
By randy nmorb

Published on Apr 3, 2004


The usual disclaimers apply. Simply,if male to male subject matters offend you.....go no further.

I enjoy sharing the true tales of sexual experiences I've had over the years....almost as much as I

enjoy reading of others. This particular true encounter happened some few years back at one of our local malls.

I hadn't been back in this malls for a couple of years, I had moved to another town some 20+ miles away. There were many stores (of course) and at one end of the mall was a skating rink, as well as five floors of combined business offices & some shops & game rooms. Over the years I had been going there I had experienced many hot encounters in some of the mens' rooms. Those up to the second floor were the most frequented, but those of us in the know would use the one on the 5th floor right across from the elevators. I mention this because it was due to several such happy experiences there that had triggered my memory as I strolled through the mall this day. I wanted to see what new stores there were, if any of the 'hot spots' were still in use. As I passed a mall barber shop, I glanced in the window, took a couple of steps, then backed up for another glance. I thought the barber at the last chair looked somehow familiar. I passed by, then came back on the other side of the concourse where I could take a longer, unobserved look. He looked so darn familiar...... I have a tough time with names, but faces I'm really good at. And it did suddenly come to me...... he was a fellow I had met up on the 5th floor, in the mens room.

Back then, in my time when I was too shy to meet anyone face to face, I was content to use the glory holes or under the wall situations. There was no glory hole on the 5th floor, but it happened at the urinals opposite the stall doors, or kneeling under the stall wall. Our first time was under the wall....the usual tap of the foot, the beckoning finger, the cock sliding under. I got to know him by a birth mark he had on his inner theigh just below his nut sack.....that, plus the fact that his cock would point straight out and slightly curved down. He was also very excitable, and when he was getting ready to shoot his load he would start an exciting face-fuck motion....shivering & moaning. We soon got to a point where he was sucking my cock for me before I'd take him 'all the way'. One day in particular, he was really hot, begged me to let him come over to my stall. I was equally as hot, so throwing caution to the

wind I told him to come over. The walls were very low, he could stand in the corner unseen even if someone came in to use the urinal (happened once).

He surprised me when he said, " let me sit and do you first, then I want to really fuck that hot mouth ".

No arguement from me, we switched places and he gave me a nice blowjob..... not to a cumm, but he would get there in later contacts. Once we switched back he was so hot and wet, and when I sucked him deep into my mouth he soon had his hips moving in a frantic motion as he face-fucked me like crazy. I remembered his moans, his shakes, his swinging nut sack. We shared many a hot session there. Told me he was married, but his wife would only provide the 'normal' fuck position, certainly never a blow job, and he simply loved to have his cock gone over by a hot sucking mouth.....which he thought I was the best at. We would meet each afternoon for almost a full year it seemed. But then I had to move away. Had no idea where he worked, only knew his first name ( if that was true ), so we hadn't seen one another since. Now I was looking through the barbershop window at this face from years back.

Like all of us, he seemed older in the face, not the thick head of black hair anymore, still looked good in the body (what I could see), and he now sported a neat little fuzz under his nose. The barbershop had five chairs, each one was separated by a hip-high partician, each one had its own sink. He had a customer in his chair, and there was only one other barber in there with a customer. I wrestled with my own thoughts as to going in there....then decided, "what the hell, why not ?"

I wasn't sure if he would recognize or remember me.....I hadn't changed all that much (I didn't think); still 6'2", still a little over 200 lbs, not as much wavy hair... but still had it, and I now wore glasses (so did he). I decided to wait until he was through with his customer, then I would go in.

Once his customer had paid his bill and left the shop, I went in and he motioned me to his chair with a smile. I was certain he would be able to see that I didn't really need a haircut, but I told him to give me a light trim and sat down. He, and the other barber wore white barbers jackets....just above the kness, tied close in the front. I noticed that as I sat down he had a quizical look on his face, as if trying to place me. There was music playing in the shop, and the other barber and his own customer were involved in animated conversation.

Paul (was his name) asked, "don't I know you, you do look familiar".

I decided we couldn't be overheard, so I replied, " Indeed, we use to share time up on the 5th floor several years back".

He nearly cut my ear off with his knee jerk reaction, then he came around to take a better look at my face. Of course my glasses were now off, and I could suddenly see the 'lights' go on in his eyes as he now recognized me. "my God, it is you, I didn't know you at first",he said, as he looked over to see if we could be over heard by the others three chairs over.

"Where have you been, I often looked for you there at the meeting place", he murmured.

I told him how I had to move out of town, how I had no way to contact him, how I had often thought back to those exciting times. He got a shy nervous smile on his face, then said, " man, you were the best, you could sure get me dancing".

I said, "thanks for the compliment, and by the way.... I still am the best".

This brought a slight glaze to his eye, and I could suddenly feel him press his body against my arm as he stood by my chair....watching the other couple, out the front of the shop. Did I mention that his chair was the last in the row, all the way at the rear of the shop? With the divider wall hip-high, bottles and such on it, I'm sure no one could detect this action. I of course returned the pressure to his body with my hidden elbow.

He told me that he had started at this shop in training, and that about a year ago, the previous owner sold out to was his shop now. As the pressure on my arm increased, I could feel a definate hard-on, warm and firm against my arm. His memories must have been as vivid as mine, and I too was getting a hard-on.

"Do you still get up on the 5th floor, any hot action lately?", I asked.

"Not often", he replied, " and certainly nothing like we enjoyed..... I'm getting hot as hell just remembering".

I started to rotate my elbow in his crotch as I murmured, " hmmmm, so I can feel. Let's see what I've been missing" I said, as I slipped my hand out from under the barbers cover he had across the front of me. He nervously looked around, but he didn't back off, didn't try to stop my hand that was slipping between the folds of his smock. My fingers could feel the outline of his lengthing cock, and when I slid his zipper down so my hand could get inside his pants his knees were starting to shake.

"Oh shit", he moaned when I held his throbbing prick in my hand at last, " this is killing me, I'm so wet and hot". He looked over at the other barber chair, saw that guy was just finishing up, and he whispered to me, "wait, wait, I'll get rid of them in just a few minutes".

I smiled and said, " okay", as I removed my hand, lickedsome of his precumm off my fingers, and slid my hand back under my cover to hold my own hard wet cock.

He told the other barber to go ahead and go to supper, to go take care of that running around he had to do, to be back in about an hour & ahalf so he could then go to supper. He told him to turn the sign in the window to read " Out To Supper" so he could finish up on me with a shave, then he could relax a bit. The other guy said " okay", put on his jacket and headed out the door. Paul followed him up,

made sure the sign was turned, then locked the door.

Then he was back at my chair. He tilted it back until I was almost laying flat, like I was getting a shave. With the partition there, I'm sure all that could be seen from the front window was my feet and of him from the shoulders up. He was breathing heavy now as he first uncovered my lap, unzipped my pants, took out my rock hard cock. I in turn had his smock wide open, his pants unzipped, underpants slid off his hips, the front of his pants wide open (only his belt held his pants up.....and his throbbing man-meat was there before me. My hand worked his nut sack gently, my other hand pulled his wet cock head into my mouth. His own hand was stroking me slowly, rubbing my precumm all over my cock shaft.

Then his hips started that motion I remembered so well, as he eased his cock deep into my hot mouth, then slowly eased it back to the edge of his cock head, then back into my love mouth once more. My tounge was all over his shaft,swirled around his sensitive cock head, under the sweet spot of the mushroom head.

I could his his murmurs start, the shaking of his knees as he hunched lower, deeper. " Yeah, yeah ....this is what I need.....ohhh...this is what I need......ohhhh yessss....suck me, suck me, I..I..I..I...need this so ".

He was a live wire on a string as his hip motions increased, as his hand stroked my cock intoi a froth of my own juices. His nut sack was bounching of my chin as he increased even more the deep plunging of his cock in my sucking mouth. And then he was there...... "ohhhh, here it comes baby, here it comes.... now-w-w.... ohh take it....take it all"

Suddenly there was a huge explosion of his cumm shooting into my mouth....gobs....gobs... hot strings of cumm filling my mouth, running over my chin with the overflow. He really must have held this load for the longest of times. Then all of a sudden he let out a loud moan, his hot quick head went forward, his mouth captured my cocks head just as I let loose my own hot love juices. He took every last drop he could suck out of me.

We were both a quivering mess as we released each others cocks, cleaned up, redressed, then got up. Life went on out in the mall, none the wiser. What a great reunion, what great times were ahead. You just know that we had to do this scene again, and again, and again..

Turns out the other barber enjoyed the sideline later. No where near as big, or excitable as Paul & I , but certainly eager to learn it turned out........ but then that's another tale for another time.

Hope you enjoyed this true suppertime encounter. Can you relate ?

Next: Chapter 2: Another Day at the Barbershop

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