Bad Luck Bob

Published on Sep 15, 2019


Bad Luck Bob 4

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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We wanted to serve as many service men as possible, but the need for privacy was a basic part of the Club's operation. We also served men from different social classes and ranks. Membership came from word of mouth, and several well-placed friends.

We made it clear that we were not interested in site seers or voyeurs. We made it clear to members that when they found a potential member, they had to make sure the candidate would be actively engaged in sexual activity. Being interested in the club had to include cock sucking or fucking. Men had to be interested in mutual pleasure and were not Jonny-one-notes. They had to make sure that men knew that nothing a member did, or saw was to be known outside the club's walls.

We were uneasy about men who drank too much or had mental hang-ups. Men who gossiped too much were also a problem. Buck said we liked the strong, silent types who were horny as shit.

The club was a money-making venture, so prosperous businessmen and professionals were key to our success. Gino often paid the way for low rank soldiers and sailors.

Gino helped to solve these problems by having little parties at his home. These parties included four to five potential members and some men from the cub. These usually included Buck or me, an attendant and one or two members. There might be as many as five prospective members. Ovid Miller the Master Sergeant often attended with younger soldiers or sailors. Ovid knew men of similar rank and inclinations from the Navy, Air Corps and the Marines.

After the death of his son and wife Gino lived alone in his house. I was on a big lot and was secluded. I would have thought that the combination of younger men and older guys wouldn't work. A good proportion of the younger men liked kindly father figures. Many had difficult fathers. The older men from the club were exceptionally generous sexually. The combination of welcoming mouths and asses and a taste for eating cum was new to many of the young men.

Gino's parties were not exactly orgies. Thye were too calm and relaxed for that. Sometimes they were parties with sex. Sometimes they were more like educational exercises, with a great amount of hands on training. Nothing was forced, but nothing impeded letting nature take its course. Gino provided beer and a lot of food. Gino was a good cook, so the food was most welcome to men used to military food.

Just before the first party Ovid called Buck and told him that some of the men he was bringing wanted to try fucking. Buck had planned to attend, but I replaced him since I had an accommodating ass. I got to Gino's house early to help him get ready.

Captain Billy, Moose and Tiki, one of our Hawaiian attendants came a little later. Tiki was a muscular man with a bad limp from a childhood accident. He supported his mother from his income from the Club and was handsome.

Ovid came with four men, Lemuel, Tony, Janos, and Dipstick. Lemuel and Dipstick were tall, Tony was overweight, and Janos was a short Czech refugee. Gino and Captain Billy were perfect hosts. Meeting a group of men, you had never met for a sex party would make you nervous. Billy and Gino could make you feel like you were best friends.

I served the beer and food; both were more than welcome. I went to Ovid and suggested that we get the sexual ball rolling. He though we should get naked and then have a demonstration of good fucking technique. Call called Moose over to join us. He was nearly a giant and made sure the men know it was okay for "real men" to join in.

The demonstration was a success and the men applauded when Ovid went deep. "My pal here would like to welcome you to the party, but instead of shaking hands he would like nice poke in the behind. I can tell you he has a nice tight hole and you will enjoy it," Ovid said.

"What if we like it too much?" Tony asked.

"Let's just say my pal doesn't mind a creamy souvenir of you visit left in his ass," Ovid explained.

"Some of us have been there before," Tiki said. "Can we make a return visit?"

I said sure. Tiki was naked and fully erect in a few seconds. In a few more seconds he was at my ass. His knob disappeared into me.

"Damn, I forgot how good you are!" Tiki exclaimed as his slid his tool deep into me.

Everyone was soon naked. Moose and Billy were with Lemuel and Janos. Dipstick and Tony were in line behind Tiki. Tiki bent over and asked, "Can I come back at the end of the party and breed you?" I nodded. Dipstick stepped up to the plate.

"How exactly am I supposed to do this?" he asked in a strong Southern accent.

"I think you just shove it in and then let your cock do your thinking," I said. He laughed and poked his cock in all the way. He had a long thin organ and it was effortless. Tiki had lubricated my ass well. As I guessed, Dipstick's cock knew exactly what to do. He went a little crazy and then calmed down. "If I shoot off in you will the other guys get mad?" Dipstick asked. He went crazy again and was still squirting cum as he pulled out.

Tony was a pump butterball. I figured he was one of the cryptographers. He had a short fat cock which looked like it was all cock head with a short shaft. "You really want to take my cock?" he asked with uncertainty in his voice. I nodded. He slowly pushed his knob onto my ass.

His cock head was caressing my prostate when he was fully lodged. Tony did a fifteen-minute prostate massage that drove me crazy. I realized that cocks can work their magic regardless of size. When he finally shot off, I could feel his cum shooting deep into my ass. When he pulled out everyone was fully engaged sexually. The party was a success.

After the first round of orgasms we had a nice beer and food session which gave everyone a chance to refill. I went to shower and ran into Ovid, Lemuel and Moose there. Ovid and Moose left for the bedroom, leaving me with Lemuel.

He was from an out of the way town in Arkansas. For me, everything in Arkansas was out of the way. He was tall and muscular but everything since he had been drafted was new to him. Hawaii was not just new; he had no idea the tropical islands existed. He was a good cock sucker and he liked older men.

After he sampled my cock with enthusiasm, we talked. There is not much to do in rural Arkansas, but every man has a possible source of entertainment hanging between his legs. He had run into the town pharmacist at a little-known swimming hole. They hit it off and the pharmacist gave him some lessons. He loved it. The pharmacist had a few other playmates. There were older men, mostly bachelor farmers.

Lemuel was popular and thought they were doing him a favor by including him their play. They were generous and friendly. I knew that when they found Lemuel, they thought they had died and gone to heaven. As a result of this, Lemuel was attracted to older men, but was a bit uneasy with younger men.

Lemuel had no sexual hang-ups. This was a result of his parent's rigid Christianity. There was no mention of sex in his family. There wasn't even the usual "Where do Babies come from," conversations. The farm produced wheat and there weren't any farm animals.

When the pharmacist sucked him off and took his load a new world opened for Lemuel, a world he hadn't known existed. We opened a new chapter for him. He told men Janos was an odd man,

Janos had been a college professor in Czechoslovakia who taught oriental languages, Chinese and Japanese. He badly wanted to be fighting in Europe to liberate his country, but his skills sent him to the Pacific. He was small, slight and hairy. He would have looked delicate except for the thick body hair.

The Army desperately needed oriental linguists, and Ovid was told that Janos had to pass the physical tests. He had escaped by foot from France, through Spain and into Portugal so he was obviously had endurance. Highly educated he was a fish out of water with the men he was with. He had been a close friend of a distinguished Jewish professor and had no idea if the Professor or any of his other friends in Prague were alive.

After the shower I went to talk with Janos. I had done Shakespeare and some modern avaunt-guard plays, and he thought I was an intellectual, and there were several scholarly men who frequented the baths. He was fidgety and uneasy. The trip for Prague to Portugal had taken a year of sleeping in abandoned building, fields and under bridges. He had thought he was safe in France and its collapse had shocked him. He was afraid America would buckle under attack.

Janos was brave and tenacious, but sexually timid. H would not make the first move in case it might damage his situation. He took no unnecessary risks. I leaned over and sucked him and was rewarded with a mouthful of Czech cum. He apologized, and I asked him if he could do it again. We had a good time.

All these men were well suited for the South Seas Beach Club. I introduced Janos to Ellington Jones who was a retired College professor and Gilbert Maxwell who had been a schoolteacher. They hit it off and all was well. Ovid later told me Janos was considered a genius. He could speak the dialects of Canton, Shanghai as well as Mandarin. That was both rare and useful.

Three months later I went to another party at Gino's house. The guests were to be police and security personnel. The war greatly complicated recruiting new officers. The men were shorter, fatter and more eccentric that prewar police.

I once assumed that men who share my sexual inclinations were mostly actors, chorus boys, dancers and decorators. Now I am positive that my inclinations are evenly, but randomly distributed across the male population. I also suspect that never being able to act on their inclinations can result in serious problems.

The five men came in van. They introduced themselves as Rex, Thomas, Sal, George and Mark. these were not their real names. Gino, Buck, Moose and I were the reception committee. The Judge was there as were two older men, Louie and Maxwell. The testosterone was all but drooling on the floor.

Sal and Mark were sole supports for their widowed mothers. Thomas was blind in one eye; George had an injured leg and limped. Rex was the only one who was open about his sexual inclinations. He had asthma. All the men were muscular and in good shape. We all had a beer or two and ate Gino's food. He was an excellent cook. Buck and Moose were impressive. Louie and Marty were friendly. I didn't exactly know why I was there, but Buck told me I was always a dependable bottom. He thought there was a possible oversupply of tops.

"I'm not here for Sunday School lessons, or to find true love," Buck said as he was talking with George. He was loud and everyone could hear him. "I'm here to have some fun with friendly guys, no strings attached, and no holds barred. I like to get naked and wrestle. That is fun, but sometimes it leads to a lot more fun."

"Do you always win?" George asked.

"I do win a lot," Buck admitted. "Sometimes I suspect that my partners loose on purpose."

"What happens if you lose?" Sal asked.

"I'm a good sport. Some guys say I'm a really good sport," Buck said. "I don't want to shock you, but I've been around for a while. I'm not warn out, but just about all of me is well used."

"Does that include the hard to reach places?" Gino asked.

"Well Gino, you know the answer to that question as well as anyone!" Buck said. The men laughed. "Who wants to wrestle with me?"

"I'll do it," Rex said. We pushed the furniture back and made a space in the middle of the room.

"Rex. There is no grabbing our privates, but a lick or two would be fine with me," Buck said in a stage whisper. Everyone heard.

Rex wasn't as big as Buck he was more muscular and faster. It was a good match. By the time both men were erect, Gino called it a draw, and Buck licked Rex's cock instead of shaking hands. The men applauded. Rex kissed Buck's cock before sucking it.

"Would anyone like to wrestle with me?" Moose asked.

"I'd like to do it, but you are twice as big as me," Sal said. "I'd be sure to lose."

"If I told you that some guys have said losing to me was the best thing to happen to them, would you believe them?" Moose asked.

"Moose looks scary, but he really a pussy cat," Gino said.

"A horny Tom Cat is more like it," Captain Billy added.

Sal and Moose stripped. It was a surprisingly funny match. Sal was clever and fast. Moose played the dumb lug. The amount of genital contact increased and eventually Moose pick Sal up, and sucked the smaller man's cock with considerable gusto. That too caused applause. By this time everyone was ready for sex, so we all picked partners and went at it.

George seemed to hang back, but Louie went to him and got him to relax. George had been in an automobile accident and was still sensitive about his bad leg. He thought everyone was looking at it. Louie was what I called a favorite uncle type. George and Louie were both Italian and when they stripped, they had matching body hair except Louie's hair was almost bushy.

The men had called George Cheeta after Tarzan's pet and that had embarrassed George. Louie obviously liked hairy men and George enjoyed the attention. I didn't know Louie well, but he was clearly an experienced and skilled cock sucker. I think George was used to quick blow jobs in an alley, and Louie gave him the deluxe treatment. When Louie shot off Maxwell took his place,

I connected with Mark. I asked if he was a sucker or a fucker? He said he sucked, but he had never fucked a man before. I said I liked to be fucked and then he asked if I would get to fuck him if he fucked me. I said that wasn't up to me and told him that most of the older guys did it all. "Having a young guy's cock up their ass would not be a problem.

I was sitting on his cock five minutes later. He had big balls and an average cock which had a distinctive curve. It almost touched his navel. I quickly discovered it was the perfect shape to massage my prostate. That worked for both of us. We were the first to fuck at the party, but fucking seemed to be infectious that evening.

Sal was fucking Moose. That was rare, but soon Moose fucked Sal. It was a tight fit, but Sal could take it and enjoy Moose's big tool. Buck brought Rex over to fuck me. Since Mark had already shot off in me, I was well lubricated, and Rex's impressive cock slid in deep on the first thrust. It was love at first fuck for Rex. He had no idea how good it could be. He was a pile driver, but with the cum in my ass I had a strange feeling Rex was making Sperm Butter.

I was amazed how quickly the new men adapted to the rather wild sexual scene at Gino's house. It may have been due to being so far away from home. It may have been the War. We all knew the risks. Of course, I was safe in Honolulu. I laughed to myself. Pearl Harbor had only been bombed months before and I knew several actors who were in the London Blitz.

I also think that good sex is its own reward. Everyone was in a good mood, friendly and willing. Sex can be so good that you forget your problems. In war time that is good.

Back at the Club I got use to some men becoming regulars and then vanishing. No one mentioned it. We might have several busy weeks, then overnight things settled down. Some of our new members were stationed in Hawaii, so many became regulars.

We all know the fighting men are under stress. The code breakers and translators know if they fail to break a code or fail to translate a message, men may die. 12 to 18-hour workdays are typical. The code breakers tend to be eccentric and seem to be unconventional sexually. Janos was what technically is called a genius. He knew multiple languages and understood what he called the structure of each. Translators tend to do a simple rendition of one language to another.

Janos understood the structure of languages and was good at breaking codes along with his buddy, Wally. Wally was a mathematician and into mathematical patterns. He was fat and gave the impression of being autistic. Wally had no sexual experiences at all. Janos brought him to the club and a new world opened for him. I welcomed Wally and introduced him to Captain Billy and Ellington Jones. They were both kindly Daddy types.

Billy liked giving nervous young men an introduction to sexual pleasure. He took things slow and easy with Wally. I had never played with Ellington, and he was eager to connect. Ellington thought I was a catch and I let him catch me. We were soon naked as was Billy. Wally took his time undressing. He wasn't as fat as I thought. His clothes didn't fit well, and his choice of clothes was poor. His cock was bigger than I thought. Ellington and I did a demonstration of sexual activities and positions. Wally watched and got excited.

When Billy sucked him the dour look on Wally's face vanished. If required Billy could have played Taps on a cock. He was the Cole Porter of cock sucking. Wally entered a new world of pleasure. Billy and Ellington traded partners.

A little later, I sat on Wally's tool and had a nice long ride. He had never fucked a man and he loved it. He had a large cock head and a comparatively thin shaft, so I worked the tender knob until it exploded. I could feel each ejaculation as it flooded my ass.

A wave of emotion flooded over me. I tried to grab his cock with my sphincter and make it last. I'm not sure that a cock can express emotion to an ass, but I felt Wally's had that skill. When Wally pulled out, I was surprised when Captain Billy eased his tool into my freshly used hole. I wasn't sure if he wanted to feel my ass or Wally's sperm.

Ellington went to Wally and somehow worked his cock into Wally's behind. I thought that would be a disaster, but Ellington went in only deep enough to massage the prostate, and Wally loved it.

"I'm just pushing Wally's cream deeper into you," Captain Billy whispered. "I want to shoot off in you. Do you mind?" I squeezed my sphincter and then relaxed it. He cock essentially frolicked in my ass before filling it with his warm man seed.

Next: Chapter 5

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