
By Andrew Passey

Published on Oct 28, 2019


Next morning we were up early and I was yawning on the bike as Nara drove me towards Angkor with Ben and Som just in front. Nara was very talkative this morning unlike last night. "Ben say you like bum bum with boys as well as boom boom with girls". I smiled, Ben and his big mouth. "Yeah, I'm all about the fun, you like boom boom too, you boom boom last night?" I said grinning. "No, I like bum bum with boys, Ben like boom boom but he talks more than he gets!" he said laughing. I laughed and said that was often the way. I asked who he did bum bum with and he said just friends, "sometimes old men offer me money but I don't want to do stuff with them. Although you and your friend are nice" he said. "Ben says he only like boom boom but he done bum bum stuff with me sometimes, he just likes nice warm place to put his dick in" he said giggling.

We were off to the Bayon first and we rode past Angkor Wat on the way which was so impressive I wanted to go there then and there, but Ben shouted back, "late afternoon when quieter and stay for sunset". I guess they knew what they doing. The day was amazing, we saw the major sites of the bayon, ta prohm and angkor as well as smaller ones that had their own charm. By the end of the day we were tired and collapsed in bed early, Som said he might be too tired for any sex but I took him in my mouth and sucked him dry. He was snoring a couple of minutes after I'd swallowed his cum all down!

The next day we were going on a longer trip, out to Banteay Srei , a templ complex further away than the main temples. We were paying more this day but that was fair enough as the petrol was more. The road was awful and we didn't see any other tourists, at one point I thought I might fall off it was so bad, Nara told me to wrap my arms around him so I did that instead and hung on tight. "I like you holding me tight" he said grinning.

We got to Banteay Srei and it was deserted apart from a security guard and some postcard sellers. It was worth the trip and we spent ages there. The plan was to have a quietish afternoon and see what ever we felt we wanted to see again on our final day. We turned up back to the bikes and Som said we were done and ready to return. Ben and Nara had a conversation in Khmer and then said there was one more special temple to see called Banteay Samre but it was a mystical place and no tourists visited. I said it sounded good to me, Ben looked serious, "The temple was built for Rati, all who visit must pay a price to Rati but they also can gain great benefit". I shrugged, we had passes and we had a dollars with us as well so I was sure it would be fine. Nara and Ben smiled and said we'd enjoy it, it was a spectacular temple and they would talk us through the paying of the price.

The temple wasn't too far away and I chatted with Nara as he rode, "So who is Rati? A Khmer king?" I asked. Nara laughed, "Ha no, Rati is a hindu goddess, the goddess of lust and carnal pleasure" . I was surprised and asked why there was a temple built to her, after all all the other Angkor ones were utilitarian buildings and temples for the Khmer empire. "It's sort of an unofficial temple, visitors have to pay a price otherwise Rati takes away their ability to enjoy sex and stuff but there are benefits too that Rati can give". This sounded a bit like bullshit to me but I went along with it.

We arrived at the temple and Som looked a bit shocked, he told me Ben had told him that Rati can remove the ability to enjoy sex if she isn't happy with us. I laughed but he looked serious, and I was reminded how superstitious he sometimes was!

Ben and Nara locked up their bikes and followed us into the temple complex, this surprised me as usually they just sat on their bikes or went and hung out with other drivers. It was totally deserted here so i guess no one would nick their bikes, Nara said they had to come along "for the ritual, you must satisfy Rati, we know the way to keep her happy, we are your sponsors for the ritual". This was all getting ridiculous but Som looked like he might shit himself. I guess the difference between a not particularly spiritual atheist like me and the others who lived their lives in a more mystical environment was being shown.

Anyway we all entered the temple complex and they took us into a small chamber which had a little altar with some candle wicks floating on oil, and sunlight coming in the side. There was a small unrecognisable carving which Nara said was Rati, with a ragged carpet in front where people had been praying.

Nara and Ben busied themselves around the place, lighting candles and incense, the heady smell was evocative and the smoke floated around the room, creating a mystical effect when the sunlight had it.

Ben and Nara then bowed to us, "Rati is capricious but she is easily pleased. We all have our roles to play and we all have a price to pay for visiting her. Lust and carnal pleasures are her thing, and she likes to watch naked boys as they please each other for her benefit and pleasure. Satisfy her and she will ensure a life full of sex, fail to follow the rituals and displease her, and a live of celibacy awaits."

"Now, we must first all strip off our clothes so we can be naked in the presence of Rati and she can cast her powerful eye over our offerings"

It was all I could do to stop myself giggling, this was ridiculous and clearly a set up. It was fine but honestly they could have just asked us if they wanted a bit of fun, but you know, a bit of roleplay is fun. I looked at Som though and he was fully buying into all this. I shrugged and thought what the hell, let's play along....

Next: Chapter 28

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