
By Andrew Passey

Published on Oct 7, 2019


We got out the taxi and went into Som's apartment building, it was a fairly ordinary affair dflr bangkok but did have a pool and his apartment had good views and was compact and bijou (I.e small!). We'd barely got in through the door until he started stripping my clothes off and me him. "Hold on, I'm pretty filthy after the flight, let me shower first, or together" I said with a grin. We both got naked and into the shower together. As the hot water ran over us I started to feel normal again and the grime of the flight was being washed away. We kissed under the running water, "I've missed you sooo much" said Som, "me too" I said between kisses. "And I've missed this.....and this" he said grinning as he squeezed my dick and my arse.

I slipped my hand down and got him hard, "stick it in me" I said simply and he spun me round, soaped us up and slipped his dick in. It felt really good, I'd pretty much only had Wang and Li up there since the summer and they weren't as big as Som was. He fucked me hard and fast, making me moan as he grunted and shot a load up me. I spun round and fucked him up against the wall, all the time the water running over us. The release I got at orgasm felt amazing, I needed Som and I needed this. After we finished we got clean, dried off and I got changed into clean clothes. We headed out to get food, it was early evening at this stage so I was hungry. The traffic was murder at this time of day (this was before the sky train so the traffic was even worse than it is now) so we went local. Som said he had lots to tell me but didn't want to tell me in public so we had dinner and some beer before stopping at Tops supermarket to pick up more food but more importantly lots of booze!

We got back and Som poured us some Chang which always made me giggle. "Mmmmm I love the taste of Chang" I said, and after a sip I pulled his pants down and sucked him off, tasting his delicious Chang juice once again. He reciprocated and afterwards we sat there naked drinking beer and smiling at each other. I realised I loved him and wished I could live with him in Bangkok, but I still had my degree to finish, although only 5 more terms, I guess it might be possible once I was done...

"So Som, what's been going on with you? How was work and have you been having loads of sex" I said with a grin. He flushed slightly and said his life was pretty boring. "My Dad got me a job through a friend and that went well, I earned decent money and then got myself a new job at a co construction firm managing building projects. Unfortunately the economic problems meant that they closed recently although they did give me a big pay off. My Dad says he can get me my old job back or a new one but I've said I need some time off. I've got plenty of cash saved , I've lived a fairly monastic lifestyle since you left".

"Oh not much sex then." I said disappointed on his behalf, "well a fair bit with Dek after you left but he lives in the US now, I really don't have the balls to go to gay bars and pick up other boys, I might get seen like I did that time with you. It would kill my parents if they found out so I've just been getting a bit every now and again where I can get it". I asked where that was and he blushed and said he'd picked up a couple of boys for hire when he was away on business. I told him he needed to be careful and he better had used protection. He blushed and said of course he had, "there is something so soulless about the whole experience I've stopped doing it, I want what we have, what we've always had, that's why I paid for you come to see me!" He said grinning at me. I told him I wanted the same too and I wished we could be together all the time. As we got drunker we made plans to live together after I finished university, I even said he should come and live with me at university but I think we both knew that was tricky to sort out.

"Anyway, we have three weeks together and I'll get a job afterwards and pay for you to come out to see me next summer" Som said grinning at me, "for now though, lots of holiday planning to do!" He said smiling. "The Cambodian civil war is just over and the border is opening up. I'd love to go to Siem Reap, it's like the Wild West apparently, we could have loads of fun". I shrugged and said I was happy to do what he wanted, turns out he'd been planning a fair bit. We'd head overland to Poipet, cross the border and get transport to Siem Reap. Stay there a few days to see the temples of Angkor Wat. Som had wanted to go to Phnom Penh as well but he couldn't be arsed with the long journey so wanted to come back to Poipet, travel down to Chantaburi, then on to Ko Chang before heading back to Bangkok and down to stay at his parents hotel in Hua Hin for some luxury at the end. It sounded amazing and even better when Som said he'd pay for all the a accommodation and transport. I did feel bad about him paying for everything and said so but he just smiled, "Am sure you'll make it worth my while" , I grinned back and said he was probably right. "Fancy going to bed and I'll see what I can do" I said with a wink. We kissed in his room and I lay down on the bed pulling Som with me, I threw him the lube and lifted my legs, giving him access to my hole. He lubed us up and I threw my legs around his shoulders as he pushed his big dick into me and started to slowly fuck me. We both groaned and grunted as he went deep inside me, I smiled at him as he did so and he smiled back. "I've....missed....this.."he said between breaths,""" I said back. He came in with me a big cry and then after that we swapped positions and I entered him with his legs thrown up around me. It felt so good and I didn't last long before I shot in him. We kissed and I told him I loved him, he told me he loved me too. We were pretty knackered so fell asleep in each other's arms, looking forward to plenty more sex in the coming weeks!

Next: Chapter 26

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