Bangkok Morning - interracial

By Jon Himus

Published on Apr 12, 2003




When I write this stuff I work from pics I've found. If you wanna see the pics, pass on a comment etc. Please e-mail to:

Lok's boned up in his sleep. I wonder what he's dreaming about.

The Bangkok rain outside is heavier than anything I've ever experienced and the heat, even the rain drops are warm and the air still feels steamy. And that bloody radio in the stall below our window - I should go down and offer to tune it in for them. Trying to sleep in a room above a cafe for me isn't easy. Lok's having no trouble, his blankets folded back so now I've got a clear view of his stiff, dark brown cock. It's a beautiful cock, I think about getting up and going over to his bed to suck him awake but the thought of tasting my own arse first thing in the morning... besides he looks so relaxed and content when sleeping.

Tony suddenly stirs on the old foam sofa, slowly getting to his feet he see's I'm awake "too early" he mumbles then stands up and heads for the bathroom. His naked dark brown body never sweats, I guess Thai's are climatised. This place makes my skin look paler than it ever does at home and from the moment I get off the plane until I leave again my bodies got a constant film of sweat and grime on it.

Tony's cute little arse wiggles as he crosses the room. He giggles slightly when he see's Lok's boner. Watching Tony as he stands at the toilet I look between his legs and wait to see his piss, it starts then stops. He must feel my eyes on him because he turns and smiles, pinching his soft brown penis he asks "do you want this?". I shake my head and smile. He turns and the stream splashes loudly into the bowl.

I guess I should get up and piss out all that urine of Tony's I drank last night but despite the pressure on my bladder I lie back and close my eyes so Tony thinks I'm asleep. He's a great boss and he fucks and sucks like an animal but I don't know if it's the constant rain or the heat but I just want to lie here for awhile and rest.

Lying back with eyes closed I hear the sofa creak as Tony goes back to sleep. Lok lets out a small snort. It reminds me of the sound of his fart last night. Right square on my mouth. It was an accident but the Thai food taste and smell of it is still clear in my head. He was sitting on my face when he did it. I was lying flat on my back on the floor, Tony's riding my cock up his arse and Lok's getting dug out by my tongue when I feel it, hot air right into my mouth. It tasted healthy but I eased him off my face regardless.

Lok then lay flat on the floor and started to lick me out. Being his guest I didn't let one go in his mouth. I was hearing small fart sounds when he fucked my arse raw so I guess it's even somehow. Besides he sucked my cock clean after it had been up Tony's arse. Keeping my eyes closed I decide that later I'll pay back the cock cleaning favour.

Who am I kidding anyway. Worrying about a fart when I'm handing over 2 baht notes to coworkers from Lok's factory if they let me finger their arse holes. And the older cousin guy who could pull his ring open - I French kiss some Thai guys butt hole and I'm worried about a fart!?

Lok rolls over in his sleep. From the shine on his light mustache I can tell he's forgot to wipe off some of my cum. It's dried on his face.

All these thoughts aren't getting me that hard. And I'm feeling kind of wasted somehow. I know I'm just feeling sorry for myself but the realization hits me that my life goes from respectable career in banking to literally drinking the piss of coworkers - there's no in between or something.

With a jolt the memory of William back home face pops into my head. William Dulloch, he had the greatest nature I'd ever come across, real quite but beautiful. He always looked gentle and strong. I knew him when I was in final year at college. He was 20 and drifting between jobs but he read alot.

I realize this mood I'm in now. I really miss those Sundays with Will. He was always broke but it never once bothered me.

I remember those afternoons when we'd lie on his bed in his flat and I'd watch those perfect mounds of his arse rise and writhe on the bed. I loved that guy. Everything about him. I'd massage that heavy hairy arse of his and the looks he used to give me over his was love. Right down to his crack. Hairy, dark, musky and beautiful. I'd kiss his arse lips - really kiss them like I'd kiss his mouth. And I'd love nothing more than giving him pleasure with my face burrowed deep between his cheeks lapping gently and firm along his crack. "Lets see what you been up to" he'd suddenly groan and with that heavy foreskined cock of his waiving in the air he'd drop his face between my butt cheeks and with devotion and patience lick me out. Lying back with the taste of each other on our lips we were really damn content.

With a stupid sentimental lump in my throat I got up from the bed and went over to Lok, he was still heavily asleep and his boner had lost none of it's hardness. Playing with his balls he didn't stir. I noticed some dry cum in his pubic hair. Leaning into his crotch I held the gammy brown erection and inhaled. The smell of my own arse hole and stale piss hit my nose. Opening my mouth wide I engulfed the hot, hard shaft and began to suck it clean.


When I write this stuff I work from pics I've found. If you wanna see the pics, pass on a comment etc. Please e-mail to:

(if it's the pics you want please mention story title so I know what you're after)

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