Banging Ben Cohen

By Chunky Chains

Published on Aug 18, 2015


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behaviour of the actual person.

--------------- ALL GOOD THINGS ---------------

Ben held onto David as he tried to let the words sink in.

"You've done what?" he asked.

"I've left Victoria" David said again.

Ben hugged David a little tighter, and then let him go and stepped back.

"Why?" he asked.

David's expression changed to one of confusion.

"I...I want to be with you" he said.

Ben sighed and looked down. He couldn't take this in. He reached over for this pack of cigarettes and lit one up.

"When did you start smoking?" David asked.

Ben shrugged.

"What about your kids?" he asked.

David stared at him, and then walked over to the railing and leaned over, looking out to the ocean.

"I don't know" he finally said. "But the marriage was over. She was cheating on me too."

"Really?" asked Ben, a little shocked. "With who?"

"Some guy from her fashion label" David replied.

"Did she tell you?" Ben asked, joining David on the railing and taking a deep draw of his cigarette.

"No" replied David, "he did."

"What do you mean?"

"He was at the house when I got back one day. Seemed like they'd had an argument or something, and then he just blurted it out to me when Vic was trying to get him to leave."

Ben and David stood in silence for a while.

"Did you tell her about us?" Ben asked.

"Yes" said David.

"Jesus" Ben said quietly.

Again, they stood in silence for some time, while Ben finished off his cigarette.

"So it's really over then" said Ben.

"Yeah" replied David.

They stood in silence again, just listening to the waves crashing below.

"How did you know I was here?" Ben asked.

"I spoke to Stevie" David said. "When you weren't at home I thought you might have gone off somewhere. Phoned, like, a dozen people to see if they knew where you were before I thought of calling him."

"You should have just called me" said Ben.

"I didn't think you'd want to speak to me" replied David, turning to look at Ben. "Things felt really fucked up when I left the other day."

"Yeah" sighed Ben, "they were."

"But maybe now they won't be" said David, his lips curling into a small smile. However, Ben's face remained expressionless.

"You should have called" he eventually said.

"Did...did you meet someone?" David asked, suddenly looking worried.

"No" replied Ben, "but you still should have called. Chris has got a load of guys about to arrive any minute. For me."

"Fine" said David, "then we'll deal with them together."

"What?" asked Ben.

"One last time" said David, smiling. "Then we can maybe head off somewhere and work everything out."

Ben gazed at David and then nodded, before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around him again. Their lips met, and they engaged in a long and deep kiss.

"You taste of smoke, Bling Boy" said David as they pulled apart.

Ben smiled at him. "Come on" he said, taking David's hand and leading him back into the room. "Need to get you prepped."

An hour later, Ben and David were bent over opposite sides of the dining table in Chris's villa, kissing one another as they were both being pounded from behind. Lenny Kravitz was deep inside Ben, thrusting his bare cock back and forth while he grunted with the effort, his eyes hid behind the trademark sunglasses. Ben loved the feeling of the rocker's famous cock ploughing through him and the four loads of cum that various bikers had already deposited up there that evening. His heavy chains were banging and scraping on the table as he was thrust back and forth by Lenny.

David was being fucked senseless by a bear friend of Chris's, who had been pounding away at him for nearly 45 minutes to the chagrin of the queue of guys waiting their turn at the famous footballer's back end. His thick cock was hitting all the right spots in David's arse, causing Beckham to grunt and groan as he kissed his lover across the table.

Contrary to what Ben had thought would be happening, they were not the only bottoms in the room. Chris had invited Daniel Franzese to come and pound Ben, and Daniel had brought along Jonathan Groff to help out. Groff was a complete cock-hound who had serviced the entire male cast of Looking throughout the shooting of the two series, and was now bouncing up and down on a biker's cock on the sofa while slurping on the dick of another who was standing on the cushions next to him.

Jonathan had not been alone when Daniel had called him, as his friend and fuckbuddy Russell Tovey was visiting him in San Francisco ahead of the shooting of the Looking movie. Russell had tagged along, keen to have a go at Ben's infamous arse, but had been visibly shocked when he saw David Beckham in the room too. Russell had yet to have a turn at either of them, and was in fact himself on all fours getting spit-roasted by Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park. Russell rarely bottomed these days, but it was made pretty clear to him when he arrived that he was neither a biker, a bear or a rocker, so he was going to have to put out if he wanted a turn with Ben and David. So far he had taken three loads up his arse, and was wondering why he was always so keen to top guys when being fucked could be this much fun.

The bear behind David finally roared out and bred the footballer, staggering backwards once he was done. He was quickly replaced by another hairy guy, who slammed into Beckham and fucked him for just a couple of minutes before blowing his load. A third guy followed, and then a fourth, before David pulled back from kissing Ben and stood up.

"I need a break" he said, wandering over to the kitchen area as the cum dripped out of his arse. Ben watched him go, trying to perceive that they might actually now have a life together, even as Lenny Kravitz's pace started to increase as he approached orgasm. The rocker finally lost it and blasted a load into Ben, holding himself deep inside the rugby player until his balls were completely empty.

A biker who had rode with Ben and Chris on their charity trek stepped up next, pushing himself inside Cohen and starting to fuck. However, he found himself not enjoying this nearly as much as previous goes in the rugby stud's arse, when Ben had always been totally in to it and coaxed on every man who fucked him. Now he was distracted, looking over at David Beckham and barely even acknowledging the fucking he was getting.

The biker allowed himself to cum quickly, and then pulled out and headed over to the other side of the room to watch the other action going on. A whole succession of bikers and bears had a go with Ben thereafter, but most also felt like something was missing. Eventually Chris stepped in and ushered the rest of the guys over to join in with the gang banging of Jonathan and Russell, allowing Ben to raise himself up and follow David over to the kitchen.

"I think this is the first time I've ever seen guys lose interest in you" said David, smirking a little. "Lost your mojo?"

"Something like that" said Ben, tearing off some kitchen towel to wipe the cum running down his legs.

David watched him for a while as he drank a glass of water.

"Sorry" Beckham eventually said.

"For what?" asked Ben.

"Ruining your night."

Ben gazed at David, and then went over and wrapped his arms around him.

"You've ruined nothing" he said quietly, "but my head is a fucking mess."

"Sorry" David said again, whispering this time.

"Come on" said Ben, pulling away from David and grabbing one of his hands. "Let's go somewhere private. I think these two have got it covered." He gestured towards Jonathan and Russell, who were being passed around like toys.

They walked into the bedroom Ben was staying in, shut the door, and then embraced in a deep kiss.

"So what are we going to do?" David asked, as they broke apart.

"Tonight? Nothing" replied Ben. "My head is too full of crap to think about this."

"Oh" said David, looking down.

"Let's just get on that bed and do what we do best" said Ben, "and then in the morning we can start to work all this out."

David looked up at him and smiled. He leaned in and kissed Ben again, and then pulled back and slid towards the bed. He lay down on his bag, and then staring Ben in the eye, lifted his legs.

"Make love to me stud" he said.

Ben smiled, and then leaned over David and slid in his cock as he settled down on his arms and knees. He put his lips on his lover's and lightly kissed as he began to rock back and forth, impaling Beckham with gentle but deep thrusts.

They made love for a couple of hours, changing positions and roles as they went, before falling asleep in each other's arms. They only slept for an hour, and when they woke up they could still hear noises from outside.

"Come on" said Ben, rubbing David's chest, "let's go and finish this thing one last time."

David smiled, and then followed Ben off the bed and out of the room. They found only five guys remaining, including Jonathan, Russell and Chris, who all looked at them and grinned as they came in. Jonathan and Russell were both on their hands and knees on the floor as they got fucked by a pair of bikers, while Chris was sitting on a bar stool watching the action.

"You guys back in?" he asked David and Ben.

"Yep" nodded Ben, heading over to the sofa to also get on his hands and knees. David watched him go, and then bent over the breakfast bar exposing his own pert arse. The biker fucking Russell pulled out and hurried over to Beckham, barely pausing before he slammed his cock to the hilt, causing David to yelp. The biker started long and fast thrusts into the footballer, requiring David to grip the sides of the bar to prevent himself being slammed into the wall.

Russell saw his own opportunity to get some action, and leapt up off the floor to get behind Ben.

"Finally" he said, pushing into Ben's hole. He started to jerk back and forth inside the rugby player, pausing only when Chris took up position behind him. Salgardo slid his cock inside the actor and then the three of them set up a rhythm, with Russell pounding into Ben while impaling his own arse on Chris.

The action continued for only another half an hour, before more loads were blown and everyone was finally exhausted. The two bikers eventually got dressed and left, whilst Russell and Jonathan staggered into another spare bedroom and fell asleep together. David headed back into Ben's bedroom and lay down, tired from the effort of taking that final fuck, leaving Ben and Chris alone in the lounge to clear up.

"Listen mate" said Ben, as they picked up the tissues, lube bottles and other detritus, "I'm sorry about tonight."

"Sorry for what?" Chris said, turning to look at him quizzically.

"You know" said Ben, "David turning up, me not being quite the guy they all expected, and all that."

"Dude" said Chris, "you have nothing to apologise for. Some of these guys got to fuck David Beckham, the rest got to watch."

"Still" said Ben.

"Still nothing" said Chris. "Now you go on in there to that stud of yours and leave me to get this place ready for the cleaner."

Ben smiled at him, nodded and then headed into the bedroom where he climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arm around David's sleeping body. In no time Ben was asleep too, dreaming peacefully for the first time in ages.

The following morning, Ben and David got up quite late and showered in the en suite. They found some robes hanging in the wardrobe, and put those on before emerging into the living area. The cleaner was just finishing up, and nodded to them as she unplugged the vacuum cleaner.

Chris was out on the veranda with a cup of coffee, and Ben and David headed outside to join in.

"Morning lovebirds" he said, causing them both to smile and blush. "At least I think it's still morning."

"Yeah, sorry, we were tired" Ben said. "Are the other two up yet?"

"Not only up, but gone" replied Chris. "They left about an hour ago. Help yourselves to coffee."

David stood up and went inside, with Ben somehow knowing he didn't need to follow as he would be brought one.

"Got him well trained" Chris said.

"Hush" replied Ben, smiling.

"Listen" Chris said, "I've got to get back to New York, but you two are welcome to stay here for a bit if you want. I reckon you might need somewhere away from it all for a bit."

"Thanks" said Ben, "I think that would be really great, if David's OK with it."

"No problem" said Chris, drinking the last of his coffee and standing up. "There's a fridge full of food, menus in the drawer, and the spare keys in there somewhere too."

"Thanks" said Ben again, standing up to hug Chris. "I really appreciate it."

Chris left a short while later once the cleaner had gone, leaving Ben and David sitting on the veranda drinking their coffees.

"So", said Ben.

"So", said David.

They stayed in Monterey for four days, before heading to Los Angeles. Ben had to return his bike so they travelled separately, with David taking his hired SUV all the way down the interstate while Ben rode the ocean road again. They met again at the Beckhams' home in the Hollywood Hills, where they stayed together for two weeks.

The story of David and Victoria's separation eventually broke, after he failed to show up at a number of events related to her fashion line. The paparazzi surrounded the LA house, and eventually Ben and David agreed that they would have to leave. David headed back to the UK, and a day later Ben left the house once the media had moved on.

By mutual agreement the Beckhams' opted for a quick divorce, splitting what they had in half but leaving Victoria in sole control of her business. They also managed to avoid a messy custody battle, agreeing that the children would live with their mother but with David having unlimited access and custody during most school holidays.

The press staked out both of their homes, but whereas Victoria was quickly seen with a new man in her life, David kept his relationship with Ben under wraps. The toll of keeping it secret started to wear on them both, and eventually they agreed that they needed to leave the UK despite the distance it would put between them both and their children.

David's interest in being in the public eye had waned significantly by then, and so the two of them chose to move to the quiet surroundings of the wine region to the north of San Francisco. They bought an old vineyard together, renovating the Spanish-style house while bringing people in to work on the vines. In time, they were getting a decent crop of grapes, and Ben found himself becoming ever more enthusiastic about their new role as wine producers. David was less excited by all that, but started to find a rewarding role for himself coaching football (or soccer as they called it) at two local high schools.

Their relationship was rumoured online for a while before the media finally published photos and stories that proved they were together. For a while they were once again infested with paparazzi, but eventually the interest waned and they were left in peace. They turned down all offers to write columns for media outlets or appear in magazine spreads together, and in time when a journalist did write a story about them it often included the word `reclusive'.

They missed their kids deeply and amassed a large collection of dogs to care for together as substitutes, but never passed up on an opportunity to have one or more of their children come over to stay. In time Brooklyn elected to take up a place at Berkeley in order to be nearer his father, and over the years their other children also chose to take some time in California as part of their education. They both returned to the UK regularly as well, with David being particularly keen to be a part of his young daughter's life while Ben did the best he could with his own twin girls.

Despite talking about doing it all again sometime, Ben and David never again put their bodies out for the use of other guys. Their sex life was passionate and satisfying, and they simply didn't feel the need to play with others anymore. They sometimes reminisced about all the men they'd been with, playfully arguing about who had bagged the hottest celebrity or conquered the straightest sports star, but neither of them found themselves missing that life now that they had each other.

They eventually married in a small ceremony amongst the vines on their land, with Chris Salgardo being invited to officiate and some of their old friends there to support them. Their kids were there too, each taking responsibility for one of the dogs during the proceedings. Once married, they left for a short honeymoon in a villa in Mexico, before returning to carry on with their lives together.


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