Bagged Boy

By moc.oohay@ecafmucslivelufetah

Published on Oct 25, 2023


If you're under eighteen, don't read. If you don't like man on man sex action, go away. If you do like gay amateur erotic fiction, then you are in the right place

Bagged Boy: Nick And Sam Branch Out.

Unpopular at the supermarket he's a bagger at, Neal is drugged by coworker at a party and used sexually by him and four other coworkers, Billy, Fitz, Ivan, and Paul and then by teammates Kenny and Peter before another victim of Lucky's bottomed for Neal. Neal was also woken the morning after by Paul already fucking him. The guys have also used Neal sexually since then, so much so that Neal has grown to love, crave, and even initiate gay sex!

Recently, Neal's ex-girlfriend's brother Nick had been spying on Neal and learned of all Neal's male teen lovers. Nick woke Neal up fucking him and tried sharing Neal with his best friend Sam. Neal had turned the tables and both Nick and Sam had fucked the other and sucked cock. Before he left, Neal told Nick and Sam that they'd be joining him in servicing the others. Nick took to the idea better than Sam did...

Nick tries texting Sam again. His best friend was supposed to be picked up by Nick's sister Melody first and they were going with Melody and some of her friends to the drive in. Melody hadn't wanted to include Nick and Sam but Nick had worked on her until she had caved. Nick knew he and Sam had to do something besides hang around the house this weekend. How much they were having sex was beginning to bother both friends.

Nick never minded it while he and Sam were doing it. In fact, Nick could take or leave the cocksucking part but he'd discovered he loved getting fucked. There was just something about either Neal or Sam's hard cock stretching his anal ring and ramming some sweet spot deep inside him that drove Nick nuts. Nick didn't want to consider himself gay. Both Nick and Sam still pursued all the same girls they did before their first time with Neal but the sheer volume of times they went at each other or Neal in private was starting to worry both boys. They either needed to cut back on the sex or start doing girls too. No girls were cooperating with the plan so the guys had silently agreed to be alone together as little as possible for a while.

Nick doesn't know that Sam has again forgotten to charge his phone or that Melody had nearly completely forgotten both of them. The first inkling Nick gets that plans have changed is when there's a knock on the front door and he's shocked to see who it is.

"Paul? What the fuck?" Nick had spied on Neal after he caught Neal making out with Billy and Paul was one of the guys Nick most frequently caught Neal getting fucked by. `I've been thinking I want to cut back and the other guys will need a replacement' is what Neal had said after the first time he'd had sex with Nick and Sam. Nick's mind had gone right to Paul, very dark and very hairy Paul, and that beer can like cock between his legs. Nick starts getting hard a little imagining for the umpteenth time it stretching his hole out.

"Get in before someone sees you," Nick blurts out, grabbing Paul's hand and dragging him inside. Nick doesn't stop there and drags Paul up the stairs and into his room. Paul only begins to figure out something is going on when the young Hispanic boy locks his bedroom door. Paul doesn't notice Nick turn on his webcam so Neal can see all of this later.

"Nick, what?-" is all Paul gets out before Nick grabs a handful of his crotch. Paul watches Nick's dark eyes go wild under his very messy dark black hair.

"Wow, it even feels big soft!" Nick marvels.

"How would you know how big I am?" Paul asks while trying to back away but he hits Nick's bed and falls back on to it. That gives Nick his chance to return to palming Paul's crotch with one hand while with his other he starts undoing Paul's pants.

"When I spied on you and Neal, duh. It looked huge but Neal always looked like he loved it. Well, after a minute or two anyways." Paul can't help but responding to Nick's hands, and by the time Paul's pants and briefs are at mid-thigh, not-so-little Paul is almost at full erection. "Whoah. It. Is. Huge." Nick can't help himself. Giving head isn't Nick's favorite part of gay sex but without thinking Nick engulfs Paul's large cockhead and starts working his tongue over it.

"Oh yeah, kid. That's how to do it. Ohhhh..." Paul really does appreciate the gusto Nick is showing, even if Nick himself does find it weird considering how he feels about giving oral sex. Maybe it's the week or two he's had to imagine what it'd be like to be with Billy, Fitz, or Paul. Especially Paul. And here Nick now has Paul half naked on his bed, with as much of Paul's thick cock in his mouth as possible. That's not more than an inch or three but Nick is using his hands to work on the rest of it, at least when he isn't stripping off his clothes. If it was just a BJ Nick was after he could stay dressed but Nick wants more from Paul than that. Nick also tugs Paul's pants the rest of the way free while Paul takes care of that pesky shirt himself.

Paul is loving this too. No girl or guy has shown this much enthusiasm about going down on him ever. Paul's size intimidates them too much. They haven't had the time to mentally prepare would appear to be the solution. But as much as Paul's enjoying Nick's mouth and hands, for Paul a blowjob is more foreplay than actual sex. Paul wants to fuck Nick and wants to fuck him now. Paul has learned some lessons `though about the best way to break someone in.

"Come here," Paul groans to Nick and pulls the boy onto the bed in a sixty-nine position. Only instead of savoring on Nick's hot cock, Paul instead starts to rim Nick. Paul indeed has learned some things, one of which is that the more he worries about the other guy's pleasure, the harder that guy works at pleasuring Paul. Paul has only rimmed once before but from the moans coming from Nick's cock stuffed mouth, Paul is pretty certain he's doing it very well. Nick is driven so wild by Paul's tongue up his shitter that he even manages to get another inch of Paul's extra wide cock in his mouth. It's worth the pain of an overstretched mouth to Nick to fell Paul's tongue rooting around in his ass.

Nick is doing too good a job and Paul realizes he has to move things to the next stage or never get to fuck the ass he's been preparing. Paul stops licking and uses both hands to force his dick and Nick's mouth apart. Nick looks disappointed but when he sees the expression on Paul's face the dissatisfaction evaporates immediately. Nick's dreamed of how much better a bigger cock could make him feel and here is his chance.

"Go slow, Nick. It could start rough," Paul warns as he maneuvers Nick so that he's in position to sit on the beer can like cock. It's a position Paul's wanted to try and seems to be the best way to introduce Nick to the widest cock he's likely ever to have in him. Nick doesn't pay attention at first, quickly moving so Paul's dickhead and first inch of cock are inside of him. That's when the pain hits, pain so intense he can move his mouth but not cry out and every muscle in his body appears to lock in place. The one muscle that Paul can see that isn't affected is the hard one between Nick's legs. Despite the immensely painful sensation Nick is experiencing, Nick's cock, a little bit above average for a fourteen year old Paul suspects, has gotten a little stiffer and has started to leak precum. Paul decides Nick really is hot for this and thrusts upward a little so another two inches invades Nick. Nick is clearly still in pain but this move also gets a lust filled moan from the young Latino stud...

Across town, Sam is forgotten that he hasn't heard from Nick by now. He'd expected Melody and Nick to arrive while he was showering but he was still home alone when he was done. Sam takes a moment to admire himself in the mirror. Sam admits that he's handsome but sees that as just fact, not conceit. Sam's also quite tall, with a swimmer's build from being on the JV swim team. The only thing Sam would change is his hair, tired of his blonde hair being in a buzz cut for the season. He'd just toweled dry when he finally heard the door. Thinking it best friend and best friend's annoying sister, Sam just wraps the towel around his waist to go let them in. Imagine his surprise when it is instead Fitz, another of the guys Neal keeps on insisting he's going to have Nick and Sam service.

A lot goes through Sam's mind in a split second. First up is that he's just as freaked out about enjoying gay sex as his best friend Nick but while Nicks has taken to loving getting fucked, Sam enjoys it but not as much. The part Sam is liking best is sucking cock. Nick doesn't know it but Sam's even given out a few BJs to others besides him. Sam took a shot at his older brother's drunk best friend last week and has been a regular at a glory hole in the park since discovering it. He also made a bad bet with a teammate, knowing he'd lose and have to blow the guy in front of a few other teammates. No one had said a word about it since but Same knew Kyle would be back for seconds eventually and probably a few of the onlookers would want blown too. Sam might be bothered that he loves going down on guys but not bothered enough to stop himself for long!

Then Sam notices how hot Fitz is. With a name like Fitz he has to be Irish but Sam doesn't think he looks Irish. He looks more Mediterranean to Sam and in the jeans he's wearing Sam can tell that Fitz is packing a lot. That seals the deal for Sam. Sam only takes a moment to maneuver the webcam. Sam too listened to Neal admitting he loves taped sex and wants to give him a treat. Fitz closes the door behind him and is about to say something when Sam lets the towel drop to the floor. Sam's already starting to get hard.

"What?" is all Fitz gets out before same crosses the distance between them. What Fitz was going to say is lost to Sam kissing him hard and Sam's hands going to Fitz's belt. The older boy decides not to deny Sam, especially since when Sam slips his hand into Fitz's pants and underwear he discovers that Fitz is already quite hard! There's no sense denying that lips on his, tongue exploring his mouth, and an aggressive hadn't already done their trick on Fitz!

Sam sinks to his knees, dragging denim and cotton with him until Fitz is naked from ankles to waist. Sam just takes one moment to enjoy the scent and sight of Fitz's impressive piece of meat. It's not the biggest Sam's had in his few short weeks as a new cocksucker (his brother's drunk friend David and Kyle have that honor shared between them) or the longest (there have been a few through that glory hole that have very nearly gagged Sam). There's just something about this one. Maybe it's because Neal sent him and Sam has no choice but to service Fitz. Yes, that thought does get Sam hotter and Fitz gets to enjoy the result.

Sam gets up and pulls Fitz's shirt off and pushes Fitz back on the sofa, hurriedly ripping off every last stitch of clothes remaining, including his socks. Sam licks his lips at naked Fitz spread eagle where his mom watches TV for just a second and then devours Fitz's magnificent cock again. His balls too. Sam just loves being oral. He decides to be daring too and then Fitz next feels Sam's tongue up his ass.

"Oh god," Fitz moans as he arches his back and tries forcing his ass somehow further on Sam's tongue. The younger teen loves this reaction from Fitz. It's part of why Sam likes giving head and rimming after all. Sam loves the way he can make others react. It doesn't escape Sam's notice however that Fitz's reaction to being rimmed is pretty much equal to Nick's. And Nick loves getting fucked so Same decides Fitz must too.

As soon as Sam figures that out, his tongue stops rimming then starts making a trail through Fitz's crotch, up the boy's torso, and the same time as Sam's tongue again invades Fitz's mouth, Sam's cock slips into Fitz's spit loosened hole.

"Oh god no," Fitz moans as well as he can being so out of breath. "Not another one. I can't be fucked by a Freshman too."

"Want me to stop?" Sam asks as he picks up his pace and starts thrusting even harder into Fitz's ass.

"Oh god no," is Fitz's answer and the boys are so lost in their lust they don't notice the front door of the apartment opening or high school senior David walking in. David is stunned. He'd been out for a run, hence the wife beater and running shorts he's wearing, when he decided to see if Robert, Sam's brother, was home yet. David had convinced himself the blowjob from Sam he'd gotten after Robert had passed out across the room was just a weird dream until he walked through the door and saw Sam fucking Fitz!

Fitz of all people, David marvels. David heard from two different girls that they'd fucked Fitz in the last week so David would have sworn Fitz was not gay yet here he is with a Freshman dick ramming in and out of his ass. David is amazed at the size of Sam's dick too, what he can see of it as it pummels Fitz. Sam looks nearly as big as Robert already. David is rooted in one spot, just staring until Fitz finally notices him.

"Sam," Fitz says between grunts as Sam bottoms in his ass. "We've. Got. Company." Sam turns to see David, his worst nightmare with very bleached and spiked hair, an angular and handsome face with bright green eyes and lips that are full and kissable. Sam knows David will tell Robert and his homophobic asshole of a big brother and their self-righteous Bible thumping mother will make Sam's life a living hell.

Then Sam remembers a key lesson to the stories Neal has told him and Nick: If you can get them to join in, they can't squeal.

"What the fuck are you waiting for, David? Get over here." David freezes, unsure of what tod o for a moment. "David, get your ass over here." Sam knows David is more of a follower than a leader. David's relationship with Sam's older brother Robert proves that. Sure enough, David does what he's told and comes over to where Fitz and Sam's fuck has slowed down but not quite stopped.

"What the fuck, dude? I thought for sure that BJ the other night was some drunken dream but this?" Sam laughs. This will be so easy.

"So it's normal for you to dream I'm blowing you? Am I good in all of them?" David starts to protest that it wasn't what he meant when his words are cut off by Sam's hand going to his crotch. "You feel a little chubbed up there, David. Want another one? Get naked, climb up here, and get one!" David is shocked again but Sam's talented hand is starting to geta rise out of him.

"No can do, Sam. Letting you when I'm drunk was one thing. This? Too, too gay!" Sam would concede that point with David but that wouldn't get him what he wanted.

"You're hurting my feelings, David. I might just have to confess to Robert what happened six feet away from his head just to make myself feel better..." That has the result Sam wanted: Utter panic in David.

"What? No! He'd kill both of us!" Sam just arches an eyebrow as he continues to lazily thrust into Fitz. Fitz has to keep from laughing at how easily Sam is handling poor David. "Oh, all right but this is the last time!" David pulls off his shirt and shimmies down his jogging shorts and jock strap. Sam has seen David's average but respectable dick hard before but Fitz hasn't and is impressed. Especially that you could hang clothes to dry on David's dick right now it's so hard. David might have wanted to seem like he wasn't all that interested in a repeat of the other night's great blowjob but his very hard dick tell s the truth.

"Ohhh!" David relaxes only once he's standing over Fitz's body and Sam's swallows his dick whole. David isn't as sexually experienced as his best friend Scott so Sam is only the fourth person to blow him, the first to blow him a second time, and definitely the best at it! David's so lost in the tight suction of Sam's mouth on his hard cock he doesn't even mind that Sam is massaging his ass as he sucks, pulling the cheeks apart and even rubbing a finger over David's tight virgin hole.

From his perspective, Fitz thinks he sees what Sam is getting at and it makes his dick twitch a little. Shifting, unhappy that Sam's cock slips out of his hungry hole, Fitz moves to place his mouth right on David's winking hole. David is so focused on Sam's mouth on his log that it takes him a moment to realize Fitz has joined the fun from the other side.

"Oh god, that is so...nasty!" David moans. Fitz pulls his mouth back.

"Want me to stop then?" Fitz teases. Actions speak louder than words and David's action is to reach back and pull Fitz's face back to his ass. David is in heaven! It feels so good back there David doesn't even flinch when a finger joins Fitz's tongue and then another. David hasn't noticed yet that Sam has slowed his sucking down to nearly nothing and that all of David's pleasure is now coming from Fitz working over his ass.

When David's legs start to wobble a bit, Sam decides it's time to take this where he decided it had to the minute he saw David watching them. Sam starts directing David to a seating position, and David gladly allows it, forgetting what has to be down there waiting because same has started sucking on his cock with fervor again. David gets his reminder when Fitz's purple cockhead touches his hole and thanks to all the prep work Fitz has done, that head and half of Fitz's dick slides easily inside David's body.

"Fuck, you're inside me," David moans with a voice full of horny despair.

"Want me to stop now?" Fitz asks again but as he does he slides the rest of dick home and grinds his dick as far up David as he can. David gasps when he feels the pleasures that can be had when Fitz's dick hits his prostate.

"I should," David answers but his body has the deciding vote and David surrenders his whole ass as Fitz starts a shallow fucking in and out of this now longer virgin jock ass. "But god, this feels too good! Fuck me, Fitz! Fuck me hard!" David leans back so his arms support him too, his now harder than ever dick waving like a flag pole in a hurricane, as Fitz grabs his slim waist and starts piledriving his hardon up into David as hard as he can. David is as stunned by how good it feels to be fucked as he was to walk in on Sam screwing Fitz in the first place. David thinks he gets it now, finding out what it is about getting fucked that drives gay guys wild. David doubts he'd ever go gay but as long as he can still chase girls and still get this feeling from some guy, David decides then and there he's cool with it.

It's over all too soon for David, this first fuck. He's fucking himself on Fitz just as much as Fitz is fucking him. Fitz nearly makes David cum just with the fuck but before David can blow, Fitz cries out below him and with one last mighty thrust unloads his ass inside David.

"My turn," Sam announces as Fitz's body goes limp and his softening dick slips out of David. Barely allowing Fitz time to roll out of the way, Sam grabs David's ankles, spreads his legs wide, and rams into David balls deep in one hard shove. David's head falls back and his eyes roll back in his head with the sheer pleasure Sam is giving him.

It's a hard and fast fuck with David clutching at the sofa cushions as Sam rams in and out with breakneck speed. David decides he likes this angle best even before Sam's constant ramming of his prostate throws him into a climax so hard that easily half of David's shots cover his own face. Sam leans in, letting go of muscular legs that then wrap around Sam's waist, and starts licking David's face clean. It's the most natural thing in the world to David to move his head just a little and the two boys are kissing deep like the horny fucks they are. That's the last bit of stimulation Sam needs to add his load to Fitz's deep in David. It's a few minutes before they can speak afterward.

"Wow, I think Robert's all wrong about this gay sex shit," David chuckles to Sam still panting for breath next to him.

"Well, if you decide to teach him better, I want to be there." Sam had yet to think of his brother in a sexual way but this exchange unlocks something inside him and Sam knows with or without David's help, Sam will be having sex with Robert. The scenario appeals to David too and his dick starts on the rise again. Already re-turned on b y watching Sam go at David's ass, Fitz climbs on top of the boy he deflowered and positions David's hardon at his still loose hole. David whimpers as he enters his first ass, very glad now he decided to stop by.

"Looks like we're missing that movie," Fitz grunts and Sam remembers for the first time since Fitz showed up the plans he and Nick had for tonight...

Nick and Paul have been as busy as Sam and his new friends. Nick has discovered that he was right about a thicker dick feeling even better. Paul is finding out how much fun it is when your partner really wants you to cut loose. They started out with Nick riding Paul but that soon wasn't enough for Paul. The next position was Nick with his back against the wall and his legs around Paul's waist while Paul drove into him. This was followed by on the floor with Nick's legs on Paul's shoulders and Paul pushing Nick across the floor with the strength of his thrusts. When the rug got too much for Nick, they switched so Nick was grabbing on to his computer desk for dear life and Paul holding Nick's sides so hard he was leaving marks as he fucked. Their final position was back on the bed. Nick was basically supported on his shoulders, Paul holing his legs very far apart, and Paul slamming into his ass so hard anyone listening would think Nick was being spanked. It was like this that they came.

Positioned as he was, almost Nick's entire load shot straight in his mouth and despite not really caring for oral, Nick greedily drank down every drop of his own seed that hit his mouth. That sight was just so hasty that Paul grabbed Nick's ass hard and crushed it against him as he gave one last brutal thrust and came like a firehose. Nick swore he could feel every drop coating his insides. The two then fell into a sweaty heap on Nick's bed and held each other's sweaty bodies tight as they tried regaining their senses after such mind-blowing sex. Then Nick happens to notice the time.

"Fuck," Nick shouts as he leaps from the bed and tries to find his clothes. "Melody's gonna pick me up to go to the drive in with her new boyfriend!" Getting caught with Paul is the last thing Nick wants. Despite how incredible Paul just made the kid feel, Nick is no closer to being ready to call himself anything but straight.

"Chill out, Nick. Neal didn't send me." Paul gets up and physically stops Nick racing around and pulls him into a hug.

"He didn't?"

"Nope. Melody sent her new boyfriend over to get you," Paul admits and Nick almost misses what Paul is saying, distracted as Nick is by Paul's dick getting hard between them again. Paul bends at the knees and his renewed hardon is kissing Nick's leaking hole again. "We'll just shower after this and then tell her we're late because we were bonding." Nick thinks he probably should object but Paul's wide cock has driven the power to do so out of his body.

"As long as we can bond like this a lot from now on, I'm game for anything!" is Nick's answer as he and Paul surrender to a second fuck that turns out wilder than the first!

To be cum-tinued...

Next: Chapter 9

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