Baby Boy

By Cryptic Angel

Published on Jun 2, 2004



Baby Boy:Revised and Final By Cryptic Angel


I inhaled deeply on the Newport, letting the smoke drift in my lounges for a few seconds before exhaling. The rich minty tobacco taste engulfed my mouth as the nicotine put me in a relaxed state. At 15, I had just begun smoking, and I didn't think I would ever quit. It was the one thing that kept me sane.

Putting the cigarette out in my ashtray and sliding it under the bed, I stood up and looked in the mirror that hung on my wall. My brown hair stood perfectly on my head, its fade haircut complimenting the gray ENYCE outfit that I was wearing, quite nicely. For a 15 year old, I had a nice slim body with a build that all the girls were after. I had my pick of the litter, so to speak, but THEY weren't what I wanted.

Since the moment of my birth, I had known I was gay, or at least I suspected. All I knew was that my memories all consisted of hot boys, and no girls. It wasn't anything that I was ashamed of, as I knew that I couldn't do anything about it. I wasn't out to anyone, as high school can by a hard place for teens to begin with, and I didn't want the added stigma of being a homosexual added to that. Not that my high school days were hard. I was well liked by everyone, and got average grades. I wasn't high school elite, so to speak, but I wasn't a geek either.

Looking at the clock beside my bed, I noticed that I was running slightly late, so I slipped on my white Nikes, grabbed my book bag, and took off out the door, heading downstairs. I glanced into the kitchen to see my mom cooking a big hearty breakfast for my family. I tried to escape out the front door unnoticed, but, to my dismay, I failed.

" Come eat breakfast hunny," she shouted at me, raising her voice over the stir of a spoon.

Here we go, I thought to myself. It wasn't like I hated my mom. I respected her a lot actually, raising my 14-year-old sister and me all by herself, working two jobs to keep our lives nice and comfy. It was just, I don't know. There's just something in a teenaged boy's brain that stops him from allowing a close bond with his mother.

" I'm just going to get something on the way to school mom, " I replied, as I walked out the door.

Whew, family time avoided, I laughed to myself as I set out on my quarter mile walk to the school. Usually, I would try to catch up with some friends so that I wouldn't have to walk in silence, but today^Å Today was just so beautiful, Michigan autumn, leaves turning colors, brisk wind blowing.

I took in all the beauty as I walked, the fall weather letting my thoughts flow. I thought about my need for someone and how hard it would be for me to find them here. There were no out teens and I didn't want to approach anyone myself out of fear of rejection or something even worse. I had, up until now, not minded the loneliness that my orientation brought me, but as I watched more and more people couple up in school, I had a longing in me. A longing to love and be loved.

After about ten minutes of pondering I reached the school and went inside. I was slightly late, so the hallways were mostly empty. School hallways have a habit of being depressing to me when empty so I hurriedly ran to my locker to drop off my coat and grab my books. As I bent down to grab my English book I felt a firm tap on my shoulder. Thinking it was a security guard telling me to go to class I grabbed my book and whipped around, expecting to be yelled at.

My breath caught in my body as saw the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. He looked to be about 16 with perfect complexion. His Eminem like hair stood perfect on his head, not a strand out of place. He had a blue diamond stud in his left ear and wore a matching blue South Pole turtle neck sweater that showed off his built chest. He was complete heaven in a six-foot package and I struggled to say something, anything, to keep him from realizing that I was checking him out.

" Uh yeah?" I managed to stammer out, regretting it as soon as it left my lips. I sounded too impersonal, too unfriendly.

" Hey, what up? I'm Jeremy. Uh, I was wondering if you knew how to get to room 214?" he asked with perfect confidence and a cute little voice that resounded in my head long after the words were spoken.

I stared at him for a moment before responding. " Hey, I'm Ty. Umm, are you new here?"

" Yeah, today's my first day. I'm totally fuckin' lost in this place. Shit, first day, first class, and I'm already late," he said with a small chuckle, as his beautiful hazel eyes stayed locked on me. I made eye contact for a second and then broke it. His eyes were too intense for me^Å

" Heh, yeah I know how that can be. I just transferred here this year. Umm, what room did you need?"

" 214."

" Come on, I'll show you where it is, " I replied closing my locker.

" Tight," he replied following me through the winding halls of the school. After a moment, we arrived at the door and I just stared at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

" Well, maybe I'll see ya around? " he asked, before grabbing the door handle.

I had to say something. I just, for the life of me, couldn't get anything out. I felt like I was standing in front of the damn pope himself, for crying out loud. This was ridiculous!

" Hey, since you don't know anyone around here, do you want to come over after school? We can listen to music and shit, or do whatever," I asked quickly.

" Sure. Where do you want me to meet you?" He asked, to my delight.

" Uhhh, after last hour, meet me at the front doors. I live like a few blocks away, so we can walk."

" Tight, see you then Ty," he replied, going into the class and shutting the door.

" Yeah, see you then," I said to myself.


I watched the rain pour down through the glass of the high school doors, its rhythmic dropping sending my mind into deep thoughts. He was perfect, the thugged out angel that I had been searching for, and^Å And, I knew I could never have him. The entire day I had been thinking about him, his smile and his hazel eyes. Everything about him was perfect, even down to his smell. I would never think about Perry Ellis cologne in the same manner again.

He tapped me lightly on the shoulder and then walked in front of me, just as beautiful as before. He was wearing a leather jacket, which was sure to not keep him dry in the cold autumn rain outside. I wish that I had had a car, for I didn't want him to have to suffer the cold rain outside.

" You ready?" he asked, opening the door.

" Ready as I'll ever be," I replied as we both ran outside. I lead him to my house, running through puddles, trying to dodge the raindrops, but for every one that we dodged, five more pounded down on us, drenching us by the time we reached my vacant house.

" Damn, we made it," Jeremy said, taking off his coat.

" Just throw it on the floor, " I replied as I took off my coat as well.

" Hey man, do you got a shirt I can wear? That coat fuckin' sucks^Å I'm drenched." He asked, giving me the cutest puppy dog face I had ever seen.

" Uhh, yeah, hold up a sec," I replied as I ran upstairs, and grabbed him a blue Fubu hoody.

Descending downstairs I stopped in my tracks as I saw Jeremy standing there, shirt off, thrown where his jacket was. His hair was dripping, forming little droplets that ran down his perfectly built chest. His stomach was chiseled into a small six-pack, and his belly button was the cutest little thing I had ever seen. Everything about this kid was perfect.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and threw him the shirt. He walked to the couch before putting it on, giving me a full view of his back, which was just as perfect as the rest of him. I noticed a tattoo between his shoulder blades. Blue old English lettering spelling out Baby Boy burned into his back.

" Cool tattoo. What does it mean?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch. I switched on MTV and then put my entire attention on him, waiting for an answer.

" I was locked up for a year in a youth home. This was my nickname there, and it just kinda stuck," he replied, holding his head down almost as though he was ashamed.

" What were you locked up for, if you don't mind me being nosy?"

" Me and some friends stole this car. It was really stupid but it was a long time ago. I had been doin a lot of drugs and shit, and^Å I dunno. I've basically been on my own since I was nine. That's when my mom died. And, my dad^Å He's just a fuckin drunk. Fuck it, that was all in the past anyway. I don't fuck around like that no more. That's why my dad moved us here. Kind of a fresh start thing, you know?" He was staring at me now, a sad look playing across his face. I wanted so badly to hold him just then, kiss him and tell him that everything would be okay. I felt like he needed that love, wanted it.

" Damn," was all that I could get out, all that I could think of. I did eventually muster up the courage to put my arm around him, and just hold him for a minute. He didn't mind, and after a few second, he looked up at me and smiled.

" Shit dude, fuck all this sad shit. Lets watch some TV." he replied, grabbing the remote and flicking through the channels.

I felt connected to Jeremy at that point. I felt as though I could feel inside him, his pain, his wants^Å His everything. I fell absolutely in love with him and decided that if I didn't have him, I'd be totally crushed.

The next three months flew by at a hurried rate. Jeremy had become my best friend, my only friend really, as I focused all my attention on him. He was the reason I awoke in the morning and the reason that I lived my everyday life. I fell so in love with him that my every waking moment was spent thinking about him and caring about him.

If he had been gay, I would no doubt be the happiest person on earth, but I was just as happy spending as much time with him as I did. Every second of every day we were together and it was a great feeling to know that he cared about me, even though it wasn't always the way that I had hoped.

He had spiraled downward since our meeting. He partied every night, getting drunk, getting fucked up. I was always there with him, to watch out for him, to make sure that he was okay. He had basically dropped out of school, only attending when he wasn't too hung over to get up in the morning. I cried for him every night, wishing that he could be okay, that I could comfort him, but I wasn't what he wanted, what he needed. It killed me so much, knowing that the one person in this world that I would die for, couldn't be helped by me.

Tonight was no different than any other. We had gone to one of his boy's house, and he got drunk, trying to kill off all memory of his mother, or his fucked up father. He was always the life of the party, the one that everyone wanted to be with. It bothered me for some reason, watching him associate with all these other people, having fun with them, laughing with them. The only thing that consoled me was knowing that I was the one that he always left with and always talked to. I was the one there with him through everything, and that meant a lot.

We walked the mile from his friend's house to mine. He had practically moved in with me, and my mom no longer requested to be asked when he was spending the night. I looked at him as we reached the door, and he seemed to be zoned. He hadn't drank, what I thought was that much, but looking at him, I could tell he was obviously drunk, or thinking about something.

" What's on your mind," I asked him, opening the door and leading him upstairs to my room.

" Shit, usual fucking shit. I don't really want to talk about it okay?" he said, closing the door behind him. This was the first time that I had ever seen him NOT want to talk about his problems, but I relented and left him in silence. He took off his shirt and laid stomach down on my bed, well, what had really become our bed.

" Will you draw on me?" he asked. Over the last couple months, I had learned that he liked to be touched, rubbed, anything. It had become tradition for me to draw and doodle on his back until he fell asleep. It bothered me to be so close to him, without "having" him, but I could never say no.

"Of course," I replied. Grabbing a pen, I proceeded to draw on his back. Sitting there, straddling him, I wished that he'd love me, be with me, and hold me.

For almost an hour, I doodled on his back. When I was sure he was asleep, I went out on a limb, and wrote, " Can I be your man." I don't know why I did it. Out of hope, out of anything. I sat there staring at him for a moment, hoping for a response from him even though I knew none would come. I relinquished all hope after a moment and got up to go to bed.

" Yes," he said as I laid down.

I looked at him, as he flipped over onto his back and looked at me with a smile.

" Yes what?" I asked. I was sure that he didn't know what I had written on him. There was no way for him to know.

" Yes, you can be my man," he said, eyes burning right into mine.

My heart jumped into my throat, and I couldn't speak. The one person that I'd ever loved in my life just told me he wanted to be with me, and I couldn't say one fucking thing. After a brief moment that felt like a decade, I spoke. " You're drunk. You won't feel this way in the morning."

" Look dog, I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you in that hallway. You are the only person to ever understand me and to stand by me since my mom died. I'm not fucking drunk. I promise you that everything will be the same in the morning. I promise."

He looked into my eyes as he spoke and I fell into him. I shifted on top of him and straddled his stomach, looking deep into his eyes. Everything was right in the universe as I slid my tongue into his mouth.

We let our tongues dance for minutes, his hands taking off my shirt as our souls interchanged through our tongues. They were our connection.

Breaking our lip lock, I slid my tongue down his neck and to his nude chest, where I licked his small hard nipple. He let out a cute little whimper as I took it into my mouth, and delicately sucked at the hardness. I felt my six-inch member grow in my pants as I slid my tongue down further to his belly button. He hastily undid his jeans as I pulled them and his CK boxers off. He looked at me with a sort of cocky smile as I absorbed what had to be the "prettiest" cock I had ever seen. It stood erect, reaching seven inches in the air above a nicely trimmed patch of light pubes.

I looked at him for approval before I continued and he just smiled at me, giving me the okay. I stuck my tongue out and licked under the head of his penis, very lightly, my first taste of manhood. He let out a short moan as I took his member into my mouth and began sucking. Placing his hand on my head, he directed me as I bobbed up and down on his penis. He lifted my head up off his member, as I looked at him with a bit of confusion, but understood, as he undid my pants and pulled them off, revealing my erect six inch penis. He placed it into his mouth, licking the slit of the head lightly with his tongue. I let out a low moan, as electricity shot throughout my body. It was the best feeling that I had ever felt in my life.

I grabbed his head and brought him up, only to swing his member towards me, in a 69 fashion. We sucked each other off for what seemed like hours, until he shot his load into the back off my throat, making me gag at first, but eventually, I swallowed it all down. His teen taste made me cum as well, shooting my load all over his chin.

We laid in bed for a while after our sexual session, just holding each other. Our heartbeats actually fell in sync with each other, as he looked over at me, his eyes as beautiful as ever.

" I love you, Ty," he said, kissing me deeply.

" I love you too Jeremy. You're my baby boy." ------------------------------------------------------ This is going to be the final draft of Baby Boy Part 1. I've edited it and added some stuff, so please, everyone let me know what you think. You can email me at Please stop by my website to read this and other great erotica stories.

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