Backlash Aftermath

By Bad Boy

Published on Apr 27, 2009


This story is of course fiction and does not imply anything the true sexuality of the wrestlers known as Tripe H, Batista, Shane McMahon, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Jr., or any other wrestler mentioned in this story or any subsequent stories. The WWE is owned by World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

This story takes place immediately following Backlash 2009

Please bear with me, I am fairly new to the WWE, and therefore may not be aware of past storylines involving wrestlers, but I will do my best to be as faithful as possible. This was also written with the belief that there will be no major injury to Triple H from the punt to the head he took from Randy Orton at Backlash.

This is just a short story to gauge interest in this genre, so please, if you like the idea of this, and would like to see more, write me with comments or suggestions at I love to get feedback! It's what keeps me going!

It had only been about one hour since the conclusion of "Backlash" and Randy Orton and the Legacy were celebrating their victory over Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon. The victory was amazing in and of itself, but was made even better not merely by the fact that Orton could now call himself WWE champion, but that the victory had come at the cost of Triple H and the McMahons, men who had been nothing but a thorn in the side of Orton for months.

After Wrestlemania, where Triple H has embarrassed Orton by punting him in the face, the Legend Killer was out for blood, and had been confronting Triple H, Shane McMahon and Batista at every chance possible leading up to "Backlash", sending Legacy members Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase out to do much the same thing. Now he and his two protegees were sitting in their dressing room, basking in the joy of victory, the belt snuggly situated around Orton's waist.

Not only had Orton recaptured the title for himself and Legacy, but Rhodes had nailed both Batista and Shane with a steel chair, while Orton himself had been able to punt Triple H right in the head, knocking him out cold and winning the match. Their victory was made only sweeter when Triple H had to be assisted out of the ring by paramedics, as there was a legitimate concern that the punt Orton had delivered to Triple H's head could have caused serious damage.

While news had reached Orton and Legacy just a little while ago that the damage done to Triple H was actually only relatively minor, the three superstars were content to celebrate their accomplishments. Here were three men; all of them at the top of their profession, just having winning won one of its most prestigious titles. Life could not be better.

While Randy Orton and the Legacy were relishing their victory, Triple H, Shane McMahon, and Batista were wallowing in their defeat. While all were relieved that Triple H had only been knocked unconscious and that no lasting damage had been done, all three of them were fuming mad at having just dropped the WWE championship to Randy Orton and Legacy.

Slamming his fist into the locker, Triple H was the first to unleash his anger. "Fucking Orton and his fucking cronies! I fucking swear the next time I get my hands on that little shit and those two lackeys of his, Rhodes and Dibiase, I am going to make them wish they had never been born!"

"Fucking Rhodes with the fucking chair, if only I had..." Batista muttered under his breath, his voice trailing off to a whisper as he continued to curse out Orton and Legacy.

"Listen guys, it's not a huge deal. Orton and his goons were bound to get lucky once, but come on; we've been kicking those guys around ever since Wrestlemania. Hell, do you guys remember that coast to coast with the trashcan I landed on Rhodes a couple of weeks ago." Shane McMahon said, his chest swelling with pride as he recalled the complete and utter beat down he had delivered to Rhodes after his disqualification in that match. Both Triple H and Batista looked up and glared at Shane.

"Great, we fucking just lost the WWE championship and all this guy can think about it how great he looked hitting Rhodes in the face in some no account match." Triple H said to Batista, throwing his hands up in disgust.

"Shane, we all know we got these guys number" Batista said, "Hell, we just beat Rhodes and DiBiase down the other night, but like you said, they got a lucky break tonight, and while we can keep beating those punks down night after night, the fact remains that they are still going to be around, and that they are still going to get lucky every once in awhile."

Shane could only shake his head. "Well I don't know what to tell you guys, but Orton and Legacy are going to be around for awhile, so unless we do something drastic to break them now, they are going to be a pain in our butts for a long fucking time."

All of a sudden Triple H's head snapped up, his eyes flashing, an idea was forming in his head.

"Yo, Hunter, what's up?" Batista said, noticing the change in Tripe H almost immediately.

Triple H turned to Shane and Batista, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face. "It was just something that Shane just said, and I think he may have an idea, now hear me out guys..."

Meanwhile, back in Orton and Legacy's dressing room, the celebration had not let up. Champagne had been flowing, and all three were feeling good as Orton reenacted the punt to Triple H's head and Rhodes and DiBiase both said how good it felt to be part of a team with a leader that was now wearing the WWE championship around his waist. The three wrestling superstars were so involved in celebrating their victory that they did not even notice Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon enter their locker room, each with a steel chair in their hands.

It happened so quickly that no one had time to react. Triple H, Batista and Shane came hard and fast, each one smacking a member of Legacy and Orton in the back of the head with a steel chair. Rhodes and DiBiase were out cold, sprawled out on the floor, the attack so sudden, so vicious, that the two young wrestlers had no idea that the steel chairs were even incoming. Only Orton, who had been up and moving at the time of the attack, and therefore had not taken the full brunt of the hit was still conscious, though thoroughly dazed.

As Orton's eyes readjusted, he found himself on the concrete floor, on all four, his head throbbing. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase were knocked out cold on either side of him. Standing over him were Triple H, Shane McMahon and Batista, each one holding a steel chair, each one looking down at him, each one grinning, each one hungry for revenge and so much more.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Orton spat out, his head still reeling from the hit he just took.

"What do you think you little shit!?" Triple H said as he raised the steel chair he was holding high over his head. "We are here not only to get revenge, but to break you and your team, to make sure you and your boys never bother any of us again."

With a loud smack, Orton collapsed onto the floor, just as unconscious as Rhodes and DiBiase, done in with an unbelievable hit by Triple H on the back of his head.

As Triple H surveyed his handiwork, three unconscious superstars sprawled out on the cold floor before him; he motioned to his two partners with his hands. Working together, Triple H, Shane and Batista soon had Orton, Rhodes and DiBiase laid out over the locker room bench; face down, their bubble butts sticking up in the air, covered only by the thin material of their tight wrestling trunks.

As Triple H looked down on his prize, he licked his lips, his hand almost subconsciously drifting down to his trunks, rubbing the dick which it contained. Already a bulge was forming as his cock began to harden thinking about the retribution he and his partners had planned tonight. Thinking to himself about earlier, Triple H had come to the conclusion that Shane had been right about two things. One, that they would have to break Orton and Legacy tonight if they ever wanted to be rid of them once and for all, and, two, that they were going to be pains in their butts...or rather Orton and his young friends would have major pains in their butts once they were done with them.

Looking over to Shane and Batista, Triple H was pleased that the same lust that was overpowering his own senses in him was also clearly evident in his two partners, as both had bulges beginning to form as they looked down on their conquered prey.

Slapping both of them on their shoulder, Triple H gave out the last instructions for the night. "Like I said, the only way to break a wrestler is to break them of their alpha male tendencies, and the only way to break an alpha male is to break their spirit, and the only way to break their spirit is to break into their sweet virgin asses. So, judging from those bulges you both are sporting, I think we are all going to enjoy this tonight, so gentleman, take your pick of which superstar you want to break tonight, and let's begin their education"

Smiling to each other, Triple H, Batista and Shane approached the still unconscious Orton, Rhodes and DiBiase, each one eager to make sure that they never posed a threat again.

That is the end of part 1. Sorry to make it more of a setup and not really containing any sex, but like I said, I want this first part to serve as a gauge for whether or not there is really any interest in this story and whether or not people would like to see it continue. So please, write me at and let me know what you think, especially the pairings you would like to see between these six guys. If there is enough interest, you can bet that there will be follow up parts.

Regardless, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. Look forward to hearing from you!

Next: Chapter 2

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