Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Nov 17, 2023


Bagged Boy: Payback Comes For Kenny And Peter

For Kenny and Peter it all started when Lucky used tapes on a drugged Richie to make him gay. Lucky showed off to his friends by having Richie service them too. Lucky then included Kenny and Peter whenever he drugged and turned out one of their straight classmates, the last one being Neal. Kenny and Peter even used Neal as bait to set up another teammate, Dustin, to be fucked by Kenny. Things went bad for Peter as in the tangle of bodies Peter wound up with Dustin's cock in his mouth as he shot his load. When Peter admitted it wasn't half bad, Kenny shoved his hard cock in Peter's mouth too. Since then, Kenny and Peter have continued to enjoy Lucky's sex slaves but only they two know (and Dustin and Neal suspect) that Kenny has also been forcing Peter to continue giving him blowjobs. Kenny has even hinted he might want Peter's ass too...

It's an odd group at the lunch table. It's Dustin, Logan, Neal, Peter, and Tommy. Peter has as recently as days ago made both Dustin and Neal give up their asses to them, got into a fight some weeks ago with Logan and a friend (and won viciously) while Tommy has been sexually humiliated especially by Peter. Peter doesn't get why Logan's there, since only Dustin and Neal know that Neal seduced the new kid in town and he's been fucking both Dustin and Neal since. To Peter, Logan's just the kid he beat up and humiliated a few times.

"So, I gave Kenny that drug cocktail like you wanted the last two nights and put the headphones on him. I don't believe it'll work though." Neal and the one person involved who's not here, Neal's lover Billy, decided to use the subliminal tape thing on Kenny. Kenny is the cruelest of the abusers, crueler in some ways than Lucky and they wanted payback on Kenny to be slow and pleasurable to them.

"I had my doubts too but Kurt showed me how his brother Lucky did it. Proved it totally. You know Alex, right? The one on the football team?" They all do, especially Tommy. They've played together all through school. "He's an ass to everyone, but especially to his own little brother Doug."

"He calls him Dog," Dustin mutters. He's also friends with Doug.

"Yeah, and there's no doubt Alex and Doug are straight, right?" Tommy grunts. Alex has been dating Tommy's ex-girlfriend. She had dumped Tommy when he couldn't explain to her why he kept standing her up since Tommy was doing it because Tommy's supposed best friend Lucky was blackmailing him into performing gay sex on demand to whomever Lucky said he had to. "Well, Kurt had had enough of it and decided to teach Alex a lesson.

"He spent a lot of nights over there anyway and Alex and Doug's folks didn't suspect anything. Alex and Doug didn't suspect anything. He dosed them like Lucky did Richie and had them listen to CDs he'd made and `cause Kurt knew I didn't believe him really about what Lucky did to Richie, Kurt made sure I was there when it happened.

"Me and Doug and Kurt were just farting around, doing nothing in their basement when Alex came down. Their folks were out so Alex didn't have to worry about what he said to Doug and Kurt and it was nasty some of it. Alex was dressed to work out and that should have been hot looking but that mouth on him coulda made anyone ugly.

"So that's when Kurt got him. He said to Alex to not knock it until he tried it when Alex started making fag comments at him. Alex said he'd never let anyone fuck his ass and Kurt asked what if it was Doug fucking him. Alex got this weird look on his face and all of a sudden there was a huge tent in his shorts and he started eyeing Doug. Kurt asked Doug if he wanted to fuck Alex and I swear Doug started to say no when he got that same look on his face and instantly hard too. Just like we weren't even there, Alex laid down on the couch, kicked off his shorts and pulled his legs up. Doug didn't even strip that much, just unzipped and unsnapped so his hard dick popped out, crawled over his older brother and started fucking like crazy. Alex was hard and horny the whole time, moaning and groaning, and when Doug came, he did too." Dustin and Tommy clearly love this story, Logan is in awe, and Peter skeptical.

"Alex must have been pissed," Logan says with a smile. "He must have wanted to kick Doug's ass." Logan has been on the receiving end from Alex too.

"Yeah but Kurt set off some other trigger and he calmed down and accepted he was helpless about it. Kurt also made Alex realize he had to do it whenever Doug wanted and made sure Doug wants it whenever he's horny or just mad at Alex. Kurt said Doug admitted he wakes Alex up with a fuck now, does him after dinner, and again right before bed. Hell, Kurt says Doug's even done Alex on campus." Peter snorts in derision.

"This is bullshit. It ain't possible and even if it was, how'd Lucky come up with it?" Peter is convinced Neal's either delusional or lying.

"You think so? Peter, reach over and start playing with Tommy's dick." Peter does as he's told and he's as shocked as Tommy that he does it. "I took it for a test run, Petey. You now have to do whatever a guy tells you to do if you've had sex with him. You can stop now." Peter is very, very pissed.

"That is fucked up! I came to you for help and you brainwash me? Fuck you," he hisses and starts to get up.

"Don't leave, Pete, and what's fucked up is you wanted help only when your ass was on the line. When all Kenny wanted was blowjobs, you still made us all put out even though you knew exactly how bad it felt to be treated that way. You were the worst kind of ass and now you're paying." Neal turns to Logan. "I promised you a treat if you put up with Peter having lunch with us and here it is." Peter thinks he sees where this is going and tries to will himself to leave but can't disobey Neal's direct order.

"This is cruel," he mutters.

"No, cruel is what you and Kenny helped Lucky do. This is just karma, Petey." Neal gets a cold smile that scares Peter. "Pete, you're gonna take Logan to where you dragged me or Dustin or Tommy and let him fuck your ass. You're gonna love it and stay real hard the whole time and have the best cum of your life when Logan cums up your ass. Okay?" Peter grits his teeth but still has to answer despite his efforts.

"Okay," and gets up to lead Logan to where he'll be giving up his virgin ass. Logan gets up to follow and the others can clearly see the thought of this kind of revenge on Peter appeals to him. Neal hands Dustin a camera from his backpack and Dustin eagerly follows Logan and Peter out.

"That is so cold," Tommy says when they're gone.

"You disapprove?"

"Nah. After what those pricks did to me, I can't wait to give the new Peter a few commands too. What's that gay kid's name, the one Kenny and Peter have been treating like shit since junior high?"

"Eric." Despite having basically turned bisexual by his ex-friend Lucky, Tommy doesn't really hang with the gay students any more than he used to.

"Yeah, that's it. I think Eric's gonna take a turn riding Peter's ass after school today." Neal knew his fellow victims would like this even more than Fitz and Paul putting out last week. They've all even managed to forgive those two. Fitz and Paul at least had stopped participating when Lucky had turned on them. Neal's even sure the two friends have bottomed for all of them willingly since then since Fitz and Paul really were being more thoughtless than intentionally cruel. "So Kenny's punishment is slower than Peter's?"

"Oh yeah, and here it comes now. Looks like Kenny got done in court so we finally get to see step one." Tommy turns around so he can see what Neal means and almost doesn't recognize Kenny coming in the door. Kenny is usually dressed like a typical clueless straight boy. Kenny's not bad looking at all but his hair is usually just combed and left on its own and he favors baggy jeans and oversized shirts. To look at Kenny you'd never usually be able to tell he's been on swim teams since grade school.

That has changed thanks to Neal! Kenny's hair is actually styled, his jeans aren't emo tight but hug his legs and nice ass better and he's wearing a long sleeved T-shirt that just barely comes to his belt. When Kenny moves the shirt rides up ever so slightly to let everyone see the trail of hair going down from his navel into his pants. Pretty much everyone is reacting to Kenny's new look but Kenny himself is oblivious to it all, just like Billy and Neal wanted.

"I'm impressed. Two nights of that CD and you've done what no girlfriend has ever gotten done," laughs Tommy.

"Don't tell Peter but I wasn't sure it'd work. It might have worked on Richie and Alex and Doug and now Peter but it doesn't work on everyone," admits Neal. "Me and Billy tried it on each other and it didn't catch. You'd have seen him wearing mismatching shoelaces all week if it had."

"What did Billy try on you?" Neal doesn't know and is about to tell Tommy that when Billy finally joins them.

"Neal's told him to get a tattoo of a sun around his belly button," laughs Billy. "No tat so some people are immune. I'm glad Kenny and Peter aren't though. I stopped by after Miller let me go and saw Peter bent over a crate and acting like a cheap whore while Logan fucked him. Sweet." Neal and Tommy agree. Revenge on the worst of Lucky's cronies is off to a good start.

The next change for Kenny was a harsher one and one that only half of the school population had a chance to see, the guys. Whenever Kenny went into the locker room after Peter had done his assignment, Kenny found his cock getting rock hard. Kenny even found the same thing happening if he wasn't alone in the men's room. He just told anyone making fun that he was such a stud and needed sex so much that he was almost always hard. It bothered Kenny that people were starting to think otherwise, that between this and the new look that Kenny was perhaps coming out of the closet. Making matters even worse was that he rarely found one of the usual guys he was using for relief whenever these hardons would hit and Kenny sure wasn't going to find a girl to do him on school grounds.

During this, Logan and Tommy were just passing Peter around like a joint. Being commanded to love it during was helping Peter while being fucked but his ass was on fire the rest of the two days!

Next up was making rabid homophobe Kenny lock lips during sex with guys. Dustin, Neal, and Tommy weren't so scarce now when one of Kenny's locker room hardons would hit because of that. Kenny was a good fuck after all and the look on his face when he was done cumming and realized he was making out with one of them was priceless!

While Kenny did this, Tommy got the idea to send Peter in to the offices of a gay for pay website that was located in their town. Armed with the right attitude and being just over eighteen, Peter started filming that day. Peter, who insisted on using his real name on the site, did a solo shoot as well as being on the receiving end of a blowjob. Peter actually did enjoy it in the end but knew Tommy must be going somewhere with this.

Billy and Neal liked the website idea so much that it became Kenny's next idea. A supposed spam email triggered the thought. Kenny told himself it was just gonna be jacking off on camera and maybe letting fags service him but there was no choice for him in the matter when it came to joining. Kenny's first day of filming, also using his real name, he did indeed do a jack off scene and had one of the site's regulars give him a stellar blowjob. Kenny was humiliated that he lost control and made out like a cheap whore with his partner. The director lied that he'd consider editing out that part for Kenny.

Logan then had Peter act completely oblivious to any interest from the ladies and to dress as equally stylish as Kenny. Peter fought these and the next, becoming a touchy feely guy with his friends, but the need to obey was too strong. Neal suspected what little tiny bit of guilt Peter felt was helping them but everyone else didn't believe Peter could feel guilt.

Next up was planting the thought in Kenny's head to wonder what it feels like for the guys blowing him. This thought was torture for Kenny but each time it popped into his head it was stronger. Peter was clued in to this one because it was most likely he'd benefit. Since day one, Kenny had been told to always sleep over with a guy he'd had sex with and so far it had always been Peter.

For his part, Peter needed something like this. Every guy Peter had abused got into the act of telling him what to do, although not every action was sexual. Peter broke up with his girlfriend due to Tommy, started being ultra-polite for two days courtesy of Dustin, Neal had made him try out for the school play, and Billy had him not speaking until spoken to for one forty-eight hour period but it was only Logan who couldn't get enough of the sexual commands. Logan liked Peter as a sex slave and Peter was doing pretty much every thing with Logan that Peter had made the others do to him. Logan had also expanded Peter's circle of lovers by another four but only told one of them about the command Neal implanted to punish Peter. This was Grant and unluckily for Peter, Grant also had a desire to get even with Peter.

Still, it was just Peter's luck that he'd miss out on evening the score with Kenny then. It was day three of Kenny's new obsessive thought and Peter was dragged out of town for a family funeral. Neal's older brother Damon was home from college and had been friends with Kenny before graduating so it was natural the two go out partying. Damon saw the change in Kenny but since Kenny didn't make a big deal out of it neither did Damon. They got trashed and as Kenny drove him home, Damon passed out in the passenger seat.

Kenny was going to shake Damon and push him out of the car when the thought implanted about wondering what it felt like to give a blowjob came back again and harder than ever. Before it had been in the locker room or in the lunch room or someplace else where Kenny knew there was no way he could act on the thought in a moment of weakness. This was different. It was the middle of the night and Damon was passed out. Kenny couldn't help himself.

Very gently, Kenny reached over and unsnapped Damon's jeans and zipped them down. Not believing what he was doing, Kenny reached in and fished out Damon's dick. Damon might be passed out but Kenny's hand on his cock starts it rising. Kenny moans a little and loses the last bit of control he has. Right there in his car, Kenny leans over and takes Damon's half-hard cock in his mouth. Kenny almost cries a little when the taste hits his mouth and Damon's dick starts growing and Kenny realizes he loves the feel and the taste. Kenny starts going nuts on the hard cock in his mouth, striving to give Damon as good a blowjob as any Kenny has ever received.

Billy was staying over that night and he and Neal saw Kenny's car from the window. When it doesn't move, Billy and Neal decide to investigate. Billy and Neal are as shocked as Kenny was to find Kenny deep-throating Neal's older brother. Worst of all for Kenny is that his excellent oral skills have woken up Damon, even if Kenny doesn't know it. Damon sees Billy and Neal watching and raises a finger to his lips to make sure they don't interrupt. Damon's never gotten head this good before in his life and he doesn't want Billy and Neal spoiling it by spooking Kenny.

Soon, Kenny gets his reward. Damon's dick goes stiffer than ever in Kenny's mouth and Kenny finds himself gulping down a huge load of cum. Kenny can't believe how much he loves the taste or how much he has loved sucking off Damon. Kenny's gotten so excited that while Damon's feeding him his load, Kenny shoots his own was in his jeans without ever once touching himself.

Once they're both done, Kenny does Damon back up and then rouses him, as if they've just arrived. Damon gives no indication he was awake, already trying to plot a way to get Kenny's surprisingly talented mouth on his cock again. Neal texted Peter at the funeral to torture him about someone else getting Kenny's inaugural blowjob, even while Billy was sucking off Neal. Peter did get Kenny's lips around his dick when he got home Sunday, having to tell Kenny their friendship was over since Kenny had been all receiving and no giving. Peter was amazed by how good Kenny already was as they slipped into a natural sixty-nine. Peter had no idea Damon had `passed out' again the previous night with Kenny or that the others had maneuvered Kenny into a bathroom with a glory hole. Kenny had spent half the afternoon blowing a series of complete strangers and unknown to him, Billy, Fitz, Ivan, Neal, and Tommy were also in the mix.

On the web site front, Logan had pretty much free rein with Peter and was trying to synch things up with what Billy and Neal were putting Kenny through. Logan tried fighting it but Peter had his first scene with a guy giving him head and as per Logan's instructions had gone further than the director had hoped for and had reciprocated, doing as wild a sixty-nine with his co-star as he had with Kenny some nights before. Kenny had graduated to topping and because of his reprogramming made it almost seem like he was making love to a guy he had just met. As Logan and Billy hoped, the owner of the site learned of Kenny and Peter's friendship and approached both about doing a scene together. Kenny and Peter had no choice but to say yes with only Peter knowing it wasn't really their idea to agree.

Thanks to Billy, Kenny is extremely excited to be in a scene with Peter and thanks to Logan, Peter can't show that he's less than thrilled to be with Kenny. It particularly bothers Peter that he came to Neal in the first place to keep Kenny from fucking his ass and here it's going to happen and be filmed! Of course, Peter's had about twenty other guys fuck him first in the last few weeks (and multiple times for most) but it's still worse that it's Kenny this time.

The video is called one of the hottest the site has ever filmed and even Peter has to admit that might be true. They started out with a wild make out session, then traded blowjobs followed by their usual hot sixty-nine before getting to the main event: Kenny mounting Peter.

Two things worked in Peter's favor. The first was that the amount of times Peter's been fucked lately made sure there would be no pain to Kenny's entry and even a fair amount of pleasure. More importantly is the fact that Kenny is a good fuck and Peter winds up enjoying himself more than any other time he's bottomed. The start out missionary but by the time they're done Kenny and Peter have tried doggie style, Peter on top bouncing up and down on Kenny's dick, Peter bent over the bed, and even one position where both Kenny and Peter are facing opposite directions on the bed. When Peter finally cums it's without even touching himself and when Kenny pulls out and offer his about-to-spurt cock to Peter, Peter hungrily sucks it into his mouth and drains Kenny of each and every last drop. It's such a wild experience Kenny and Peter wind up repeating it on the side of the road on the drive home from the shoot!

Peter's horrified by what Logan's made him do but Logan makes Peter feel even worse. He points out that he only told Peter to agree to let Kenny fuck him on film. Going ape shit wild and enjoying it was all from Peter. Something breaks inside Peter after hearing this. After giving in to satisfying Logan without being ordered too, Peter goes straight home and overdoses.

It's Logan's turn to feel horrified when Peter's sister Janey calls to tell him Peter's in the hospital after a failed suicide attempt and that she read Peter's journal and knows everything.

Janey doesn't blame Logan because she also read Peter boasting about what he was doing before the tables were turned but she needs Logan to fix things and knows exactly how to do it. Logan gladly follows her script and tells a groggy Peter that Peter is gay and always has been, that he's attracted to in guys all the things he used to be attracted to in women, that everything he did was his own idea, and not to recall being programmed to follow orders. Janey also has Logan make Peter believe his suicide attempt was because Peter thought his family would reject him for being gay. To Logan's surprise and Janey's relief it works and Logan has made Peter believe they're best friends just so he can make sure Peter stays being okay.

With Peter taken out of the game, that means that Neal has to get the last and most important CD on Kenny in his sleep. What's been done to date makes it easy for Neal to get the invite and the changes in Kenny make it Neal's pleasure. Kenny's given up on resisting the make out sessions or feeling bad about it and has gotten quite good at giving head. The biggest surprise for Neal is how much better it is getting fucked by Kenny than it was before. Kenny had always fucked good but now that he's actually concerned with his partner, his skills are off the chart. Neal has to bite his lip and claw at the bed sheets as Kenny fucks him into ecstacy so that Neal's cries of pleasure don't wake the whole neighborhood much less Kenny's house.

The change in Kenny comes into play the next day. Kenny gets the idea to look at his page on the gay for pay website and he's very turned on by what he sees. Kenny then looks through the site until he comes across a video where one guy services three other `models'. Kenny is so turned on as he watches this guy spit roasted and fucked by all three of his co-stars that he cums twice jacking off watching. The images stay with Kenny for days, almost getting him to ask one of the guys he continues to top around school if they'll trade places with him. Kenny can't forget the look of joy on the face of the model being fucked and in his dreams Kenny is topped by every guy he's ever made have sex with him. When eventually called by his handler at the site, who wants to sound out Kenny on what he's willing to do next, the man is delighted Kenny has a gang bang fantasy.

Neal gets to tag along (and is even talked into doing his own solo and is filmed being the first guy to give another newbie a BJ) and sees things unfold as his ultimate revenge on Kenny plays out. Kenny still thinks it's all from him that he can't wait to blow all five of his co-stars in the scene, getting them hard and ready for what's to come. And what's to come is all five of these guys using Kenny in any way they see fit. Kenny's spit roasted, made to suck two guys at once, and even gets double penetrated. Here it is Kenny's first time taking any cock up the ass and the two best endowed partners take him at once.

Neal's last laugh comes at the very end when four of the five guys have blown their loads and Kenny is being ridden hard by the last one. Kenny's been hard the whole time and totally without touching himself Kenny has one of the best orgasms known to man. Only per Billy and Neal's instruction, for the length of this orgasm Kenny becomes aware of everything that's been done to him against his will. Intense pleasure racks Kenny's body as he feels the horror of what he's been doing this last two months. Then, as Kenny's orgasm subsides, the realization fades away and from that point on Kenny is left basically a gay version of the old Kenny. Neal and the others' revenge is complete.

And how did all this happen to Kenny and Peter without Lucky figuring out his pawns had revolted? That's a story for next time...

Next: Chapter 12

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