we're each other's best friends. So yeah that's how I know her." Kris was in a bad mood and even if Justin was cute and seemed like he might be flirting it wasn't going to change Kris's mood at all. He only had seven minutes to get to class and he was starting to sweat bullets.

The boys finally arrived at the school and Kris jumped out as soon as the car started to slow down. Justin yelled out a goodbye after him but Kris wasn't able to hear it because all he could think about was getting to class. Justin sat there in his car gazing at his old domain. He reminisced all by himself about the good and the bad that occured within the confines of the stone architecture that stood before him. He daydreamed for at least five minutes straight before he started to head home. Justin decided he was not going to give up on Kris. He was going to continue flirting with him. Justin was very persistent when it came to getting what he wanted and this was no exception.

Justin sent a text to Penny asking for Kris's number. He was going to set the wheels in motion for his plan to capture Kris's heart whether Kris wanted him to or not. Justin had let too many slip away and he was not about to fail yet again. Penny responded with a question mark and the digits to contact Kris. Justin sent a text saying "hey" with a winking emoticon. Justin was going to get this guy; no matter how hard he had to try.

I hope you enjoyed the first official chapter. Any comments you have feel free to send them to me at: under the subject "Story Comments". I hope to hear from you guys =D

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