
By Andrew Passey

Published on Oct 17, 2019


I woke up in the night with jetlag, it was only 2am and I was wide awake. I fidgeted for a while and must have woken Som up as he whispered "jet lag?", I said yeah and he told me "I've just the cure for that, an old Thai traditional cure". I was intrigued, Som was sometimes superstitious and also a bit of believer in traditional remedies. He told me to lie on my front. I then giggled and realised what he was up to as I felt his hard dick pushing between my cheeks. "A couple of loads should do" he said giggling too. He fucked me hard and fast this time, the stimulation of that and my dick pushing against the bed almost made me cum. After he did cum he did it again and this time I did cum through him fucking me. Soaking the bed with my cum. But turns out he was right, I did fall back asleep and woke up late morning to find the light streaming in, Som already up and me lying on a sarong with the sheets off the bed.

Som came in naked and smiling "the sheets were a bit of a mess so I've got them washed and drying.", I smiled and apologised "it was worth it though" I said grinning. Som said he'd go and make some coffee. I stretched and padded out to the kitchen where he was putting the machine on. I slipped behind him and started to rub my hardending dick up and down his cheeks. "Horny again?" He asked and I giggled and said "always". He turned and smiled at me, "me too". Then said we had a bit of time before we had to leave. "Leave? I thought we weren't leaving till tomorrow" I said. Som said that had been the plan but the sheets might not dry and also meant we could break the journey. "We won't go all the way to the border, it's a bit of a shithole with the usual whorehouses and knocking shops. We'll head to Sa Kaeo, it's an hour or so from the border and there are a couple of acceptable hotels.". I smiled and said he was in charge. "And don't you forget it" he said grinning, "now get on that bed and let me fuck you with my big hungry cock" he said and we both laughed, being dominant wasn't really Som's thing.

However I obeyed and he long dicked me across the bed, shifting positions a few times before having what was an intense orgasm, although not as intense as the one I had afterwards as I lifted him up and did him up against the wall with his legs wrapped around my waist. Luckily I didn't fuck my back up!

And so late evening our air con bus from bangkok rolled into Sa Kaeo and we ended up at quite a nice albeit slightly damp guesthouse. We ate street food and drunk beer before fucking each other loud and long. The next morning I got up for breakfast even though the jetlag was still affecting me. As we left the room we bumped into a Thai guy who smiled at us and said something in Thai which caused Som to blush and say something back. I asked him after what that was about, "he said that we'd obviously had a great time with the girls we'd picked up and he'd love to know where we found them". I grinned and said, "oh, what did you say?". Som said he'd told him that he knew the local police and they'd set us up. "That should keep him from looking for them" he said with a wink. " I didn't tell him hot hot they were or how tight" he said grinning.

We got an early taxi to the border, then crossed it easy enough as soon as it opened. It had only recently reopened to tourists to it was quiet and not like the busy hectic corruption filled place it is now. We had to ride on a jeep to Siem Reap, it was a very bumpy ride, the road was a mess from mines and explosions and we often detoured off through rice fields. We eventually reached Siem Reap ealry afternoon, it was dusty and quiet, a far cry from these days. We were staying at one of the few upmarket hotels in town which was a bit out of things. We were hungry and wanted to eat somewhere other than expensive resort food so decided to head into the centre to try and find more local food. A boy on a moto taxi pulled up as we walked and asked if we wanted a lift into town. He said his name was Ben (fairly sure it wasn't his christened name!). He was cute and funny, claimed to be 16 but I was a bit sceptical. We wouldn't both fit on it and he was desperate for fares he said so he said he'd take one of us then come back for the other one.

He took Som first and I waited, turning down other motorbikes, he came back and waved. I got on board holding onto the back of the bike. "So you go see temple later?" he asked. I said tomorrow probably. "you go with me and my motobike? $10 all day. you want 3 days?". I said probably but needed to talk to Som. "He say ok if ok with you. I get friend as well for him. He also $10". I asked if he went to school. "No finished now, make more money with tourists. Drive around in day, make money. Nightime meet girls and boom boom!". I smiled to myself. "boom boom?" i asked as we pulled up at traffic lights "you know, boom boom" he said doing a finger in hole mime. I giggled. "You want me to find you girls?" he asked. I told him it was fine, "you not like girls?", "Yes but not ones to pay for, also I like boys" I said. 'Ah, you like bum bum as well as boom boom" he said and we both laughed, he was cheeky.

We pulled up where Som was waiting and he paid him, tipping him generously. We discussed Angkor and he said it was free if we went and got our pass with him at 5pm, we could do sunset and then use our pass for the next three days. I had a guide book but Ben said he knew the best routes to take us. We agreed he and his friend would pick us up at 4.45 and take us in to the park although the big day would be the next couple of days.

We had food, headed back to the hotel to freshen up which ended with us both fucking each other, "bum bum" i said giggling afterwards and told him about Ben.

Ben turned up on time and introduced us to his friend Nara who also looked suspiciously close to 16. Their english was excellent so they'd obviously done well at school and I also remembered that like Som and most of the south east asian boys I'd been with, they usually looked significantly younger than they were

Anyway we got our passes, went up a hill for sunset as it fell behind angkor wat and got back to the hotel. The next day we were starting at 7 to avoid the heat but also to take advantage of the morning light and potentially see the monks doing alms.

We went to bed early, I stroked Som's hairless chest. We both said we were looking forward to visiting the temples tomorrow, "Now it's time for me to worship your temple" I said with a grin and took him in my mouth, he spun around so he could suck me at the same time and we filled each other's mouths before cuddling and falling asleep to the sound of the rattling air con..

Next: Chapter 27

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