Bad Wife Good Sub

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Jan 3, 2014


Bad Wife, Good Sub Ð Chapter 2 By Tappy McWidestance

After posting the pictures and the video on FetLife I expected the worst, but except for an influx of guys hitting on me, nothing happened. The next week was boring compared to my excursion to Freemont Street. Jacqui and I chatted, but except for my masturbating while she listened on the phone, she didn't give me any new tasks. I saw Toni at the gym a couple of times. Our bike riding took on new meaning as now we both had experienced Mistress Jacqui's public domination, but despite my repeated attempts to get more information out of her, Toni remained steadfast that if Jacqui had not told me something, there must be a reason. The next weekend, against my desires, I went to Laughlin to see my husband. I really wanted to stay in town in case Mistress Jacqui summoned me, but I figured staying home would be suspicious. Hubby and I made love, but my heart wasn't into it.

Back home I received an email from Mistress Jacqui at noon on Tuesday. She told me to prepare to go out that night. I was to bathe and shave my legs, armpits and pussy. I was to pamper myself and then be ready to go out at 6pm. I was to wear a black cocktail dress, stockings and high heels. I was allowed to wear a black thong and lace demi-cup bra. I was told to put my hair up and do my makeup. As I read her instructions I understood exactly the look she was going for. How many company events had I attended dressed exactly like that? I was to dress back in arm candy mode.

By 5pm I was dressed and on pins and needles wondering what she had planned for me. At 6pm a limo pulled up in front of my house. A handsome driver walked to my door and escorted me to the car. I immediately wondered if he was one of Mistress' boytoys. He was professional and courteous. As we pulled away he handed me an envelope and then closed the window separating the passenger and driver's compartments. I fumbled with the envelope trying to open it. I was nervous. There were two parts to this task she had arranged. Our destination was a mall in North Las Vegas. It wasn't too far away, but from reputation I knew it was more of an outlet place far removed from the glitz and glamour of shopping on the Strip. The instructions told me to walk around the mall window-shopping. I was guessing I'd be a fish out of water dressed so formally, which was probably the idea. Mistress told me to spend extra time in the stores where teenage boys shopped. No doubt she wanted to give them a thrill. I was told to make sure my legs were shown off and that I should bend over in front of them. Reading the note, I realized she wanted me to tease them. She also told me to buy some new shoes with higher heels than I currently owned and a pair of leather boots with at least a 4" heel as well.

I figured out her game pretty quickly. Similar to what she did to me on Freemont Street she was trying to get me accustomed to being exposed in public and assuming it would turn me on. I already felt my pussy getting wet just reading the note. I looked up at the window and saw that it was tinted so I couldn't see the driver. I saw a reflection of myself, however. I looked good and I felt good. I spread my legs a bit so I could see the reflection up my dress. For a moment I was tempted to slide my hand between my legs. I figured the driver couldn't see and I could get some quick pleasure. But then I felt the car turn and realized we were at the mall. The driver pulled to the door, got out and then opened my door. He helped me out and then asked how long I would be. I told him about an hour to an hour and a half. I was just guessing. He handed me a business card with a phone number written in pen on it. "I have to park on the outside of the lot, but call me when you are ready and I'll meet you right here," he told me. "Take your time," he added. "I'm paid by the hour."

I thanked him and went inside. As I had imagined, the clientele at this mall were decidedly lower class than the stores I frequented. I set about my task to explore the mall and to buy new shoes. As I was walking, I got an email from her. Added to my window-shopping task was to send mistress selfies reflected in store windows. I should have guessed that she wanted proof of how I was dressed. I had assumed she or one of her minons would be here to spy on me, but I guess I had to do it all myself. That was fine. Although the first one was nerve wracking, I started to get into trying to discretely pose in an alluring way and snap a picture. When I wandered into a Game Stop, I found plenty of younger boys eager to watch me shop. I wasn't expecting how much that turned me on to have somebody 20 years my junior leering at me. But it did.

When I left the store, 4 boys followed me out. It was so cute. They were trying not to look like they were following me, but it was obvious they were. I figured that was part of Jacqui's plan so I didn't stop to challenge them. I even managed to snap a picture of them and sent it to Mistress. She replied that I should "give the little guy a treat." I knew exactly whom she was talking about. Three of the four boys were tall, over 6 feet. They probably played on the basketball team together. The four boy was shorter. Maybe 5' 6" if he was lucky. He also seemed less confident than his buddies and appeared to be just tagging along. I was nervous about what Mistress' concept of "a treat" would turn out to be.

She sent me another email and instructed me to go into the lady's room and to masturbate into my thong. I'd already confessed to her that I got wet in the limo and walking around teasing the boys had done nothing to stem my juices. Her plan was for me to get my thong very wet by rubbing it on my pussy, then to have me take it off and somehow sneak it into the kid's shopping bag without him noticing. Failing that, I was to confess that I got horny having him follow me and just give him my thong as proof. I really didn't want to do that so I started thinking about how to leave the surprise in his bag and not get caught.

The first part, wetting my thong, was easy enough, although stopping before I came was a challenge. After I removed my thong I wadded it up into a ball in my hand and left the lady's room. As I anticipated, the boys were all sitting waiting for me. They were still trying to look innocent, but we all knew better. I decided to walk right past them. I wasn't sure how strong my womanly scent had become since my quick masturbation session, but if they did smell it, I figured it would drive them crazy. As I expected all four stood up and began following me again. Trying to get the little one separated was going to be a challenge. One I could not figure out how to complete. Soon I gave up. I wanted to get on with buying shoes. I was going to have to confront them. I started moving toward the shoe store. As I passed the door I quickly spun around surprising my followers and walked up to them. As I expected, two of them bolted having been caught. The tallest guy and Mr. Shorty stopped dead in their tracks.

"Have you been enjoying following me?" I asked them. They didn't answer. Finally the tall guy admitted that he was. "Well I don't like to be followed," I replied. Then after a pause I added, "But as long as you are here, you can help me with something." The taller kid smiled, but I dashed his dreams by reaching out and taking the hand of the smaller guy. "I need your opinion on some shoes." With that I pulled him into the store. He buddy was standing there shocked at what had transpired. The younger kid was no less confused. I turned him so his back was to the window and pulled my soiled thong out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"You will not understand this, but I have to give these to you. They are soaked because my mistress made me masturbate in them. Having you guys follow me turned me on. Now I need you to help me pick out some shoes. Tell me which ones look sexy on me, ok? Then I'm leaving, but you can keep the thong and tell your friends you were the one I chose. Got it?"

He nodded.

"OK, I need some new boots with a high heel and some other high heeled pumps. What would look good on me?"

I took his arm and held it like we were on a date. I'm sure his buddy was going nuts watching us through the window. The kid was nervous and I had to chuckle a bit as he picked up a leather boot that looked straight out of a fetish video. It was perfect, of course, but I doubt he knew why. I waved at a saleswoman to help us. She measured my stocking clad foot and went to get a pair of the boots. I was sure my scent was trapped under my skirt and that the sales woman (she was pretty young and cute) would get a look at my bald beaver when she slid the boot on. I figured it wasn't the first time a woman gave her a show like that. I just wasn't sure how she would react. I do know she caressed my calf a bit while she zipped up the boot. That wasn't necessary and I'm sure it was against their employee code, but I wasn't going to squeal. Hell, I wished she had put her hands on my thighs instead.

After she zipped the boots I took a quick walk around the store. No doubt the heels were tightening my ass the way they should and I made sure to slowly spin around so they got a good look. "Well what do you think?" I asked them. The saleswoman gave a good corporate answer (although her eyes were speaking the truth) while the kid kept his mouth shut. He was probably just thinking about where I was going to blow or fuck him.

"I'll take them," I announced. "Now find me some shoes."

The saleswoman jumped at that chance. She understood my needs better than the kid did. The kid would have agreed to anything. The saleswoman produced a red pair of fuck me pumps. They were beautiful, although with impossibly tall heels. I didn't know how I would walk in them. As she was sliding those beauties on my food she explained that the extra high heel would tighten my calf. She accentuated the statement by sliding her hand up my calf again. "They may hurt at first, but with a little message (she started squeezing my calf) you'll learn to love them. My breathing had increased as she started to take liberties on my legs. "What about my thighs?" I asked her. "Will they be tight as well?" I watched as a wry smile crept across her lips.

I'm sure the kid had a great view as she started to slide her hand higher up under my dress. But just as she starting getting somewhere interesting, her manager called her from across the store and she quickly pulled her hands back. She looked up and shook her head. "I can't," she whispered and went back to being professional. Sensing our fun and games were over, I told her I would take those shoes as well and she checked us out. I told the boy to stay behind and talk to the shoe girl if he wanted some fun then made a quick exit from the mall after I called the limo driver to pick me up. My pussy was on fire from showing myself off and I couldn't help but play with myself on the ride home. The glass partition was tinted so I didn't worry about my privacy. I even snapped a selfie in the limo glass for mistress. I brought myself right up to the edge of climax and then stopped. It was very difficult to do, but I hoped mistress would reward my good behavior. I sent her the picture and a recap of my adventure. Unfortunately she didn't respond at all and the limo driver dropped a very horny woman back at her empty house. If only he knewÉ

Alas I didn't receive any responses the rest of the night and I went to bed without my needs having been satisfied. When I woke up there was a message from her saying I had done well and that tonight she would have another task. She said I should dress the same way only this time no thong and that I should wear my new red shoes. The limo showed up on time again. It was the same driver. This time he brought me to the Wynn. Instead of walking around the mall my opportunity to expose myself would come sitting at the bar. I was instructed to drink wine and casually expose myself to both men and women. Ever since the corporations took over the era of prostitutes hanging out at the bars has largely disappeared. But that sure was how I felt. Once I had the attention of my mark, I would "inadvertently" uncross and cross my legs giving him or her a nice view up my dress. Mistress had not given me instructions on what to do when I was propositioned, which happened plenty, nor had she given me permission to hide in the ladies room and finger myself. It was frustrating to tease and not please. There were several guys I would have been happy to go upstairs with, but as silly as it seems, it didn't seem like I was cheating on my husband because I was playing with another woman. If I took a guy upstairs, there would be no question of what I had become. So I turned them all down for an hour and then headed back to the limo. Again I played with myself and again I sent a reflected picture of my pussy to my mistress. And again, there was no reply.

Even more upsetting there was no response in the morning. Maybe she had expected me to accept one of the offers. For several days there was nothing. Toni told me not to worry. She was probably just busy and that she would disappear for weeks without talking to Toni and then would reappear as if nothing was wrong. I didn't like that. But I didn't have much of a choice either. Then on Saturday came an email that was unlike the others. Oh, it was a chance to exhibit my body again, no big difference there. But when I read the details it worried me. My required outfit wasn't that different from my night on Freemont Street. Short skirt and button down blouse instead of a dress. No bra, no underwear, stocking and garter and high heels. She didn't specify how many buttons to open, but I knew that would be forthcoming. Or she would just expect me to have my tits hanging out again. But the destination was much more private. That is what worried me. In the mass of people on Freemont Street there is anonymity, but there is also a limit of what you can do. Eventually the cops would care of you are running around naked, having sex in public or if somebody was harrassing. Tonight's destination was different. It was an adult bookstore.

As I said before, my husband and I were hardly prudes. I've gone to strip clubs with him and we've been to a few bookstores. We'd even been to this one. It was what I would call "medium" grade. It wasn't the sleaziest place, but it wasn't one of the newer upscale places that cater to women either. There was a toy section (where hubby and I went) a DVD section, a magazine section and some video booths down a hallway in the back. Hubby had suggested we go back to the booths, but that was too much for me to handleÉ at the time. This time the limo came later. 9pm. I guess mistress wanted me to arrive at a specific time. Again the driver handed me an envelope with additional instructions. I was to walk around the place looking at the merchandise. I was to look at the DVDs and peruse the toys. I was to purchase at least $250 worth of merchandise (my choice of what) and then when I went to the counter I was to ask where the "lesbian BDSM" magazines were located. Just reading that sentence over and over I could tell I would be humiliated having to do that. Of course that was the purpose of this game and my pussy was already lubricating as thoughts of asking some dirty old man where the magazines were was starting to excite me.

The limo dropped me off and the driver didn't seem to care about the location. I suppose he's seen it all. Walking in I felt like a lamb being led to slaughter. I was sure there would be plenty of horny guys hitting on me and I wondered if I would be able to resist like I'd done at the Wynn. My pussy was demanding attention and I knew I'd have to give it some soon. I tried to look natural as I walked in the door. I knew other women shopped her because I'd seen them when I was with my husband. But I had not noticed any single women there before which worried me. It didn't matter. I had to go in. I casually tried to see who was working in the store and who was shopping. I tried not to look nervous. There was a guy working the counter, but he was younger than the other times I'd been there. Still it would be humiliating asking him for the magazines and buying toys from him, but it could have been worse. Since he was younger than me I could probably intimidate him if I needed to do so.

I wandered through the shop feeling the eyes of every man on me. There were only a few guys shopping and I noticed a couple buying tokens for the video booths and then disappearing. It actually was a pretty good time to complete my task as I was sure it would be more crowded later. I started to make a list in my head of what I needed to buy to make the $250 minimum. I picked out a couple of DVDs, a new dildo and two vibrators but that was just $100. I looked around for something that might be more expensive. I saw some leather clothes, but I didn't know how I would explain a corset to my husband. Then I looked toward the front of the store and noticed a young girl had joined the guy by the register. Immediately I knew she was the one I was supposed to ask about the magazines. Again trying not to be nervous, I walked up to the counter and lay down my items.

"I need a few more things, can I store these up here?" I asked. She said I could in a disinterested way. Then I asked her if she could help me find something. She asked what I was looking for and in the least embarrassed voice I could find I said, "The lesbian BDSM magazines." That made her smile. "Sure honey, I can help you," she said sounding less than disarming. I watched as she walked around the counter. She was maybe 22 years old. Blonde hair, tied in a ponytail, tank top, torn jeans and boots. She looked like the girl next door with a hint of tough chick thrown in around the edges. She pointed toward the magazines and said "this way." As she pointed she put her other hand on the small of my back and gently nudged me toward the magazine racks. They were in the back of the store. I assume since the advent of the Internet they don't sell a lot of printed smut any more so they don't dedicate the prime floor space to it. The sales girl kept her hand on my back all the way to the racks, which certainly wasn't necessary once she got me going in the right direction, but also certainly was appreciated. I could feel her eyes on me the whole way. I knew somehow that mistress had arranged this meeting. Was this the girl from Freemont Street? As we approached the magazines I could see the lesbian section on the bottom shelf, but I decided to play dumb.

"I looked over here before, but I couldn't find them," I said. The sales girl stopped me in front of the section and pointed to them. "They are right down there."

I squat down and grabbed one at random. Standing up I opened it about half way in pretending to be interested. I then showed it to the girl. "Which one is the best magazine for a novice?" She chuckled a little. "You can't really learn from a magazine," she said. "First off you need to learn the proper way to bend over."

I didn't move at first, thinking about what she said. Then she continued, "Pick a different magazine."

I looked back at the rack and then realized what she meant. Instead of squatting this time I bent over at the waist keeping my knees locked. Since the shelf was basically on the floor and I was wearing high heels, that meant I had to bend over to essentially touch my toes to reach a different magazine. It also meant my skirt rode up exposing my pantiless ass. Not surprisingly her hand, which had been on the small of my back, slid down to my right buttock.

"That's much better. Just hold that position."

It was stressful, bending over so far, but I did what she said. I held my position. Her hand did not stay in place though. She began rubbing her hand all over my ass. "I like your wedding ring," she told me. "Why does a woman like you need lesbian BDSM magazines?" At the time she asked she slid her finger across my slit. I moaned instead of answering. "I've seen many wives coming in here looking for a little excitement. Is that why you are here?" She punctuated that question by sliding a finger into my pussy. She found no resistance as my juices lubricated her finger. As she started to pull her finger out my pussy did try to grab it. She started to finger fuck me. "No need to answer," she continued. "I know about women like you. Married to money but bored because hubby works too much." Her finger was magic inside of me. I started to rock back and forth in rhythm to her ministrations. "Looking to spice up their love life." She pulled out her finger and then began rubbing my clit. I moaned again.

"Wifey likes that does she?" the girl mocked me. She knew exactly what she was doing and exactly what I was feeling. "Tell me you want me to make you cum. Tell me you want to be a dirty whore who comes while bent over in an adult bookstore. The guys are watching us. They know what you are."

I wanted nothing more than to cum right then, but in the back of my mind I knew this was somehow a test from my mistress. "No mam," I answered. "I'm not allowed to cum."

"Not allowed?" she replied. She started rubbing my clit harder. "You come in here wearing a short skirt and no underwear and you are not going to cum for me?"

"No mam," I replied again in between moans. "I mean, yes, I want to cum. But no, I'm not allowed to climax."

"Why aren't you allowed to climax, slut?" she asked. She punctuated that question with a slap on my rear to the applause of our audience. I couldn't see the guys but I knew they were enjoying my treatment.

"I'm only allowed to cum when I get permission from my mistress," I confessed.

She spanked me again and then began to finger fuck me again. Harder and faster this time. "I see," she said. "So I could fuck you and rub your clit, and you wouldn't cum?"

I humped my ass backward trying to get her fingers deeper into my pussy. "Yes, mam," I cried. "I'd do my best."

"So eventually I'd make you cum. Is that what you are saying? What would happen then? Would you be punished?"

I was struggling not to cum and I knew she could tell. I grabbed my ankles to try and steady myself. I let loose a howl of pleasure. "Yes mam. Mistress would punish me."

"Would she spank you?" the young sales girl asked. She stopped fingering me long enough to give me five hard swats on the ass. My knees bent, but I quickly locked them again thrusting my ass out toward her.

"I'm not sure mam," I replied. "I've never met her."

"Really?" she asked me. "But you find yourself here because of her?"

The girl had stopped touching me, which was driving me crazy. I didn't mind her spanking me and certainly enjoyed her fingering me, but doing nothing was the worst. "Yes," I replied. "She told me to come shopping here."

"Well she must have wanted you to learn something from those magazines," the girl told me. She then started to finger me again. "Your pussy certainly is enjoying itself. I think I know what you need. Stay here."

She pulled her fingers out again and slapped my ass again. I groaned, but held my position. Bent over with my dripping pussy exposed I imagined all the guys leering at me. But I did nothing to pull my skirt down. I just stood there until the girl returned. Then she told me to stand up and face her. In my heels I was taller than her, but I only felt about two feet tall. I looked down at her hands and she was holding a leather collar. She reached up and buckled it around my neck. Then she clipped a leash to it. "On your knees, slut," she commanded. I dropped to my knees. The girl held the leash in one hand and began rubbing her crotch through her jeans with the other.

"Since you have not met your mistress yet, I guess you have not licked her pussy. How about any other girls? Are you a good pussy eater?"

I shook my head.

"Well I'm sure you'll learn. You look like you're pretty oral."

She stuck out the finger she had been fucking me with and pushed it into my mouth. I started sucking on it tasting my juices.

"Let's see if we can teach you some of the things in those magazines you were so interested in," she announced loud enough that everyone gathered around could hear. "Crawl behind me."

She tugged the leash as she started to walk away. I followed on my hands and knees. The floor was cold and sticky. She walked up and down the aisles picking up products, although mainly from the BDSM section. Then she led me to the counter.

"Ring this stuff up with her other purchases, Bobby," she announced to the male cashier. "Give me $20 in tokens as well."

She took my credit card out and he charged $375 worth of merchandise. Not that I was complaining. They handed me the credit slip and a pen and I signed it on the floor. There were a couple of large plastic bags. The girl took one and put it on the floor in front of me. "You carry that with your teeth. The other bag we'll pick up later." She then led me toward the video booth hallway. My pussy was still exposed as I crawled behind her. My mouth was watering around the plastic handle on the bag. It was dragging on the floor. I tried to keep my head up and keep it from sliding on the dirty floor, but the bag was too big. I could feel my hands and knees getting dirty. The girl didn't seem to care. Her hold on the leash was firm and she kept snapping it encouraging me to move quicker. I could feel the guys following us, although I didn't dare turn to look.

We headed down the hallway to the video booths. My husband and I never went down here. He wanted to, but I had refused. Now I was crawling behind a girl I had met only minutes before carrying a bag of sex toys she had picked. My pussy had not stopped leaking since the moment she bent me over. My husband had told me rumors about what happened in these booths, but I didn't really believe him. I figured lonely guys just jerked off in them because they couldn't at home. He told me stories of guys who would bring their wives to get gangbanged. While I didn't discount that 100%, I figured I would end up eating the girl's pussy and maybe she would tie me up. I didn't want to fuck any of the guys. But then again, if she tied me up and I didn't have choice, would it really be cheating on my husband? Whatever was going to happen I was about to find out. We had reached the end of the hallway. She led me into the little room. It smelled of cum.

After we entered the room she shut the door. I noticed there was no lock. There was a single chair. It had a cushion seat and a wooden backrest. There were no arms. She told me to stand. She then told me the first thing she does with a new girl is called "inspection." My body was tingling. I was told to "stand still" while she slowly unbuttoned my blouse. She seemed pleased that I was not wearing a bra. She helped me slide the blouse over my arms and then tossed it onto the floor. I wasn't happy about that. It was an expensive silk blouse and the floor was filthy. But I wasn't in a position to challenge her. Next she unziped my skirt and helped me step out of it. She'd already had a good feel of the goods so that was less embarrassing than losing my blouse, although I was no less upset that my skirt joined my blouse on the floor. She then told me to stand with my feet 18" apart and to put my hands on my head. That was when the inspection formally started.

She used her hands to cup my breasts as if she were weighing them. "Who's your surgeon?" she asked. I told her. "He did a nice job. Not too big on your frame but big enough. Good choice. Nice to see you didn't go too crazy oversized like some women."

She then pinched my nipples testing their reaction. "Good nipples. Nice and firm. Do you get off on nipple play?" I nodded. "You bought some nipple toys I think you will like," she told me.

She then continued the inspection. She touched every inch of my body and made comments. Fortunately they were mostly positive although she did make a few suggestions about changes to my workout routine I could do to tighten up a few areas. I confessed to her I'd been doing more cardio instead of weights because I wanted to be near Toni on the bike. She said she understood and that the bike was her favorite too. She commented on my pussy and how well it gripped her fingers. She also squeezed my ass (positive comments) and asked how often I had anal sex. It was a weird experience for her to be examining me in such an intimate way. But I also found it strangely arousing.

My inspection complete, the girl told me to sit down on the chair. The cushion was still warm from the last person to use the room. It was also damp. I was hoping it was sweat from the last patron. I wondered how much cum the seat had seen through the years. It felt nasty. My salesgirl didn't seem to care. She was busy taking items out of the bag. First up were two leather ankle cuffs. I'd noticed them on the shelf. They were $50 for the pair. After she attached them to my legs she quickly tied them to the chair leg. My legs were not spread far apart, but they were far enough to give easy access to my pussy. Similar cuffs were produced for my wrists, although since there were no arms on the chair my arms were simply tied behind the chair. This was a little painful, but I had to choice.

"Now that you are mine to do with as I wish, let's have some fun," the girl announced triumphantly.

The first thing she did was go into the bag and bring out what she explained were nipple suckers. I didn't get to touch them, but they looked like hard plastic with a squeeze ball at the end. I watched as my tormentor licked around the open end (to make a good seal she said) and then squeezed the ball. She then placed it over my already stiff nipple and released the ball. I gasped as the air pressure going back into ball sucked the air from around my nipple drawing my areola and nipple up and away from my body. It was a devilishly simple device and I could already tell, very effective. There was some initial pain, but it quickly gave way to numbness. I didn't bother protesting when she did the same to my other nipple. It looked funny having these two plastic balls hanging off my nipples, but I was more curious about what my nipples would look like when she took them off. I could feel them pulling away from my body and the blood flowing to my breasts made them more sensitive.

After preparing my nipples, she took one of the tokens I bought and dropped it into the coin slot of the video player. The TV (behind a spatter screen) came to life and she used a knob to select a lesbian BDSM film. She then came back to me. "I'll put in enough coins for you to watch the whole movie. You can then decide if this is right for you. She reached into the bag and pulled out a flogger. "I'm going to take the nipple suckers off in 10 minutes. Then I'm going to ask you if you want your tits whipped." I didn't respond. She then pulled out an egg vibrator. "This will keep you busy," she announced before turning it on and sliding it into my pussy. "Enjoy the show." She then dropped a couple more tokens into the slot and walked out. I didn't hear the door shut, but I was much more interested in the buzzing in my pussy and the view on the screen to worry about that.

The damn egg was nowhere near powerful enough to get me off, although the images on the screen were doing a good job. I certainly identified with the thirtysomething naked slave girl groveling at her mistress' feet. And the mistress was a vision in power dressed in a leather corset wielding a whip. She also was wearing a large strap-on dildo. The first 10 minutes until my girl returned was mostly the two women in the video "getting to know each other" with some light bondage and a little spanking. Of course it was enough to make me wish I was the domme's slave. It also made me wish Mistress Jacqui would meet me soon.

The sales girl returned. She was still dressed in her jeans and tank top. I'd been fantasizing that she would return wearing a corset. Oh well. The first thing she did was to remove the nipple suckers. Let me tell you that was painful. Looking down at my breasts I could tell my nipples were very distended. The suction pressure had pulled them out and made them puffy. I shouldn't have been surprised when she flicked them with her finger they had become very sensitive.

"So slut, should I flog your tits or send you home?" she asked. I had the feeling that if I chose to go home that I'd never hear from Mistress Jacqui again. I lowered my eyes and told her to flog me.

"Good choice," she said waving the flogger in front of my eyes.

I didn't really have a frame of reference as to whether she hit me hard or not, but from the first lash my chest, stomach and yes my tits were on fire. At least she was nice to stay mostly away from my nipples, but it hurt nonetheless. Looking down I could see red streaks forming across my chest. Those were not going to wear off any time soon I figured.

Satisfied that I could take more pain, I then watched as she dipped back into my shopping bag and produced a set of nipple clamps. At least they were the plastic tipped kind, I thought as she showed them to me. She snaked the clamp chain through the leash ring on my collar and then attached them to my nipples. I screamed. I couldn't help it.

"Don't move your head too much darling," she told me. "Your nips will be very sensitive for a while. Don't worry about the marks. They will fade in a few hours."

She then grabbed a vibrator out of the bag and turned it on. It was much more powerful than the egg that had been tormenting me. She looked at me with a devious smile. "Still think you can hold back from cumming?"

She knelt down next to the chair and we both began watching the movie. More accurately I was watching the movie trying not to move my head and she was teasing my clit with the vibrator every so often. She even buzzed my nipples a couple of times. On the screen the sub was getting whipped. I had a feeling she would do that again to me. But instead she kept bringing me close to orgasm and then stopping. It was maddening. I began to wonder how long she planned on keeping me there. I'd been watching the movie for about an hour. The domme was now fucking the sub with the strap-on and I was begging my temptress to fuck me with the vibe. She teased me that I would cum if she did that and she didn't want to disappoint my mistress. It took all my strength not to tell her to "fuck my mistress" and to get me off. In the back of my head I still thought this was all a test from Mistress Jacqui, although I was less sure as time went on. Finally the movie ended after the sub had an explosive, screaming orgasm. The girl took off my clamps and gave each of my nipples a tender kiss. Then she pulled the egg out of my pussy and had me lick it clean. I liked my taste.

"I'll be right back," she told me. "I get off work at 11."

She started another video for me before she left. This one featured a busty blonde girl tied to a bed and a young brunette licking her pussy. The brunette seemed to be teasing the girl because she wouldn't let her cum. This was becoming a running theme. One I didn't really like. I was looking forward to getting home and getting myself off. I couldn't really track how long I was by myself. I was guessing each scene in this movie was 20-30 minutes long and there were 4 of them I watched including a scorching scene where an older redhead got double fucked by two young blonds with strap-ons. I'd never watched a lot of lesbian porn, but that one had me squirming as much as my bonds would allow. Shortly after that was over my girl came back in with another bag.

"I added one more thing to your credit card. I hope you don't mind."

I really wasn't in much of a position to complain. She pulled it out and it was a big strap-on. My mouth (and pussy) drooled a bit at the thought of her fucking me. Unfortunately that wasn't her plan. After adjusting the straps, she started sliding them under my butt. It was tough to wiggle for her to get the straps underneath me, but she finally got the monster cock hooked up and fairly tight against me. She then pulled off her jeans. The first thing I noticed was her pussy was shaved bare. The second thing I noticed was she was already wet. She started a third movie (another lesbian strap-on one although not BDSM themed this time) and walked back over to me. She started stroking my new cock. "Are you going to fuck me, baby?" she cooed. "Do I have a choice?" I replied. That made her laugh. She then bent over and sucked the first few inches into her mouth to get it wet.

She turned her back to me and pressed between my legs. She then grabbed the shaft and positioned it against her labia. It seemed too big to fit in her as I watched her begin to slide down the phallus. She seemed too petite to be taking such a big dick, but she did. She started fucking herself with vigor. I was getting a little pleasure from the indirect contact with my clit, but certainly not the kind of pleasure she was getting. From her sounds I figured she would cum quickly. Maybe then she would have pity on me and give me pleasure. Instead, though, after her first noisy orgasm (I'm sure the guys in the other booths heard her) she stood up and pulled her tank top off. Her breasts were small, but her nipples were large and stiff. She then remounted my cock, this time facing me. She put her arms around me head and rode me like a woman possessed. She pulled my head against her chest. I did my best to lick her nipples, but she seemed more concerned with just holding me against her. This time she was bouncing so forcefully I was getting close to climaxing. I could tell she was too so it was a bit of a contest to see who would cum first. I suppose it's not a surprise that she won that race. When she came she left the dildo buried deep inside her and hugged me tight. I could feel every shake and quiver through her body as her orgasm sent wave after wave of pleasure through her. Now she must be done I figured. Now it must be my turn. But again I was wrong.

She dismounted the dildo, her pussy gaping from the intrusion of such a large member. A rush of air came out, but she didn't seem embarrassed. Instead she stood up and then started climbing up my body. The chair was good for her to straddle me because there were no arms, but it really wasn't suited for her to try and get her pussy to reach my mouth. I thought we both would topple over since I couldn't move to counterbalance her weight. But this must not have been the first time she used someone tied to the chair to lick her post orgasmic pussy. Her flavor and scent was strong. Two quick orgasms will do that for a girl I suppose. She had amazing balance allowing her to grind her wet pussy on my face and enjoy a third orgasm in short order. Now it must finally be my turn, I reasoned. She told me it was time to leave.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

"You want to meet your mistress, don't you?"

"Mistress Jacqui?" I questioned.

"Yes silly. You did good tonight and passed your test."

"OK," I replied. "Let's go."

I still didn't know the girls name that had just used me for her pleasure, but I was more than willing to go with her. She untied me from the chair. She asked if I needed to use the bathroom. I replied that I did. She told me it was out front to the left of the magazine racks. She said she would clean up my toys while I went. I walked out of the room and didn't remember I was naked with a collar and leash until I passed a couple going into one of the other booths. All of a sudden I remembered where I was. The woman commented about the lash marks on my chest. I was mortified. I could have dashed back to the room, but I really did need to go to the bathroom so I streaked through the store instead. I found the bathroom easily enough, but it was locked. I knocked on the door but there was no response. Then I heard a man clearing his throat. I turned and the guy at the counter was holding up a key. I looked around to see if anybody else was watching me. I'm not sure why that mattered, but I was more embarrassed by not assuming the bathroom would be locked than by being naked. Strange. A warm feeling of complacency washed over me. "Own it, girl" I said to myself. This time I walked to the front of the store. Hell, he'd already had a good look at me dashing through the store," I thought. And I was sure this wasn't the craziest thing he'd seen.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" he asked. "Not as much as your clerk did," I replied.

He handed me the key and I walked back to the bathroom. I was certainly tempted to play with myself while I was in there, but I figured I'd made it this far, I needed to see this through. Especially since I was finally going to meet Mistress Jacqui. There were a couple of guys standing around when I returned the key. One reached out in an effort to touch my breast but I slapped his hand away.

"Thank you for the hospitality and fine products," I told the cashier. "I'll shop here again."

"I hope you will," he told me with a smile.

I walked back toward the video booths assuming she was still there. As I passed the first booth I could hear the couple I saw fucking. Must be nice, I mused, to just go out and have sex. I'll hopefully I'll be getting that soon enough. My salesgirl was done packing my new purchases. I noticed my clothes were missing. She must have put them in the bag. She recuffed my hands behind me and then said, "I'll drive," and took hold of my leash. At least she let me walk this time as I followed behind her as she led me through the store and to the front door. Needless to say I was scared of being led naked out of the store, but I didn't have much of a choice. She brought me to her car, a Honda Civic and told me to get in back. When I did she leaned in and grabbed a leather cuff that was under the side of the passenger seat. "Spread your legs," she commanded and I did. There was a similar cuff on the driver side and soon I was bound in her car unable to move my legs or touch my pussy.

"One more thing," she added before grabbing a blindfold out of the center console. "Mistress likes her privacy."

Thus we went into the night. I was bound naked and without sight being led by a girl I'd just met going to meet a woman I'd pledged my body and soul. This was certainly a leap of faith, one that I hoped would not turn out badly. At least that is what my brain was saying. My pussy was leaking onto her back seat. And that was what was really in charge.

Next: Chapter 3

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