Bad Boys Series

By Chaz / Unkle C

Published on Apr 30, 2003


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write: I would love to hear if you like my story.

"Bad Boys" pt. 1

On an island in northern Maine, there is a very large old resort, that has since been transformed into a wayward home for boys.

Troubled boys as well as orphaned boys are sent here, depending on room availability.

The orphaned boys range from 8-17 years old. The troubled boys, are boys ranging from 13-17 years old.

The troubled boys are young teenagers that are considered uncontrollable, either by their parents or by the authorities.

The uncontrollable acts that would lead a boy to be sent here, could be anything from skipping school much too often, or an abusive behavior such as consistent fighting and beating up other boys and or men, just for the pure fun of it.

There are a few such boys here at the wayward home.

These boys are or have become extremely aggressive and dominating.

Using their well muscled bodies and aggression, to gain control and power, and using this power to their advantage.

This home was never meant to be a jail of any sort, nor an institution for juveniles.

The activity that transpires here, if known by the authorities, would cause it to be closed down permanently.

However! the young studs see to it, that no harmful information ever leaves the island.

There are no guards of any type.

The only adult supervision consists of the director of the home and his staff.

The staff includes two young single male teachers that are fresh from college, and have had a difficult time finding a more suitable teaching position elsewhere.

Also on the staff are three young male cooks, and a young male nurse.

The Director of the home is Tim Johnson, or as a few boys prefer to call him "Timmy"

Mr. Johnson is a 32 year old widower, and a former High School Principal.

He took this job to escape the real world after losing his beloved wife and step son in a fatal plane crash, he was left extremely lonely, without any self confidence, or self pride.

Guilt took it's toll on poor Mr. Johnson, since it was his idea to send his wife and stepson on a vacation without him.

Being slight of build, and soft spoken, Mr. Johnson was never much of an enforcer of rules or guidelines.

However within the past two years, his mind seems to have deteriorated.

Leaving him even less capable of enforcing rules or restrictions.

The remaining staff takes all their orders from Mr. Johnson, following his policies and procedures without question.

Never realizing or even guessing that his orders are coming from someone else, with-in the home itself.

The home is separated into 3 wings, the left wing being the residence of the younger boys 8-12 yrs. old.

There are 32 boys in this wing, with 8 large bedrooms, 4 boys to a bedroom.

The middle wing consists of the staff residence, the sick ward, the school rooms, the cafeteria, and the office of Mr. Johnson.

The right wing is the residence of boys aged 13-17, it has a total of 9 rooms.

There are 30 boys in this wing, 6 rooms shared by 4 boys each, and 3 rooms shared by 2 boys each.

Each wing consists of 3 levels.

Food, clothing, supplies, and mail are either delivered by boat or as in bad weather, delivered by helicopter.

This story is based on the activities of the boys within this home.

Mainly centered around 3 boys, all 3 are extremely tough bullies.

They are referred to (in private of course) as the "BRAT PACK" by their teachers, and Mr. Johnson.

Kevin is the oldest of the 3, he is 16, 5' 9", 145 pounds, of solid muscle, blond hair, hazel eyes.

Kevin (as do the other 2) has a bad attitude, he is rough, tough, cocky, very aggressive and extremely dominating.

Yet he tries very hard to keep everything, and everyone, in order.

Kevin or "Master Kevin" as he prefers to be called, was sent to the home as a troubled boy, his dad left him, his little brother, and his mom, shortly after his little bro was born, never to be heard from since.

He grew up mean and fought other boys on an every day basis, generally just for the fun of it.

When Kevin reached puberty close to his 13th b-day, he went a step further, getting off on the beatings he would give to the other boys, whether younger or older.

He would, (many times after beating up his victims) enjoy humiliating them, by forcing them to worship him, in whatever way he saw fit.

After a few too many fights at school, the school officials decided that he was uncontrollable, and was told of a school on an island in Maine that might be better suitable for a 13 yr. old bully such as Kevin.

Danny is the next oldest, he is 15, 5' 9", 138 pounds, very muscled, blondish hair, blue eyes.

Like Kevin he is rough, tough, cocky, aggressive and dominating.

Danny, or referred to as "Master Danny" by the other boys, is an orphan, left at a police station door step when only a year old, he was taken to an orphanage in New Hampshire, and remained there till his 10th b-day.

At which time the orphanage closed, and Danny was sent to the boys home in Maine, where he remains.

He has always had a cocky attitude, which has left him friendless, that is, till he teamed up with Kevin.

Bobby is the youngest, just turning 14. he is 5' 7" 135 pounds, of pure solid muscle, the reward of working out every day.

He has black hair, and eyes as black as coal. he has the worse attitude of the three.

He is by far more aggressive, more dominating, more mean, and by far more feared than the other 2 put together.

If you look up evil in the dictionary, it has a picture of Bobby under it.

Bobby, or "Master Bobby" as he is known, was taken away from his mom when he was 8 yrs old.

His mom was an alcoholic of the worse kind, often selling her body ( many times in full view of Bobby ) to buy her next bottle.

He was taken from her by the state, and sent to the home on the island at the age of 8.

After reaching his 13th birthday, he was transferred to the right wing. He immediately earned the title of Master, after being the master of the younger boys for many years.

His reputation proceeded him to the right wing, and he was of course welcomed by Kevin and Danny, as a new master in the wing of the older boys.

All three boys, work out on a daily basis in the weight room. They do this for a reason, and certainly not just too look good. They want to be far stronger than any other person at the school. Thus allowing themselves to maintain their power and control, over the entire home.

Unbeknownst to Mr. Johnson's staff, all activities, all orders, all business transactions are decided by the Brat Pack, and passed on to Mr. Johnson.

Kevin and Danny share a room, Bobby who has never been able to share a room with anyone, (mainly because he has refused to, and has beat the fuck out of anyone they have tried to put in his room with him) now shares a room with a boy named Bryan.

Bryan is 15, going on 16, he's 5' 8", 132 pounds, dark brown hair, brown eyes.

Bryan is not really muscled, yet he has a solid swimmers build, so not really scrawny by any means, and with a little work, he too could be a well muscled dude.

What Bryan lacks in muscle, he makes up for in looks. A very cute face, beautiful white teeth that sparkle when he smiles, with huge dimples that accentuate that smile.

He is so cute, that his parents were approached many times by agents searching for children and teens to appear in television commercials.

Bryan has been sent to the home just recently.

He hates his parents and sister, and ran away from home so often, that his high school and the state had to step in.

They sent Bryan to this home here in Maine, in hopes of teaching him that the grass is not always greener over the hill.

Bryan has a very cocky attitude, never having many friends, and constantly fist fighting with the few he had.

He's always been kind of a bully, but when he is confronted by another dude that is tougher, he backs down immediately without putting up much of a fight.

He's a confused young teen, fighting with many mixed emotions, his sexual desires being the toughest of his battle with emotions.

My story kind of starts with the arrival of Bryan.

Mr. Johnson, after giving the matter hours and hours of thought, struggling to find an easy way out, decided he had no alternative but to place Bryan in the only room at the home, with an empty bed in it.

Now you would think that shouldn't have been such a hard decision to make.

However, Mr. Johnson fears that by making such a move, it will put him self and poor Bryan in danger, knowing quite well, how Bobby feels about sharing a room with any one.

However, after hours of tossing the decision back and forth in his mind, he decided to give it one more try. Even with fresh memories, of the last time he tried this, with himself and the other boy each receiving a severe beating, and being forced into an extremely humiliating situation. "Chad, I need you to file this paper work on Bryan, then escort Bryan to the right wing, he will be sharing the room with Bobby Covino"

Mr. Johnson frowned as these words left his mouth.

Chad with the look of death in his eyes, cried out, " Mr. Johnson, are you sure, you want to place him in with Master Bobby?"

This irritated poor Mr. Johnson "JESUS CHAD! Would you please stop referring to him as Master! please? is it no wonder he feels he has the run of this place? he and his partners in crime! "

Chad looked at Mr. Johnson with a smirk on his face, " Sure Mr Johnson! I'd be happy to stop referring to Bobby as Master, and Kevin and Danny as well! I'll do that on the same day that you stop sir!"

Mr. Johnson, now glaring at Chad, "Just escort this young man over there please!, and without any further discussion, if you wouldn't mind!"

Chad shook his head. "ok sir! But we both know all HELL is going to break loose here tonight!"

Chad walked out of the office, and found Bryan down the hallway sitting on a bench.

Chad looking Bryan over, trying to visualize what his pretty face will look like within an hour from now.

Chad introduced himself to Bryan, putting his hand out and welcoming Bryan to the home.

Bryan ignored the hand and said in a very low voice. "FUCK!! wouldn't you know! the place is filled with fags!"

Chad pretending not to here Bryans comment, said with a smile, "you're going to love your new roomie, BUT! don't be at all afraid of him, he just tries to be tough, it's really all talk, no action, oooh yeah! and a word of advice, if you start off letting him know that your in charge, he'll back down real quick!"

Bryan not even looking at Chad, kept his head held high. "yeah whatever dude! no one here is ever gonna mess with ME! I can tell you that right now, and that goes for you too fag!" Bryan snarled.

Chad grinned an evil grin as he opened the door to Bobby's room, " here you are Bryan, just make yourself completely at home, there's a closet over there. Move some stuff out of it, if you need more room dude! Bobby is way easy going and wont mind a bit, and I don't think he'll mind you taking whatever bed you prefer. Just keep in mind, his roar is way worse than his bite, k? Stand up to him and don't let him scare ya, he's just a wimp, who talks big"

Chad leaving Bryan alone in the room, walked away with that evil grin still on his face, as he was thinking to him self, "poor dude! such a cute face too! ooooh well! Couldn't happen to a better person! hmmmmmm, wonder how he knows I'm gay?"

Please write: I would love to hear if you like my story

Next: Chapter 2: Bad Boys 2

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