Banging at Camp

Published on Aug 13, 1998




It was the week that I was both looking forward to and dreading, the annual Bible Week. Good becasue I'd be with my friends, bad because I'd have to go to the meetings to show I was still 'going with God' and the worst thing the annual 'sex' talk that would include stuff about being gay and I knew I was gay and no matter how many times I had heard it was a sin I was still waiting for that first fuck.

I was 18 and I had my eyes on a 19 year old hunk called Wayne, he was gorgeous, not very tall, brown hear, dark skin and a well toned chest. He was the one I wanted.

We were camping at this Bible Week and I was sharing a tent with a friend called Carl, we got there at about 1pm and set our two man tent up, it was boiling and we both removed out shirts, we were both not bad looking and had been to the gym together every week for the past 18 months, so we didn't have bad chest either.

We finished putting up the the tent and sat down on the grass, we were both a little shiny from the sweat and I was feeling really horny, I wasn't sexually attracted to Carl but at that moment I really could have jumped on top of him. Just as that thought crossed my mine a car pulled up next to out tent and out of the back seat came my babe, Wayne. I could have died, he was was topless and very sweaty, I imediatly felt my penis begin to stiffen and so I pulled my leg in torwards my chest.

For the rest of the afternoon I watched Wayne sweat while he put up his tent, I really needed a wank and so decided to have a quick shower.

I got to to the shower and removed my shorts and boxers very quickly so I could start pumping my baby. I got in to the shower and let the water run over me as I wanked off. I soon exploded over the shower wall and then had a quick wash and left again so I could see Wayne again.

The days went past and the weather stayed good, which meant that Wayne rarely had his top on.

On the third night Carl and I went into the tent that all the other boys were staying in, we talked until 2 in the morning at which point Wayne decieded he wanted to go to bed but the others didn't so Carl told him to sleep in our tent if he wanted to sleep. I thought this was a brillent opportunty to get to know Wayne a little better so I also decided to head to bed.

I sat on my sleeping bag and began to removed my clothing until I was only wearing my boxers, Wayne did the same and that made my dick do the natural thing - it began to grow. I wasn't sure what to do but before I could decide I saw Wayne smile at me and then he looked at his boxers which also looked like a tent.

"So, who are you thinking of?" I asked

He didn't say anything but instead he removed his boxers to reveal a 7 inch hard cock. He leant over to me and pushed me down on to the bed and began to kiss me. Our tongues rubbed against each other and Wayne began to remove my boxers. No one said a word. He began to break the kiss off and moved his lips down my body stopping at my nipple and then moving down to my rock hard 6 inch cock. He bgan to play with my balls with his tongue and then moved on to my shaft. He touched my tip and then swallowed my cock whole and began to suck. I'd never recived a blow job before but had always dreamed about what it would be like and it was heaven. It didn't take me long to cum and wayne swallowed all of it.

We began to kiss again and I could taste my cum in his mouth. This really was the best night of my life.

"Get of all fours' he said and I did straight away. We didn't have any lube and so he used his spit to prepare my arse and them used his finger to losen my virgin arse.

"ready?" he said

"emmm" was all I could manage

He pushed his cock in my hole and I screamed out in pain and plessure forgetting that everything I said could be heard my everyone else near by, but Wayne didn't care and he just started pumping, first slowly and then building up the pace.

I was in heaven as he began to get really fast.

I began to feel his cock throbing " I'm gonna cum up your arse" he whispered in my ear and then he exploded his man juice right up my arse. I'd never felt anything like it and just feel onto my bed with Wayne still on top of me.

We lay there for the next five or so minutes before he said "I love you" and rolled off my back and put his arms round me and then we fell a sleep.

It was great, he was great, and we are great.

Banging at Camp 2


Wayne and I had decided to have an early night while camping at the annual Bible Week. As we both got undressed we both got hard and Wayne made the first move and we both lost out virginity...

I woke up still with my arms around Wayne, he was still asleep so I decided to give him a pleasent surprise when he woke up. I moved down so that my head was directly in front of his 7" cock that was hard as most males cocks are in the morning. I opened my mouth and started to take his cock in my mouth. It was the first cock I had ever had in my mouth and the feeling was incredible. I got most of his cock in my mouth and began to suck, as I did Wayne began to stir but he was still sleeping. I couldn't get over the feeling of having this beautiful cock in my mouth.

After a few minutes Wayne began to wake and as he felt his cock being sucked he looked down at me and gave me one of his incredible smiles. I carried on sucking but it didn't take long for him explode his load in to my mouth and I swallowed the whole lot. The taste was amazing, much, much better than my own juices that I had tasted. His were so sweet I really could swallow it all day.

After we had recovered we thought it was time that we got up. It was about11am and everyone else had gone to the morning meeting. We had about an hour before they got back and decided to take a shower - together. We were lucky that the way the porter showers were you could not see the doors of them from anywhere and so we could get in and out without anyone knowing.

We grabbed our wash things and some clean cloths and headed for the shower. We had both slipped on a pair of shorts that we immediately took off as we entered the shower cubicle. Wayne turned the shower on and stepped in, it was going to be a tight squeeze to get both of us in but somehow I got in and started to feel Waynes beautiful body. I moved my hands from his chest to his rock hard cock and I could feel his hands on my cock and butt.

"Are you gonna fuck me or what?" he said

I didn't say and word and just lined my throbbing cock up with his butt whole and then slowly put it in.

He screamed with pain and pleasure and as soon as all 6" were in I started to move, slowly at first but then faster. I kept rubbing my hands all over his body and finally I exploded right up his arse. I collapsed on top of him as his lent against the shower wall. The water was beating against my back and seeing the water drip down Waynes back made me really horny.

We washed each other and then dressed and left the shower cubicle. We got to the tent and started lunch for everyone.

For the whole of the afternoon I couldn't keep my eyes off Wayne. At mid afternoon we went for a walk to see if we could find a place to `enjoy each other'. We'd been walking for about 45 minutes when we came across a barn full of hay, it was well out of the way and surrounded by tress on two sides. We found a way in and made our way to the centre of the hay. Wayne jump down on his stomach and then turned around. He put his hand out and pulled me down on top of him and started to give me the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. It lasted ages by the time it had finished were completely naked and very hard.

We decided that instead of fucking each other we would jack each other off, so I grabbed his cock and he grabbed mine and we both jacked away. The sensation of someone else jacking you off is amazing. He started very slowing and built his way up till he was going amazingly fast something that I could not do while wanking myself off. Wayne cam first, his juice flew up in front of us all over the hay, this sent me off and I too cam all over the hay. We lay together for a bit and then got dressed and headed back to the tent.

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