Bad Wife Good Sub

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Mar 26, 2014


Bad Wife, Good Sub Ð Chapter 04 By Tappy McWidestance

The next morning I woke up sore, but feeling great. Mistress Jacqui had been rough with me. I would have preferred if we had more sex, but I couldn't deny the feelings she had awoken in me. I hoped there would be an email waiting for me with instructions to rush back to her arms, but there was not. I suppose I shouldn't have expected her to be emotionally lost without me the way I knew I'd feel without her. I knew she had many other slaves, both male and female to serve her and I was just another toy to her. But still, I thought maybe my being new would excite her. Oh well. Back to the usual grind I suppose.

I made breakfast and showered. I checked my email again but there was nothing. I thought about email her and thanking her for last night, but I decided against it. I didn't want to look to needy or anxious. Instead I got dressed and headed to the gym.

At first my workout was nothing special. As I exercised my mind was focused not on my activity but on Mistress Jacqui and what she had done to me. Then Toni arrived and I switched from lifting to our favorite bikes. They were the two on the end of the cardio room. Not exactly private for an intimate conversation, but a little more so than the machines in the middle of the room. I had a lot of questions for Toni. Hopefully the other people at the gym would all be plugged into their music players or phones and we could talk openly.

Toni seemed to be walking gingerly as she approached me. She looked like she had injured herself. Maybe she pulled her hamstring or something. She gave me a hug as a greeting and then we got on the bikes. Riding, she didn't seem hurt as she set a brisk pace. She seemed very focused and not in the mood to talk. I tried to match her pace, but I was too worn out from the night before to keep up with her. I slowed down a bit, but kept riding. After a few minutes Toni turned her head to me.

"You had better get in better shape if you want Mistress to keep you around. We were not up that late last night."

She then turned her head forward and sped up a little. I was stunned. She had said "we" were not up that late. Immediately I realized that Toni had been the other woman in the playroom.

I had so many questions for her, but as I said, she didn't seem in the mood to talk. Maybe she was mad at me about something. Did I do something wrong last night? Did I take time away from her with Mistress Jacqui and did that upset her?

We finished working out and headed to the locker room. I was in the shower before her having decided not to linger and engage her in conversation. As usual at that time of the morning the showers were empty and the water was warm. It felt great to have the soothing water cascade over my sore body. Toni came in soon after me. She took the shower next to me. That was not unusual. I never told her that I liked having her standing naked next to me. I definitely got a voyeuristic thrill looking at her and now that we had been together, the attraction was even stronger. Although I had been blindfolded last night, I remember what her body felt like. Now I could examine her more closely and know what I had touched. I tried not to ogle her overtly, but I was definitely sneaking glances. It did not occur to me at the time that she was doing the same to me. She had seen me at my most vulnerable last night with nothing left to hide. I don't think seeing me in the shower meant as much to her. But maybe I was wrong.

During one of my sneaky glances (which it turns out was not so sneaky) I saw Toni looking toward the locker room. Apparently she was satisfied that nobody else was coming into the showers because she moved closer to me and took my hands in hers. At first she just sensually touched my palms and our fingers intertwined. My heart started to race. I closed my eyes feeling again the excitement of the night before. My breathing slowed and deepened. I moved my head forward and puckered my lips in anticipation of kissing her passionately. But instead I felt my body being pushed backward and my arms being raised above my head.

With a thud I hit the shower wall. The tile was cold to the touch compared to the warm water. My entire back felt like ice and I felt a shiver run through my body. With grace and skill Toni had left go of my fingers and was now pressing my wrists against the wall. She was holding them firmly and although I'm sure I could have broken free, I didn't want to get away from her.

Although my back was cold, my front was hot. Not so much from the water but from the heat of her body pressing against mine. And then there was the kiss.

Ever since she took my hands and I closed my eyes I had been imagining the most passionate kiss you can envision. Toni did not disappoint. Oh it wasn't the fiery dueling tongues mad capped French variety. It was a firm, yet somehow gentle, all encompassing kiss which melted me to the core. The feeling of her breasts mashing against mine, her hard nipples rubbing against mine own, and her pubic bone pressing against my pussy left me in an aroused state surrendering to her will. If she had not been holding me I'm sure I would have fallen to the shower floor.

I felt her bring my wrist together so she could hold them both with one hand. Again I chose not to try to get away. I was hers. With her right hand free, I felt it slide tenderly down my cheek. Only now did I open my eyes to look at her. Her eyes were not the soft loving eyes I had expected. They were firm, boring through me with a fiery intensity I had not seen from her before. She drew a finger across my lips. I started to open my mouth assuming she wanted me to suck her finger but she didn't stop long enough.

Her finger continued down my neck. I tilted my head up in an involuntary reflex. I tried to arch my back but was blocked by her body, which was still pressed against me. What a sight we must had been if anybody else was watching. If we'd been backlit we would have looked like an artistic adult movie. As her finger continued down she began to move away from me ever so slightly. Her finger went between my cleavage. At first I thought she was going to skip my breasts and continue to my pussy, not a bad plan in my book, but once her tender finger reached the bottom swell of my breast it curled around the underside. Then instead of a slow moving finger, her hand unfolded and she grabbed my left breast forcefully and squeezed. Not that I didn't enjoy her action, but she caught me off guard and I'm sure my face showed my surprise. With her palm cupping my breast and her nails digging into my sensitive flesh, her thumb began to rub back and forth over my nipple. I gasped as a lightning bolt shot through my body.

As you can imagine, my breast was not her final destination. As soon as she had given me just enough pleasure through my nipple her hand continued down my body. As it ventured down my stomach she leaned in and kissed me again. She was more forceful this time, trying to bend me to her will, as if she would have any problem getting me to do anything she wanted.

When she reached my pussy her two middle fingers slide easily inside of me leaving her thumb free to dance on my clit. She began to pull her lips away from my mouth. I pushed my head forward in an effort to continue the kiss, but it was in vain. A string of saliva hung in the air as she pulled way before the water of the shower washed it away. As she began to finger me in earnest I began to feel my knees begin to buckle. It was that moment when she began to speak. Or should I say strike.

"Oh, that's what baby girl wants is it?" she taunted me rhetorically. I just moaned. "I've seen girls like you come and go. Mistress likes her new toys but they never last. I've lasted. Don't you forget it. I can make you cum as hard as she does if I want. And I can convince her to drop you from the rotation if you don't keep me happy."

My mind was not really concentrating on her words as my body was totally focused on the pleasure her fingers was bringing me.

"I understand Mistress Jacqui's need for fresh meat. And I love serving her with all my heart. But last night I didn't get my needs met and that has to change. So right now you are going to get down on your knees and eat my pussy. And you had better do it right because otherwise I'll take you back into the locker room and paddle that ass of yours raw. Do we understand each other?"

I was still distracted by her fingers, but I heard enough of what she said to remember "knees" and "eat my pussy." I nodded. She released my wrists. "Then do it slut and do it well."

In an instant our relationship changed. As my knees hit the warm tile floor of the shower and I saw her very aroused pussy in front of me I realized I now had two mistresses, although I didn't tell her that. I gingerly moved my head forward unsure of what style she wanted me to employ. I wasn't sure if she wanted nice and tender or hard and naughty. She made the decision by grabbing my hair and pulling me forcefully against her cunt. "Get in there bitch," I remember hearing her say. And get in there I did.

I didn't think I was doing such a good job. She was basically just rubbing herself off on my face. But I was good with that. Whatever Toni wanted right then was good with me. Even when she spun around and pulled my face against her ass I was ok with whatever she chose. "Get your nose in there deep," she called out. "Then use your tongue," she exclaimed as she pulled my head up moving me where she wanted me.

It was my first rim job but I based on her reaction I doubt it will be my last. I had both hand on her hips pulling her tightly against my face. Her hand was still intertwined in my hair pulling me tighter still against her backside. I couldn't tell but I imagined her other hand was rubbing her pussy. Then I heard a gasp. But it wasn't from Toni and it certainly wasn't from me.

"What the fuck?" I heard a woman's voice exclaim. "You can't do that in here! I'm getting the manager."

Then I heard Toni reply. "She's got a talented tongue. She'll be happy to service you in exchange for your silence."

Although I'd been shared by Mistress Jacqui with the girl from the adult bookstore, that was the first time I felt like I was being pimped out. I peeked out from behind Toni's ass to look at the woman who interrupted us. She was not without her charms. She was a brunette, older like me, and in good shape. I guess eating her pussy wouldn't be a bad thing. But she wasn't interested. "Fuck you dyke!" she screamed at Toni. "I'll have you kicked out of this gym." With that she stormed off back into the locker room. I was nervous, but Toni didn't seem upset. She simply spun around again so my mouth was on her pussy.

"It will take her a minute or two to get dressed then she has to find the manager. Hurry up and get me off."

I was amazed that she still wanted sex. I was ready to get dressed myself and hightail it out of the gym. But I was in no position to argue. I pushed my tongue into her pussy. It was wetter than when I starting to tongue her ass. Between my analingous and being caught, Toni's arousal went into overdrive. I was confident I could get her off quickly. I quickly began alternating between licking the soft wet folded of her pussy and sucking on her hard, exposed clitoris. And I could tell my efforts were appreciated as her juices were flowing freely into my mouth.

"Finger fuck me while you do that. Use both hands. Do my ass at the same time."

If the manager returned with the other woman at that moment she would have a great view as my middle finger on my left hand pushed easily into Toni's ass. It was obvious anal play was something she did frequently because her rosebud opened right up for my invading finger.

"I can barely feel that," she exclaimed. "Use two or three fingers babe," she called out to me. I added a second finger to her ass while with my right hand I sought out her pussy. Pulling my mouth back momentarily I pushed three fingers into her and began rubbing her clit much like she had done to me. I alternated using my thumb and my tongue on her clit and I must have been doing something right because she climaxed very quickly after I had begun my dual penetration.

Toni didn't have the wild screaming orgasm I had hoped she would. Maybe she was more concerned about being caught than she led on. But she definitely came. I felt her ass clamp down on my fingers as did her pussy and the cutest whimper escaped her lips. I was happen with myself for getting her off as she grabbed both my wrists again and pulled my fingers out of her now satisfied holes. She then held both my hands under the water spray and rubbed them together cleaning off the evidence of our tryst. Then she pulled me to my feet.

"Everyday when we work out you are going to get me off. It might be here at the gym or it might be at my house, but your job now includes making me orgasm. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"Good. Now get dressed before the manager arrives. Deny everything. We'll be fine."

I got the sense this wasn't the first time she'd been caught in this shower and wondered how many other women she had recruited for Mistress Jacqui. I couldn't help but admire her ass as she walked out of the shower. I'd never licked someone's asshole before and was glad she had basically forced me to for my first time. But I had to admit to myself I did enjoy her dominating me in the shower. I don't think I'd want her as my full time mistress. Mistress Jacqui was still my preference as far as that went, but I could hardly complain about what we just did. I was still sitting on the shower floor daydreaming about pleasuring Toni when the manager walked into the shower area with the woman who caught us.

"She's the one," the woman said pointing toward me. "The other one must be by the lockers."

The manager looked at me. I'm sure I looked guilty.

"Please come to my office after you dress," she said calmly. Then she turned to walk back to the lockers. I quickly stood up and followed them. I didn't bother to wrap my towel around my body. They had both seen me naked already and if Toni and I somehow offended the woman who busted us, I wanted to make her as uncomfortable as I could. I also wanted to see them confront Toni.

By the time I reached them Toni was already dressed and in full denial mode. The woman who caught us was incredulous. The manager was smiling. She told the woman that since there was no evidence that Toni did anything her hands were tied. The woman stormed off in a huff and then Toni and the manager walked out of the locker room. I started getting dressed.

I assumed from the manager's smile that she knew Toni and that she wasn't really going to kick me out of the gym. But I was still nervous as I walked out of the locker room. I saw Toni standing by the juice bar and walked up to her. She handed me a smoothie.

"Don't worry about Kim. She's cool. She'll just tell you to knock it off in the locker room."

That made me feel a little better. I really liked this gym and I didn't want to have to find a new one. I found her office and knocked on the door. It opened quickly and the woman waved her hand bidding me entrance to the small room. There was a desk with two chairs on one side and a single larger chair on the other. Besides a couple of exercised themed posters and the PC, the office was sparsely furnished.

"May I have your gym card," were the first words she spoke and I handed it over. Maybe Toni was wrong I began to think. The woman slid my card through a mag strip reader and my account appeared on the screen.

"Looks like you are quite a regular, Heather," she said. I hate to lose a loyal member, but I can't have you and Toni fucking in the shower."

I started to protest but she waved her hand.

"Look, I don't care if you are gay or what you do in your private life," she said. Again I started to protest and told her that I was married.

"OK, so you are bi. As I said, your private business is your private business. But this gym is my business. You want to fuck Toni after your workout, that is fine, but don't do it in public. I don't like being a pain in everybody's ass, but I've warned her before. If it happens again, I'm going to have to take action."

I didn't say anything, but I nodded. I didn't realize it but I was looking down at the time in my submissive pose. I don't know if Kim picked up on that or not, but she stood and walked around her desk where I was sitting. In the cramped office she was very close to me. She was wearing workout shorts and a tank top, although she obviously had not been sweating since her last shower. In fact I caught a whiff of her intoxicating perfume.

Kim sat on the edge of her desk right in front of me. There really wasn't space for her to cross her legs so she sat with them slightly apart. My eyes were naturally drawn to her strong thighs and her shorts. Then she spread her legs. Her shorts were pulled tight across her crotch.

"I see from your entry records you like to work out early. And I see from your eyes, your husband doesn't really hold your interest any more. I think you need a sexual release before you begin your workout so that you and Toni can keep your hands off each other. That really would be the best solution to our problem."

Again I couldn't really speak and could only nod.

"I know the kind of women Toni likes. She liked girl who can take orders. They also have to be skilled at eating pussy. So right now you are going to prove me right on both counts. You are going to remove my shorts and make me cum. If you are good, I'll let you do this every time you come to the gym before your workout. Do you understand."

I nodded my head and raised my hands to her legs. I ran my hands up each of her legs until I reached the waistband of her shorts. She helped by sliding her butt off the edge of the desk holding herself aloft by her hands. After her shorts cleared the edge of the desk she sat back down.

Kim didn't grab my hair and was in no way forceful. She was happy to just sit back and let me lick her. When I tried to finger her she pushed my hand away and told me no. She wanted to be brought off with just my mouth.

I probably took 15 minutes to make her cum. She even took a couple of phone calls although she didn't have me stop. She was quiet. I wasn't sure I was doing a good job for her. In fact I had no warning before her body suddenly stiffened. Even when she came she barely made a sound. I was actually a bit disappointed. I wanted some kind of feedback. She told me I was good and thanked me, but I felt empty emotionally when I was done. She said if I wanted to masturbate I could use the room and even confessed that she had a vibe in her drawer I could borrow. But I really just wanted to get out of there so I declined.

"Don't forget, Heather. You're on probation at this gym. I expect to see you in this office before you start to work out."

"I will not forget, Kim," I told her and walked out of the office. I expected to see Toni waiting for me since I was sure she knew what had happened, but she was gone. I drove home thinking about what had happened. I'd pleasured two women at the gym without being served myself. But in a weird way I felt OK with that. Mistress Jacqui certainly used me for her pleasure more than my own and Toni and Kim did the same. I had been aroused in the shower and in Kim's office and my pussy was still wet when I got home.

Fortunately Mistress Jacqui was online and allowed me to cam my masturbation so she could watch and instruct me. She teased me for a long time denying me permission to cum, but when I finally came it was way better than either Kim or Toni could have done for me.

Mistress Jacqui told me to keep Thursday night free for my next task. I thanked her for the orgasm and told her I would keep my schedule clear. The next day I went to the gym again. After I changed into my workout clothes I went to Kim's office. Again she let me in quickly. The computer must have notified her that I had checked in, as she appeared to have been expecting me.

"I have a conference call starting in 5 minutes. Crawl under my desk," was all she said.

I did as she instructed. This time she didn't have me pull off her shorts but simply pulled aside the crotch exposing an already wet pussy. I wonder if she was playing with herself before I got there. I went to work licking her the same way I did the day before. A few minutes later I heard her dial into the conference call. The gym was part of a chain and I guess the managers got together to talk. I was amazed at her ability to carry on business while I was hedonistically pleasuring her. Then the door opened. I recognized the voice as the girl from the front desk. She asked some inane question and Kim answered them without missing a beat. Only after the door closed did I realize my feet must be visible from the other side of the desk. The girl at the front desk was very young. I think she was a student at the local community college although she looked younger. I wondered if she saw me come into the office and didn't see me leave. "Great," I thought. "Another person at the gym knows I like to suck pussy."

But Kim wasn't done with me yet so I continued doing by best to bring her off. Eventually I did, but again she came almost silently. That was really starting to bug me. I thought about how Mistress Jacqui could cure her of that affliction. When she was done she moved so I could crawl out from under the desk.

"Have a good workout, Heather," she told me. "And keep your hands off Toni if she shows up.

"Yes, Mam," I replied, for the first time being able to form a complete sentence around her.

I left her office. The girl at the desk gave me a knowing smile. I realized I had not wiped Kim's juices from my face. I had become accustomed to wearing the rewards of my work and forgot for a minute that I was in public. Looking at her I wondered if she would make a play for me as well. I went out into the gym to look for Toni, but I didn't find her. I wasn't sure if she just had not arrived yet or if she was trying to avoid me. It turned out she was just running late.

Our workout was 100% normal in that we worked out hard, talked a bit about sex but didn't talk about what happened in the shower and she never asked me about what happened in Kim's office.

After we were done and in the shower I kind of expected her to pin me against the wall again. Toni was looking at me with lust again the way she had yesterday. I was tempted to wrap my arms around her and kiss her passionately, but she took the lead yesterday and since it was in my nature to follow, I figured I'd let her direct the action, if any.

As it turned out she had a plan, but it didn't involve another public performance. Just before we finished our shower she did embrace me, although there was no kiss. She told me I was to follow her home where "we wouldn't be interrupted." That sounded good to me. After dressing we were walking out together when Kim saw us and called Toni into her office. I figured I might be waiting a while so I started chatting up the girl at the reception desk. I wanted to see if she would mention seeing my feet under Kim's desk, but she didn't. She seemed reluctant to say anything except small talk. Toni was only in Kim's office a couple of minutes, but when she came back out both of them looked at me and smiled. I was sure I was the topic of their conversation. But neither mentioned it and I followed Toni out to head to her place.

I wasn't sure exactly what to expect at Toni's house. Did she have a wild BDSM party planned for me or was she just going to use me to get herself off like she had in the shower. As it turned out, much to my disappointment, she just wanted me to get her off. She stripped out of her pants and panties and sat down on the couch. She didn't give me a specific command, she just pointed to the floor in front of her. I knew what she wanted and got down on my knees between her legs.

I wish she had restrained me or given me some kind of stimulation, but she was content to just have me munch away on her pussy. I did put my arms behind my back to simulate her having bound me, but it wasn't the same. I managed to make her climax fairly quickly (I was getting better at eating pussy) but apart of a curt "thank you" she didn't give me any feedback. She just told me to leave and walked out of the room. I felt more used than I had before when performing all manner of perverted tasks for Mistress Jacqui. Toni gave me no reciprocal pleasure and simply used me to get off.

The next couple of days at the gym followed a similar pattern. I had to make Kim cum in her office and then I would dutifully follow Toni home and pleasure her, but neither showed an interest in making me cum. Both seemed content to being pillow princesses. Each day, though, when I left Toni's I would drive straight home and masturbate. With the thoughts of submitting to both women without the promise of reciprocity fresh in my head, I always got off quickly. Mistress Jacqui was on line one day so I could broadcast my slutty behavior to her, but the other days I just performed for myself. She did give me another exhibition task on Thursday (I had to show myself off at a seedy bar on Industrial Avenue) but even that felt stale. After a couple of weeks it started to become a very unfulfilling existence. I needed an exciting task from Mistress Jacqui. Fortunately for me, she provided one.

I had just finished a hot and steamy phone sex session with Mistress Jacqui. I was laying in my backyard by the pool. My tiny bikini that I had been wearing had been shed long ago. It was late afternoon so my body was dripping in sweat and the afterglow of a massive climax. I wanted to jump into the pool to cool off, but my body was still recovering and I could not peal myself off the chaise lounge. Mistress Jacqui had me wearing a Bluetooth headset so I would have both my hands free as she directed me how to tease my pussy, clit, nipples and ass for at least a half an hour before letting me cum. Without the aid of my usual vibrating toys, it always takes me longer to orgasm, but the last ten minutes or so were blissful agony as I struggled not to climax until she gave me permission. Although I was nervous about being outside in the beginning (my yard is not the most private place) by the end I would have walked out to the street in front of my house if she ordered it to get the release by body craved.

Finally my body calmed down and I was able to jump in the refreshing water to cool off. I didn't stay in the pool long figuring I'd take a quick nap. I picked up my bikini but didn't bother putting it on. I just walked to my back door. I did look around to see if any neighbors were watching, but didn't see anybody. I had one young couple who lived next door. She was a real cutie and I wouldn't mind fucking her. On the other side was an older couple that I had no sexual interest in. They were retired so if anybody saw me it was probably them. I smiled to myself thinking about the old guy yanking his cock trying to get a rise out of it while he watched me masturbate.

I slipped beneath my silk sheets and was sleep almost immediately. Although I figured I'd only be grabbing a quick nap, apparently my body needed the rest because when I woke it was dark already. I woke with a jolt. I also noticed my right hand was between my legs and my pussy and fingers were wet. I didn't remember what I had dreamed about, but apparently it was good.

I was glad I woke when I did because there was a message from Mistress Jacqui waiting for me and she had a new task for me to complete. To say just seeing the title of the email (it simply said `Task') made me excited was an understatement. The instructions were more detailed that her previous tasks. I was to dress "sexy." She went on to say she meant not slutty, but more refined and elegant. However, my skirt was to be very short, I was to wear thigh high stockings and heels. I was to wear a sheer blouse, unbuttoned to show an expanse of cleavage with a demi cup push up bra to accentuate my positives. So far I liked my new task.

The second part wasn't quite so nice. I kind of expected her to tell me to go walk Freemont Street again or maybe strut up and down the strip. Instead she told me to go to the Bellagio. Now I understood why she wanted me to dress more elegantly. The next part of my task was to go to a specific bar she chose. I'd been there before and remembered it had many small pub height tables each with just two chairs. I was to sit on the chair and cross my legs. Oh, did I mention she commanded me not to wear underwear? Immediately I understood her plan was that I would hold my legs in a manner to expose myself if anyone happened to notice.

Her instructions continued that I was to wear my remote control vibrating egg. When I sat down I was to set it on random. This particular unit had a small remote that looked like the unlock remote for a car, but with 4 buttons instead of two. I was to leave my keys on the table with the remote in plain sight. She didn't say it, but I assumed she hoped somebody would recognize what the remote controlled.

I wondered if she intended for me to just tease myself, but her instructions made that clear as well. I was to allow myself to get picked up. This made my blood run cold. Throughout my time with Mistress Jacqui I had managed not to directly cheat on my husband. I didn't consider being with another woman cheating, but if I went through with my task that was going to change tonight. She finished by saying I was to pick someone who would understand my motivations, was willing to dominate me, that I should bring toys (she suggested bringing cuffs at a minimum but I knew I would bring a bagful) and that she wanted a picture of my partner.

She didn't say it, but I knew if I refused, I wouldn't have any additional contact with her ever again. I wasn't willing to risk that outcome. I began to get dressed. Looking at my watch I realized it was 9pm. By the time I got there it would be 10 or later. Not that the time was a problem, mind you. Even on a Thursday night the joint would be jumping, as they say.

I dressed as she ordered and hopped in my car. My biggest concern was being recognized. We had friends who worked at the Bellagio, but hopefully they would either be off tonight or would not run into me. I felt like a complete slut swinging my legs out of the car as the valet held my door. As my legs spread I could feel the cool night air blow across my pussy. I was already dripping in anticipation from the drive over and I wanted to just grab the valet and fuck him on the spot. He smiled as he looked down at my long exposed legs. The slit in my skirt had allowed it to open up as I pivoted. I'm not sure that he saw my pussy, but I didn't really care if he had. I almost asked what time he finished working, but I knew that wasn't Mistress' plan. I just smiled back at him and walked into the casino. I felt his eyes following my ass.

I had not put the egg in yet. As wet as I was I doubted I could have held it in while I walked. I'm sure that was part of Mistress' plan to humiliate me. I knew security had scanners to detect electronic devices, and while a vibrating egg wasn't illegal in a casino, being searched certainly would have been humiliating. I walked through the casino feeling naughtier with every step. Along the way I saw plenty of gorgeous young women with old guys throwing away thousands at the tables. I remembered a game called "niece / no niece" that my husband taught me. The idea was to people watch and try to figure out which couples were real (no niece) and which couples were together because the guy was wealthy and powerful or the girl was a gold digger (niece). Of course tonight I was a niece, although my motivation wasn't money but the power my Mistress held over me.

I found the bar Mistress had required. It was near the poker room and not far from the blackjack tables. I began to wonder if one of the rich guys with the arm candy might try to pick me up for a three-way. I had not considered that possibility. It made my pussy gush a little more. At least if I had another women with me, I could enjoy her while the man did what he had to do. I looked around and spotted a bathroom. I hurried to it and went into a stall. I quickly peed and then pulled the vibrating egg out of my oversized purse containing a wide variety of toys, just in case. I took a deep breath and slid it into my hungry pussy. It went in easily. Too easily. I really began to worry that I wouldn't be able to hold it in without panties. I pressed the remote and the egg sprung to life. Then I cycled through the modes until the LED next to R (for random) was lit. It was time.

Next: Chapter 5

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