Band Camp

By Joe Regular

Published on Mar 12, 2020




I was a real band nerd in high school. I even went to band camp. And this one time, at band camp, there was this flute...

Copyright (c) 2020: reproduction or distribution prohibited without specific consent of the author. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. My stories depict sexual encounters between unrelated consenting, mutually affectionate adults, often of the same sex. DO NOT READ if such material offends you, or is illegal for you to read at your age in your jurisdiction. Otherwise, I hope you keep enjoy...

It was mid August, the summer after I graduated high school. I would be starting college in a couple of weeks, and soon enough I would abandon most of my musical pretensions. I was a decent but not great clarinetist, and I had no plans to be a serious musician. But my parents really wanted me to have the experience.

As it turned out I had some experiences, all right.

It was a fairly prestigious camp, drawing top high school musicians from around the region, held at the stereotypical private college campus on a hill just outside a small town. I immediately found myself outclassed by many best-and-brightest type musicians, a few of whom would go on to greatness. But even being at the lower echelon of this group I had a great time.

I enjoyed getting to know other people who, like myself, mostly weren't at the top of their high schools' social ladders. Some of us were nerdier than others, but most people were actually pretty cool and down to earth. And it was kind of a practice run for starting college, where I would again dive headfirst into a new social scene with hundreds of other people who'd also just escaped the variously lame places they went to high school.

The first evening, a Sunday, was chaotic and exciting: parents dropping us all off, registration, finding our way across the campus, having our first greasy "caf" meal, and meeting our preassigned roommates.

My roommate turned out to be Harold. He was a flautist from a small town a couple hours away, a bit overweight with spiky black hair - and pretty obviously gay in his manner.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. He was gregarious, almost overly friendly in greeting me. Not at all in a hitting-on-me way, but in the way some flamboyant gay guys can be in their daily interactions.

I wasn't put off by that. I was mature enough to handle being around gay people comfortably, and not be paranoid about them trying to have sex with me.

Not that I'd had sex with anyone yet, male or female. Fondling a girlfriend's boobs through her bra after the prom was as far as I'd gotten yet.

And although I considered myself bisexual, having often fantasized about sucking another guy's dick, the object of those fantasies was always another bi guy like myself. Irrationally, the idea of being with a fully gay guy didn't resonate with me at all.

Well, that's how I felt at the beginning of the week, anyway.

Fortunately Harold and I hit it off (in a platonic way) immediately. We got along well right off the bat and found conversation easy.

I expressed understanding and empathy when he talked about how much he hated being tormented in high school for being effeminate. Despite his manner, he still couldn't have been publicly Out in the repressed atmosphere of his hometown. He had only confessed his true self to a few music and theater friends there.

This camp was the first time in his life he could openly identify as homosexual. I assured him that he had an ally in me, that I thought most people at camp would be supportive of him for who he was, and that I would back him up if anyone hassled him.

He gave me a big (non-sexual) hug. "Thank you!"

"God, this is such a relief, Joe! To be here, and not ..." He derisively spat out the next word, there!" as he gestured in the general compass direction of his hometown. He was almost a little teary eyed.

For as of tonight, the nightmare (for him) of small town life was over. Soon he would be starting at a big urban university where he could be himself. As for me, but in a much bigger way for him, this camp was the first week of our new, improved lives.

By the end of the first evening we were getting along so well we were even trading dirty jokes. He joked about loving the feel of long hard rods against his lips and being even better at playing the skin flute than the metal one.

I made clear I wasn't offended, and shared my own straight, dirty jokes - though mine might have been a tad more tame than his. Inside, his talk did turn me on a bit, though I didn't admit it at the time.

Monday morning we got to work. Although I was definitely not one of the better musicians, it was thrilling to feel the fellowship of so many talented people, making amazingly good music within a short time. And I learned a lot, both from the conductors and from my fellow players.

But enough about music. The object of my sexual interest, almost immediately, was Tamara. She was fairly tall, medium built with curly brown hair. Reasonably attractive, with a perky personality. Not to mention a perky body to go with It.

Late the first morning, we broke into small groups of mixed instruments to work on certain passages, and Tammy was in my group. Although I felt awkward and shy around her, avoiding eye contact, she at least pretended not to notice that.

As we broke for lunch, our group walked to the cafeteria together, and sat down at the same table.

Harold was at the next table, already regaling his new friends there with his witticisms, to loud laughter.

As I sat down, he joshed to my group, "well, you guys can't be all bad if Joe is with you," indicating me. This provoked more laughter, and broke the ice between the two tables. The dozen or so of us combined would remain a tight social group all week.

Although I could be shy and awkward in one-on-one situations, especially with women, I'm pretty good in small groups socially. I can usually crack the right jokes at the right time to make people laugh, and maybe even make them like me. This made it easier to be near Tamara, with whom I was still terrified to be alone.

As a cellist, she sat with the rest of the strings, on the opposite side. Since the rows curved slightly around the podium up front, that meant she was in my peripheral vision most of the time. A couple of times that afternoon I thought I caught her eye, but being the bashful guy that I was I always averted my own eyes immediately.

We got more comfortable with each other as the week went by, and got along nicely, though we weren't alone together much.

By Wednesday Harold seemed to have noticed. Actually I'm sure he'd noticed by Monday, but didn't say anything until Wednesday.

As we were lying in our beds he asked, "you like Tammy, don't you?"

I responded in the affirmative.

"I think she might like you too. You want me to ask her for you?"

I was mortified by the thought.

"Why not? If she says no, you'll never see her again after this week. Nor anyone else here. You have a lot to gain, and nothing to lose. She's just as nervous around you as you are around her, you know."

"She seems so confident. I can't believe she would be anxious around me. "

"Yeah, well maybe you come off that way to her too, with your jolly-joker routine at lunch."

"Well, what can I do? I can't exactly ask her out. There's no 'out' to go to here."

"Well, you could ask her to go on a walk with you. Or just tell her how much you've enjoyed getting to know her. We only have a couple days left - it's not too early to say something like that. Or you could do both."

"Both what?"

"Ask her to go on a walk, dummy, and then tell her how much you've enjoyed getting to know her! It will be so romantic, she won't be able to resist. Hell, even I'm getting hard thinking about it!"

So was I. "Hey, keep it in your pants."

"Or at least under the covers, while my straight roommate is in the room." He made an exaggerated jerk-off gesture under his blanket.

We both laughed out loud at that one.

On Thursday, I found myself too anxious to approach her through most of the day. After dinner, I found myself walking away from the cafeteria next to her.

"You want to take a walk around campus with me?"

"We're already walking around campus, aren't we?"

"I guess so." I grinned at her. "I mean a longer walk?" Comprehension washed across her face. More quietly I added, "I've really enjoyed getting to know you this week. I'd like to talk to you some more. "

I felt like a time-delayed Cyrano de Bergerac, delivering the romantic lines I'd been fed by my friend the night before.

"Oh, aren't you sweet. I'd love to. But I can't tonight." She seemed a little red in the face.

So was I. Flushing with a sense of rejection. Was she blushing about being asked out by a guy she liked - or trying to quickly come up with an excuse not to go with me? I was way too clueless with women to tell the difference.

"My parents just got home from a long backpacking trip in the Rockies. I haven't talked to them for a week, and they want to catch up. I'll be on the phone with them for at least a couple hours."

Well, it was a more plausible excuse than doing her hair.

Still blushing, she took my hands in hers for a moment and said, "maybe tomorrow? I really would like it."

Back at the dorm, as we were getting ready for bed I told Harold what had happened. "See? I told you she likes you! Did you kiss? That would be so romantic!"

"No we didn't."

"Well, you still have your chance tomorrow. Maybe more than kissing!"

"Shut up!" I said in a joking way. Not that his teasing bothered me. I was thrilled at the prospect of doing anything with her.

"Maybe she'll let you feel those tits of hers. Not that I would ever be interested, but she looks pretty well built. "

"Oh, Jesus, Harold."

"C'mon, you've heard me talk about slurping up schlong seed. You can't possibly be squeamish with me talking about you fondling your new girlfriend's jugs. Or even putting your face in her juicy twat," emphasizing the consonants in that last word.

I groaned. Giggling, he added, "C'mon, I bet she's lying in bed right now, panties all wet, jilling herself off thinking about the same thing. "

"Fuckin' A, dude!"

"Well, maybe she wants you fucking her 'A' too, but I bet it's her slick slot she wants filled up with your big tool first. I mean, that would be an eeeew for me, but nice for you!"

"Dude, I have no idea if she even wants to kiss me."

"Oh, she wants to kiss you, all right."

"Yeah, maybe," I said, my dick hard as a rock under the covers even from the the thought of kissing her.

"Joe and Tammy, lying under a tree..."

"Aww, c'mon."

"... F-u-c-k-I-n-g."

"I don't know if she'll want to have sex though."

"Maybe she won't. But maybe she will. That's the delicious anticipation, isn't it? So romantic!"

"I guess so." I shifted a bit so Harold wouldn't see my erection pushing up on the bedcovers.

"You feel like jerking off, don't you?"


"Sure you do. Look, that's nothing to be embarrassed about. I can go for a walk and give you some privacy for 20 minutes if you want."

"Oh, that won't be necessary."

"What, you don't need 20 minutes?" Conspiratorially he added, "or you don't need privacy? "

"What, with you in the room?!"

He shrugged. "Either way, you DO need to relieve yourself." He paused and lowered his voice. "It would be unhealthy not to."

He was right. Of course I needed to jerk off. "Hell, 2 minutes would probably be enough right now," I cracked back at him.

"Ok, you want me to leave?"

I was too flustered by the suggestion to respond immediately. I was too horny to have any hangups anymore. I wouldn't mind him watching. Or - oh, what the fuck - doing more than that.

He said, "look, we've only known each other a few days but I feel like we're really good friends. I'm more than happy to do whatever so you can find some relief."


"I meant leave the room, or stay and watch, or whatever helps".

Yes, actually that would help, I thought.

He must have sensed my interest, adding more quietly, "look, I really do mean whatever you want. I would NEVER push this and I know you're not gay, but I'm even willing to help you more directly if you'd like."

My eyes lit up. "You mean ..." Emboldened by my reaction, he added, "no strings. You don't have to do anything to me." He grinned. "But I'd be happy to give you a blowjob if you like. Total freebie. Just a warmup for the one you'll get from Tammy tomorrow, of course," he added with a wink.

A blowjob! I'd only ever touched a girl's tits through underwire and fabric, let alone gotten in her pants. Sex with Tamara tomorrow was far from a sure thing, yet here I was, being offered head right now!

"Uh, I don't think I could ever say no to a blowjob. "

"Good. My lips are sore from blowing cold metal flutes all week. I wouldn't mind a softer, warmer one." He winked again.

He came over, pulled back the covers as I yanked down my shorts, and took me in his mouth.

It was heavenly, even better than I'd imagined. The warmth, the wet slickness of his lips sliding over me, the gentle suction, was exquisite. It didn't matter in that moment whether the person doing it was male or female, though I suppose it was nice that it was a friend doing it.

He went nice and slow, making sure to not bring me off too fast. Not that I would last long anyway. I soon let go with a huge blast of cum, which he swallowed. It felt so much better than cumming into my hand, that was for sure.

After I'd calmed down and thanked him, I offered to return the favor.

"You don't have to do that. I can jerk myself off just fine." Winking, he added, "with or without you in the room."

"No, I want to. I've always wanted to try it."

"Really? You sure?" I nodded enthusiastically. "Well ... I don't think I could ever say no to a blowjob," echoing my own words.

He pulled down his shorts and revealed the first hard cock I'd seen in real life. A magnificent, hard prick below his somewhat round belly, a bit bigger than mine.

I reveled in the sight of it: the hard veiny pole, disappeared in a tangle of pubes at the base, the generous ball sack hanging down, swaying lasciviously.

But most of all I stared at the head. A rich plum color, flared provocatively away from the shaft, the slit glistening with precum, and curved as voluptuously as any woman's hips.

I wanted this cock almost as much as I wanted Tamara.

"You okay? If you've got cold feet - or cold lips - you don't have to do this. I meant it when I said no strings."

"No, no, I'm good. This is great. Just enjoying the moment. I totally want to do this. "

With that, I licked my lips, opened wide, and sucked it in. I relished the mild taste of his precum on my tongue, and the feeling as the edge of his glans pushed past my lips. On the first stroke I took it in as far as I could, just about to the back of my throat, getting more than half of it in.

He moaned. "Oh God, that feels good." I squeezed my lips a little harder around it on the upstroke.

"Oh, yeeaaaaahhhh," he hissed as I pulled my lips past the crown, then pushed back down over it. I started moving my mouth up and down on him, long strokes getting him in deep then pulling all the way off, squeezing my lips hard as they went over his cockhead.

After a couple minutes of this I again noticed his balls dangling neglected in front of me, and cupped them in my hand, squeezing them gently.

That did it. He started moaning loudly and tensed up, quickly ejecting his sweet semen into my mouth. Of course I swallowed! Tasted great too, just as I'd always imagined.

Next morning there were no pretensions or weirdness. We were the same friends as before. Except we effortlessly and quickly indulged in a quick 69, synchronously sucking each other off in a before-class quickie.

The morning was a blur of anxiety and excitement as we finished our final rehearsals for the recital, and after Friday's lunch we had the afternoon off, so Tammy and I set off to take the walk I'd asked her on.

We talked about nothing important, just easy chat, for a few minutes as we ambled across the green, leafy campus.

Then she said, "Joe, something seems different about you today. More ... relaxed, confident."

I wasn't sure how to respond. I really wanted her, but I now realized my earlier fun with Harold might complicate things with Tammy. Maybe even sabotage them.

"If I didn't know better, I'd wonder if you got together with someone here."

I knew I was a terrible liar and quickly realized that wouldn't be an effective option, so I mumbled, "Well, sort of".

She looked a little downcast. Maybe she really did like me. "Was it nice?"

"Well, it wasn't quite what I was hoping for, but I guess it was nice."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I guess I did. I told her what had happened, editing out that my fantasizing about her had triggered it all.

She looked at me pretty intently as I told her the story. "Joe, somehow I didn't think you were gay? I mean, last night it seemed like you were asking me out."

"I was trying to ask you out. I'm not gay. We were just blowing off some steam - uh, so to speak - but now I feel bad about it because I really like you and maybe I've lost my chances with you."

To my surprise she brightened up. "So this was just about relieving your sexual tension? " More quietly she added, "Did you have a lot of that?"

I admitted I'd really been excited about meeting her. "Sorry if that's creepy."

"Sorry? Let me get this straight. If that's the right word. Thinking about ME got you so horny you had sex with another guy."

Sheepishly, cringing, "I guess so."

After a moment, she whispered, "that ... is the hottest thing I've ever heard of." I could see her nipples poking out of her blouse now.

"I mean, that you wanted me so much, which is exciting already, but also you were open-minded enough to get with a guy. THAT is sexy."

She stopped and looked into my eyes. "Do you still want me?"

"Oh yes."

She leaned in and kissed me. "Believe me, you did anything but ruin your chances with me." We made out for a few seconds.

"You know what would really turn me on?" She sighed, demurely turning sideways a little.

"I wish I could watch the two of you two together. Oh my God, two men pleasuring each other? That's the wildest thing I can imagine. You can't imagine how hard I'd want you after that."

I was stunned. I thought she'd be threatened or angry, or freaked out that I had been fantasizing about her, or at least simply walk away since I'd just been with someone else.

Regaining my composure, I said I'd be fine with it. But while Harold might be willing to put on a show for her, he was 110% gay and wouldn't want to do stuff with her.

"That's okay. It's you I really want." With that she kissed me deeply, backing me up against a nearby tree and rubbing her pelvis against my very hard cock.

We walked quickly back to my room. Harold wasn't there. Tammy wrapped her arms around me and kissed me again, pulling my hands up to her firm breasts, which filled them nicely.

I massaged them for a moment. She now had her hand between my legs, rubbing my dick through my pants.

I quickly set to unbuttoning her blouse, then reaching behind for her bra clasp. After a moment of fumbling with it I got it undone. The bra cups fell away, exposing me to my first set of breasts.

They were fantastic. I mean, any tits would have been great, being my first. Hers were quite nice: nicely sized, firm, with plump red gumdrop nipples.

I held them in my hands, enjoying their soft feel, yet hard and pointy in the front. In some sense the opposite of a penis, which is mostly hard except soft and tender in the front. Both were equally wonderful to behold.

As with a prick, I didn't wait too long to get my lips on them, enjoying the wonderful feeling of my lips and tongue against her soft round breasts, hard nipples and wrinkly areolae.

My attention to her chest had pulled her hands away from my groin, and she wanted back at it. She knelt down and pulled down my shorts, exposing my achingly hard wiener.

She paused. "Before we go any further I should tell you, I won't go all the way with you, because we're not going steady. But as she sized up my flesh-stick she added, "but I'm happy to do this."

And with that she took it in her mouth. After a couple of exquisite minutes, Harold walked in.

"Sorry, lovebirds!" he stammered, quickly moving to leave the room again.

"Hold up, Hare," I said.

Tamara pulled her head off my prick and asked Harold if he would stay.

"She wants to see us together," I added. Tamara smiled.

Harold closed the door. Still standing, I motioned for him to stand on the bed next to me.

Tammy resumed sucking me, with her eyes upturned towards the unfolding action above.

Harold dropped his drawers and out popped his flesh hose, almost hard. I started sucking him, thrilling to the feel of it filling my mouth as it expanded and hardened.

"Mmm," moaned Tamara, pulling her mouth off me again, this time breathless with excitement. "That is so awesome!"

She sucked me for a few more strokes, starting to rub herself down below, then pulled off yet again, standing up and peeling off her clothes while she continued to pleasure herself.

I placed my hand over hers, moving it in sync with her own hand, then pushing my fingers past it to feel a pussy for the first time.

First I felt the wiry hairs of her bush, then touched the squirmy labia. Feeling around, and hopefully not losing track of what I was doing to the dick still in my mouth, i felt the hard little clit towards the top, then traced back down her lips, finding a moist spot.

Just as my finger had found her entrance and was poised to probe her insides, she backed away, saying "Don't worry, you'll get more of this. But right now I just want to watch you"

She lay back, slowly massaging her pussy and moaning lightly as she watched me blow Harold. Before long he tensed up and shot my mouth full of his essence.

Harold pulled his pants up and excused himself.

Tammy pushed me back in the bed and pounced on me, kissing me hard and sucking the taste of semen out of my mouth. "That was beautiful. I want to go back to doing that to you."

With that, she kissed her way down my chest and belly, then licked my cock up and down like a lollipop.

She paused, looking up and locking eyes with me, then maintained eye contact as she slowly moved her lips over the head, engulfing me with pleasure.

Of course, thanks to my recent encounters with Harold this was not my first blowjob, but it felt wonderful just the same.

I wanted more of her body, and she seemed to sense this before long. She pulled off and asked, "would you like to taste me?" I nodded and she smiled, pivoting around so her pussy was above my head.

While she got back to work on my cock, i held her hips slightly elevated above my face with my hands, so I could explore this new world. The scent alone of her dripping pussy was a little musky, a little sweet, a little sweaty, a little mysterious, and completely intoxicating.

And dripping her cunt was, with a drop of her eau running a couple inches down one thigh. I licked the wetness of her inner thigh first, prompting a squeal and a giggle.

Then I kissed the same spot, and worked my mouth over to her pussy proper, kissing the labia before sticking my tongue out, probing the mysterious folds before finding her tangy, juicy center.

Once I had found the source of her wetness, I pushed my tongue into her, then wrapped my lips around her labia, sucking them in. Although this was my first time, I felt like I knew what to do.

Tammy was now moaning with pleasure. I started moving my tongue up and down her pussy and then, having found her clitoris and taken it between my lips, she moaned even harder and pulled her mouth off my rod.

This was just as well, since I would have cum soon otherwise. In retrospect, maybe it was good that Harold and I had blown each other that morning, or I wouldn't have had as much staying power.

Anyway I kept at it, moving my hands to cup her hanging breasts, massaging them and squeezing her nipples as I feasted on her delicious hair pie. Soon she was bucking and writhing, riding my face like a saddle, whining rhythmically as she approached a climax.

I felt a wet drip on my belly just above my pubic area. I think she drooled on me while she was cumming, she had been so lost in the moment.

She pulled herself off me and flopped down sideways on the bed next to me as she tried to catch her breath, leaning down to take my dick in her mouth once more.

After all this buildup, I didn't have much resistance left. Within seconds I was filling her mouth with my cum.

Considering I'd cum in Harold mouth twice in the past 24 hours, it was a decent sized release too. Maybe not surprising since this was my first time with a woman.

She turned around and climbed on top of me, a smirk on her face. We kissed, and as I opened my lips I felt my own cum flowing into my mouth.

I didn't mind. After all, I'd already eating Harold's cum three times. Clearly the idea of me swallowing semen turned Tammy on.

We kissed deeply for a minute, her tits pressing into my chest and her groin gently undulating against my sensitized but still enforced manhood. I was so excited to be with my first woman, I might be ready to go for more action, almost lickety-split.

Fortunately Tamara was thinking along the same lines. As our kissing tapered down to a more gentle rhythm, she said, "I don't think I'm done, Joe. Think you can handle that?"

"I could probably go again pretty soon."

She was starting to rub her groin harder against mine and making pleasure noises, still trading gentle kisses with me. I knew I had no chance of slipping my meat inside her pussy even though i was rubbing against it, but I sure was enjoying this for what it was.

I was just about to have her flip around for another 69 session, but she seemed to have a better idea.

"Joe, remember what I said about not going all the way because we're not going steady?"

"Of course. Don't worry, I won't try to slip myself inside you," adding "as tempting as that might be."

"I've changed my mind. I want you inside me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, mister polite. I can't stand it any longer. Pleeeease enter me."

I was hard as a rock now, but hadn't completely lost my senses. Yet. "I don't have any protection."

"You won't need it. I'm not fertile right now, and I'm clean."


"And I don't think you've done this before, so I bet you're clean too."

Sheepishly I nodded.

"Hey, it's okay." She said, stroking my cheek. "I'm honored to be your first girl. I guess I shouldn't assume you're ready. Are you okay with this?"

I nodded slowly, grinning.

And with that she shimmied a couple inches up my body, opened her legs and eased herself onto my rod.

Lightning rod, that is. I felt like I'd been struck there, and was now on fire.

As much as I had enjoyed several recent blowjobs, with the soft warmth of a woman's or man's mouth and tongue on me, the juicy, velvety compression of a woman's tunnel around my pleasure-pole was something else. I was in heaven.

We kissed for a moment, writhing together, joined at the hips by my burning rope of hard flesh.

And then, as I was thinking things couldn't get any better than this, she arched her back and shoved her melons in my face.

I picked one and focused on it, sucking on the nipple and licking around it, prompting squeals of delight from Tammy.

Then I abruptly switched to the other, prompting a deep guttural moan.

She suddenly rolled off me, lay on her back, pulled up her legs and begged me to put myself in deep.

I did. She responded, rolling her hips in time with my thrusts, grunting "uh-uh-uh" each time, our tempo and intensity gradually increasing, until at last her body went stiff, her vocalizations peaking.

I kept on thrusting through her orgasm, my own moans starting to come out. I'd been holding back, maybe even briefly thinking about baseball to make sure I didn't cum first. But now i could let go, and let go I did, flooding her coulee with my whitewater.

We kissed again in the afterglow, telling each other how wonderful this encounter had been. Unspoken, but clearly understood, was that it was just an encounter. An encounter so good she had broken her no-fucking-if-he-isn't-a-boyfriend rule for me, but an encounter nonetheless.

It was just as well, since we were from different ends of the state and headed off to colleges even further apart. But at least we'd followed the Campsite Rule with each other, leaving each other in better shape than before.

It was late, so we said goodnight, telling each other how happy we were to have found each other, however briefly.

Within a few seconds of Tamara leaving the room, having pulled my covers over my naked, sticky body, Harold popped in. Almost as if he'd been waiting in the hall.

"So? Tell me how this all happened?"

"Long story."

He sat down on the edge of his bed. "Details! I want details!"

I turned on my side and proceeded to tell him about my earlier walk with Tammy. How she sensed that I had gotten together with someone. That she was turned on to know that she had excited me so much that I'd slept with a guy.

"I don't know how you managed to convince her that us sucking each other was somehow all about her, but that ... you are a fucking genius, man!"

"Well, it was about her, remember?"

"Maybe for you."

"Admit it. You said you were getting turned on by the thought."

"I did say that. But, well ... I wasn't hard then because I was thinking of your hard dick slipping into Tammy's pussy. I was thinking of it slipping into my mouth.."

I pulled my covers down, exposing my nakedness and my semi hard rod. "Are you thinking of that now?"

"Yeah Joe ... but ... I need to confess something."

"What's that?"

"You know all those jokes I told about the skin flutes I've played?"


"All lies. Yours is the only one I've ever played. I was a virgin until the other night."

"Seriously? Well, I guess I'm glad to have been your first. "

"Really? You don't feel deceived?"

I shook my head and motioned for him to come over. As he got near, I reached out to unbutton his pants, pulling them down and popping his meat mallet into my willing mouth.

Then I pulled myself back from the edge of the bed so we could lie next to each other in a 69.

Once more I relished the velvety, veiny softness of Harold hard organ in my mouth, as I simultaneously felt the ecstasy of his ministrations.

I went back and forth between bobbing my head up and down the shaft, taking it out and licking it along its length, popping it in my mouth and swirling my tongue around the head, and even licking his balls.

He varied his technique similarly. It was like we were teaching each other how to give the best head. I found myself rubbing my hands up and down his back, then squeezing his ass cheeks and pulling his pelvis towards me, shoving his dick into my throat.

I saw his balls tighten in front of my eyes as he exploded into me, filling me with his delicious cream, and an instant later I returned the favor, ecstatically cumming into his soft, warm mouth.

Our hands found each other as we both pumped the other's mouth gently for a few seconds as we came down from the clouds, finally stopping out of oversensitivity. But not wanting this to end right away, we lay there for the longest time, with our hands held tight and our softening, shrinking penises in each other's mouths.

Not a bad way to finish up band camp.

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