Bandaged into Submission - chpt

By gayD

Published on Jun 28, 2024


FUCK! That was some bath! And these two handsome, sexy male nurses are only halfway through cleaning him up? I mean, are they going to wash out his asshole too? Are they ever going to shut the fucking door?! Is Jasck going to get ANY PRIVACY?!

Bandaged into Submission in a Hospital Part 2 of 4

So, neither Warren nor Jeremy, for that matter, acted inappropriately. Surely, they could have used some additional sensitivity training to better read a patient's needs. But they were merely doing their jobs and, as such, had no awareness that Jack felt like a victim of erotic torture.

Warren gently touched Jack's shoulder to get him to lie flat again. Since Jeremy had finished the lotion on Jack's private parts, Warren let go of Jack's balls and moved up to wash Jack's back and neck. Jeremy followed, drying the water off his skin and applying lotion to Jack's upper body.

"OK, Jack, that was fine. You did great. Sorry it took so long." Jack was relieved, forgetting they were now going to do his front side.

"OK, Jeremy, let's carefully turn him over." Now Jack lay on his back, flat on the mattress, as completely naked as ever. "Jack, if it is comfortable for you, will you place your hands under your head under the pillow? This will allow us to bathe you better, including your underarms." Without a word, the blindfolded, bandaged patient did exactly that. How wonderful to see his magnificent chest expanded and his tummy stretched so flat in his arms-up position. He certainly was a naturally beautiful young man.

It wasn't really a problem, but Jack still had his erection. Usually, a guy lying on his back with a hard-on has a dick that lays flat against his tummy and points up toward his face, but while Jack's dick also pointed to his face, it was stiff enough that the head of his dick was about one-inch off his tight tummy. It was floating above his belly button.

Warren whispered to Jeremy that they should not point it out, just don't mention it, and don't even touch it. Jeremy nodded his agreement. Now, as for Jack, they supposed he knew his dick was full, but if he did not touch it, and could not see it, maybe it would just escape his senses, and he would not be aware he had a huge erection.

The male nurses bathed the front side differently. Jeremy would wash Jack's lower body, and Warren would do his upper body. Since Jack's feet were already washed, he started at the lower legs and worked his way up the front of each one, just as he did Jack's backside.

As Jeremy methodically maneuvered the washcloth toward Jack's groin, he wanted to avoid touching Jack's dick. It had already been washed and coated with lotion, so there was no need to do it again. Instead, he gently washed up to the groin and around the balls. He heard Jack moan something and twitch his hips, but he thought Jack was stirring in his restfulness. Jeremy didn't realize that the washcloth tickled Jack as it brushed against erotic areas on Jack's inner thighs, hips, and various places around his balls.

Jack's dick was slowly arching upward. Now, it was raised about two inches off his tummy. Warren, at this point, had washed Jack's underarms, at which Jack released a slight giggle, which was ignored as simple nervousness. Warren moved over to wash the chest. Jack's nipples were getting to be more erect. He gently moved the warm, soft, soapy cloth all around them and his full upper torso.

As Warren finished there, Jeremy tried to work the cloth around Jack's dick without touching it. It now stood about three inches above Jack's belly button and slightly twitched. Some precum dripped slightly, and Jeremy took his cloth and dabbed the tip of Jack's dick to catch the few drips that leaked out. Jack twitched and groaned. Feeling satisfied, Jeremy dried Jack's lower body as Warren dried off his upper body.

Warren broke the long silence, "OK, Jack, you are almost done." Jack asked if he could put his arms down now, but Warren asked him to wait until they were finished. "We just need to lotion you up to protect your skin." Jeremy applied the lotion to Jack's entire lower body. He then told Warren he needed to assist another patient, and off he went.

Warren applied the lotion, starting where he was, at Jack's shoulders, chest, and belly. It was an odd thing. Warren noticed that as he tickled Jack's nipples, Jack's dick would bob up and down. Warren was not being funny, just very curious to see that a man's nipples could be that sensitive. He was not trying to get sexual with Jack at all, only momentarily stuck in a state of fascination as he observed Jack's physical reactions to his touch. It was like an electric wire ran from Jack's nipples to his dick.

Warren mumbled to himself, "My god, that's amazing." He lightly flicked Jack's nipple with his fingernail, and Jack's dick would stretch straight up, bob twice, and release a dribble of precum. "Wow. Amazing." Again, Warren flicked Jack's nipple, and again Jack's dick would stretch straight up, bob twice, and again release a dribble of precum.

"Knock, Knock, Knock! Hello. Lunch is here," a cheerful female voice called from the open door.

"Wait just a sec," Warren yelled back. "Say, it's 3 p.m. Why are you bringing lunch now? Aren't you three hours late?" Warren questioned the food-cart woman.

"Mr. Saunders wasn't feeling well earlier, so we returned his lunch to bring it now. Sorry to disturb you. The doctor doesn't want him to skip a meal, so I'm here to feed him. My name is Sara. I feed the patients who can't feed themselves," she said as she stared at the handsome naked body with the full-blown boner pointing to the ceiling. She, too, became mesmerized at the sexy, hunky sight.

"But... but... I... I'm naked. Please tell her to go away. I don't want to be seen by anyone now. Please." Then Jack whispered to Warren, "Besides, I think I might be getting an erection. At least cover me up. Please."

"Look, Jack," Warren whispered to his patient, "We are all hospital staff here. Nudity is nothing to any of us. And I can't even offer to cover you up. This medical cream needs to dry in the air."

And I can't even offer to cover you up. This medical cream needs to dry in the air. However, you're mistaken. You are not erect." Warren blatantly lied and continued to lie to Jack, thinking that if he deceived him, he would feel less conspicuous and more relaxed. "The cream just gives you a warm tingly feeling, so you might think you are stimulated, but your penis is flat on your belly. Just don't touch it. If you do, you will only be drawing attention to yourself." Warren noticed that Jack's lunch had arrived and continued, "Just keep your hands away and let this nice lady feed you some good eats."

Warren got up, and as he left, he whispered to the nurse at the door with the food cart, "Look, Sara, Jack needs to stay uncovered for another 30 minutes. He is a little nervous about being naked in front of people. He even has a nervous erection. Please don't mention that to him. It would only embarrass him. With his eyes bandaged, and if he does not feel his private parts, he will likely believe us when we say he is not erect at all. OK?" Sara looked into the room and was startled at the patient's tall, standing penis. It surprised her, but then she settled down and told Warren it was fine, that she could handle it. She walked over to Jack's bed and introduced herself.

Jack was lying on his hospital bed naked and totally uncovered with his huge erect dick pointing to the ceiling, though he believed Warren that he was not indecently. He felt relieved when the female nurse wheeled in the food cart to serve him his late lunch.

Sara pulled up a chair near the head of the bed and, one more time looked at the blindfolded patient from head to sexy toes. "OK, Sweetie, open wide. We have some soup for you." Jack was hungry and gobbled it down. But just as soon as he began to eat, another female nurse poked her head into the room to ask Jack a quick question.

She did not even say her name; she just asked abruptly, "Mr. Saunders, the barber, is scheduling appointments for tomorrow morning. Since your eyes are all bandaged up, he can shave you if you'd like. It's completely up to you. I have to do a short form to schedule it.

Jack rubbed his cheeks and realized he must look pretty scruffy. He spoke to the unknown voice and said, "OK, that will be fine. sure, I suppose I need it."

"OK, Mr. Saunders, let me fill in the shave request here. She took a moment to savor the gorgeous man lying naked and all boned up before her. She was mesmerized but pretending not to be so enthralled and continued. "Okey-dokey, I wrote you up for tomorrow morning." She paused to scan the form for completeness, then added, "Oh, I need to know what type of shave. There are boxes here to check off for leave a mustache,' and long sideburns,' and `beard,' and so on. I guess the barber is very accommodating. He can even do that five o'clock showdown look. Would that be nice for you?" Jack did not have to think about that. He never wore facial hair and was sure that that rough shadow look would look awful on him, so he told her he just wanted to be shaved totally smooth.

The female voice at the door responded, "That's fine. I'll write a note at the bottom, `Patient wants to be shaved totally smooth.' That should do it, thank you, Mr. Saunders. I'll leave this for the barber. Have a nice day." And off she went all googly-eyed like a little schoolgirl.

With that distraction passed, Sara finished feeding Jack. But she did not want to leave immediately. She first wanted, somehow, to touch Jack's amazing dick. Although he was relaxed enough to be flaccid by this time, he still displayed a rather nice, beefy, 7-inch cut dick. It isn't that Sara was a sexed-up nurse. It's just that she had been staring at it for half an hour. And it was just resting there quietly, on his lower belly, pointing up to his head like it was waiting to be caressed. She wondered how she could touch it without Jack being aware she was intentionally touching it. Then, an idea came to her.

"All done. Now, that was not bad. was it?" Jack shook his head no. "I'll just clean up these things and go." Jack heard a little clatter as she gathered up the few food plates and utensils. Then, in a pretend tone of excitement, "Oops, I'm so sorry, Jack, I spilled some of the leftover applesauce on you. Let me get a cloth from the bathroom and wipe it up. Now, don't touch it, or you'll make the worst mess." He heard her quick steps to the bathroom, run some water, and return to his bedside. Jack held his hands hovering over his belly, not knowing what to do or touch, not wanting to spread the mess even more. "I'm such a klutz. Just relax and let me get this for you."

Without asking his permission (and why would she), she wiped up the applesauce on his chest, which was all she needed to do to clean him up totally. She only spilled a tiny bit, and it was now gone, but since Jack could not see, she acted like more of a mess spilled on his belly and dripped down over his groin. Jack felt the cloth wipe his chest, and now she was moving the cloth to his lower belly. "Oh dear, I made such a mess, didn't I." She lied to Jack. "This will turn sticky if I don't wipe this completely." She then took a second clean, dry cloth and cleaned her pretend mess. Jack felt her lift up his flaccid dick and gently rub the soft material along the full length of his dick. Then she said, "Spread your legs a little, Honey. some dripped between them." Jack complied, appreciating her help.

Jack felt the wonderful tickle of soft cloth pass over his balls and all around the sensitive inside of his thighs. He was not aware his dick was growing more rigid. "Spread a little more, Honey. It did drip down under you." Feeling a little embarrassed, he felt the cloth go under his balls and lightly tease them. It almost felt like a feather duster the way it tickled and teased his balls. "Lift your hips off the mattress a bit, Honey, so that I can get it all." And he did and held that position as he felt her wiping the pretend applesauce that was supposedly running under his butt. Jack's dick was quickly growing stiff.

"There, almost done. Let me get some warm water and do a final pass to avoid sticky residue." She hurried to the bathroom and returned with a new warm washcloth. She handled Jack's now fully erect dick as if it were a gearshift knob of a sports car and not so gently rubbed it from the base to the tip. Then she did more pretend wipes all around the balls again. Jack stuttered some sounds to get her to finish quickly and cover him up. He was so embarrassed because now he knew he had a full erection. Sara momentarily stopped wiping and removed her hands to lean back a bit. She wanted to see the full result of all her erotic teasing. There it was. She softly spoke the word "Eiffel Tower" as she noticed his dick reaching, stretching toward the ceiling, like a steel column. Sara was in awe. It was not that she sexually lusted over Jack. She felt this strange and wonderful power over this helpless, handsome, well-built patient who had eye surgery. She was encouraged to do as she wished, all under the cover of needing to clean him up.

Although the nurse feeding Jack was finished, she was now pretending to clean him up. Sara was in no hurry to leave the naked, sex, big-boner patient. She lifted his balls and passed the tickling cloth under them. Sara was back to his dick with a dry towel, and she gently wrapped it around his stiff pole and teased it to its maximum girth and length as she moved his car shift knob around in wide circles and finished up with it pointing, once again, at the ceiling. Sara had hot flashes. She never knew playing with a helpless man's penis would be so enlivening and erotically powerful. She could not resist a final reward for herself, a memento, if you will. Again she uttered to herself, "Eiffel Tower," and told Jack, "Oh Honey, I see I missed a spot on your butt. Just lift your butt off the mattress as high as possible so I can wipe up that last glob of applesauce."

Jack thought nothing of it. It was the last bit to clean up. He lifted his butt about 2 inches off the bed. "No, Honey, lift higher, please." He lifted another couple of inches so his body so only his shoulders and heels were touching the bed, and his belly was now wonderfully curved up, like a bridge. Jack was strong, so he could hold that position OK. Sara stared at his mighty towering dick, now forced more powerfully to the ceiling. This was her "Eiffel Tower," being shoved upward as she had him thrust his butt into the air and hold it there. Oddly, Jack was so concerned about holding this position steady that it never dawned on him that she never wiped under his butt. And, of course, with his eyes all tightly banded up, he had no clue that she took out her cell phone and snapped several photos of his towering "monument" to her. She even placed her smiling face next to his boner, held her cell way out, and took the selfie. She got her big thrill and was now satisfied with the souvenir photographs.

"OK, there we go. All cleaned up. Just don't touch it. I use a disinfectant soap, so just let it dry by itself. I'll lightly cover you with a sheet to protect your privacy." Jack replied with appreciation and thanks, thinking Sara did her best to protect his modesty.

"Since you can't see to press the nurse call button, I'll leave your room door open if you need to call for anyone." Sara placed the sheet loosely over Jack's body to cover him from just below his hard nipples down to his toes. She smiled as she intentionally placed the sheet to allow his upward-pointing dick to stay that way, making a nice tent at his groin. She knew his erection would subside soon, but she enjoyed the idea of leaving the room with his dick standing at attention, saluting her.

Jack had a good night's sleep, though he felt strange that he needed to beat off. But that could not be done. His room door was always left open, and even if he quietly snuck his hands under the sheet and jerked off, how would he clean up? He had no towel and could not see to discover the box of tissues on his side table. There would be cum all over the sheets. Wisely, he put it out of his mind and had erotic dreams but never climaxed during the night. All was calm.

The next morning, Jack Saunders had a helper come in to feed him breakfast. The young male helper also led him to the bathroom and back again. It was uneventful, which suited Jack just fine. No one uncovered him or even touched his body. Maybe he had dreamed up yesterday's sensations of erotica. Maybe it was the meds, he thought to himself. Sometime before lunch, he could never tell what part of the day it was due to his eyes being bandaged from surgery. He heard the "pill lady" come by to give him his meds. "Here you go, Mr. Saunders, your meds." She handed him a tiny paper cup with a few pills in it and then a cup of water. "These may cause you to be slightly light-headed since you have not had lunch yet. It's a relaxant, so you don't get fidgety and move around too much." Jack just nodded, not caring too much about anything. He was back to being bored since he could not read the paper, watch TV, or see anything.

He had dozed off and was awakened by a loud voice that sounded like a Latino. "The barber here, Mr. Saunters." Mispronouncing his name, "May I call you Mister Jack?" The booming voice said with a heavy Spanish accent. Jack was groggy from waking up and a little looped from the meds he had taken a few hours ago. He was not in the mood to converse. However, he didn't want to be rude, so he politely acknowledged the man, Carlos.

"Thanks, Carlos. You want me to sit up or sit on the edge of the bed?" Jack asked, speaking slowly and not all clear.

"No, Mister Jack, you are patient. I do all work. I have my own way to do this. I've been a barber, cut hair for many years, so you just lay back, relax, I promise no nick you." Carlos joked. Jack smiled. "Let's see, Mister Jack." Carlos looked over the form on his clipboard, Form say you get full shave, and you no want any mustache or beard. I guess doctor what that for you. Es Correcto?" Carlos asked. Jack just nodded in agreement, not really in the mood to display cheerfulness. "Why you no want mustache, Mister Jack? Doctor, leave that part to you. He requires full, smooth shaving, but the doctor say you can choose face hair if you want. You would look good with mustache. No?" Jack mumbled in a low, sleepy voice, "Shave it all off." Jack wondered, but only briefly, if the barber would use shaving cream and a traditional straight razor, a disposable razor, or maybe an electric razor. But it was not important to him.

"OK, Mister Jack, you boss, I begin start shave you now. Just try not to move, please." Being blinded by the wrap-around eye bandages from his eye surgery, Jack found it easy to let go and relax. He felt the sheet covering his nude body pulled down to his waist. The cool air felt good on his chest. He thought the moderately hot cloth just placed on his face, just below the eye bandages, was soothing, too. It was removed in a few minutes, and Carlos soon applied shaving cream to his face. Then Carlos used a disposable razor to gently shave his face. Then, some pleasant-smelling after-shave lotion was patted on him.

As Carlos prepared to do his job, Jack's thoughts were occupied with his upcoming lunch. When you are blindfolded with bandages and can see nothing, do nothing. You are bored. The only event that offered any interest is mealtime. He had enjoyed the hospital food, even though most people don't. He was read a menu yesterday so he could select what he wanted for each meal today. He had several choices. He could select from a short list of items he wanted for his main course, side dish, dessert, and beverage. Of course, his favorite beverage was coffee. God! Did he love his coffee? But he could not remember from yesterday what he chose for lunch today. He was a bit spaced out with the meds he was given, which may have set his mind off to wonder about insignificant subjects such as food.

"Buzzzzz." Jack's chest tickled from something vibrating on his chest. It was moving back and forth and then circling his nipples. Jack giggled and moved his hands to stop what was tickling him. "No, Mister Jack. Stay still while I shave your chest like your doctor wrote on form. I try not to tickle you.

I go fast. Just calm, OK." Carlos spoke most pleasantly. "Besides, if I shave all your body, you need be still." The words, "shave all your body" did not register with Jack.

"Shave my chest?" Jack asked in surprise, "But why? Besides, it tickles." Jack could not help but chuckle and remain confused. That made Carlos chuckle also.

"I not know why. I no your doctor. So, is it OK for me to continue, Mister Jack? I do an especial job, take care no hurt you." It really was not a request for permission that Carlos was seeking. He knew that hospital policy was to carry out all doctor's orders. Neither Jack nor the nurse who incorrectly filled on the shave request realized that "shave totally smooth" meant that the patient needed to be shaved completely, except for arms, legs, and the top of his head, of course. It would take another doctor's order to change it, but there was no reason to request a change since no one considered it a mistake. Jack resigned himself to comply with the misstated doctor's orders, thinking this was indeed from his doctor. Under the effect of his meds, he was not thinking too clearly, and it really did not matter to him.

Carlos was trying to shave Jack's chest, but, at least for the moment, Jack needed a break. He was just too ticklish to have those vibrating clippers work around his sensitive nipples. Carlos was smiling at Jack's little-kid reaction to being unintentionally tickled. "OK, Mister Jack. Let's do you back first, and we leave your chest for later. Here, let me help you turn on your belly." Jack didn't give it a thought as to why he was turning over. He was just relieved to be lying on his front side so his nipples could not be assaulted. He was glad to stop giggling as he lay completely naked on his belly, totally uncovered.

The first thing he felt was Carlos spreading his legs wide apart. Then he felt the cool foamy cream applied to his ass crack. Next, he felt Carlos's fingertips, on the one hand, spread open his ass cheeks, and the razor gently cleared his most private manly valley of hair. Carlos was gentle and careful and made numerous passes to shave off as much hair as possible.

Jack was put off by the shaving he was told was part of his doctor's orders. He was trying to figure out why his doctor wanted his chest, and now his ass cheeks and ass crack cleared of body hair. The meds he was given earlier to relax him were probably too strong for him since he felt it was like a strong buzz from alcoholic drinks. It's not as if he did not care about what was happening to him. It's just that he was having trouble comprehending what should and should not be happening to him. Worse, he was having trouble communicating with the Latino barber.

Every time Jack tried to formulate a specific thought, his dick would start to become erect in response to the tickling from the carefully scrapping razor moving along his ass crack, which had the effect of gently massaging his ass hole. Jack would moan. He was on his belly, his ass in the air. Carlos was doing his best to "follow the doctor's orders" and strip this patient of all his body hair, from his face to his groin, and Jack's dick was how growing stiffer and longer. Since it was elongating down on the surface of the mattress, stretching toward his feet, at least it was not sticking up, and Carlos, he thought, would not even notice it.

"OK, mi amigo, your doctor should be happy with that," Carlos said with a smile, not really trying to be funny or to embarrass the patient. And Jack was correct. The barber never noticed his erection. "Now, let us turn you over to finish up on your front." Carlos just gently rolled him over and then centered him on the bed, belly side up, totally naked, even with his hospital room door open.

"Dios Mio!" Carlos exhaled in surprise, under his breath, as he first saw Jack's ridged dick standing tall. "Lo que un enorme pene!" Carlos tried to keep his shock to himself. He did not want his eye-bandaged patient to be embarrassed to know he had a huge erection since Jack was lying there, somewhat drugged and seemingly unaware of it.

On the positive side, Carlos realized that a stretched erect dick was much easier to shave around than a folded-over flaccid dick. So he said nothing to Jack, took out some shaving cream and a disposable razor, and proceeded to lather him up and shave him around his boner.

"Carlos, I'm fine down there. I don't need to be shaved. Aren't we done?" Jack said with a bit of desperation, not wanting the barber to touch his private parts.

"Ah... Senór Jack, your doctor has ordered no hair down here. OK, mi amigo? I have no choice, but do what doctor say." Carlos shaved all around Jack's dick, then along the shaft, and gently lifted his balls with one hand and smeared shaving cream all around them. Then he lightly pulled on the balls to stretch out the skin and shaved them smooth.

Jack moaned with pleasure and began leaking precum. "Carlos, please... please don't touch... my... my... ah...." Jack spoke pleadingly with a trembling voice. Carlos worked quickly to avoid any further embarrassment from Jack and any unnecessary stimulation that might cause him to climax. He shaved all around that area and removed all Jack's pubic hair. Finally, he was done. Carlos, not sure what to think about Jack's now stiff, dripping boner pointing to the ceiling, still needed to pat on shaving lotion to prevent irritation. Carlos wisely surmised that any more stimulation and Jack's dick would explode.

True, Jack was raising and lowering his hips, unconsciously humping the air, but at least, Carlos thought, with Jack's blinding bandages, he would not really know he was so erect. Sure, he thought Jack was feeling erotic, and his dick was probably tingling, but since Jack could not see and was not touching himself, he would not realize he had a huger boner. The only thing left to do was apply a small bit of soothing lotion to the shaved areas. Carlos rubbed a little in his palms and patted some on Jack's chest, including his nipples, then all around Jack's balls, and he had Jack raise his hips so he could reach under and pat lotion along his ass crack, as far as he could gently reach. Jack's dick started bobbing back and forth.

Carlos, noticing the erotic dancing, begging dick, hurried to apply lotion up and down this towering boner, trying to be oh-so gentle not to trigger it. He carefully rubbed it up and down lightly to finish his job. Jack's hips were actually off the mattress as he was involuntarily shoving his fully-edged boner up to find some firm friction to set it off. Even without that added touch, it was too late. Jack's erotic need clicked into automatic. He spewed various primal moans and grunts that signaled to Carlos that his impending climax was beyond the point of no return.

"Santa Madre de Dios!" Carlos uttered as the human volcano began to erupt. He could not quickly retract his hand to prevent his patient's explosion. He stepped back and watched in amazement. Volley after volley of Jack's manly juice blasted into the air several feet and landed all over his chest and face. Jack's body shook and twitched in the process, which fully released all his pent-up erotic energy. Jack physically and emotionally collapsed into the soothing, calming darkness of quiet, restful sleep.

Carlos, feeling awkward, cleaned up the sleeping patient's cum, covered him with the sheet, packed up his barber equipment, and quickly left the room. He told no one about the "mishap." Jack lay there, dead to the world and oblivious to any erotic event that may happen tomorrow.

To be continued...

Tell me what you think, guys. I value your opinion. Write to me, Bruce Darkforce, at

Next: Chapter 3

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