Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Nov 25, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place. Author retains all rights...

Bagged Boy: Lucky's Luck Runs Out, Part 1 by hatefulevilscumface.

Lucky was the last person anyone suspected of being a closeted gay student, what with being a macho jock and a jerk and especially since his younger brother Kurt has been flamboyantly gay since about the age of ten. What are the odds of two in one family? But Lucky figured out he was gay when he fell in love with his slightly older friend Jan. The trouble was Jan was even more freaked out than Lucky and only let things get so far before insisting he didn't want to be gay and breaks things off with Lucky.

Other people would move on and if worried about being out, would even just hook up on the down low. Not Lucky. Ultra paranoid about being outed, Lucky decided to make his own lovers. Lucky tried subliminal tapes he'd made on neighbor Richie to get him putting out but it took too long, even if it did result in actually turning Richie not only gay but pretty much a cock whore too. After taping taking advantage of a drunk boss, Lucky had his MO. With that idea Lucky used alcohol and drugs to get his best friend Tommy, Sean the cute paper boy, fellow bagger Neal, and Robert, the Senior quarterback of school's state championship team. Lucky had even turned on Fitz and Paul, who he'd drugged into helping him to turn out Neal. Things were good and Lucky was about to start sharing Robert with Kenny and Peter, two guys who'd gladly used the asses and mouths of Lucky's conquests. Lucky was especially proud of how he'd turned out Robert. Robert had grunted and groaned during the first drunk fuck at first but had cum twice and was enjoying having his asshole stretched now and his prostate banged by a dick. The last time Lucky and Robert had gotten together Robert had initiated it and Robert even admitted he'd been playing with dildos and had even gotten his friend David to fuck him the last time they got very drunk together. Robert still loves the babes but is enjoying discovering how much pleasure his ass can give him.

Things started going wrong Friday when he got to work.

"Mister White wants to see you, Lucas," the bitch running the front end greeted Lucky with when he clocked in. She could never stand Lucky but his special in with White made him untouchable to her. In fact, Lucky starts chubbing up a little thinking Mister White is going to deliver his weekly ass without being reminded and subtly threatened. Lucky swaggers into the office, closes the door with his foot, and starts unbuckling.

"Don't bother, Lucas," White sneered without getting up. "You're fired and I think you can come up with ten reasons why." Lucky is stunned.

"You want that video given to your boss?" White laughed right in Lucky's face.

"Do that, asshole. It'll be exhibit A when I press rape charges." Lucky tries to stare White down but there's no crack to exploit. The man is serious. The boss really does mean it and Lucky's stuck. The tape of doing White was Lucky's first effort and there's no way to edit himself out. Lucky stomps back out of the office, swearing he can hear the man laugh as he leaves. Not even going back to the time clock, Lucky just leaves work for the last time, baffled by White's sudden backbone...

"You wanted to see me, William?" Mister White had asked once Billy had closed the door behind him and taken a seat.

"Yes, sir. It's about Lucky." White thought it was going to be another complaint about Lucky he'd have to blow off so his boss and wife didn't find out what Lucky was doing to him. "About you and Lucky, really..." Billy didn't know how to have this conversation and can see from Mister White's face going all white that he'd done it wrong.

"I can explain," Mister White said softly.

"I know. Lucky helped you home from some party drunk, fucked you while taping it, and has been blackmailing you to keep his job and put out to him and his asshole friends." Mister White just stares. "I'm not here to blackmail you too. I wanted you to know that as of an hour ago, Lucky doesn't have that video anymore." Mister White is almost tingly with relief after almost two years of being under Lucky's thumb and on his cock.

Still, Mister White has to admit that once he got past his hangups and the initial pain that being penetrated brought, man sex wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. In fact, the front end manager has had a few drunken sexual encounters with strange men and even used his new skill set to get a promotion and transfer out of this store. Not that escaping Lucky isn't necessary anymore, the extra money will be nice and Mister White is feeling very grateful to Billy.

Billy who Mister White is beginning to notice is a blonde haired, blue eyed Adonis. Mister White knows from Billy coming in to the store on his days off that the young track star has a very hot body. There's a stirring in Mister White's crotch as he realizes what he intends on doing with his soon to be ex employee. Mister White crosses the office and locks it, turning back to look at Billy.

"Mister White, I didn't take those videos away from Lucky just so I could take over for him," Billy stammers as his boss, his barely thirty, dark haired and hairy, well built and quite handsome boss, advances on him. Before Neal and especially before Kurt and the others Billy wouldn't be affected by being here and knowing what Mister White wants them to do. Billy tries to fight it but by the time Mister White has come up to him and palmed Billy's crotch, Billy is about as hard as he gets. "Mister White-" Billy starts but stops when his belt is undone and his zipper pulled down. Billy is a goner as soon as his hard dick hits the air.

"I think if you're going to fuck me you can call me Brian," Mister White says before sinking to his knees and taking all of Billy's long, hard dick in his mouth. Billy groans and has to admit to himself that Lucky trained Brian well! Billy lets him go for a while but Brian said they were going to fuck and Billy wants to get to that event! Neither speaks as they strip but words aren't necessary. Brian clears his desk and lies back and Billy enters him as soon as he can get into position!

There's something naughty about this that really gets Billy's motor running. Billy's been branching out lately, sucking cock and getting fucked and not just with Neal, and it had been bothering Billy how much he was enjoying it. None of that matters with Mister White! Fucking an adult and especially his boss has Billy turned on to the max! Billy's just keen on getting his long hard dick as far into Mister White as he can and as often and as hard as he can.

Brian meanwhile's loving the hell out of this. Brian has come to enjoy the things about man sex he can't get from sex with his wife but Billy is the first guy he's actually initiated sex with. Boy, is he glad he did! Billy is giving Brian the benefits he's learned from sex with Neal, especially that to get maximum pleasure you have to give maximum pleasure. While Billy is pistoning in and out of his soon to be former boos, Billy's hands can't find enough places on Brian's body to caress or tweak and the same goes for his hands.

Billy almost loses coherency when he does cum, balls deep in Brian and trying his damnedest to get even further in. Brian himself almost cums just from feeling that and that's never happened with any of the others that have taken him. As Billy struggles to regain his breath and starts to pull out, Brian reaches for his own rock hardon. As good as Billy's been, Brian knows that it won't take too much stroking before he cums too. As selfish as his previous lovers have been, Brian is surprised and thrilled when Billy beats him to getting a hand around his cock.

"That's it, Bill. Stroke me!" Billy doesn't do that and what he does do surprises himself as much as it does Brian. Billy leaps up to straddle Brian and sits down on his cock. Billy is so turned on doing it with this adult, this authority figure, that he has to feel everything. Brian loves how it feels, so much tighter than his wife or the handful of other women he's had in his life, and knows he can't last long. Five or six hard thrusts upwards and Brian is having the orgasm of his life, forcing another load out of Billy and all over Brian's chest despite barely any time having elapsed since Billy last came.

"So you're clear on what day and when to fire Lucky?" Billy had filled Brian in on the whole plan while they cleaned up and dressed. Brian had learned the hard way with Lucky and friends to keep ample supplies for afterward in his office. Brian kisses Billy in response and Billy for once doesn't fight a man kissing him outside of sex.

"Sure and you're clear that any time you want to do this again, you call me?" Brian says when he ends the kiss, slipping his card into Billy's pants pocket and gratified that his kiss has the teen nearly hard again. Billy rockets out of there before he winds up doing his boss again. He tells himself there won't be any calls to Mister White for rematches but Billy knows damn well he's lying...

Lucky is a creature of habit and while he is upset to have been fired, his first thought is that he was all ready to fuck Mister White and got turned down. Lucky needs a replacement and decides against calling Richie. His former neighbor has become too out to be safe to fuck anymore. Lucky tries reaching Fitz, Neal, and Paul but their cells all go right to voice mail. Lucky imagines they're all doing it as a threeway right now and that only makes things worse. Sean is next on the list and Lucky is cursing his luck that even the freshman isn't picking up and then Lucky strikes out getting the best friend he turned out, Tommy, on the phone. Lucky can't imagine they'd be together and wonders where they could be...

"Oh no! Lucky promised me it wouldn't be at home anymore!" Sean had wailed two days earlier when he saw big, beefy Tommy at his door. The last time Sean had seen Tommy, the older boy had roughly and ruthlessly fucked Sean for Lucky's entertainment. Sure, Sean had kinda liked it once they got going but it was as humiliating as it was exciting to remember things like Tommy pinning Sean against the wall and drilling up into him afterward. Sean retreats back up the stairs to his room, wanting to escape the hardon memories of Tommy are giving him as much as he's trying to escape Tommy himself but Tommy just follows him.

"Sean, Sean, it's not like that. I watched everyone leave before I knocked on the door." Sean relaxes a little but tenses back up again when Tommy sits on the bed next to him. "We're getting even with Lucky and want to know if you want in. We got Lucky's video collection so he can't use them against us anymore."

"Who's we?"

"You, me, and most everyone Lucky did this to. We're gonna make Lucky do everything he made us do." That does sound good to Sean but he can't bring himself to trust Tommy.

"How do I know you're not lying. Lucky had you set me up for that gang bang, remember?" How could Tommy forget? Joining in with Mister White as well as Kenny, Lucky, and Peter to all have their way with Sean was one of the few times Lucky let Tommy top.

"How's about I make it up to you? Would that prove I'm not lying?" Tommy asks as he stands, shucking his shirt off as he does. Tommy quickly kicks off his shoes then pulls down his shorts and briefs then lies back on Sean's bed. "Lucky said you were never allowed on top. If I let you fuck me I'm not here doing what Lucky wants. What do you think?" Sean stopped thinking the second Tommy stripped. Fucking Tommy would be cool, way cooler than when Kurt seduced him last month. Sean felt dirty after since Kurt made it clear without realizing it that he'd bedded Sean out of his jealousy that he have a turn with anything of Sean's.

Sean strips too and his painfully hard cock springs free. As he crawls between Tommy's legs and lifts, he still expects to have Tommy tell him this is Lucky's latest cruel joke. It's only when Sean's dickhead enters Tommy that Sean starts t o believe. And cum like a firehose! He's embarrassed but Tommy has other ideas.

"You're still hard, paper boy. Start fucking before you lose it!" Sean grins like a maniac and does what he's told. Already Sean likes this fuck better than the one with Kurt. Kurt talked like someone out of a porn flick but Tommy is working with Sean, encouraging him and matching Sean move for move. Even with having just cum Sean doesn't last fifteen minutes before shooting another load inside Tommy and this time Tommy cums too.

"Now do you believe me, shorty?" asks Tommy once they get their breath back.

"Oh yeah. You better believe it! What do you need me to do?"

Lucky finally gets lucky when he calls Robert.

"I'll be over as soon as I can get away from the `rents, dude. Why don't you go for a run while you wait? I love the way you smell and feel when you do that..." Lucky is smiling as he hangs up and almost completely hard. A run does sound good after what Mister White did and everyone else being unavailable. If Lucky only knew the scene Robert was a part of three days ago...

"You want this?" Neal had teased Sam. Neal knows sucking cock is like having a new toy for Sam. Neal's also glad Robert blowing him off when he approached him to talk at school earlier happened. Then he wouldn't have thought of calling Nick and Sam. Nick was stuck shopping with his mom but Sam was over as fast as his bike could go. The two of them had gotten upstairs and naked in near record time.

"What do I get if I give it to you?" Neal laughed.

"I'll fuck you maybe," Sam promised and pushed Neal back on the bed. In almost the same motion Sam sunk to his knees and took Neal's dick in his mouth. Sam had told himself he loved blowing guys because it was so new but that feeling still hasn't gone away. Sam blows Nick nearly every day before school then fucks him and both David and Fitz come around often for Sam's talented mouth too. David was embarrassed some after the first time he was fucked but getting off was so good with Sam that he even lets Sam fuck him again nearly every time. `Course, David hasn't told Sam that older brother Robert had David fuck him too.

Sam really went to town on Neal. Sam likes to do Neal especially, what with him being the first to introduce him to all this. In no time Sam is deep throating and Neal thinks he's getting close to blowing. That's when they hear the front door open directly below Neal's room and the worst possible voice call out.

"Neal? You win I'm here." It's Robert, Sam's older brother.

"You sick fuck! You set me up!" Sam starts scrambling around for his clothes.

"No, I swear I didn't. Robert refused to come over and that's what made me think of you." Neal gets a real nasty idea then, one worthy of Lucky. "Go in the closet and listen. I'll prove it." Neal is so sincere and it's that or get caught by Robert so Sam does as he's told. Neal heads to his computer while getting the least amount of clothes on. Neal wants a record of what he thinks will happen.

"I'm up here, Robert," Neal calls out, knowing Robert knows his way around the house, having been here often with Neal's older brother Damon.

"Geeze," Robert says when he walks in and Neal's clearly boned upin his board shorts, "were you whacking it?" Neal smiles, knowing the truth would blow Robert's mind.

"You told me to fuck off, Robert. Why'd you change your mind?" Neal keeps himself hard through the shorts. It's to test a theory and Neal thinks it's right: Robert is trying to figure out how it would feel to have Neal's dick up his ass.

"I was freaked out, okay? Never occurred to me Lucky might be taping all that. I'm still not sure I believe it." Robert stays across the room and Neal can see this all makes him nervous.

"You got your friend David drunk and lost a bet on purpose so he'd fuck you," Neal says, knowing Robert will realize he couldn't have known that if he hadn't seen Robert confess that while Lucky was drilling his ass. Neal also knows about Sam's romp with David and Fitz is sure it'll keep little brother worked up in the closet.

"Fuck." Robert has to sit and hesitates but sits down next to Neal. "If that gets out, I'm fucked. You're such an asshole," Robert mutters when Neal laughs at his poor choice of words.

"I told you. Lucky won't have those videos much longer. We're erasing them and making him do what he did to us." Neal doesn't add that the copies he and Billy made aren't being erased. Robert would just worry and Neal has no intentions of anyone else seeing them. The ones with Robert were especially hot. Billy and Neal had gotten so turned on they'd had sex three times watching Robert perform, one sixty-nine and then Billy topped Neal followed by Billy bottoming. When Robert asks who else will be there, Neal decides he can trust the guy. "Tommy, Lucky's paper boy, me, Ivan, Fitz, and Paul."

"Lucky got Fitz, Paul, and Tommy too?" Robert can't believe it since all three have always seemed as straight as him.

"Fitz even took to getting fucked like you did. Me and Tommy came around eventually and Fitz still would prefer not to be done. `Course, with a dick the size Paul has it shouldn't be wasted by not using it!"

"How big?" Neal uses his hands to show Robert and swears he can see the lump in Robert's jeans grow even more. Neal knows Robert will be putty in his hands now. "We could hook you up. Heck, we can help you keep getting your new toy played with no chance of them outing you."

"I'm not gay," Robert insists. Neal believes him but doesn't say so. "Heck, I'm not even bi. If you'd told me I'd love getting that spot up inside hit by a dick I'd have killed you but I just can't get enough. You know what it's like, right?"

"Yeah, being on top it's just your dick that feels good. Bottoming it's like your whole body's cumming." Robert's hand goes down to his ass and Neal wonders if Robert even notices.

"Exactly." The boys go quiet for a moment and Neal knows what's on Robert's mind. It's as clear as the tent in Robert's jeans. "So what do I have to do?" Neal reaches over and grabs Robert's crotch.

"Is there anything you're not willing to do?" Robert has a whole list of things but when he opens his mouth to answer he sees the look on Neal's face. Getting fucked was something Robert wasn't willing to do a month ago. Who knows what will surprise Robert by being so amazing and addictive? Neal gets up and strips what little clothes he has on, his very hard dick pointing straight at Robert. Neal climbs fully on the bed and spreads his legs. "Get naked and get sucking, Robert. I saw the videos where you did that to Lucky to get your ass hammered good." Robert strips down slower than Neal did but he does strip down.

"And you'll fuck me as good as Lucky?" Robert has his doubts. David was great but not the fucker Lucky is.

"Give me good head, Bobby, and I guarantee you a lay that will make you forget all about Lucky. Heck, we might even solve your problem of getting fucked without worrying the guy doing you will tell anyone!" Robert still has his doubts but this conversation and the thought of Neal's dick hitting those spots inside him that need to be hit take over Robert's thinking. He crawls onto the bed and without hesitation Robert's mouth slides over Neal's hardon.

Neal has to admit that for a guy who's just doing this to get what he wants, Robert gives pretty damn good head. >From how hard Sam is when he quietly exits the closet Neal guesses that Robert sucking cock looks as hot as it feels. Neal smiles at Sam but Sam doesn't notice. Robert's hard, tight ass, honed from years of playing football and other sports, is all Sam has eyes for. Quiet as a churchmouse Sam creeps up on his brother. The first Robert knows that he and Neal aren't as alone as he thought, there's a dickhead at his hole and with one hard thrust it's Robert balls deep. Robert groans his approval around a mouthful of

"Uh uh," Neal says when Robert tries to stop sucking to see who's joined them and given him such joy. Neal traps Robert's head on his cock and starts face fucking him harder. "You've got a little more work to do before I let you see who you interrupted me with, Bobby." And Robert sets to the task with a vengeance. If Neal thought Robert's oral skills were good before, having Sam's hard dick hitting his prostate is turning Robert into full blown whore mode. Neal gasps as Robert even manages to deep throat him a few times. This and an odd noise Neal somewhat expected has him allowing Robert's head up but Neal still won't let him turn it.

"Is he better than Lucky?" Neal teases, knowing from personal experience Sam is.

"Oh god, yes!" Robert hisses and thrusts his ass back to meet Sam's thrusts. As good as it was with David and Lucky whomever Neal was screwing around with is better. Neal lets go of Robert's face and he turns to find out his own little brother is fucking him. "Sam?" Robert cries out in horror.

"Want me to stop, big bro?" Sam pants out, bottoming out hard in Robert's ass as he asks and rotating his hips to really send Robert over the edge.

"God help me, but no. Oh fuck but you're good, Sam. We might go to hell for this but it'll feel good getting there!" Neal gets up and quietly walking around the room.

"There's nothing wrong with brothers doing it, Robert. Happens all the time." Neal gets to the bathroom door, yanks it open, and pulls his younger brother through. Kip is a year younger than Neal but a whole lot darker and already hairier. Kip's also got his shirt unbuttoned and open and his fly open and a dick nearly the size of Neal's waving about and hard as a brick. People who dismiss Kip as a math nerd would be reminded by this sight that Kip is on the JV swim team and has the hard body you'd expect. Course, all Robert sees is that hard cock and hates that he immediately wonders how it'd feel to have Kip fuck him too.

"You know?" Kip manages to whine as Neal tears off his shirt.

"Kip, I a mystery lover sneaking in under cover of darkness. Once or twice it could have been one of the guys but a couple of times a week? It had to be you and Damon." Kip probably would have felt a little more shame if Neal hadn't grabbed his stiff dick just then. "You gay too?"

"Fuck no," is Kip's automatic response but then realizes what situation he's in. "I'm just horny all the time and the girls don't go for debate team captain, you know? When I caught on to what Damon was doing to you, it seemed like a great way to just get off, you know?" Neal thinks he does and isn't about to complain. Both Neal's brothers give good head and fuck like animals.

"See, Robert?" Sam asks as he picks up speed again. "Mom's always asking us why we can't be more like Damon and Kip. Well, here we are being just like them!" Robert likes that logic and hopes it works when arousal isn't clouding their heads. Neal laughs too as he pushes Kip into sitting next to Robert on the bed. Kip licks his lips watching the brothers going at it. Neal has no doubt Kip wants Robert's ass bad now.

"Wanna turn next, Kip? Blow me and maybe you'll get one." There's no hesitation at all in Kip. Those words leave Neal's mouth and boom, Neal's dick is in Kip's! "Damn, Kip. You couldn't do that better if you were gay." Sam looks over and seeing the way Kip is devouring Neal's cock and wonders if he looks like that, if he and Kip have something in common after all. The thought of possibly taking Nick together proves to be that one bit too much and with a loud groan and one final, brutal thrust Sam cums deep inside Robert.

"Go for it, little bro," Neal teases as he steps away from Kip, his dick leaving Kip's hard sucking mouth with a pop. Again Kip doesn't hesitate, getting up and sinking his cock all the way in Robert's ass before the local football hero gets a vote.

"Oh. Wow." is all Robert manages. Kip isn't the lover Sam was, and Robert is still capable of enough thought to realize the taboo factor might be at work there, but Kip also beats out David and Lucky. Kip grips Robert's slim hips hard and just starts driving in. Kip doesn't notice Neal talking softly to Sam but does figure out the gist of it. Neal must have told Sam to rim Kip since immediately Sam kneels behind Kip's flexing ass and starts eating out the math nerd's hole.

"Oh. Oh. Ohhhh!" Kip moans. Kip never gave much thought to how what Neal was feeling had to feel good so it's a shock how much he loves Sam eating him out like this. Kip doesn't want to cum too soon but between Robert's tight ass and Sam's snakelike tongue that's a real danger. Kip has to stand bolt still for a moment as Sam really goes to town. It's almost a relief when Sam finally stops but Kip can't help but at the same time Kip can't help but wish there was something back in his ass.

Well, Kip gets his wish. As soon as Sam's out of the way Neal takes his place, only it's Neal's dick and not his tongue that invades Kip's loosened hole.

"Ahhh!" Kip cries out, a hard cock being a lot more to take invading his ass than a tongue. Neal ignores him and just slow but sure eases his entire length into the brother that's been fucking him for months.

"If you can't take it, Kip," Neal says as he starts a gentle in and out of only about an inch of his length, "than you sure as hell should never have dished it out." Kip can barely breathe and he's seeing stars but Robert can testify that Kip stays just as hard as ever even with a dick in his own ass. In fact, Kip gets harder still as Neal starts really fucking him and Robert groans as each of Neal's hard thrusts forces Kip deeper in him than before. It gets even better for Robert when Sam decides to indulge in what he truly loves. Sam gets on the floor between Robert's legs and takes big brother's hardon into his mouth.

"You suck cock too?" Robert manages to choke out. "Fuck being brothers! We're doing this daily!" Having both ends attended to like this trips Robert over the edge and Sam's soon getting a protein meal and his ass tightening sends Kip over the edge to. Neal blows next quickly, leaving Sam with a renewed erection thanks to his oral attentions to Kip and Robert. Sam grabs Kip as he pulls out of Robert and throws him down on the bed, pulling Kip's legs up and outward. Kip moans as Sam roughly enters him but it's only five or six hard lunges up Kip's newly abused hole before Kip has a second guy's hot load inside him.

The quartet collapses on the bed for a long time before Kip makes the first move, getting up to gather his clothes and take a shower.

"Kip? From now on we take turns at night, okay?" Kip just smiles weakly in response as he heads out, having already decided that himself. Sam goes to join Kip and Robert finally gives Neal his answer about helping turn the tables on Lucky. It's a big fat yes, especially if Neal can deliver more afternoons like this with others equally discreet. Now everything's finally in place for Lucky get to get a taste of his own medicine.

Lucky suspects none of this as he gets back to his house from his run. Every one of his guys know his routine when Lucky runs. When he gets back home, unusually empty this evening because Kurt made up some excuse that will keep him and his and Lucky's parents out for hours, Lucky goes straight for the squeeze bottle of Gatorade he keeps in the fridge. Lucky makes a face at the strangely bitter taste it has today but he's so thirsty he doesn't stop until the bottle's drained. Afterwards, Lucky closes his eyes and leans against the kitchen counter, starting to get a little excited about Robert and how eager he is once things gets started.

"Drank it all down, Lucky?" someone asks and Lucky opens his eyes to see Neal in the doorway.

"What the fuck are you doing here," Lucky demands, even though he's already revising scenarios in his head where both Neal and Robert service him.

"I had to get this," Neal answers and shows Lucky an empty vial. Lucky recognizes it. It's what Lucky stores the stuff he uses to get guys into vulnerable positions to be used. Only it shouldn't be empty. Then Lucky recalls how bitter his Gatorade tasted.

"Oh fuck." Neal laughs.

"Fuck is right, Lucky. You're getting all turned on and you're inhibitions are going away. Now it's time you got to know how we feel," Neal taunts as he closes the distance between them. Neal gets so close to Lucky that the bully can feel Neal's body heat and it's really turning him on. "Anything you've always wanted to do, Lucky? Remember, this shit's like truth serum too." Lucky knows he's screwed, probably literally, but he also knows Neal's right. Everything Lucky's been hiding is fighting to come out. The very first thing is Lucky reaching out to pull Neal into a very hot and passionate kiss, just like he's wanted to do to Neal since the first time Lucky saw him...

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 13

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