Band Dreams

By Ken Williams

Published on Jan 25, 2000


This story is fiction based on some real life characters. The characters names are changed for personal reasons. Please send all comments, good or bad, to:

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Band Dreams


It was my first year in high school. Being a freshman and all makes everything all nervous and out of whack. Everything turned upside down from what was once a very calm existence in middle school. It was now a struggle to stay on the top, with every other competitive freshman trying to pull you down. It was to be a long and painful year.

I walked into my high school's band room, and was overwhelmed to see so many people in there. These people, I could tell, were not all very good musicians. I could see from the way they held their instruments and the way they practiced. Basically, these guys sucked. I, on the other hand, think music is my life. I'm really good at the clarinet and I keep getting better each time I play. I've never really taken a private lesson, so that basically means I had a natural talent for it.

I really didn't see what was so hard about playing a clarinet. You just put your mouth on the mouthpiece and blow. But some stupid people just seem to make it look so hard. It was unbearable! Those dumb goons don't even know how to put their mouth in the right place. It was just depressing to see so many people who think they can play, but really can't and it just messes up the whole band.

Anyway, as I walked further into the band room and into the Clarinet Corner (that's where we put all of the clarinet cases) I saw Patrick. He had brown curly hair cut really short and brown eyes that really stood out. His body was well defined but it starting to get on the chubby side. He was a drum major at my middle school when I was 7th grade. I've revered him since. He was always so cool and suave. He was pretty good at his drum majoring, but his clarinet skills are lacking though. He was the type of guy that flirts with every girl in town and doesn't care what anyone thinks about him. He is also the joke around guy, meaning he would act as if he guys turned him on. He would hug and grab guy's ass. He was that kind of person. I walked up to him, gave him a "guy nod" (you know the ones where we just lift our heads and don't even say hello) and he returned one to me. We are, I guess, ok friends, but not too good of friends. I've always liked him all the same though.

I got my clarinet out of its case and started walking out. I couldn't help but check out our drum major at the high school, Tim. He was tall; 6 foot 1. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and had a really handsome face. He was kinda skinny, but he liked to show it off and that was what drew me to him.

Tim was talking to a bunch of girls that surrounded him, and I suddenly had this jolt of jealousy. It wasn't like I even knew him, but it just didn't feel right not to be next to him and be the one talking to him instead of the girls. And it wasn't like he doesn't do it often because he was a very, VERY flirtatious guy. Everywhere he went, girls were all over him. There was no end to them. I finally was able to shake the feeling and move out of the room.

That night, I laid on my bed thinking about Tim and his body. Boy, was he handsome and boy how I wanted to be with him. I just couldn't find the nerve to actually go and talk to him or even say hello. But I would dream about him all night, every night, and that was enough for me.

The next day was a pretty hectic day for me, school-wise. I had tons of work to do and lots of projects due soon. Worse of all, I didn't have a ride home, and I didn't want to wait for a ride from my parents because I needed to get my work done. I walked around after school trying to find someone and finally I looked over and saw Patrick walking up to his '92 Accord. I yelled out to Patrick, but I guess he didn't hear me so I ran as fast as I could. I caught him right as he pulled out of his parking space. He rolled down the passenger side window to talk to me.

"Hey Dave, what's up? You need a ride or something?"

I quickly answered, "Yea, if it's ok with you."

"That's fine. Hop in." He unlocked the door and I threw my backpack in the backseat and climbed in the front, "Your house is pretty far away isn't it? I guess it's ok though. I'm free the whole day. I'm free to do whatever I want."

He drove up and down the streets towards my neighborhood. I lived pretty far, as Patrick said. About 25-30 minute drive from school.

I guess Patrick got bored so he moved his hand off the steering wheel to turn on the radio. As he took his hand back from the radio, he put his hand on my lap and started caressing it. My first impulse was to jump and ask, "What the hell are you doing?"

Patrick answered, "I've been watching you for a while now, ever since middle school. I know your little secret. I won't tell if you won't."

With that, I let him continue caressing my leg as he moved up closer to my waist. He leaned over a little more to unbutton my pants. I decided to finally help and unzip my pants for him and then exposing my 6.5-inch dick for him. I guess I could tell he was pretty excited to touch me and caress me and he was surely enjoying it. It was a wonder he didn't crash the car.

He suddenly stopped touching me and I thought something was wrong. But then I realized he moved to unbutton his own pants and to expose his fully erect 7.5-inch long cock. I was amazed by the cut beauty of his thick cock. It was dripping with precum and I was dying to touch it myself. Luckily, he told me he could touch it before I exploded with anticipation.

And then he said something that I never thought HE would say, "I want you to blow me, Dave." I was surprised and shock by his statement but yet I couldn't wait to give him the pleasure.

I lowered my head and moved in closer to his crotch. I started by licking his precum off of his head. He moaned with great pleasure and excitement. I couldn't hold it in myself so I just started sucking like mad on his cock. I sucked deeper and slurped harder with each bob of my head. His moans were as loud as the radio now and I wondered if anyone outside saw us, but I focused on the 7.5 inches in my mouth. I almost took it all in my mouth, but I couldn't help but gag. The steering wheel posed a problem for me too. But I guess he still enjoyed it because I could here his moans and groans grow with ever suck.

After what must have been an eternity, Patrick let out, "I'm... gonna... cum!"

And with that, Patrick let out a huge loud of his juices inside my mouth. I tried to swallow it all by a lot of it spewed from my mouth and landed on his pants. I licked most of the excess on his cock off and I just laid on his lap to rest. He then put his hand on my head and started putting his hands through my hair. I felt so good and loved and that point. Exhausted, I slept right away.

Chapter 2

I woke to find myself on my bed early in the morning. It was all very confusing to me because the last thing I could remember was being with Patrick. But it finally became all clear to me when I realized it was all a really nice dream. It was really nice, except for the waking up part. I really wished the whole thing was real, but I guess I was just hoping to hard. It was really weird though, to tell you the truth. I mean, I never dream about Patrick. It was always Tim that was in my dreams. It was always Tim that I would suck dry. But it was never Patrick. I didn't know what to make of it, but I really did enjoy it!

I finally went to school, very reluctantly. I never felt like going to sleep so badly. I guess it was all the commotion in my dream. And the excitement that came with it. I guess it wore me out.

That day, Band was another dull, no rehearsal, do-anything-you-want kind of day. So I just sat there talking with my friends and joking around even though I didn't have the energy to do any of it. I just sat there, and daydreamed about Tim and Patrick. It wasn't anything sexual because I knew I would pitch a tent if I would and I didn't want to be embarrassed and harassed with questions about what I was thinking about if someone were to catch me. So, I just kept it at a minimum.

I dreamt about Patrick holding me as we sat down watching my favorite TV show. We would laugh together and hold each other tighter as the show moved on. It would be perfect. Then I imagined Tim and I together having the best time of our lives in Disneyland (don't ask what Disneyland has to do with it) and we would just laugh and fool around the whole day.

Suddenly, the loud and obnoxious bell rang right in my ear and my dream was brought to a grinding halt. Maybe it was good to have my dreams stop before they got into the "drooling" stage and worse yet, "dream-talking" stage. So, I was sort of happy that the bell rang.

The rest of the day was pretty nice, considering that I had no homework and I didn't have any projects and there were no tests coming up. Everything was good. And it was soon to get better.

Chapter 3

The day was finally over but it just became a little bit bad because I suddenly remembered that I had no ride home. That gave me a little jolt of deja vu considering I had a really good dream about that, but I realized it would never become a reality so I just forgot about it. So, I just walked around the campus because I knew my parents would pick me up at around 6, which was 3 hours later. I just kept walking and walking, in and out of halls, up and down halls. It started to get boring. I finally couldn't help but get Tim stuck in my head as I was walking down the hall. I guess I felt it was ok to think impure thoughts about him now because I was starting to get a boner and it was pushing into my pants. It started to get a little uncomfortable but I kept dreaming about him and his body and how he walks and how he would hold me and touch me. It was all getting to hot and I was getting too horny to handle it. I decided I needed to go to the restroom to relieve it.

I practically ran to the band room where a bathroom was located. It was actually the cleanest bathroom there is because we get a custodian in there every period. Everything is nice and shiny. You can tell our band is very highly placed in the social ladder. Anyway, I put my stuff by the Clarinet Corner and I ran into the bathroom. I went into a stall and unzipped my pants to let my cock hang out because it was getting really uncomfortable in there. I then started to jack off slowly just to make the dream last longer. As I was really getting into my dream, I heard a noise outside. I was sure that no one would be in the band room this late after school ended but I stood there quietly listening. I then heard it again and it was a giggle and a laugh, followed by a few whispers. It was starting to get closer so I zipped up my pants to get in the ready-to-flush- and-go mode. The sound was coming nearer and nearer. Then suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and I could here 2 voices. I didn't want to flush right just then and I became really secretive and stood on top of the toilet seat just so they wouldn't know anyone was there.

Then one of the guys said, "Are you sure there's no one in the band room?" The voice was pretty familiar but the echoes from the bathroom walls distorted it.

"I'm sure," said the second and also very familiar sounding guy, "No one stays in the band room this late. Why would anyone hang out here?"

"Well, we are," replied the 1st voice, "But I'll trust what you say. Now where were we?"

After that, all I could hear were two people sucking face. It must have been very passionate because all I could hear was that and nothing else. It lasted forever and I started to get aroused again. I couldn't stand just squatting on the toiler seat and not finding out who the two guys were. So, I slowly straightened out my legs to get a better height and I leaned over ever so quietly and smoothly to the wall of the stall to peek out the top.

To my great surprise, and excitement, the two guys were none other than Tim and Patrick, the loves of my life.

To Be Continued...

Please tell me what you thought about this story! I really want to know what you guys think and how you like it. I will write the second part to this story real soon so check back soon for an update.


Next: Chapter 2

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