Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Jul 16, 2009


The story continues...

Bad Girl is coming to an end folks. It was quite the ride though. Hope you all like this one.

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Thanks a mil to my proofers for helping me keep the story together. :)

Now to a special reader, take a hit of this Atlantafiend! A tease I am NOT!

Bad Girl - 15

By Mas

Why is it that when everything's going good it has to turn so bad? Why can't everything just stay...good? Smooth? Easy?


I didn't really notice when everything started to get complicated.

I had a cousin who I could talk to about practically everything now. She was miles away but always made herself available to me. I had a group of friends who I knew loved me and who I loved. Our little group of friends was slowly growing at lunch time and we even managed to find time to hang in between studying for our finals. Everyone was talking about college, some looking at applying to schools near to each other's. We all knew though that for a lot of us the school that offered the best scholarships were going to be it.

Kia and I seemed to be the ying to each other's yang. She'd frown and I had a good idea what was bothering her. I'd be grumpy and she'd know when to back off and give me space. Donna just thought it was creepy, I thought it was sweet.

My mom and dad were more comfortable with Kia coming by now and even Chris managed to be civil around her. I was sure that I was getting the award for English that year and was on cloud nine, then Kia's dad promised her what she was lusting after for a year now if she got all As. They had to compromise on her Home Economics class that she couldn't seem to drop that semester.

He was going to buy her a motorcycle if she pulled through with the As. She was on cloud nine since he told her. School was out for the day and we were all talking in the parking lot, no one wanting to be the first to go home. Since it was the middle of the week no one could suggest we hang out. It was too close to exams to even think of it.

"Man, that math exam is going to kill me, I know it." I was telling Donna. She tucked away her makeup and shook her head.

"Your girlfriend is practically a genius, why don't you ask her for help?"

"She IS helping me. I still think that I'm gonna mess it up anyway." I noticed that Monica was talking to Lovette and practically ignoring Claudia. It seemed to be a pattern for the last week. A strange pattern since they were suppose to be together. "What's up with Monica and Claudia?"

"I think they broke up." Claudia must have felt us looking and talking about her because she looked up then walked over.

"Someone wants to offer to tutor me with Economics?" Claudia looked at me and winked. "What do you say mama?"

"I say no." She pouted. I reached out and pushed her lower lip back in. She grabbed my finger. "I don't even take that class smarty."

"That's okay, I think I can still get an A if you help me out." I laughed and pulled my finger free. We both knew what kind of help she wanted. I glanced over to Kia's car, she was talking to Donald so I turned back and poked Claudia in the stomach. "Why don't you stop?"

She smiled and showed off her dimples. It wasn't fair that she managed to stay single, always floating around, snagging a pretty girl here or there. Then I heard about some of the "popular" girls who managed to get a night with her. She deserved more than that.

"I heard about you and Monica. Why didn't you tell me?" Her smiled dropped.

"Well, you didn't ask." She looked over at Monica and sighed. "Some shit just aint meant to be I guess." I rubbed her arm and she smiled. "We're still cool."

"She was good for you." I hugged her then stepped back to poke her dimple.

"Yeah, so I've been told. It's as if everyone thinks I'm some wild animal or something! Geesh!"

"If the shoe fits..." She grabbed me around the waist then let me go when we heard Kia's voice. I turned to tell Donna bye and caught her looking worried. Her eyes were on me.

"Don't worry Kia, I didn't hurt her!"" Claudia shouted out. Kia just shook her head and waved me over to the car. She nodded at Donald then opened up the passenger side. I grabbed Donna's hand and asked her what was wrong.

"What's up with you and Claudia?" It took me a moment to understand what she meant but when I did my mouth hung open.

"Are you serious?" She was.

"You two seem real chummy lately," she said quietly then leaned closer. "Are you thinkin' about cheating Chloe?"

"Are you crazy? Why would you even ASK that Don?" I watched an eyebrow raise and her arms cross. We moved a few steps away. "We are FRIENDS! That's it! Don't go getting any ideas. Geez!"

"Well, I'm just saying know how she had a major crush on you-" I didn't even give her time to finish.

"We're friends Don, that's it." She raised her hands and stepped back then watched as I got into the car. How could she even think that? Was everyone else thinking that too? I turned to look at Kia, she kept her eyes on the road but I knew that she saw me looking when she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"You okay?"

"Umm, yeah. I'm fine." Donna gave me much more to think about than I planned on that night.

My birthday was coming up. It fell on the Tuesday after our last day of exams but two days before school officially ended for the summer. Time was flying and we weren't able to all meet up for lunch with everyone studying whenever they had a chance.

Kia was in some science lab with Donald going over experiments and quizzing each other but I wanted a break from studying. So when lunch time came around you could have found me most days actually eating lunch.

Claudia usually came moseying outside with Lovette after prowling the halls.

"Hey mama." She grabbed a fry from my plate and sat down facing the school yard. "I just aced my economics exam." She buffed her nails on her shirt then looked over at me.

"Way to go Claudia!" We high-fived. "I have Physics tomorrow then my last one is on Friday."

"Me too," Lovette said then stood up to get some food.

"My birthday's coming up!" I said happily. She smirked and nodded her head. A girl walked by smiling shyly at Claudia. I watched Claudia wink at her then flash her dimples.

"Yeah, you've been reminding us about it everyday this week. We gonna party right?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Kia wants to do something at her place." Claudia's eyes lit up.

"That'll be fuckin' cool man! Her place is sweet. I love that freakin' pool too." I was confused for a moment until I remembered the whirlpool that was outside the house. We hardly went outside when I came over. "I'll help her plan it, you're our little Chloe. Gotta celebrate your 17th with style."

"Someone said somethin' about a celebration?" Lovette asked. I grabbed one of the chicken nuggets from her plate. "Hey! You just had lunch." She wrapped her arm around her food protectively and kept an eye on me as she ate. "Now, who's havin' a party?"

"Kia is, for Chloe, on the last day of school." Claudia announced. "We should invite some of your old crew. I know at least half of 'em are family." Lovette laughed and high-fived her.

"They wouldn't come," I said as I looked over at some of them sitting together under the shed of the cafeteria.

"Oh yes they would," Claudia said. "And if they're not invited I bet they walk up to you or Kia asking for an invite."

"You're on," I said and shook her hand. "Oh! I'll find someone to set you up with that night." Claudia shook her head and crossed her arms.

"I'm done with relationships. Back in playa mode mama." Her cocky expression faltered a bit and I looked over to see why. Monica was in the cafeteria. Claudia spun around on the bench straddling it and facing me.

"What happened?" She looked at me then looked away.

"She got jealous of some girl." I asked her who the girl was. "I wouldn't worry about it." Lovette grunted then nearly choked on a fry when Claudia punched her in the arm.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing. Anyway, I don't like that jealous shit so we had to break up." Something wasn't adding up but I decided to let it go since she looked so down.

"Well no matter what you deserve someone good, not these sneaky hoes in this school who want to get with you behind closed doors then pretend they don't know you at school." She smiled at me.

"You think so huh?" I poked her dimple again.

"I love your dimples!" I poked both at the same time. When I pulled away I saw Donna standing a few feet away looking at me with the same expression she had the other day. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my drink. I was starting to wonder if when every time I said more than two words to Claudia I'd be "cheating" on Kia?

"Hey, what's up?" She asked as she sat down. They all began to chat oblivious to the tention between us. I was uncomfortable now so didn't say much. She noticed and nudged me. "Hey, why so quiet?" She asked.

"Well I don't want to say anything that would give you the wrong impression." She looked hurt.

Join the club...

"Chloe..." She began. I raised my hand in the universal "save it" gesture and told everyone that I had to study.

"Later mama. I'll talk to Kia about the party." I nodded my head and went in search of her myself. When I looked back I caught the hurt look in Donna's eyes. I turned around and kept going.

We didn't meet again until that afternoon after her exam. I asked her to drive out to the lake and she agreed to do it even though she knew we had to be at school early the next day.

"You want some food first?" I told her no. By the time we got there I was ready to jump out of the car. She followed me to the shore at a slower pace.

I jammed my hands into my jeans pockets and looked out into the water. It was like it went on forever but I knew that it didn't. It had to stop somewhere.

"I can't believe the semester is over already." Her arms wrapped around my waist and I leaned back into her. She was so warm. I turned around to hug her properly. With the weather so warm now she hardly wore her jacket. "It felt like last week when I saw you again the first day of school. It's been crazy huh?" She chuckled but remained quiet.

I had to tell her something, I just didn't know how to get it out. "Kia..." I said. She pulled back and looked down at me. "I...ummm..."

"What is it?" I couldn't.

"I want to lay down." She nodded her head but looked at me for a few moments before walking back to the car for the blanket she kept in the trunk. When she came back I was wiping away tears I didn't even realize were falling.

"Hey...hey..." She bent her knees to look into my eyes. I tried to look away but she kept tugging my chin up. "Tell me what's wrong Chloe." Her voice sounded shaky but when I looked into her eyes they were the same steady brown that I knew. I must have heard wrong.

"I guess I'm just sad because school's ending and everything. I'll miss everyone." Both of us didn't point out that just about all of us were going to be in the city working or being lazy bums at home all summer. She just hugged me then pulled me down to the blanket.

When I lay down I felt her hands move up my back then to my neck. Then her arms were hugging me tight. "I love you Chloe." She knew the reason I gave for crying wasn't the real reason but she wasn't going to push me.

"I know." Suddenly all the craziness in my head settled down. Maybe she knew the real reason too.

That Friday I nearly lost my mom.

I came home from school after taking my English exam and hanging with Claudia and Missy on the court. They were still trying, unsuccessfully, to romance me to the senior's basketball team. Their season ended pretty well with them making to third place in the regional playoffs again. Kia's exams were over much earlier in the day and I convinced her to go home and study or something instead of waiting around for me. It took me an hour just to get her to leave.

The silence of my cell phone had me worried at first since I almost always got a text from Kia telling me this or that. I slapped my forehead when I remembered that I turned it off for my exam.

With me and Donna being weird around each other I hadn't gotten any random texts from her for a few days. "She's wrong and an idiot and I'm still mad!" I said to my empty room. Her attempts at trying to talk were brushed away. I felt as if two more days of the cold shoulder would be sufficient.

I turned my phone on and was about to put it on my dresser when it lit up.

"20 missed calls!" I scrolled through and saw that most of them were from my dad or Chris. I checked my watch. 5:30pm. My dad not being home already finally hit me. I got out of bed.

"Dad? Mom?" I expected to hear my dad hollering that he was home at some point. Nothing. I checked my voice mail. The first one was Chris telling me to call her asap. The next one was her telling me to get my ass to a phone and call her then her muttering something about not having Kia's number. Kia's number?

The third message made me scared. "Chloe, mom's in the hospital. You need to call me, I can't leave dad. He's scared shitless. You have to get Kia to drive you have to...yes we're the family of Lori Soto!" then silence. The rest of the messages were similar to the first few. My heart was beating like crazy and my hands were shaking.

"What's going on?" I asked as I ran for the phone. Just as I wrapped my hand around it, it rang. I snatched it up. "Chris?"

"Where the fuck have you been?!" She shouted at me.

"I had exams then I was at school. What's going on?"

"It's mom Chlo, she had a heart attack." Chris only used the shortened version of my name when she was sad....or scared. My eyes were pouring tears by then as she told me about mom leaving work then collapsing at the exit of her building. They had to call an ambulance for her and they called Chris when they couldn't get dad. Chris called dad next and was trying to contact me since then.

"How is she?"

"They're saying she's stable now but she had a heart attack Chlo..." I asked which hospital. She told me. "I'd come for you Chloe but dad's a mess. He was really scared." I promised to be there as soon as possible.

I dialed Kia's number but couldn't get through. I tried 5 more times then tried Donna's phone. Her mom answered. Hi, Ms. Christie. Is Donna home?"

"No sweetie, she ran to the store and forgot her phone on the kitchen table. Can I take a message for her?"

"Tell her that Chloe called and I need her to call me as soon as she can."

"Okay dear." I hung up and wiped at my eyes.

Why can't I reach anyone?

I tried Kia again but there was no answer. I didn't have Missy's or Lovette's number and didn't even know if they had cellphones. Then a face popped in my head and I scrolled down until I saw her name and number glowing at me.

She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey mama."

"Claudia..." She heard the tears in my voice and started to ask questions right away.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes Chloe. Sit tight." She hung up and I ran downstairs to wait for her.

I heard her jeep before I saw it. Her tires squealed their way to a stop in front of my house and she ran out. I hugged her and thanked her for coming.

"I'm so sorry Chloe," I nodded my head as she ushered me into her jeep. "Which hospital again?" I told her and we took off.

We ran into the hospital pulling the closest nurse over to ask for directions to the floor Chris and my dad were on. When we entered the room immediately I saw the red eyes of my aunts. Aunt Jenny came over and hugged me.

"Aunt Jenny..."

"You're mama's okay Chloe. She's just fine." She rocked me as I cried into her chest. I felt a warm hand on my back and turned to see my dad standing there looking lost. I hugged him tight.

"Is she okay daddy?"

"The doctor said she's stabilized now, they're running a few tests. She was awake when I slipped in but tired." He looked like he aged a few years within the last few hours. I looked past all the worried faces to see Chris sitting down with arms crossed. I sat next to her and she reached for my hand. We sat like that until the doctor came out 30 minutes later to update us.

"...She's stable now but we're keeping her overnight. Whoever called the ambulance did so right on time." We all sighed in relief. Claudia, who was standing in the hallway stepped inside the room and knelt down.

"You okay Chloe?" I nodded my head and grabbed her hand. "I just called Kia-"

"Why didn't she call me back?" I pulled out my phone and answered my own question a moment later, it was on vibrate. "What the hell is going on today?"

"I don't know but you need to learn how to answer that phone," Chris grumbled.

"Did Donna call you?"

"She said she's sorry she missed your call and she's coming here." I nodded my head. It was good to know that she was coming even when I was acting like a bitch to her. The person I needed the most though was Kia. Right then I saw my phone lighting up. Incoming call: Kia.

I couldn't press the talk button fast enough. "Chloe, which hospital?" I told her. "I'm sorry baby, I was downstairs with my dad. I'm sorry."

"Just come Kia. I need you."

"I'm coming."

Claudia sat on one side of me as Chris sat on the other. Yasmine was next to Chris holding her hand. Donna showed up 15 minutes earlier and was flipping through a magazine across the room. I told the nurse that she was my sister.

Dad sat slouched in the chair with his eyes closed. He wasn't sleeping though. "I can't lose her..." I heard him talking quietly to my Aunt Jenny then watched my dad cry on her shoulder. That was one thing I never wanted to see ever. My eyes began to water again so I stood up and left the room. I heard footsteps behind me but didn't look back.

When I turned the corner of the hallway I stopped and leaned against a wall squeezing my fists to my eyes, trying to keep the tears in there. "They said she's okay Chloe. Don't cry sweetie." I turned into Claudia's shoulder.

"She looked so sick in that ugly bed and those ugly sheets." When the doctor allowed us to see her I was relieved but that wasn't my mom lying on that bed. She never looked so sick before, even when she was in the middle of her most painful migraines. I felt a little better when she ordered us from her bed to get our butts home and told my dad to buy the groceries she knew he forgot. I wiped my eyes again as Claudia rubbed my arm.

"You guys going to stay?" She asked.

"My aunt wants us to go home to sleep but dad's not budging." When I sighed Claudia pulled away and looked at me with sad eyes.

"You need to-" When she stopped talking I looked up and saw that her gaze was focused on something behind me. I turned around and felt my eyes welling up again when I saw Kia standing there looking like she ran a mile.

Her face looked sweaty, her chest was heaving and the shirt she wore a t-shirt that had a hole on the shoulder but more importantly, it was yellow. I never saw Kia in color outside of her bedroom.

She looked unsure for a moment then opened her arms. I ran into them and started to cry again. Just when I thought I had those tears under control.

"Kia, she's sick. She looks so tired."

"Shhh, it's okay baby." She hugged me tight then pulled away wiping at my tears. Everything felt bearable now. How can one person make it all seem bearable? "I'm sorry Chloe, I was downstairs with my dad, he wanted to have some father daughter bonding shit-" I nodded my head and told her it was okay. "No it's not, I'm sorry."

"You're here now. And Claudia was here. Even Donna came a bit earlier." She nodded at Claudia then held out her fist. They touched fists then we all began the walk back to the waiting room. There was hardly anywhere to sit now with more uncles and cousins coming in to support us.

"...not leaving her Jenny. I'm staying, so just take the girls home please. They need to sleep at home tonight."

"Oh and you don't dad?" Chris asked crossing her arms. "I don't see why we can't stay too..."

"Because she said to get you home when she was lucid those few minutes Chris." Aunt Jenny argued then looked at me, she smiled when she spotted Kia. "Chloe, you need to go home hon, sleep so you can be here bright and early tomorrow."

"Why can't I stay?" She rolled her eyes and glared at Chris.

"Are you two always this stubborn?" We smirked. "You're going home, your mom's orders. Now you can go willingly or by force but I'm not gonna have you two sleeping in these damn chairs all night."

"But mom won't be there..." I said quietly. Aunt Jenny walked over and hugged me.

"She's stable honey, they did the tests, it's a problem we can help your mom fix." The doctors told us that her cholesterol level was higher than normal and her blood pressure was high enough to make them worry. She was going to be taking it easy from now on.

Yes, we would help to get my mom on the healthier-lifestyle train but that didn't take away the fact that she nor my dad would be sleeping home that night.

"I can stay with you." I heard and looked up to see Kia watching me worriedly.

"Would you?" She nodded her head. I grabbed her hand and wiped my eyes again. Chris looked miserable but stood up. We hugged our dad and some of our aunts and uncles then made our way outside.

I had quite a few texts and phone calls since we arrived at the hospital; friends telling me they hope my mom was okay or that we were in their prayers. Donna, who was quietly standing by walked up and grabbed my hand.

"She'll be fine Chloe. I know it." I smiled and nodded my head. We hugged and she promised to call to get an update the next day.

We all walked to the hospital parking lot, Chris deciding to drive home with Yas. Donna hugged me tight. "She's gonna be fine Chloe!"

"Thanks for coming."

"You're my girl, I had to come." She squeezed my arm and promised to call in the morning. "I'd volunteer to sleep over but I get the feeling that three's a crowd." I laughed when she nodded her head at Kia who stood speaking quietly to Claudia.

When I stepped close enough to hear they both stopped talking. This time it wasn't one of those normal silences where my interruption was an annoyance. They really got into their "guy" talk sometimes. This time it felt different, like they were happy I interrupted them. I looked from Claudia who had her arms crossed and a scowl on her face to Kia who was glaring right back at her. Kia held out her hand. I took it but not before rubbing Claudia's arm.

"Thank you so much Claudia."

"Well at least SOMEONE has some fuckin' manners." She waved off my confused look. "We'll talk later. Tell your mum I said feel better soon." With that she opened the door to her jeep.

"What's going on?" I asked Kia. She watched Claudia drive off then ran her hand through her hair.

"You ready to go?" That was the end of THAT conversation.

When we got home Chris was in the kitchen making something to eat. She looked up from the pot she was setting on the stove and scowled. "Oh, I forgot you were here. Did you want some?"

"Nice Chris," I said and rolled my eyes. "And no thanks. We'll make PB and J." With arms crossed she turned to Kia.

"I'd offer you some but there won't be enough." The sad way she said this didn't quite match the irritation in her eyes. "Sorry."

"I didn't have plans to get poisoned tonight so it's probably for the best." Kia replied. I grabbed her arm and pushed her toward the stairs.

"Go to my room Kia." She smirked as she disappeared around the corner. "What's with you two?" Chris shrugged as she mixed some pasta concoction.

"She's annoying and rude and full of herself." When I took away the "full of herself" part Kia sounded just like her and I told her so. A snort was my answer.

"She'll be fine right Chris?" Her mixing slowed but resumed even faster now.

"She has to be." I nodded my head but didn't move. "Those sandwiches gonna make themselves?"

She had to be okay. I made our sandwiches and was about to leave the kitchen but stopped and dropped the sandwiches on the counter. Chris' body was tense the moment after I hugged her but her shoulders relaxed against my cheek and she sighed. "Get some sleep okay?" She told me quietly.

"I love you Chris."

"Okay corny, I love you too. Now go away Chloe." She liked to act like a bully but she was like every other big sister in the world when it came down to it; all mush on the inside.

Kia came back into the bedroom wiping her mouth with her t-shirt. "We have towels for that you know?" She shrugged then pulled the shirt off. I smiled at the muscles that flexed when she lowered her arms. Her workouts with Peter were already showing results. I liked the results.

"Hit the lights?" She asked then flicked them off when I said yes.

I turned my back to her and grabbed her arms when I felt her snuggling up behind me. She flung a thigh over my legs wrapping her entire body around me. It was just what I needed.

We settled down and soon we were both breathing deeply, just not deep enough to be asleep.

"Is that what you went through for years Kia? When you're dad was sick?" She squeezed me tighter.

"You're mom's gonna be fine."

"I know, but is it?" She was quiet for a beat then I felt her nodding her head against my neck. "I was so scared." She nodded her head again.

"I know." Her lips brushed the skin her warm breath was caressing for the last few minutes. "I hate that Claudia was there first."

"She's just the person who had her phone with her Kia. I called you first." She was quiet. I shifted away and turned around to face her. It was quite the feat on my twin sized bed but I managed. I pushed her back and stretched over her feeling her arms surround me. She was pouting. "You're here now." We kissed then I closed my eyes and tried to forget that my mom was lying in some cold, lonely hospital bed that night.

My mom was quite fine. Grouchy actually and taking full advantage of her invalid status in the house. That weekend was all about everyone in the house being at her beck and call. She nearly died Chloe, she nearly died, I had to repeat this to myself all day long because the woman was driving me insane.

"Chloe!" She shouted down the stairs. I looked at Chris who was rubbing her feet, aching now from running up and down the stairs. Our dad got out of it today by disappearing to the food store. That was about 3 hours ago.

"For someone who just had a heart attack she's sure shouting her head off," Chris grumbled. I groaned and trudged up the stairs. Again.

"Yes mother." She ignored my attitude and asked me to grab the remote for her...the remote that was at the opposite end of her bed, approximately a foot from HER foot. "Anything else mother?"

"Some tea would be nice sweetie. Herbal." She smiled and began to surf the channels. "Where's your dad?"

"Hiding from you," I mumbled.

"What's that?"

"I said running errands." I escaped her bedroom and almost wished that I went with Kia to the studio that morning.

"How's she doing?" Those were the first words said over the phone.

"Oh, my mom is juuuust fine. Definitely sucking up all this attention." She laughed and reminded me that my mom almost died. "Kinda hard to remember when she's calling me up the stairs to open her window an itty bitty inch so that she can get just the right amount of breeze."

"So, do you still want to celebrate your birthday?"

"Yes! Anything to escape this child labour. I'll leave Chris to it that night." She wanted it at her house but wanted to know who to invite since she wanted to have Missy throw some invitations together. I thought that word of mouth was fine but according to Missy, I was wrong.

"She asked if she could do it. She likes to do that shit on the computer."

"Well...okay." She chuckled.

"You don't have exams these last two days do you?" Kia asked.

"Nope, but my mom doesn't know that so I'll be at school. We can get dad to run up and down the stairs now. Can you believe that he ran off like 4 hours ago to buy juice?" She chuckled and said that she could believe it.

"Well, I'm planning it for Wednesday night then? Last day of classes right?"

On Monday Kia bought my mom a bouquet of flowers and a card that practically demanded that she get better soon or else.

Mom was happy to see her that evening, and so was I. Even though I knew it was stupid I felt myself getting jealous of the attention she was giving my mom. I laughed at myself and had to shake myself out of it as I really listened to what she was asking my mom. They were questions about the changes in her diet and lifestyle that the doctor recommended.

"Well if you need any info on what your doc said my uncle is a nurse and has nothing better do when he's home." She smiled up at Kia and opened her arms for a hug.

"Thank you for the flowers sweetie. You staying for a while right? Chris cooked some soup, stay for dinner." Kia glanced at me and shook her head.

"I'll pass, my uncle cooked food anyway."

"Exams done for you?" She shook her head and told her about the Biology exam she had coming up the next day.

When we left the room Kia's stomach decided to growl loudly. "We may have a problem."

"What's that?" She sat down on my bed and rubbed her stomach.

"Well, Uncle P's not cooking tonight and I'm fucking starving." I rolled my eyes and reminded her about the soup. "I'll pass."

"We all have to eat it so I doubt she'd just try to poison your bowl Kia." She grunted and lay back in the bed.

"I need to get home to study anyway."

"All you do is study." I straddled her hips. Her head tipped back to look at me.

"I have to so I can get into these schools I'm applying to next year." I groaned. "And get my bike." I rubbed her side distractedly. My dad was already asking me about college. I was hoping to hold it all off until the last minute but knew he was having none of it.

"I'm thinking about a school in this state," I said.

"I'm thinking out of state." I sat back and studied her face. She was serious.

"You are?" She nodded her head. I crawled off of her and sat on the bed Indian style. "I didn't know you wanted to do the long distance thing."

"Nothing's set in stone Chloe."

"But still..." Her foot began to tap quickly. She was nervous.

"My dad wants us all to go to Africa for 2 months this summer. Some safari shit." I sat back as if slapped. I was hoping to spend the summer with her. We even discussed it.

"Oh." My dad mentioned an extended vacation for my mom on the east coast somewhere but he was still in the "maybe" stage. Then if we went it was only going to be for a few 2 weeks. "When does he want to go?" I looked at my hands as I asked.

"July to the end of August."

"That's the entire summer Kia!" She shrugged as she studied me. "I thought..." I sighed in frustration and hopped off of the bed.

"What is it? What did you think?" I lowered my eyes so she wouldn't see the hurt there.

"Nothing Kia. Absolutely nothing." Spending time together apparently wasn't on HER to-do list. I turned around and caught a sad look on her face. A second later it was gone though as she stood up running her hand through her hair.

"I'm gonna head home. See you tomorrow?" Why would she ask me that? Of course I was going to see her. She was the only reason I was coming to school when my exams were over. Well her and escaping my mom's annoying game of fetch.

"Yeah." She nodded her head jamming her hands in her pockets. Then we were awkward. Awkward! Kia and I were NEVER awkward.

She spun on her heels but I grabbed her arm before she could step outside my room. The kiss was soft then changed into something harder, hotter. She held my neck as I explored her mouth. When I pulled away we were both breathing hard. "I love you." She looked at me intensely then nodded her head slowly.

She smirked then spun around again and left. I noticed two things; one, the awkwardness practically disappeared and two, she didn't say "I love you" back.

Probably something I should have been worried about right? I agree.

Kia didn't give me my birthday gift until after school the next day. She bought me a leather journal with my name engraved on the cover of it and a pair of the most delicate tear drop earrings. My parents and Chris got me some great gifts too, and the phone call and promise for a "package" from New York from Karin had me prembling in excitement, but Kia's gifts were the only ones that made me cry.

We were on the lake that evening. "So you like the gifts?" I fingered the earrings I already had on and smiled at her. They were tear dropped diamond earrings. Now I know that they were real but back then, of course I thought they were cubic zirconia. Next to me on the blanket was the book of love poems she bought from a used book store with "her poems" marked; that alone made me want to kiss her all over. She was sitting up next to me on the blanket but I fixed that quickly by pulling her closer for a kiss.

She hummed into my mouth. "So that's a yes then?" I chuckled and told her I only needed one more thing to make the day perfect. "What's that?"

"Some birthday sex," I said as my hand slipped down between us.

"But we're in public." She sounded surprised. Good, I thought, I need to keep her on her toes.

"No one's around." That was all the encouragement she needed. Soon she had me moaning and groaning into her.

Brendan and a few of my not-so-close friends actually wanted to come to the party. Claudia told us that they seemed disappointed when they weren't given invites. "Told you so!" She said when we sat down on the last day after our assembly in the gym.

We managed to avoid the balloon fights that erupted like clock work on campus. Jen and Gavin promised to be there that night with a few friends and more alcohol. Missy surprised us all and told us that she invited Sera. No one asked any questions after she threatened to pinch anyone who said a word about it. Her pinches really hurt so that wasn't an empty threat.

"Some of the cheerleading crew is coming too." Claudia announced. I looked at her waiting on the "just kidding!" to follow. It didn't.

"Claudia, what the hell?" She shrugged.

"What? I asked and they said they'd come. Not all of them, just the ones we're cool with."

"You mean the ones you've had sex with," Missy clarified then shook her head. "You're an idiot."

"What?!" I rolled my eyes and nudged Kia.

"I don't want a bunch of bimbos at my party Kia." I watched as an eyebrow slowly rose but she just smirked.

"Well that's kinda harsh," Claudia argued. "Not all cheerleaders are bimbos Chloe." I crossed my arms. She shrugged and looked around at everyone.. "They wanted to come."

"To chase after you and Kia." She shook her head. "Whatever. Not like I have any say in the matter anyway. It's just MY party."

"FINALLY she understands!" Claudia shouted. I shoved her away and asked about the music.

"Oh I got a DJ lined up." Claudia said.

"A DJ..." She nodded her head. "I thought we only asked you to bring your laptop since you have better songs...a DJ? How big is this party gonna be Claudia?" She looked at me and shrugged.

"Well people are inviting their people..." She shrugged again.

"Let's go. We need to put away anything that's breakable before this gets going." Kia said and ushered all of us to our rides.

Donna said she'd be stopping by at 12 that night. That was fine by me since I had no intention of getting accused of cheating on my girlfriend or "thinking" about cheating on my girlfriend the entire evening. Outside of calling to check up on my mom we were still not talking like we use too. Kia's weirdness alone was keeping a dull pain between my eyes.

Both of us weren't bringing up her trip to Africa. It was like a big elephant between us stuffing itself with peanuts. Then her mentioning studying out of state after highschool? No, we didn't talk about any of that, but we needed to.

The DJ Claudia found was some woman who spun for a club downtown. She was pretty good. People poured into Kia's house and yard earlier than we expected. I guess they were anxious for someone to whisper the word party.

"Chloe! Birthday girl!" Brendan shouted as he walked over a bit tipsy. "Happy birthday!" I thanked him even though it was not ACTUALLY my birthday that day.

Some of the old friends I use to hang with actually showed up and it looked like they were actually having a great time. Then some of Claudia's friends showed up. I didn't miss how many pretty faces were in HER group. There were a few butches here and there but enough femmes to keep every gay member of their team very happy. Jen and his friends were outside on the veranda dancing their heads off. I didn't think that the train of people he brought with him would ever end.

"This is a lot of people," I mumbled.

"I agree," Missy said next to me.

"Having fun?" She smirked and nodded toward the back doors that led into the kitchen. Sera was stepping out with two beers. "I think she's slowly breaking you down Missy."

"Well she asked me to dance about 20 times already..." She rolled of her eyes but couldn't hide the bit of interest I saw there. Was Missy into girls too? More importantly, was she into our little Sera?

"She's a smart kid and isn't as immature as you think." She looked me from the corner of her eyes then wiped her hands on her jeans.

"She's kinda young Chloe..."

"Ohhh, I'm sorry grandama. When did two years become too old to go out with someone." She laughed and shook her head. "Give her a chance Missy, and besides," I leaned closer and smiled when she did too. "That girl can DANCE." Missy chuckled and walked over meeting a smiling Sera halfway. She looked surprised when Missy took their drinks and dragged them into the middle of the dancing bodies on the veranda.

I shook my head as I made my way inside. A lot of people were waving or trying to talk to me through their fogged brains. "Where's Kia?" I asked Lovette. She was beyond drunk.

"Wha?!" I patted her arm looking at her pitifully.

"You're really gonna feel this tomorrow Lovette." She nodded her head.

"And it's gonna fell goooooood!" One of the girls next to her gave her a high five that they both missed. That didn't stop her from pulling Lovette closer and sticking her tongue in her mouth.

I spotted Monica talking to Samantha near the TV room. She waved and smiled. Claudia was no where to be seen either. More drunk people or tipsy people and a few sober people stopped me to talk about school and being done or summer plans.

I spotted Claudia in a corner talking to some pretty face. She looked around and spotted me. When she nodded at me and held up a finger I decided to wait for her to make her way over to me.

"Soooo?! Havin' fun?" She flung an arm over my shoulders.

"I am actually. I'd have even more fun I f I could find Kia to get a dance out of her." She looked around the room and shrugged.

"I think I heard her say something about keeping assholes outta her bedrooms." Let's dance mama." I told her no.

"I wanna dance with Kia." She pouted then her pout looked sadder. I looked over and spotted the reason. Monica. "Why don't you just talk to her."

"I don't want to. Let's find Kia." She took my hand and we began to make our way through the crowd. I looked over to where Monica was standing. She was looking at us, at our joined hands. I tried to pull my hand away but Claudia was focused on getting us through.

We walked pass the front door that suddenly opened up. Donna. Of course.

"Hey!" She said excitedly then I watched her excitement wane as she spotted our joined hands. "Where you two off too?" She looked up the stairs we were obviously going up.

"Hey Don, we're tryin' to find Kia." I said. Claudia tugged me behind her.

"Uh huh..." There was that look again.

"We'll come back down to talk in a minute," Claudia shouted. When I looked behind me from the top of the stairs she was still looking up at us.

"Kia?!" Claudia shouted. People walked pass us as they left the bathroom with it's long lineup. We checked one of the two guest bedrooms then quickly jumped back and closed the door. "Fuck! That was one thing I didn't need to EVER see. Was that Gavin and..." I held my hand over my mouth to hold off my laugh. When I nodded my head she looked back at the closed door. "I guess he's really gay then."

"Wow..." I mumbled as we entered the second guestroom. It was empty. Claudia walked over to the bed and sat down. "I think that what we just saw was what she was trying to prevent from happening in her house."

Claudia laughed and picked up a picture from the side table. Both rooms had a black and white photo of Kia's mom. "She was pretty huh?"

I sat next to Claudia and took the frame staring at the attractive woman. I saw Kia's features even more in her now. "Man, does that girl know how much you're into her?" I looked up surprised.


"You guys are the real deal huh?" She bumped her shoulders into me.

"Yeah I think so Claudia..."

"You think so?" She took the photo and placed it back on the table. She lifted one jean clad leg and turned to face me. "What does that mean?"

I sighed then shrugged. Fingers started to tug at the hem of the dress I wore as I thought about all the weird vibes I'd been getting from Kia recently and my own...discoveries. It's just that when Donna started to question me about Claudia, she got me questioning a lot of things. Those questions turned into answers. Answers that I was finally ready to face.

"Well, you know how intense Kia can get..." Claudia nodded her head quickly. "Stop it, I'm being serious Claudia. I mean..." She patiently watched me.

"Seem like you're a bit scared." I sighed and tilted my head.

"A little," I admitted. "It's just that sometimes she shows me so much and then the next day I feel as if she's keeping a part of herself tucked away in some dark little closet sometimes! What's with that anyway? With being all tough?" I punched her arm in frustration.

"FIRST of all, sometimes you have to be tough so that you can protect your woman and shit. Plus it's in the butch's rule book. SECONDLY, Kia is afraid of scaring the shit out of you are right now. You're forever with her you know?"

"She told you that?" My frustration melted away at the thought of her saying something so...sweet.

"Not in so many words but I can read between the lines." She smiled and touched my face. "She's lucky you know. I told her so too."

"Why are you single Claudia? What happened with Monica?" She frowned then pouted.

"She thought I was hung up over you." I sat back surprised.

"No way..." I whispered. She nodded her head. "I'm the reason you're not together?" A fuzzy memory was floating around in my head from the night we were at Claudia's house. What did Monica say? I asked her what problem she fixed or something and what did she say?


I felt horrible. Donna was right. "I'm a bad friend. I broke you up..."

She chuckled and shook her head. "No, WE are the reason we aren't together. Me and Monica. She can't blame you for being a sweet and sexy chic who happens to be my friend Chloe."

She smiled at me with her two dimples. I poked them making her laugh. "Who was that girl you were talking to sweet talker?"

"Some girl Jen knows. She goes to Westmount High. Head cheerleader." I rolled my eyes. "AND not in the closet!"

"No way!" She laughed then sobered.

"I won't lie Chloe, I was crushing on you hard for a year or so before Kia came into the picture." Her shy smile made her look like she was 5. "I got over it a while ago but I don't think you really get over your crushes. I think they change to something lighter if you get to know them you know?"

"So Monica wasn't right then?"

"For the most part no..."

"Claudia..." She held up her hands for me to hold off, so I did.

"I consider you to be one of my friends now, a good friend, and I'm not gonna stop talking to you and being me around you because some girl is uncomfortable with it."

"Some girl huh?" She shrugged. "I'm glad you're my friend too Claudia but I prefer to see you happy..."

"I am happy." A huge, fake grin stretched across her face. I cringed. "Too much?" She asked. I nodded.

"Let's find your girl so we can light that huge ass birthday cake she bought you."

"She bought me a cake?!" Claudia covered her mouth muffling a stream of curses.

"She's gonna fucking kill me now. Was supposed to be a surprise." I hugged her and excitedly kissed her. What was supposed to be a kiss on the cheek turned into a kiss on the mouth.

"Whoa! You better watch it before your girl think's you're tryin' to get with me." I giggled

"What? Kia thinking that I'm cheating on her? She wouldn't think-" Movement in the corner of my eye made me look to the side and when I did I nearly had a heart attack. Kia was standing in the doorway and she looked mad.

She looked from me to Claudia. I jumped back from a confused looking Claudia. Now I realize I made myself look guilty. Kia's stare dropped to our still-joined hands. I yanked my hand as if burned. She slowly raised her eyes to look at me. Just give me the shovel, I thought.

"What the fuck wouldn't I think?" She asked me quietly.

"I can explain Kia..." She smiled at me and stepped into the room closing the door behind her.

"No need Chloe." Those long legs had her in front of us in a few seconds.

"Ummm, what's-" Claudia didn't have time to finish her thought when Kia's fist slammed into her eye. I'm sure it was going to be something along the lines of "what in the world was going on".

"Are you fucking cheating on me Chloe?!" Kia shouted at me then grabbed Claudia's t- shirt and yanked her forward. "I'm gonna fucking kill you Claudia." The growl was low.

"What the fuck?!" Claudia shouted as she tried to pull away from Kia. Her elbow connected with Kia's jaw. All of this happened in a matter of seconds.

"What's going on?" I heard Donna shouting as she barged into the room. Missy and Lovette came barreling into the room too.

"...fucking kissing my girlfriend!" Kia shouted as she tried to get in another hit but Claudia was fighting back now, though it really looked like two girls rolling around the floor sneering at each other.

"...stupid fucking idiot!" Claudia was shouting back.

"You actually did it Chloe? You cheated on her?" Donna asked it in such an innocent and surprised way that even I would have thought it were true. Kia glanced up at Donna then to me and back at Claudia. Their growls grew louder.

"I'm not cheating on her!" I shouted as I tried to grab hold of Kia's boots that were kicking around. "Stop them!"

"What the fuck did you do NOW Claudia?" Missy asked with her fists on her hips. Some one was grabbing Claudia as another set of hands grabbed at Kia.

"Chloe cheated on Kia with Claudia?" Someone asked It took me, Donna, Missy and Donald to keep them separated.

"...stupid fucking idiot jackass! No wonder you're so fucking messed up! How the fuck does she NOT dump your crazy ass?!" Claudia was shouting.

"I'M messed up? You can't keep a girl if someone paid you! Makin' a move of my fucking girlfriend? After what I just told you the other day you fucking-"

"I wasn't making a move on her!" She shouted as she held her nose glaring back at Kia.

"Kia?! What's wrong with you?!" I asked. I didn't know what else to ask or say then but now that I think of it, I could have come up with something better than that. She turned on me then and I had to step back from what I saw in her eyes. I never saw her look that mad...or sad. Even with the bloody lip and the dark bruise starting to grow on her cheek she looked sexy. "I wasn't-"

"Are you fucking kidding me Chloe? How about when you figure out what the fuck you want you find me?" She left the bedroom shoving people out of the way.

Donna looked at me sadly. "What's going on Chloe?"

"NOTHING'S GOING ON!!! That's what I've been trying to tell you!" I scowled at her then shoved her away to chase after Kia.

"What the fuck were you doing?" I heard Missy asking Claudia as they followed behind me.

"Nothing! Shit! When I don't do a damn thing I get in trouble!" We all paused when we heard someone starting up the "happy birthday" song. "Who the fuck are they singing to?"

Missy shook her head as she squeezed through to lead the way into the living room. "Damn drunken asses!" She shouted as she got in the middle of the crowd who were singing a very loud and a very bad version of the song.. "Someone found the cake too!" By the time we got there it was half gone.

"Well that's that I guess..." Lovette mumbled.

"I think this party is a bust now." Missy said. "Someone needs to clear these idiots out and you need to find Kia." She pointed at me when she said the last part. We all agreed with Missy and they all began to usher people out while I went on the hunt for Kia to find out exactly what happened in that room.

To be concluded in the next installment.

Next: Chapter 16

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