Ball Practice

By ten.enotsenur@namsekal

Published on Jul 2, 1999


This story continues from the original "Ball Practice" story I posted on Nifty a few weeks ago. If the first few paragraphs seem to start in the middle of nowhere, go back and read the original before you read this one.

Ball Practice II

Jake and I had a whole collection of great times during the rest of our senior year in that little redneck town. It was challenging to stay invisible, especially since we were both dating girls, too, but we were adventurous. We used my bedroom a couple of times when my parents were gone for the weekend. During the rest of that early fall and again in the late spring and through the summer we used the hay loft in their barn and a blanket on the ground in a grove of trees on a remote corner of their land. We used the front and back seats of his car and my parents car. His fraternal twin brother joined us a few times, as did his very hunky older brother after he came home from boot camp in the national guard.

But then fall came. Jake stayed home. I went off to college. Actually, Jake was supposed to go to a different college, too, but at the last minute, he decided not to go. I was 130 miles away and being an obsessive college student (which paid off with a 4.00 GPA taking 24 credits my second quarter). We drifted apart. The girl I was going with was still in high school and very possessive (yeah, I let her get away with it: I was young and stupid). Whenever I went home for the weekend she took up all my time. I really wanted to look Jake up in the middle of the year when I heard that his mom had left his dad and run off to Hawaii with another man. I always thought his mom was so cool! I knew he must be upset over what happened, but, in the end I just wrote him a letter and never heard back.

I saw Jake in passing a couple of times that next summer and then just lost track of him. Then in the winter of my third year at State, I found out that he'd gotten married. I was pissed and disappointed because I hadn't heard about it until after it was over. Rather than send out invitations, they had had an "open house" wedding where it was just advertised in the local papers. My mom had seen it but hadn't thought to mention it to me until later.

Soon after that, he moved to Nebraska, or somewhere down there to be a professional carpenter. A couple of years later he moved back and started his own carpentry business, which was immediately tremendously successful (and continues to be). By this time, my girlfriend and I had gotten married. I graduated from college and took a job about 150 miles from my home town. We actually stopped in to see Jake and his wife a couple of times. They eventually had two cute kids. Then I really lost track of him.

After two or three more years, I found out through friends that Jake's wife had left him, taken the kids and run off to another state. Jake had moved into his parent's basement and was living there. I knew I had to go see him. So the next time we went to see my wife's parents, I left her and our two kids to visit with her folks and went to see Jake. I knocked on the door of his dad and new step-mom's house. They greeted me warmly and said Jake was down in the basement.

As I headed down the stairs, I realized that I hadn't seen Jake in about 4 years. What I saw when I turned the corner and walked into his room knocked the wind out of me. First, Jake was still gorgeous! He looked just as fantastic as he had when I had last wrapped my arms and legs around him with us both naked. Oh, his face was a little weathered, but God! he looked good, just sitting there in his blue jeans, white T-shirt, and white socks

But the second thing that knocked the wind out of me was the way this sweet hunk looked at the moment. His hair hadn't been combed lately, his clear blue eyes were red around the edges and had big dark circles beneath them. He was sitting bent over like his guts were in too much pain for him to sit up straight. There was a small table in front of him and the TV across the room was on, but he didn't seem to see it. He hardly seemed to notice me when I walked into the room. I pulled up a chair and sat across the table, directly in front of him.

I wasn't sure where to start. "I heard Sienna left and took the kids." I finally said softly.

"Yeah." Jake said just barely audibly. Then a tear ran down each cheek as beautiful and poignant as dew running down the petal of a perfect rose atop a casket.

I reached out and placed my hand softly on top of his on the table as I aksed, "You want to talk about it?"

Jake curled his fingers tightly around mine as he started to tell me the whole story. It seemed that he had been working long hours to make enough money to support Sienna and the kids in the style to which she wanted to become accustomed, but she had gotten bored and decided she wanted to get a job during the evenings after he was home from work. He stated working fewer hours so he could be home earlier in the evenings.

It hadn't taken very long before he was getting the kids up every morning and getting them breakfast, and waking Sienna up just before he left, since she was always tired from working late. Then she'd take off as soon as he got home and he'd take care of the kids through the evenings, give them their baths and put them to bed. Over time, he'd really gotten close to his kids, while Sienna got to the point where she had as little to do with them as possible. Jake hardly saw her either. But Jake was a great dad, and those kids had become the center of his life.

Sienna left with no warning taking the kids with her. It was a couple of days before he even found out where she was. She'd moved 40 miles away, into another state, a state whose arcane ideas of divorce meant Sienna would have full custody of the kids and Jake might have visitation rights, which he knew she'd use to jerk him around with. She'd already done it, and she'd only been gone a month.

As he finished the story, Jake started to cry more openly. My heart was breaking for him. I was really glad I was able to be there for him, because I knew he hadn't been able to do pour his heart out and cry with anyone else. I wasn't sure how he'd take it after all this time, but I slid the table out of the way, knelt down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugge me back, leaned his head on my shoulder and wept.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but it must have been about a half hour or so. Most of that time I was crying right along with Jake. Here was the sweetest guy I know, the best dad I know, trying to deal with having his heart ripped out. Finally, Jake's sobs began to subside, but he continued to hold me tightly.

I was torn between conflicting feelings. I didn't want to take advantage of Jake while he was so vulnerable. It just wouldn't be fair. But, still, the most deeply, profoundly comforting thing for me when I'm crashing and burning emotionally has always been good sex with someone who genuinely cares about me. Finally, I turned my head slightly and kissed Jake gently on the cheek.

He turned his head to meet my lips and kissed me very gently back. Then the kisses started to heat up. Our tongues started to duel and I thought back to our very first time in the shower room after football practice. Finally I pulled back. I had to ask, "Jake, I don't want to take advantage of you. You're really vulnerable and lonely right now. I don't want you to do something you'll feel sorry about later on."

As he looked into my eyes, his own eyes filled with tears again. Very softly he said, "Please."

I kissed him again, and this time, there was passion and fire coming from both of us. I backed up and unbuttoned Jake's shirt. There was still not an ounce of fat on his torso and his chest was completely hairless. I pulled his shirt off and we kissed passionately again. I reached to squeeze his pecs and he moaned softly. I started to trace the trail of hair on his abdomen down to his belt buckle with my tongue, but when I reached to unbuckle his belt, he stopped me, got up and went to close and lock the door to his room.

When Jake came back to me, he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me so tight that he almost knocked the wind out of me for the second time that afternoon. Then he backed off and took off my shirt. He nibble my nipples and gradually kneeled as he tongued his way down my torso, then unbuckled my pants and removed them and my jockey briefs all at the same time. I had to sit down so he could take off my shoes and socks in order to get my pants off. Then, Jake leaned forward and started to lick my balls. He opened wide and took them both into his mouth. It was my turn to moan, now.

As much as I was enjoying what he was doing, I was also watching how he was doing. He looked so good and strong as he licked up the base of my cock, tortured my piss slit with his tongue, licked around my ridge and then dived down to swallow me whole. I think he was getting a well-needed distraction. Once I was sure he was OK, I got lost in what he was doing. He hadn't lost his touch. I have never known anyone who can suck cock like Jake (except maybe me).

Next Jake began to work his tongue down beneath my balls to the soft hairs between them and my ass hole. I am so sensitive there! I thought I was going to blow just from that, but he worked lower and I slid down on the chair as Jake began to rim me. If Jake is good at sucking cock, then he's an absolute master and rim jobs. I couldn't help but wonder how a woman could ever bear to leave a man with a tongue that good. I grabbed my underwear and stuffed them in my mouth to keep from moaning load enough to rattle the windows.

As I got to the point where I was almost cuming again, Jake suddenly pulled his tongue out of my ass. He popped back up and kissed me passionately. We were both breathing like we'd run a mile. In a low, hoarse whisper Jake said, "Let me fuck you."

"Anything you want, baby!" I growled.

Jake stood up and I unbuckled his big belt buckle (he's such a cowboy!), and discovered he wasn't wearing underwear. I pulled his pants off, then pushed him back on his bed and pulled off his socks, too. I started nibbling on his toes. Then I bit the thickest part of the points of his heels. I licked and nipped up the backs of legs the rolled over and tongued the crooks of his knees. As I rolled back over onto my stomach, I licked up the inside of his thighs one at a time. When I got to the top of the second thigh, I sucked his balls both into my mouth, closed my teeth part way and stretched them until he moaned in pleasure and pain.

Finally I pulled off his balls and dived all the way down on his 7 ½ inch cock, which was what I'd been waiting for. He moaned and whispered, "Hey watch out or your never gonna get this thing in your ass."

"OK! Jake, let's stop wasting time. Fuck me NOW." I said.

He reached over into his night stand and pulled out some lube. He wrapped an arm around me and muscled me over on my back. Then he lubed me up, lubed up his thick cock and started to work his way in. I hadn't been fucked for awhile, so his entry was almost as intense as it had been the first time.

"Take it easy, baby!" I whispered, "I haven't done this for awhile."

"Oh! Geez! I'm sorry!" He whispered back as he slowly rocked his hips in a circle and gently pushed his gorgeous cock into what felt like the channel to my hungry soul.

Once Jake was in me to the hilt, I had the fantastic pleasure of watching the intense look of concentrated bliss on his face while I felt the intense feelings of concentrated bliss he was creating deep within me. I wondered why we had waited almost 10 years to get together again.

Jake started to really get into my ass at this point. He was plowing me just like in the good old days. It was like he couldn't get enough of himself into me, like he wanted to just lose his entire being deep inside me. I felt his cock start to swell. Then he drove in as deep as he could go and began to blow his sweet juice deep into my guts. The look on his face as he came deep with in me over and over again was enough to keep me walking on air for days.

Then, just like in the good old days, instead of collapsing on top of me, Jake jerked his cock out of my ass and dove down on my cock. He sucked me in like he was trying to swallow my entire body. This boy had definitely not lost his touch. In no time at all, the look of bliss was on my face as I blew my load down Jake's throat. I knew he was looking up at me while I was coming, enjoying the look on my face as much as I had enjoyed the look on his.

Then it was my turn for tears. Suddenly Jake was up beside me with his arms wrapped around me, holding me so tight I could hardly breathe. "Don't, cry! It's all right. I wanted this so much! I needed this so much! You didn't take advantage of me." he said.

"No, Jake, it's not that," I said. "It's just that making love with you made me realize how damn much I have missed you for the last ten years. Nothing with Annie has ever felt this powerful or wonderful. Damn! I still love you so much!"

"I know," he said, smiling gently. "I love you, too and I've missed you you like crazy, but this part of the world is not ready for us yet. You know that. Besides, I can't leave my business here, and you've got a job, a wife and two kids halfway across the state."

"You're right," I said. I've gotta go back to my in-laws place and you've gotta figure out how to get your kids back, and you know what, Jake? I have a strong feeling you might just find a way to do that."

"Well, at least I know, now, that I'm gonna try. They're still my kids and I'm still their dad. I know I'll find a way to keep being their dad, no matter what."

"You need to know something else." Jake said.

"Yeah, what's that?" I asked.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. His voice broke slightly as he said softly, "When you got here, I'd been sitting in that chair for hours trying to decide what time tonight I was going to go get dad's pistol out of the closet and shoot myself. I was going over the details of where I was going to do it and how to be sure I wouldn't survive. I just couldn't go on living feeling the way I was feeling. Now I know I'll be OK." "You saved my life today, Jake said as he squeezed me even more tightly"

My eyes filled with tears. "I don't know about that, Jake." I said, "I just knew I had to come to see you today."

We kissed again, slowly, gently, savoring each others tongues and mouths and lips, feeling each other's arms, smelling each other's scent, holding each other tight. I could have stayed there forever. I tried to memorize what I felt like at that moment because it was so deeply peaceful, so perfect.

Finally we both pulled away. We knew we couldn't stay together yet. As I went back out to my car to head back to my family, Jake went upstairs to talk to his dad and step mom about getting a lawyer.

There will eventually be one more installment in the Ball Practice stories.

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