Balo the Dwarf

By Hal Courtenay

Published on Dec 4, 1999


Standard disclaimer:

This is a work of fiction. It is intended only for adults. This is an adult piece of erotic fantasy involving the fantasy characters of Dwarves, Minotaurs, Elves, and Humans. If you do not wish to read explicit sexual material or are under the age of 18, do not read this. If you do not object to material that involves men with men, fantasy 'bestiality', water sports and domination, than this is for you... other wise go away!

---------------------- Balo The Dwarf ----------------------


In this fantasy setting, the land has suffered through a long period of war where nefarious forces have set upon the genocide of the non Human races. The Dwarves in particular were hit very hard for the underground fortresses that were their homes and for the great weapons and armor they forged. Now that the time of battles has past, the Dwarves are setting about reclaiming their tribes and repopulating their tunnels. Dwarven females have long cycles and infrequent births. Dwarves are taught from birth that propigation of the species and the solidity of families and tribes is their number one priority. Homosexuality is not an option. It is not unheard of, but it is considered counter productive to the needs of the species at this current time.

As monstrous creatures and Humans still stride upon the outer world, the Dwarves remain ever on guard. Their gods and their tribes set up elite fighting forces among their militia. These rough Dwarves live a life almost separate from the rest of their clans. They are first into battle and the last to leave the field. They take apprentice Dwarves which they call Murants that they train in the elaborate rituals of their warrior clans. Many Dwarves see them as Bah-khull or "Ones To Live Apart".

Balo, a Dwarf that is being treated as an outcast for his want to not partake in the Dwarven ideals of work and family, has come back from an adventure with a mercenary group. His best friend in this group is a Minotaur named Tagger. As a minotaur Tagger can change his shape from that of roughly a bull to that roughly of a human and of course to that of the regular form of a minotaur.


Balo pulled out his leather and strap kit and began to work on the grip of his Dwarven Thrower. This had been the first real time he had a chance to tend his equipment in the last tenday. After being ambushed by giants and those fuckin' tree huggerin' Elves, kidnapped by a dipshit mage, and then finally giving up trying to kack the guy they had been sent after, Balo and his mates had made it back to their homebase. Balo hadn't bothered to do much of anything upon arrival aside from stow his gear and work on his equipment. Terrian, their fearless leader, Maruutin the resident magic spook and Tagger-Tee his Minotaur tagteam partner wanted to make a night of it upon returning successfully back to town. Balo wouldn't mind a good drunk, but he was hurtin' after the battle and really didn't feel like being dragged off to the brothel's with Tagger and Terry. He just made a big bluff and told them to go ahead.

Balo gave up a long time ago trying to be one of the mates. He was never successful at having many mates in the warrens, and didn't fare much better being the lone Dwarf in this mercenary band. He had one true friend. Tagger. That was it really. Tagger stood beside him through anything. His warren mates always fell back on Dwarven convention. Work was all, propagate the race or any of the other standard lectures always drew his tunnel mates back home and back to the work-a-day toil of the mines or the forge.

Balo remembered when he was very young sitting for hours in the common mess listening to the Hunters and Rangers tell their stories of the wild and their comings and goings. He knew the stories grew in the telling, but the idea of the sheer freedom of life on the road had a great appeal to him. Soon he was friends with KaiLoo and Ren-Turil, they were Hunters in warmer days and they were also militia men in the frosty days. They would come to expect him to be at the long tables when they went off of duty and had their mid-day meal.

Balo remembered one day, Kai came alone to eat as Ren had to mend his wounded hand and wrist that was savaged in a tussle with the large snow-wolves that were hungry and aggressive that winter. Kai was dirty and tired and not terribly hungry. He said he was going to go and clean up. Balo was visibly disappointed, so Kai urged him to come along. The militia grotto was usually off limits to anyone else, but Kai assured him it would be okay. The larger warrens had many public (anyone) and semi public (any Dwarf) grottos, while this particular sub-set of smaller tunnels had a major grotto for the chieftan's direct servers and militia. The families made do with their own arrangements for bathing.

They went into the outer room of the grotto and he waited while Kai talked to the unamused fiery red-headed Jorin GrubFist. Balo always knew to stear clear of this no nonsense organizer and equipment distributer. Kai pointed back at Balo several times making him feel really self concious amongst the others here stowing gear after coming in fresh from the field. He noticed the different rank markings of paint and medals and hair braids and jewelry. They would pass around him, giving him no notice. It was intoxicating too. The smell, the leather, the talk and the mustiness gave him a dreamy sense of a world foreign to his own. Soon he was startled back to reality when Kai called him over.

"This is Balo Nalub, Jorin. I will take him as my murant." Kai told the squinting Jorin.

The red bearded Dwarf looked down at him, "Where's Ren?" Jorin asked Kai while still giving Balo a piercing skunk eye. Kai replied, "He was hurt in the mid-day raid of the snow-wolves by the south entrance. He is being mended in the cleric hostels even now, so in his absense, I chose Balo here to work in his stead."

Jorin looked back to Kai, "He's a gemsmith, Kai...he's not part of the Axe-Guards. He shouldn't even be in here!"

Kai leaned into him and spoke quietly. Jorin eyed him with one long eye, "...and two more when you get back!"

Kai sighed, "One and I'll sign him up..."

"Hmmph... okay," Jorin said turning to Balo. "Can you write, oppie?"

Balo said, "No, but I can make my clan rune!"

"That's fine," Jorin said and he had Balo sign a piece of paper filled with runes and lines.

"Thanks, Jorin..." Kai said putting his arm around Balo and heading towards the far door.

Balo followed Kai over to a bench. Kai sat down and had Balo stand in front of him. "What was that all about Kai?" Balo asked staring into Kai's face.

"I made you my murant when others weren't available." Kai said. He explained that high ranking officers had junior officer murants that tended to them. They were assistants, mess-mates, gophers or any number of other things the higher officer required. Kai took Balo over to the tunnel exit that opened into the main steamy grotto cavern. He got down on one knee to be closer to Balo's level and pointed out others in the grotto. He looked out into the room and saw many naked militia Dwarves. He had never seen so many males bathing at one time. These were not his young Dwarf mates, these were robust, barrel chested, massive stumps of Dwarves. Sitting along the edges of the water, in the water and under the small water falls. Massive hairy chests, huge arms and thick legs. Their backs massive with muscles and hair, their appearence in this usually off limits bathing area, made him vibrate with nervous tension. They were fierce, they were bold, they were...beautiful to him.

"Don't be afraid, Balo-you'd only need fear them if you were an intruder." Kai said reassuringly. He pointed out some of the more important Dwarves Balo recognised then he pointed out each of the murants. He watched as some would bathe each other, others would pull out braids and re-work them, and some would gather towels and gear. He told Balo that most murants were treated well. The higher officer and his murant grooming each other was a sign of respect. It engendered respect and a family bond. The braids and the jewelry were clan traditions and signs of rank in the militia. They were intricate and the murants practised on the higher officer and took great pride in that officer's and their other mess mates appearance.

Appearance and station meant a great deal. He did note that some were treated quite roughly, and some were treated as a brother. Most murants were treated well. They were taught discipline and respect, plus an unbreakable bond that would carry down even through generations.

They walked out to some stools and tables and racks in a far corner. Here the Dwarves left their gear for repairs and cleaning. Also available were towels and cakes of soap. Balo listened to Kai call out greetings to a couple of the Dwarves as they walked out. Balo took particular note of the naked backside of one Dwarf who was washing off the soap from his chest under one of the small downpours of water. Kai sat down on a stool.

"You have to undress me," Kai told him.

Balo worked at each piece of the hide and metal armor. As it came off he put it on one of the stacks of equipment as Kai directed. He loved the feel of the pieces of hide as they came off. His fingers dug into the straps and pulled at them. They were tight and heavy. Much heavier than he expected. Indeed he did have to pull them off of Kai. His muscles and odd sized limbs made it difficult to pull the more fixed sized pieces off. The smell of Kai was incredible. The musk of him and of the leathers was beautiful. He never felt like this and he was becoming light headed with the sensation. His skin was tough like leather with scars and scratches and grooves and viens. Touching Kai's skin was hot and exciting.

Kai told him, "Slow down, don't rush and don't be nervous." Balo was obviously flushed and jittery. Before he pulled the chest piece over Kai's head, Kai had him pull out the ragged braids and the pieces of jewelry from his hair and beard. Balo was a gentle as possible and ran his finger into Kai's dark brown mane of hair and pulled out the gold and platinum ringlets. He untwisted the braids as per Kai's direction. Kai put his large hand around Balo's shoulder while Balo worked. Another pair of Dwarves came in and sat near them. They were gruff and loud. The older Dwarf was extremely anxious to get out of his gear. He was quickly shrugged out his single chest piece by his murant. Then Balo watched as the older Dwarf kicked off his standard tunnel boots and began to undo his leggings while the murant took off his own clothes. The murant was nude quickly and Balo was much impressed. He glanced over him noting that his belly was tattooed with a sigil that when down near his groin. His smallish cock was nearly obscured by a thick bush of dark black hair. The older Dwarf however completely took Balo's attention when the front of his leather leggings came open. Though covered in white underclothing, the older Dwarf's genitals were bold and defined against the thin material, nearly bursting out of their tight confinement. Then the murant pulled the leggings away and the side of the white cloth was bright Crimson.

"Oh Damn it all," the older Dwarf barked. He held out the edge of the white cloth and the murant took it and peeled the underclothing down carefully so the older Dwarf could step out of them without bending. The cock and testicles of the older Dwarf looked as thick and hearty and viened as the rest of him. Easily this was the biggest cock he'd ever seen. The murant got on his knees in front of the older Dwarf and Kai said, "Watch this..." Balo looked at the murant put two fingers against the open wound as he chanted what Balo recognized as the Vosaza, a religious prayer. The wound closed and healed as his fingers ran over it.

The murant layed back on the ground gasping and choking. Balo saw the wound was now upon him. It faded and soon disappeared. Kai said, Master Daalun is training Tun to be a new Hammunrung (religious order of fighter/priests). They were in on that skirmish this morning. Kai said a few words of respect to the higher ranking officer, and Daalun responded appropriately. Daalun and Tun moved on to the water. Daalun still walked as if he were sore.

Balo continued with Kai, and soon had his leggings off. He was impressed with Kai's massive legs. The muscles were tremendous and showed off his bowleggedness quite impressively. He could see the knotty musculature about the knees and some scars as well. He had to fight fiercely to get the boots off, but soon was successful and he pulled down the thick wooly socks off his large flat feet. As the second stocking came off, Kai stood up wearing only his white cotton undershorts. Balo took in the stunning vision of this dirty, musky shaggy Dwarf standing over him. Only a little of his face paint remained, but he had a few clan tattooes on his arms and on his chest. His barrel, brown hairy chest with the dark nipples peeking out, his thick brown hair running down his shoulder into his thick beard, his massive bow legs supporting his huge mass and musculature, and the front of his undershorts sagging with the weight of a long cock slung to one side and an equally full sack pushing out the front of the white material.

He turned his hip to the side and indicated to Balo. Balo took his fingers and put them to Kai's hip. The flesh was like fire to his finger tips. He pulled at the string tie and undid the easy slip knot. He pulled the white shorts away from Kai's body as if he was in slow motion. He could see where the hair on his chest trailed down the split of his groin and joined in a thick dark patch of fuzzy hair. As the shorts came away completely, the thick fleshy tube of Kai's cock swung down into place over a grand sack of balls. It was dark against the paler skin of his pelvis and hips. It had a thick vein running across the top of it. Even flaccid, it must have been 6" long with the fleshy thick foreskin that covered the head. Wow, Balo thought. His young cock was nowhere near as impressive as this. He couldn't look away. This made him nervous and bit confused. Suddenly he realized he was staring as Kai clasped his shoulder.

"You did that well, Balo. Now, for you," Kai said as he began to undo the typical Dwarf shirt, a blousy white laced up the front shirt with big arm holes that was usually tucked in but left unlaced up. Balo had no chest to leave it unlaced for so Kai began to undo it. He untied the string sash around Balo's pants and pulled the shirt out and off over his shoulders. Balo was a little unsure and nervous. Kai reached to pull open the front of Balo's britches and hitched them down over Balo's hips when Balo grabbed at Kai's hand. Kai saw that Balo's young cock was at full erection underneath the cotton shorts. Kai made no indication of it. Instead he talked to him slowly and carefully and reassuringly. He told him of what he expected of him and what his future responsibilities would be.

Soon Kai looked him in the face. "Are you ready to go on Balo?" Balo nodded.

Kai pulled off Balo's boots and his stockings, then he pulled down his britches and his under shorts. Balo was no longer erect. In fact, he felt rather puny. He wasn't old enough to really start filling out and gaining the hair and beard yet. Soon, but not soon enough.

Together they walked over to the grotto and sank into the warm frothy water. Kai told him it had a mild healing onus upon the water. Enough to take away the bumps and bruises of the day. He washed all of Kai that day. He learned the ritual of bathing and the included repetition of words and verse. He learned how to wash and clean a huge main of hair like Kai's and his beard and how to reassemble the braids and jewelry. He learned how to massage over muscles and nerve points loving the feel of the grisly muscle under his fingers, & the sheer raw power that flowed through the fibers of tissue. Balo scratched through the hair and beard carefully grooming him.

He listened as others told stories or gave lessons. Balo was glad he was in the frothy water. His erection was back at full steam. He had never felt like this before. He was embarrassed, he was confused, he was thrilled, he was quite unsure. As he cleaned around Kai, he new Kai could feel his erection bump against him and rub his skin. He just new he was flushed red like fire and ready to pass out when Kai stood up so Balo could wash the hair of his groin then over the great fleshy tube and weighty sack. He dared not linger, he felt he was being watched, but no one seemed to care much or take notice.

Soon he was finished and Kai, while continuing a discussion with a mate, he began to groom Balo. He let Balo stay seated while he washed over him. Kai washed over Balo's erection, grasping it firmly but without indication, leaving Balo with no doubt that Kai knew of his excitement. Balo was again fiercely blushing and he lost his erection, in fact he felt it nearly crawl away inside him. Kai stood him up, finishing the routine, then having him sit on the edge of the grotto. This gave Kai's companion a chance to look over Balo.

"Where'd he come from Kai?"

"Balo? Well, he's a regular at the bull sessions in the common mess, so I had him come along while Ren was at the Clerics."

"He's awful small ain't he Kai? Is he even from the militia clans?"

"Umm... well, no, he's from the gemsmith clans."

"Hah, wonder there's not a blemish on that pink skin, heh heh!"

Balo blushed wildly. "Leave off, Cal," Kai chided, "He's a good kid with a lot of potential. He's got the head for the duty, if not the back just yet..."

Kai worked on Balo's hair and put in a small sharp looking braid to trail down the side of his face. He'd never forget that. Being surrounded in the warmth of the collective male bossum that day. Nor would he forget being beaten by his father for having stayed away so long and for coming in with that barbarian braid in his hair. His father cut it off his head with a knife, and threatened worse if he was caught hanging out with those roughneck militia Dwarves again. No protest was heard by his father, and indeed, Kai was forbidden to see him again, even if he was signed up under Kai's sponsorship as a murant. Balo never forgot him. Or the day he found a small packet on his work bench. It was a gold ring marked with Kai's clan rune. He hid it away.


Balo looked at Kai's ring hanging from the neck chain he wore. He took it off and finished up working on his warhammer. He hadn't even bothered to get out of his gear, he just pulled off his shirt and set down to work. He didn't grow into being a huge Dwarf by any means, but he wasn't a light weight. He stood roughly four feet tall and weighed in at a whopping two hundred and fifty pounds with a shaved head with runic tattoos on his skull and a thick black goatee. He was often chided for not blossuming into the traditional stump that most male Dwarves turned into. His chest was generous no doubt with great pecs that sat above a firm slightly rounded belly. He had fleshy nipples as well which highlighted his chest.

When he was younger he had one pierced with a great diamond studded ring. When it was pulled off in battle, he decided not to replace it. It had taken a lot of tending to, to restore his nipple. That was a distraction he did not need in battle!

His waist was comparatively small and his thighs were similarly sized. His calves, like his forearms, were stocky and thick. His cock was also thick. Its hard to guess what size a Dwarf's cock will be as they can be as mismatched in size as anything else on their body. Some can be as long as 9" and others were like himself with a sturdy 6" that was almost thicker than he could get his fist around. Some Dwarves have to make special protective gear for themselves to keep their proportionately over sized genitals from become a nuisance in athletic or strenuous activity. They had always lorded their larger sizes over the Halflings and Gnomes who were genetically locked into proportionally sized genitals.

Balo scratched at his beard as he went back to work on the Dwarven hammer. The warhammer has served him well. He had put several giant archers belly up with this weapon and he wanted to make sure it was kept in top condition. After those giant archers had almost killed Tagger, his best friend in the world, Balo wanted to put some giant heads on pikes. Though Tagger's mighty Minotaur hide had been saved, Balo's anger was not soothed. Tagger, Maruutin the Mage and Balo made sure the giants knew who was boss in this territory. The fucked up wizard that had kidnapped them was next on Balo's list.

Balo heard some laughing and Tagger's loud snorting outside the window. He went and looked out and saw Tagger, Maruutin and Terrian all heading out for town. Terrian wanted to collect their money and the others wanted to crash at the local watering hole for awhile then scoot off to the whore's. Balo never really enjoyed doing that. There was no challenge here and he was always left cold emotionally.

He could be sexual, he just couldn't generate heat from the left overs at the local whore house. They also almost never had Dwarves. A Dwarven female alone in a whore house was a rarity and an oddity. Balo would want to 'save' her first, before bedding her down. Even then, he was never really terribly horny to bed down the Dwarven females either. He had done so. He had often tried maintaining a relationship with Dwarven females, but he always seemed to not be able to provide them a genuine interest or affection. There was plenty of chances for him to try. Dwarven females a have long cycles between fertal periods and so there had been ample opportunity. He just never was really satisfied with it. The girls were also afraid of his anger and his strength. Part of his own sexual heat involved a bit of rough and tumble play. The females usually didn't take to this idea at all.

He always thought fondly of his time with Kai and Ren and yearned for that kind of bonding and companionship. He was never bright enough in his younger years to put his head's desire with his cock's desire. He would masterbate often thinking about the things he had seen in that bathing grotto, but then when he was done, he made sure to deny it, (as it wasn't sexual activity he had seen), and then go right back to finding the right Dwarf to start a family with when he began his own crafting of gems and jewelry. This was just an assumed fact of life. This is what he would spend the next 250 years doing. He knew his first was going to be named after him and the first daughter after his bride's mother. He knew he would be trading along the southern routes his father did. In fact, when he could actually smelt something together, they might even work the routes together.

It wasn't until he found himself brave enough and finally strong enough to bloody with his fists the next Dwarf that made fun of him for being undersized, that he actually started to think about what he wanted. He wanted to find a relationship with that kind of bond he knew existed between Kai and Ren. He wanted to see more than just the workbench in his families tunnels. He didn't want to marry and have a huge family. When he drew back his bloody knuckles from that Dwarf's broken nose, he knew, he wanted to fight.

He finished cleaning up his gear and he went over to the far room. There was a Minotaur sized tub half filled with water. He hadn't bathed in a week. This looked good. He pulled out a drawer from the false bottom of the tub and using a metal pair of tongs, he pulled out some of the mages hot rocks and dumped them into the water. They dissolved instantly releasing their heat into water. He put several in, and then fished out a big bath towel from the cupboard. He undid the straps on his leggings and then bent down to his boots. He pulled off the thick hide boots and groaned. His toes had been pent up so long in them, he forgot what it meant to be able to stretch them. He pulled the tattered stockings off his feet as well. He spent a while pulling at the leather leggings trying to get them off. Balo managed finally, noting that they would definately need to be cleaned if not replaced. Giant innards were all over them. It might be best to start with a fresh pair.

Balo stood up and his left testicle rolled out of the cotton loin wrap that served as his under clothing. He pulled at the string on the side of his wrap and it fell to the ground. Ahh, he felt good. He slapped at his chest and roughly rubbed over his nipples and pulled at the long fleshy foresking that hung over the head of his cock. Even soft, it was thick and heavy. As he had so often done, he pulled his cock up against his belly by holding up the stretchy foreskin. His fleshy scrotum also hung low with his large testicles. He peeled the foreskin back and revealed the knobby head.

He put some PurifyWater stones on the stand beside the tub for use as needed, as well as his usual soaping powders and towels and cloths. The hot water was perfect. Every aching joint and tired muscle sighed in relief as Balo settled into the large tub. His hands went immediately to his cock. He lifted his hips out of the water as one hand's thumb and forefinger pulled back his foreskin a bit. He let go of his bladder and a powerful stream of urine splattered into the air and down onto his belly.

He liked that. He liked the way his warm piss would splash over his belly. He rubbed his hand over his belly and spread his urine up onto his chest where he'd pull at his long fleshy nipples. He pushed his hips up even further with his feet and he aimed his cock to send the strong stream onto his chest and face. He caught some in his mouth. Then he let his cock go and let the rest drain down his belly and run off at his neck.

He soaped up one of the cloths and washed himself slowly and carefully. He scratched through the fine mat of hair on his chest and belly with his fingernails, as he followed the trail underneath his arms and down his belly to his groin. He washed his head and his beard as he traced over the rune tats on his skull. Then he scootched down in the water and lifted his legs and braced his toes on the edges of the tub. He cleaned his thighs and calves and feet, then he gripped his nearly hard soapy cock. It lurched into full erection at his touch, the thick knobby head escaped the thick fleshy foreskin. He gave it a few good soapy strokes. Like most Dwarves, his cock head leaked a lot of pre-cum out of a big hole. He dipped his finger into the hole, almost to the first knuckle, and drew out some of the clear fluid, spreading it around on the head making it shiny.

Balo then soaped up his testicles as he stretched the big bag until it was taught with his balls at one end. Then he soaped up his hairy ass and spent a while scratching and rubbing through the hair down into his ass crack. He felt his fingers rub over his anus and he groaned as his cock oozed a lot of the clear sticky fluid. Ever since he was young, his asshole had always like to be rubbed and played with. He could never explain it or talk about it to his playmates, but he knew that a good strong cum was made even stronger when he would play with his asshole. He slid one soapy finger into himself and moaned. He stroked his cock as he ran his finger in and out of his butthole. Soon his cock head was a deep purple and was leaking the clear fluid non stop as he pressed another finger into himself. His thick Dwarven fingers filled his bottom and ran over that sweet spot that made him tremble. In and out, he pushed his fingers deep into his bottom. Then he pulled out just long enough to get a third finger into himself. He could feel it cumming as he threw his head back in soundless gasps as his testicles unloaded through the shining star that was the hole in his cock head. His bottom bucked into the air in great spasms as he sprayed his sweet cum across his belly and chest in thick ropey spurts. Some even managed to splash across his face. It was several minutes before his body stopped cleanching in spasmodic relief. He was covered in cum as he drew his fingers out of his anus. He lowered his legs and dozed in the hot water as he wiped the cum off his face and put it to his lips and tongue. He noticed his nipples were nearly as stiff as his still hard cock. The head had retreated back into the skin folds, but he was still erect and horny.

Balo closed his eyes and rested for a bit. He had always liked the physical side of himself. He liked to physically test himself against his DwarfMates once he knew he could stand his ground with them. Balo liked the rough and tumble play. He liked to wrestle and get the smell of his mate's skin and hair and sweat in his nose. Since he liked to fight, he was often considered a bully. Balo never took crap for his size, and he always busted heads over it. He never backed down from a challenge. He was a deceptively strong Dwarf. He could head hunt with the best of the punchers and soon was knocking out Dwarves much bigger than himself. His thick forearms allowed for brutal uppercuts and his heavy calves gave him a wide steady stance.

Balo knew he had grown into being a real bastard. He had gone abroad as soon as he was let out of the warrens on his 29th birthday. He had come of age and it was time he had seen some sights. He was tired of the straight laced work ethic in the warrens. If he wasn't reading from books, he was breaking his back working in the gem mines. He left the warrens with a couple of DwarfMates and headed over land to the nearest big city. There he found others who liked to fight just like he did. They had weekly competitions from Pit Fighting to Gladiator tournaments to knightly jousting matches. He walked among the fighters and the betting crowds and saw fighters he could easily beat and Dwarves that were far more brutal and swift than he could ever hope to be.

He did find on thing to take home with him. He shaved his head in the style of one of the Dwarven pit fighters. He went to a local barber and had his hair removed from his scalp and his neck and left only his goatee. Then he had the barber tattoo his clan runes on his head. His DwarfMates were very upset by this. He had the appearance of an outcast rogue Dwarf. Balo knew he would be looked down upon for his appearance particularly after his apparent disinterest in Dwarven craft and his bullying tactics.

Balo wasn't too far off in his assessment of the clans reaction to his new look. It was mostly the runes tattooed into scalp that most found offensive. It smacked of slave markings and Dwarves that lacked clan ties or home warrens. Balo soon grew tired of the incessent lecturing and the incredible demands to learn a trade and settle down with a family. He knew what he liked, it was fighting and journeying overland. He also had learned to like a stout ale. It fueled his need to fight and it fueled his anger. Many days Balo would wake great pain with shattered limbs and bloody wounds.

Balo soon got to see what his heart could not put a name on. Balo had been about 30 or so, when he had seen two Dwarves fighting in the scrub brush in the early morning just inside his warrens demesne. Well, it appeared they were fighting...and just the way he liked too. Bare chested wrestling with no rules in an open area. He could hear the occasional grunt as well. He could hear a hard open slap every now and again. He sneaked up on the combatants, not wanting to openly interrupt something they were doing secretively. He could see them through the trees. They weren't only bare chested. They were naked! Except for a leather vest on one and hide boots on the other, they were naked.

His throat had gone dry and he could feel a stirring in his loins. The idea of nude wrestling was almost as exciting as his longing interest in being near the militia's bathing grotto. This was different though, they weren't really wrestling. When they unclinched, he could see the one on the ground had a long swollen cock. Much bigger than his own, and much bigger than any cock he had ever seen. This was a mighty bull Dwarf, from the braid in his hair, he was pretty sure it was one of the militia Dwarves. The other lifted the legs of the one on the ground and rolled him up on his shoulders. He bent forward and put his mouth into the others ass crack and began to lick and bite at the others butthole. Balo had never seen this or even thought of it. His cock was straining in his pants and it throbbed and ached harder than it ever had when he touched it by himself. These two bull Dwarves were rutting with each other.

The one rolled up on his shoulders moaned and pushed his stiff erection back towards the other one who slapped at the ass cheeks his mouth was slobbering over. Something in his head said, yeah this was it, he wanted this! He pulled at his crotch and worked to free his young cock. Finally, the one Dwarf pulled his mouth away from the butthole he was devouring and stood over the other Dwarf.

The other Dwarf begged him. "Please Sgt. Sir, put that big shaft in me!"

The standing Dwarf called, "I can't hear you pup!"

"Sir, please fuck me now!"

The standing Dwarf put his booted foot across his face, "Show me how much you want it!"

The Dwarf started to lick and bite and the boot. Balo started to laugh...yeah make him beg he thought. After a few minutes he pulled his boot away. He turned the Dwarf for best positioning and Balo could see clearly between the legs of the standing Dwarf. He put one finger then another into the bottom of the laying Dwarf, then he pulled out and stuck his thick penis to the hole and pushed in. Burnt forever in Balo's memory is that Dwarf's penis pushing in and out of that butthole with his long fleshy ballsack banging back and forth.

"That is what I want," Balo thought.

Soon the Dwarf was layed onto his back as the other Dwarf fucking him layed over his belly. They kissed. This was kind of shocking at first, but they kissed with great passion. Soon he pulled his cock out of the Dwarf's worn out butt and straddled his chest. His cock was bold and fierce. It's dark colored head strained boldly out of the fleshly foreskin and dribbled a stream of clear fluid onto the other's belly as he stroked the shaft with a mighty fist. Then he groaned and unloaded a tremendous blast of Dwarf semen onto the other Dwarves chest and face. This was more cum shot in one load than Balo had ever done! Soon the shooting Dwarf leaned forward and layed his cock on the other's face. The other Dwarf opened his lips and sucked the fleshy monster into his mouth. With that Balo shot a stream of semen so hard he thought he would pass out. When he was done, he put his sticky hand to his mouth and sucked off the semen there.

Balo then layed as still as he could to not be seen and soon the pair got up and dressed and began to leave. Balo slunked away as best he could and headed back to the warren. He kept his hands over his crotch to hide his still elongated penis. He made it back safely and he kept replaying the scene in his mind over and over again for the next several days. He tried to talk about some of his feelings with his friends and teachers and the priests. He would usually get the stern lecture on Dwarven morality and the work ethic; and how few females there were and about repopulating the Kingdoms and so on. His friends would play him off as giving out trash talk. He could not believe the venom in their words for anykind of activity amongst male Dwarves. They could handle Balo's brawling, but any other ideas were thought of as evil and worth killing another Dwarf over. He never brought up the subject again to anyone. Should he be killed for thinking like this? He didn't want to hurt anyone except in a fight. He just liked the idea of playing with the boys better than the girls...and apparently others did too! He didn't know what to think of himself. His ideas of what got him hot were dispised by the others and if they wanted to hurt him, he would let them try.

Balo threw himself into fighting and showing them just what kind of male Dwarf he was. A few times he would allow himself to get a mighty erection while fighting others. He would laugh at them and their macho brawling. What would they think if they new Balo, the cock lover, was beating the crap out of them? He would just laugh as he punched them into oblivion.

By the time he was 30, he was ready to leave the warren, and the warren was ready for him to leave. He was considered a youngster, but many had given up on him ever towing the line of the Dwarf ethic. He strapped on his blades and his leather gear and headed out for the big city fighting pits. It was there that he would meet Tagger. Tagger was a great Minotaur. They were both kinda out of their element here. Tagger was looked down upon because he was a monster, and Balo was looked down upon because he was an outcast. Balo made friends with him and soon the became inseperable. Tagger would team with him for group fights and they soon were unbeatable with their odd ball sizing and swift coordinated attack. After several years of fighting locally and overland, they gave it up and only fought in the pit at special events. They had been hired out to do adventures several times, and soon they met Terrian Graggert and accepted his offer to work in his mercenary group. They became real close and soon were joined by Maruutin the cleric mage. Soon, they would have to leave their territory and move north. They were causing too much trouble in the local areas.

Balo continued to suppress his feelings. He had suffered through the brothel adventures with Tagger and Terry, but his heart was never in it and he avoided going when he could. He never saw Tagger in a sexual light, though in his heart he had fantasized about it. He new Tagger was a real cocksman with the ladies who really appreciated his natural gifts. Balo had seen Tagger naked and aroused many times. Tagger had seen him in nearly all his intimate states as well over the many years and many adventures. He could appreciate what Tagger had between his legs. Tagger was also a Taurian creature and was thus allowed to change his form. Minotaurs didn't usually do this often like the Centaurs did, but he could change to being mostly human, mostly bullish, or his natural form of being in between. He would become mostly Human for his dalliances with the ladies, though he would still have the musk, a bit of the horns, the hair and the huge body, he would just lose most of the bullish head and facial features and most of the tail. He cock though was stunning. Easily 14+ inches and wide like a club! His balls where the size of small oranges.

Yes, he would have many dreams of Tagger's hot cock. Their friendship though was solid, and he would never dream of compromising it by making a sexual overture to Tagger, nor did he want to have fight Tagger. Tagger new how much Balo got aroused from fighting and even heard some of Balo's more interesting nasty talk when they fought in the pit, but he let it go by and did not comment on it. They respected each other and kept their friendship. They owed each other their lives many times over, they were like a third arm and a second pair of eyes to each other. They trusted Terry and Maruutin, but Terry and Maruutin knew they came second or third to the bond between Tagger and Balo.

Balo purified the water and bathed again after heating the water up to a nice steamy temperature. He paid close attention to his swollen penis and baggy testicles. He reflected back on the different interactions with males he had been lucky enough to find. Mostly just back alley suck offs and drunken quickies, Balo still had not found a lover and was growing restless and unfulfilled. No one had ever gotten close to fucking him. Once they had blown their load they usually disappeared. This usually made him aggressive and he would seek someone out to fight. Many times he would fight someone after a sexual encounter and after knocking them out, retreat to secure location, pull out his straining tool and blast off a load almost immediately.


Balo climbed out of the water and laid down on his bed. He was feeling a bit drowsy. He lifted his legs and rubbed over his anus a bit more. He slid two fingers down inside himself and held them in deep. His cock shrugged back into life as he felt it harden and lengthen as it flopped along his belly. He moaned as he alternately slid two fingers from his other hand into his ass. Balo pulled the tip of the fleshy foreskin down to his lips and he held it with his teeth. Soon his sticky clear precum boiled up again and drooled in a steady stream down the foreskin to his mouth. He loved the sweat sticky flavor as it dripped down his lips.

Balo pulled on his cock as he finger fucked himself. His bottom would spasm with each thrust and soon his legs were quivering. He couldn't get his fingers far enough into himself. He gasped in time to the smacking sounds his hand made as his fingers penetrated deep into himself and then withdrew only to drive forward into his awaiting pucker another time. Soon he had three fingers driving down into his wide open anus. He pulled on his straining cock in time to his thrusts. His beard was covered in pre-cum.

Soon, though, he felt it coming and his fleshy bag drew up to the base of his fat purple cock. His orgasm started in his bottom as he started to buck and shudder. He pushed himself up further on his shoulders as his cock started to throb. He coughed out a shout as he saw the first burst of white cum flood from the wide angry slit in the tip of his cock. Balo aimed for his mouth as he bucked out several bursts of hot Dwarven semen. It was thick and heavy and he swallowed as much as he could. It was several minutes before he could remove his fingers from his butthole and lower his legs. Then, he wiped his face with his towel and layed back in a dozing stupor.


Balo awoke.

It was night or at least it was very dark. He stood up and felt for purchase along the wall. Indeed, it was very dark. Darker than he normally remembered it being. Then he had a dreadful thought. He was standing on a cool, smooth stone floor. This was not their house. He squinted with his eyes in his instinctual use of his night vision. He couldn't get his eyes adjusted to this darkness - it must be artificial. He felt himself. Naked. Well that might not be good thing. Soon his eyes became accustomed to this darkness and he realized he was in a very large room. No, maybe this was a tunnel. Barrel vaulted ceilings, huge columns and a bunch of relief work - his first guess would be that this was a Dwarven tunnel.

The slapping of his footfalls echoed as he walked along the huge passageway. He was cold. He shivered. His eyes peered over the statuary to see if any weapons could be removed - unfortunately none presented themselves. There was movement ahead. Balo aimed for it and began to run. His running strides slapping and echoing about him.

"HEY!" he called. He wasn't sure if he heard his own voice.

Suddenly, he could see an opening coming up on his left, framed in dim light. The figure darted into the opening. Balo could see it was an oppie. What was such a young Dwarf doing here? He followed it. The opening was an giant doorway into another room. He stepped up to it and had to grip the doorframe to keep from spinning away into vertigo. The room was immense stretching up and down and away from him. There were stairs ahead of him the trailed off down into what appeared to be a massive arena. Bigger than the biggest arena he had ever fought it. It was bigger than Bal-baig Gartney's underground. He figured it could hold a city. The stairs were steep - nearly a straight drop. Rings of seats and stands led off from the stairs at regular intervals. At the bottom, surely several hours distant, was a battle circle.

"What fights in here?" he thought incredulously. "Have I died? Am I in the arena of the very godlings? Bak preserve me..." Balo thought. He looked around again and found that he was several steps down, yet he could remember taking none. He fought to return to the landing. The harder he worked, the less distance he gained. Tears came to his eyes. "I don't want this... Where am I... Tagger..." He layed against the steps, then he looked for a railing or some hand hold. "Yes!" he thought there it is. Balo leapt forward and grabbed a cold metal railing that seemed to stretch forward and back into infinity. Clinging to it, he made a slow descent.

For hours he climbed down, nearly hysterical with the fear of falling to the bottom of this massive battle arena. As his feet felt the solid ground, he slowly pulled away from the railing and fell to the floor. Balo cried and felt the blood trickle to the floor from his raw hands unable to surrender their grip.

Some time later, Balo sat up. He looked around. He could not see the last of the rows of seats. Behind him he saw a torch lit area that was fairly bright. He got up and wondered to it. It was the battle area itself. It was raised up on a platform with some rope boundaries. Their was a giant crate upon the platform. From its top arose a great chain that hung from some dark distant place far above. He could hear a beast inside. Its snorted, it pawed. Balo climbed up on to the platform and ducked under the ropes.

"Is this it?" he shouted, hearing his voice echo deeply through out. "I'm to fight some beast for judgement? Know this! I fear nothing. If this beast should kill me today then let him get started!" Balo jumped back as he heard the great creak of wood and metal as the chain started to loose slack. Soon it was pulling the great crate upwards off the platform. He could see below the bottom edge of the wooden encasement a pair of hooves and dark hair. "Bullshit!" Balo yelled. "This is Bullshit! I will not fight him for you!" Balo's voice became sharp and hoarse. "If this is judgement, I defy it!" Balo then jumped from the platform and rolled back up to his feet and ran.

Balo leapt upon the stairs and attempted to climb away. He could hear the familiar snorts and roars of a minotaur behind him. He could hear when the beast was free of the crate and stomped across the platform and the down on to the cold stone flooring. It was chasing him. At his speed, it would certainly catch up with him. Balo tried to go for a row of seats as he heard the beast come up after him. He looked up. It was in front of him. It was huge, it was Tagger. Though it wasn't, it just had his form. It bent down to him. One hand clasped about Balo's neck as he was lifted high into the air. The Minotaur roared as he fell forward out from the steep stone staircase. He meant to slam Balo into the floor. Balo had just one thought, "I love you Tagger..." as his head crashed into the arena floor below.

Balo opened his eyes. Tagger was over him; he jumped back from him.

Tagger had a concerned look on his face as he said, "Are you okay? You were sleeping awfully loud."

Balo looked around. He was back in his room and it was night. He sat up and grabbed Tagger and hugged him. He felt Tagger hug him back, his big strong arms pulled the Dwarf into him. That's what the Dwarf wanted to feel. He could feel the Minotaur's hand slide down to the small of back. Balo could feel his cock rise against the big creature, but he didn't care.

He pulled away and said, "I dreamt that I was dead and that I had to fight you. You were an evil beast that killed me once again." He stood in front of Tagger on the bed with his cock at full arousal.

"You aren't dead, Balo! You dead then me dead to. Hope it was good fight!" Tagger laughed heartily.

Tagger looked at Balo's straining erection. "Balo like Tagger..." the Minotaur chuckled.

Balo looked away and said "Yes...Tagger...Balo likes you very much..."

Tagger reached out with one great finger and put it to Balo's eye wiping away the tears that had collected there. He trailed it gently down Balo's face. The heavy finger then trailed down his neck to his chest.

"Tagger...I..." Balo whispered.

Tagger then trailed his finger over to Balo's right fleshy nipple. It stuck out like hard on. Tagger grasped it in two fingers as Balo sighed and arched his back. "Your big titties always stick out when you fight!" Tagger laughed pulling on the fleshy stud. Tagger took the left nipple in his other hand. "You act funny, Balo," Tagger said.

Tagger pushed him back down on the bed and got over Balo in their usual wrestling positions. Balo and Tagger sparred for awhile. Balo enjoyed the feel of Taggers weight against him and his beastial warmth and fur. They didn't really spar though. It was more like grasping each other and holding the position. Balo would clutch against Tagger tightly and made sure Tagger could feel his straining cock against him. Every so often, Tagger would grasp Balo's buttock as he did so and he could feel Tagger's fingers down near the split of his legs.

At one point, Tagger's fingers pushed into Balo's ball sack as he carried Balo back to the bed and layed him on his back. Tagger was in his mostly human form. Tagger straddled Balo. His knees were to either side of Balo's chest. Tagger opened the front of his britches and released a huge monster of a cock in front of Balo. It was easily over 10 inches and incredibly thick.

"You like this Balo?" Tagger said pushing the large erection down to Balo's chest. "Yes Tag..." Balo said, "I've always wanted it..." Balo put out a shaky hand and placed his fingers against Tagger's hot tool. He rubbed lightly along the shaft, waiting to see Tagger's reaction. Tagger put his hand against Balo's and pressed it more firmly against his great penis. Soon Balo was stroking him in great lengths. Then he was jacking him off, the great Minotaur puffing out deep gasps. Balo then pulled up tight around the massive head. The great hole in the tip was crowned by a great sticky clear mass of pre-cum. Balo raised his head and put his tongue to the slit and licked off the sticky fluid there.

Tagger gasped in surprise. "You would put me in your mouth, Balo?"

"Yes, Tagger..." Balo said, "And I would have you fuck me too."

Tagger got up from the bed, kicked off his boots, and peeled off his britches and his cover shirt. Balo was standing on the bed as Tagger turned to him. He was at just the right height and Balo took the head of Tagger's great cock into his mouth and sucked it as hard as he could. He couldn't get much into his mouth, but he got as much as he could in while he grasped a hold of Tagger's big fleshy ball sack. He sucked and pulled on Tagger. He couldn't get enough of that great cock in his mouth. He couldn't believe he had his best friend huge erection straining to get down his throat. The minotaurs balls were huge and fleshy. He grabbed and pulled at them and it didn't seem to bother the big guy. Tagger bent over Balo as he sucked on him and slapped his back. Not really hard, but it was stinging. Then he slapped him again and then down oh his ass cheek. Balo moaned. "Suck it Balo!" Tagger grunted grabbing at Balo's head. He also continued to slap at Balo's arms and chest and head the more Balo made noise. Balo put a hand to his own cock and Tagger slapped it away.

"No! Pull on me!" Tagger roared.

Balo went back to work on Tagger and soon Tagger was really slamming against Balo as he had changed to his Minotaur form. Tagger put a hand against Balo's forehead and pushed him back leaving only the tip of the head in Balo's mouth. Tagger stroked himself violently and his chest heaved in great bursts. Balo was almost afraid. Soon the dam burst. Tagger's cock head swelled and erupted with a great flood of cum. It filled his mouth. Tagger then pulled the head out and continued to shoot across Balo's face. As it streamed over Balo's tats, Tagger smeared and rubbed the hot semen into his bald head. Balo's tongue sought to catch as much as possible and soon Tagger stuck the tip back into his mouth and let the rest ooze down Balo's throat.

Balo nursed at Tagger's cock for quite awhile as the big brutes heavy breath and spasms continued. Soon the cock slackened and their eyes met. Tagger smiled his big dumb crooked smile and Balo smiled back as best he could with that big cock in his face. Tagger pulled Balo up to him and took ahold of Balo's cock. He jerked it a few times and Balo flooded his chest with his own warm Dwarven cum. Tagger laughed at this and hugged him in a massive bear hug. Balo gripped him back as hard as he could. The pair grasped and hugged and slapped and pawed at each other soon settling into a tight embrace that both were reluctant to break...until Tagger said, I gotta pee...

---------------------- To be continued... ---------------------- Comments or suggestions (flames ignored) to:

Next: Chapter 2

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