Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Feb 28, 2023


Here is Chapter 10 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

Ulfred prepared to leave his village, bidding his family and friends farewell. He did not think about Torin's ultimate goal of defeating the Evil Sorcerer, but instead focused on the growing bond he felt with the beautiful barbarian boy. More than a bond it was a growing attraction to Torin that was governing Ulfred's actions. He could not bear the idea of allowing Torin to leave by himself.

For Torin, the thought of being accompanied on his quest by the handsome muscular warrior had him conflicted. On the one hand he had intended to take on his quest by himself to prove his prowess as a warrior. On the other hand it felt right to be with the more muscular boy. His presence created a strange but pleasant feeling in Torin's belly.

When the two boys mounted their horses Gryla the Seer had yet to rouse herself from her drunken slumber. The young warriors both agreed that it was time for Torin to part ways with the old woman as the path ahead was too dangerous, and they could travel faster without her.

As the boys departed the village of the Wolf Clan they urged their horses into a gallop and with youthful exuberance and playful laughter they raced each other along the road to the north, indulging in lighthearted banter as they jockeyed for position.

The competition continued when they came to a swift flowing river, and Torin pointed out several large trout swimming upstream. The Bear Clan were all raised with the skill of Trout Tickling so he challenged Ulfred to see who could catch a fish first. Ulfred stripped off his hardened leather cuirass, revealing his brawny muscular torso and waded into the river.

While Ulfred splashed around in the faster flowing water and lunged forward when he spotted a fish, trying to snatch it out of the water, Torin found a quieter section of river, squatted down with his hands resting on the river bed, and waited silently.

Before long a fish swam towards Torin, and as it passed over the boy's hands his finger rubbed along its belly. The fish slowed to a stop as if in a trance, and with a lightning fast movement the boy scooped up the fish and tossed it onto the riverbank. Torin followed and quickly dispatched it with his knife.

Ulfred let out a howl of indignation, then doubled his efforts, determined to catch his own fish, but to no avail. In no time Torin had scooped up a second fish, and the astonished young warrior splashed towards him with a whoop, wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, picked him up off his feet and swung him around.

Torin felt his toned chest thrust up against the bigger boy's meaty pecs. He felt his sensitive nipples harden with the sensuous feeling of warm flesh against flesh, and a familiar tantalizing itch sprang back to life inside the boy.

That evening they cooked the trout with some wild garlic. Ulfric proclaimed it the best meal he had ever had. Torin doubted that was true, but he had more compelling issues to deal with. The itch was growing more intense by the hour causing him to fidget and squirm.

That night Ulfred slept peacefully, but Torin tossed and turned restlessly. The maddening itch was driving the boy wild with a feverish need. He glanced over at the sleeping young warrior nearby and saw a lump tenting the cloak he was using as a blanket. Torin's eyes glazed over with lust. Driven by the frantic need to ease the itch inside of him he crawled towards his companion.

Carefully Torin eased the cloak down the sleeping boy's torso, revealing his muscular chest rising and falling slowly with each breath. Tugging more urgently the young warrior's 8-pack came into view next, and finally the object of the smaller boy's current obsession sprang up, thumped against the sleeping boy's lower belly briefly, then stood tall swaying in the cool night air.

Torin's eyes gazed longingly at the 8 inches of meaty barbarian cock in a lusty trance. Reaching out one hand he circled the head with thumb and forefinger cautiously easing the foreskin back and uncovering the shiny purple helmet. The beautiful barbarian boy's mouth watered as he opened his lips wide and engulfed the tip, coating it with spit, then he straddled the sleeping boy's body and eased himself down until he felt the tip poised at the entrance to his hungry hole.

The intense itching inside of him drove the boy to lose any sense of caution. He pulled his butt cheeks apart with shaking hands and impaled himself desperately on the pulsing prong, groaning as a mixture of pain, pleasure and relief swept through him. At the same time Ulfred arched his back and sighed with pleasure as he slowly woke from a deep slumber feeling his rock hard rod swallowed by Torin's hot moist tunnel.

Torin leaned back and placed his hands on the ground behind him, biceps tensing as he lifted his hips then plunged back onto his prize finally scratching that itch. His taut belly strained and squirmed as he rode Ulfred like a cheap whore.

Still half asleep Ulfred only knew that someone was fucking themselves on his sensitive throbbing pole, and he began to thrust his hips upward as Torin ground down, penetrating the boy's guts more deeply.

"Oh fuck!" Torin gasped, and Ulfred finally opened his eyes.

Seeing the beautiful boy's flushed face rapt with ecstasy, his tightly muscled body writhing with pleasure as he fucked himself on Ulfred's meaty cock, the more muscular boy's eyes flashed with desire. Realizing that this was not a repeat of the dream he had the night before but the real thing, he surged forward, forcing Torin onto his back. He lifted the delirious boy's legs onto his shoulder's and began to fuck the horny slut's hole even harder.

"Yes... yes... yes." Torin moaned, and Ulfred growled in response. A feral hunger gripped him as he plowed into the smaller boy's bowels. He pulled Torin's hips up into the air until the boy was resting only on his shoulders and plunged downwards like a piston into the cock hungry cunt, eliciting grunts and squeals of erotic excitement.

The pounding that Torin's prostate was receiving finally eased the incessant itching, but Ulfred wasn't done with the slutty boywhore yet. He reached down and pulled the boy up. Torin wrapped his arms around the bigger boy's thick sinewy neck, and his legs around Ulfred's narrow waist, bouncing up and down frantically on the rock hard erection on which he was impaled.

Finally the wolfish warrior sank his cock deep into the beautiful barbarian boy's bowels and with a howl of triumph unloaded a flood of hot creamy cum into Torin's belly. Both boys were panting heavily, chests heaving with the effort of their lovemaking.

Ulfred lifted the smaller boy off his dripping cock, and Torin dutifully dropped to his knees and cleaned the slimy shaft off with his tongue. Without saying anything, for nothing needed to be said, Ulfred took the boy to bed, and wrapped his muscular arms around Torin's trembling torso protectively.

A little way off a shadowy figure had watched the frenzied fucking, and his shoulders slumped as he turned away, the moonlight briefly catching his blond hair before he raised the hood of his cloak.

The following morning the boys foraged for some nuts and berries which they wolfed down hungrily to replace the energy they had expended during the night. Then once again they set out to the north. They began to see other travelers on the road, and soon they could make out a town ahead. A high stone wall surrounded it but they could see two story buildings with pitched roofs peaking above the wall, and smoke rising from numerous crooked chimneys. It was the largest town that Torin had ever visited and he felt a little anxious.

As they approached the arched gate through which the North Road entered the town, two men of the watch gawked at the scantily clad boy whispering to each other with lecherous grins on their faces. When the two boys passed by, one of the watchmen grabbed his crotch and thrust his hips lewdly towards Torin laughing lasciviously.

The town was bustling with people going about their business, but when they spotted the beautiful barbarian boy, his shiny silver codpiece glittering, leather straps criss crossing his broad chest, while the rest of his lean smooth torso and muscular thighs were exposed to their gaze, they would stop and point. Some wolf whistled or catcalled at the boy. One older man scowled at him and mumbled "Slut" under his breath, but loud enough for Torin to hear, and he blushed furiously.

Ulfred glared angrily at the man, who quickly scuttled away when he saw the big brawny barbarian boy.

"Ignore them," Ulfred growled. "You are the son of the Chief of the Bear Clan. They are just coarse commoners."

Torin felt a little better and puffed his chest out a bit, smiling sheepishly at Ulfred.

Suddenly a big brawny figure in black robes emerged from a side alley, almost bumping into the two barbarian boys, and jolted with shock, quickly slipping back into the alley before he was noticed.

"Shit" Con the crafty Hedge Mage exclaimed. How was the boy still alive after being drained of all his seed by the unscrupulous Alchemist? Surely he should have either been driven mad by the relentless milking, or simply expired once all his strength had been sucked out of him.

If the people of the town found out what Con had done to the beautiful boy he would surely be driven out, or worse. This place was proving to be way too lucrative for the devious snake oil salesman to allow the boy to ruin it for him. He had to think of a plan. Luckily for Con he knew the Captain of the Watch, and a few gold coins to grease his palm would certainly help.

Meanwhile others had seen the boy and his handsome muscular young companion riding into town. Every town has a seedy underbelly. People who will do what they have to do to get by. The rich merchants and wealthy gentry paid the Watch to deal with those people, but there was no-one who watched over the rich merchants and the wealthy gentry. They were the kind of people who paid a premium to the old alchemist for a little bit of dried lust leaf powder, or an ounce or two of lust leaf laced tobacco, whose dissolute lifestyles and wickedly wanton appetites often led them to acquire handsome innocent young boys to corrupt.

Next: Chapter 11

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