
By Andrew Passey

Published on Mar 11, 2019


My journey to Penang passed without incident, I met a nice chinese malay student couple on the train, Li and Jum. They were three years older than me but both looked my age if that, they were from KL and had been to the Thai islands and were heading back home via Penang for three nights. They'd finished science degrees and this was a bit of a blow out before getting a job.They said they knew a good cheap guesthouse so we checked into a very old school Chinese guesthouse. Malaysia was more expensive than Thailand so my money didn't go very far, the guest house was pretty empty so we were at least able to negotiate a discount! It was very basic and I imagine it had been overtaken by newer better equipped ones, I had a room with a double bed, a fan, a sink but no shower or toilet. bathroom. I had to use the communal bathroom area which was a few urinals, a few cubicles and a bigger communal shower of about 8 heads in a row with no privacy!. A bit of a shock really, I hadn't used a communal shower since school. 'Wasn't expecting that?" said Jum looking slightly shocked at the showers as we looked around. The guest house owner had tried to say there was a male floor and female floor , the one above, and made a bit of a fuss about Li and Jum sharing a room but it was fine although Li did have to go upstairs to use the toilet and shower.

I went out for dinner and sat in the little bar opposite where the premier league football was on TV and so I started to watch that. With the time difference it was 10 when it started I think.It was still incredibly hot and humid, Penang always had that sultry heat that made you want aircon, rather than just a ceiling fan!

With the heat causing a thirst, by the time the football started a fair bit of beer had been consumed by me and the other patrons. I chatted to a local Penang student, he was Penang Chinese rather than Malay or Indian, He who loved football and the UK and was a really nice guy, he was 18 like me and pretty cute. We got on well and chatted throughout the football getting a few dirty looks from other locals. I'm afraid to say I can't remember the student's proper name, I just called him K for short.

I can't remember what the game was but it wasn't a classic from memory. At half time I thought I might go and get my bill, I told K and he said he was going to, he downed his beer and paid up. As he stood up he swayed all over the place. I put my arm around him and helped him to the road. He said he'd left his moped bike chained up at my guesthouse as he knew the owners. He struggled walking and I said he couldn't ride home in that state, I said to stay with me and he could ride home in the morning

I walked him over to the guesthouse, "drunk again K!" said the owner, he told me K had often ended up sleeping at the guest house but they were full tonight. I said I'd look after him and he could sleep in my room and the owner thanked me and said he'd give me breakfast for free in the morning as thanks. He said he'd call his parents as well so they knew although he said he'd leave out the bit where he was really drunk and winked at me.

I pulled him upstairs and got him into my room. He then looked at me and said "Andy, I think I might be sick", I got him back up and to the toilet where he then said he wasnt' going to be sick after all. He looked a bit unsteady and said a shower would help but could I help him. I helped him get his clothes off aside from his pants, and thought I better strip off too to help him in the shower. although again only to my pants as it was first night in Malaysia and I wasn't really if stripping off totally was the done thing. When we were both in our pants I turned the shower on "can't shower in pants Andy" he mumbled and started to pull them down, I helped him pull them off and checked him out, he had a nice black bush and an attractive smallish cock . I thought what the hell and pulled mine down and showered us both.

I hadn't brought towels so helped him back to room dripping a fair bit and got him inside and towelled him dry, he started to harden as I did it and just "Oops" with a silly grin at me. He said he felt much better and got on the bed naked and said he was off to sleep.. I towelled off and turned the light off and got into bed I felt myself hardening at the thought of this fit chinese boy next to me but knew the consequences of a false move in Malaysia meant it wasn't worth the risk. I turned over so I was facing his back and closed my eyes. I felt him wriggle a bit and then felt his arse up against my hard cock and his leg intertwined in mine preventing me from shifting position. "mmmm this is nice Andy" he said wriggling back against me. "K, er sorry, you might want to move". He whispered "you might want to move....forward into me" and giggled. "Really? are you sure K?" He said "Yes, I wanted you to do it as soon as I saw you. Put in my please, and I'll do it to your afterwards" he said with a giggle.

I slipped into him and gave him a good fucking causing him to moan and grunt with pleasure, he then fucked me with great gusto. He then promptly fell asleep and snored like a train. After a while I fell asleep and woke up at first light. K stirred and I could feel his hard dick pressing in to me, "one more time before I go?" he said. We fucked each other and he then had to go, he said he might see me tonight but didn't know. He thanked me and said it was great losing his first times to me. I was shocked he was a virgin and he said that he had to be careful in Penang, and meeting someone like me was the safest way to get some action.

He left and i dozed off. I got up feeling sticky from the night before and that the ceiling fan didn't really help with the humidity. Grabbing a towel and pulling on some pants i went into the shower. I rinsed off the sweat and crusty bits from the session with K and soaped my hair, I heard the shower next to me go which surprised me given there were 6 other heads. As the soap cleared I could see it was Jum. 'Hi Andy, good night last night? sounded like it when I went to the toilet" and he winked at me and I blushed. He then turned to give me a full frontal, he had a decent sized cock considering he was chinese, he also made a very obvious checking me out look and said "lucky boy whoever he was", he moved closer to me into my shower. He put his hand on my cock and took mine and put it on his and whispered "I don't have long but I really need this" and started wanking me. I did the same to him and we moaned and groaned as the movement of our hands on cocks in the water made slapping sound. We both came on each others hands and then washed ourselves sin the shower. I wondered what the fuck was going on. Jum turned to me and said "I have to go otherwise Li will get suspicious. Li is going to go shopping after lunch, I'm going to feign a headache and stay behind. I'll knock on your door at 1.30, if you fancy some more action and a bit of an explanation open it, if not then this was fun and I'll always remember it fondly". He then walked out he shower, towelled off and headed back to his room. I felt guilty on behalf of Li but I was also horny and Jum was pretty fit and attractive so I made sure I was in my room at 1.30. He knocked on the door and i invited him in. We both stood there looking at each other awkwardly for a moment, before throwing ourselves on each other and practically ripping our clothes off. We kissed and then got on to the bed, I asked what he wanted to do and he said "fuck me with your big cock". So I did, I eased into him and he gasped in pain, but soon he was grunting in pleasure as I fucked him. I made him squeal with pleasure and he was begging me to fuck him harder. I came in him, stroked him and asked if he wanted to fuck me. He said no but would I suck him, so I did and he moaned with pleasure and told me it was the best he'd ever had. Unsurprisingly given how experienced I was!

After we chatted and I got to the bottom of what happened between us.

"I'm going to settle down with Li, our parents are happy and we love each other. However I wanted to know what it was like to have sex with a boy when the chance arose and today it did. Particularly one so attractive. I promised myself I wanted to try it but the only place my penis will penetrate is Li's vagina. So I wanted to feel what it was like to have one in me, and I felt using your hand or mouth wasn't the same as me sticking it in you."

Bloody science students and their weird logic. Anyway that was fine with me, I gave him the opportunity again to fuck me but he turned it down. He did ask me to do it to him again which I did and I sucked him off. He then left the room and I cleaned up. Didn't see K that evening which was disappointing but I guess we'd had our fun.

Next morning I was up very early for my ferry and went to the showers again. I was towelling off when Jum walked in. "Andy, is that offer still open, I have to know?" and he showed me his hard cock. He fucked me in the shower and let me do him back. He said it was worth it and while that was it for him he'd remember it fondly, "might even jack off to the thought of your cock in me sometimes" he said with a grin. I had to shower off again and ended up almost missing my ferry but it was worth it!

Next: Chapter 9

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