
By fat uk

Published on Jul 21, 2007


Usual stuff. Do not read if you are not old enough.

Contains strong adult language and scenes of a sexual nature between males. If offended, please do not read any further.

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Different Points of View!

I tell the story from the different points of view of the two main characters. The subtitle tells you from which point of view it is. Hope you enjoy.

Glen's point of view

The Brindell pub was on the edge of the Village Square in Hawthorne. I was the steward there, and James had been working there for about 18 months and I loved it. He had the Friday and Saturday night shifts to earn some extra money while he was at University. It was a nice place to work. I knew all the regulars by face and drink they ordered, if not by name; the work was alright, better than other things I had done before this anyway; and James was also a good perk of the job.

He was 20 to my 28, but we got on better than I did with friends my own age. We had the same sense of humour and the same taste in films, books, music and TV shows, especially the Simpsons and South Park. We were always quoting it to each other, making ourselves laugh while everyone else just said we were daft sods. It also helped that he was hot as hell. He was two inches shorter than me, 300 lbs and had a big round face that was often flushed when at work, from the heat and the work. I loved his big red, ruddy cheeks; he looked cherub-ish with his complexion and large body. His laugh was more of a giggle than anything else. With short brown hair which was often cropped, and a big round arse, which large and soft, round and a little droopy. I fancied him rotten, and it didn't help that he was always making jokes about us shagging each other and then putting his arm round me. I joined in as well, though I was often masking the genuine invitation for him to let me shag him with a laugh and joke. Some had remarked that we could be mistaken for going out together, some saying we were, and that joking around didn't exactly deter them. Though I didn't care, I didn't want the hugs to stop.

I would describe myself as a fat guy, with big cheeks. I often just wear jeans and shirt; I never was one to bother too much. I have always preferred young lads and probably always will. The cuter and fatter the better, which is why James got me so horny. Every time he was working with me, I could hardly concentrate as he always had to pull up his jeans as he never wore a belt and they would often fall down his arse. It would reveal boxers that were black, white, or my favourite, red. I would often catch myself going to grab him somewhere, like his arse, belly or tits.

I was working Friday night, so was James. It was busy as hell and was roasting in the pub. I was sweating, soaking my shirt, as well was James in his, despite the rain and biting winds outside. I didn't like the idea of him walking home in that so I would often give him a lift. Tonight was no exception. After work, I said "James, fancy a lift?". He didn't need to be asked twice. I felt a little protective of James; he was 20 but still seemed very young to me so I suppose I became a big brother to him. He would often ask me for advice and I would be happy to help. I just wished t could be something more.

After closing time, he jumped in the car. "Actually, dya wanna come back to mine? Have a drink and watch a film?" I asked, to which he agreed. I felt a little giddy inside; it always meant I had the chance to see him with his shirt off. I'll explain in a minute.

James had been to my place before. We could stay up late drinking without worry as I lived with a mate, but he could sleep through anything. He didn't know I was gay by the way. He just figured I liked being single. I knew I met people for sex in hotels that I met online, but he thought they were woman, not chubby young boys or occasionally the odd older guy, but they were rare. I preferred guys around 18 to 25; they tended to want to be topped more than the older blokes. I loved to fuck a tight, fat arse, watching their tits jiggle as I stroked in and out of them.

I told James to pick out a film from the large cupboard full of them that I had while I went and got a couple of cans of cider. He had chosen a comedy and put it in the DVD player. I was hot and sweaty, and my shirt was soaked, so when I was in the kitchen I had taken it off. I always did when I got home, but this had an ulterior motive tonight too. I came back in to the living room, my chest glistened with sweat. I immediately stirred in my boxers at the thought of what I hoped was to come. "Not gonna jump me now I am shirtless are you?" I chuckled, making light of it with yet another gay joke. "Aww, I thought that was why you were stripping off?" he joked back

"Take yours off if your shirt off to if you want, it's soaked." I told James. He took it off, revealing my own pert nipples and man breasts, and the 300 lb frame underneath. . I had to concentrate to not stare at his pointing brown nipples on his white tits. His belly button was deep, and his chest hair was dark. I wanted to bury my face in it. I was pleased he felt comfortable with his body when in front of me, or at least not embarrassed. I knew he often got embarrassed about his size. I told him not to worry about it, so he didn't in front of me, probably because I had a deep belly button too! James hitched up his jeans again, but not enough so that his apron would not hang over them.

I passed him a towel I had brought in from the kitchen so we could wipe ourselves down. He did so, and then handed it back to me to do the same. He carefully sat on the couch; he seemed to think it was too weak to take my large weight and arse, never mind his too. It held though. We were soon chuckling at the movie and on to our fourth can. I was a little drunk but heard James clearly when he said "mind if I take my jeans off? I am sweating in them." I told him to go ahead. He stood up and put his can on the coffee table next to me, so he walked and stopped in front of me to do so. He was now stood in front of me when he began to undo the botton on his jeans, which were already falling down again and showing his red boxers. James then started lowering the zipper. I had forgotten to pretend not to be staring and just watched.

He seemed to be doing it slowly, or maybe I just wanted him to go faster. He dropped his jeans, revealing the red boxers that hugged his thick thighs and round bum. He was sideways on to me, so I could clearly see the small bulge in his boxers. I saw a glimpse of flesh between the buttons of his boxers when he turned back to pick his can up and walk back to his seat. I was now hard as a rock in my jeans. "That's better. I can't stand being in my jeans at night. I always strip off when I get home." He said casually, before returning to the movie. All night, I could feel his wet, naked torso on mine as the couch was small and we were touching. Each touch was electric. I lowered my hand to my thigh, so it brushed his thigh each time one of us adjusted. I wanted to slide my hand up his thigh and through the boxers' leg hole. Normally, I would also have taken my jeans off, I did the same when I got home, I hated the feeling of jeans at night, and I would often just wear shorts if not just my boxers. However, I didn't that night, though I wanted to so my thigh could touch his, as I was sporting a hard on and I was too large to hide it. I was 8 inches when hard.

That night, he slept in the spare bedroom, and I had a wank to ease the ache in my balls from seeing the boy I fancied so much in just his boxers for an hour or more. I'd been stealing looks all night when I remembered to stop out-right staring at him. I woke in the night, still feeling horny but thirsty too. I went downstairs and got myself a drink. Back upstairs, I noticed the spare bedroom open. I looked inside, and James was fast asleep. My dick got hard again when I saw he was naked, his bum was sticking out from under the covers a little. His boxers were on the floor next o the bed. I watched him for a few minutes as I dreamed of all the things I wanted to do to that ample bum and sexy boy. I picked the boxers up from next to the bed quietly. I had a thing for boxers, and had once stolen a pair from my Aunt's boyfriend. I smelled the crotch; they smelled of sweat, some piss and cum. I took them back to the room, wanked while sniffing them and then took them back to the spare room when I was done. I wanted to cum in to them, near the seat of them, which is something I loved doing, but knew I couldn't, so I took them back to the spare room and left them next to the bed. By this time, James had moved around and was no completely covered by the duvet. I left before I did something I would regret.

That night was Saturday, so James and I were working again. It was busy in the second half of the evening but not in the first. That meant James and I had time to talk. He again hitched up his jeans that were falling down a little. I used to point it out all the time and joked about it, but soon stopped when he said it was like I was watching for it. I didn't want to be out-ed! We were discussing last night when he mentioned stripping off. I shrugged and laughed a little, saying it was no big deal. "No big deal? Thought your eyes were gonna pop out when I was in front of you." I looked at him, wondering if he was joking or not. I couldn't tell; he had a strange smile on his face. "I'll go all the way next time!" Did he mean it? I didn't find out then, he went to serve customer who had just come to the bar. I put it down to one of his jokes, and put it to the back of my mind for the rest of the night.

After we got rid of the last of the customers, I let the staff stay back for a drink. It was a good laugh, with some joke telling and talking about the customers that annoy us the most. The jukebox was on, playing cool music. Soon though, everyone wanted to go home and go to bed, so they all set off. I was giving James a lift again, so he had to wait for me. I locked the door behind the last of the staff, leaving me and him alone. "Fancy another pint?" He asked. I declined. "Just gotta finish up here then we can go". I sat on a stool at the bar next to him and began making a list of orders I needed to make tomorrow from the brewery.

"So you wanna come back to mine tonight then? You can to see me with my shirt off again" I laughed.

"I can't, got to go out with my family tomorrow. Early. Otherwise I would, you know...Anyway, I thought the invite was coz you wanted see me in my boxers!" There it was again. Was he serious? I figured he wasn't, he wasn't gay after all.

"Ha, yeah, then we can make love huh huh" I decided making another joke would hide the fact I was getting really nervous, but at the same time I was getting horny at the thought of sliding my cock between his arse cheeks. I noticed him hitch up his jeans as they were falling down again. They had fallen past his arse crack at this point.

"Yeah, he he...." James trailed off and went quiet. He started playing with his mobile while I finished my list. The silence was awkward, uncomfortable. I was about to speak when James spoke first.

I saw this as a time to push the issue a little. I did have suspicions about James. He did make a lot of gay jokes, and I sensed something behind them. He also looked at me a little to long when I had my shirt off in front of him, and would often hug me a lot, `pretending' to cop a feel. Perhaps he was doing as I did, using the jokes as an excuse.

"So, still no girl then?" I asked

"No, unfortunately" and he sighed a little. His cheeks had gone a deeper shade of red than usual, making him appear more cherub-like.

"Thought you would have found a way to lose your cherry by now!" I said. I did not elaborate on how.

"Like a whore?! Nah, not interested"

"Or rent boy!" I laughed back.

"Oh, yeah" James looked a little shifty then, almost timid.

Fuck it, I thought. "James, are you gay?" I was shocked that I asked, but James looked even more taken aback and surprised. He hesitated in replying. I think he meant to say no, but l was a good friend and he trusted me greatly. Any other time I would have said no I suppose, but instead he slowly replied yes...

James breathed out deeply and began to smile. He seemed relieved by his confession and probably also that I smiled back at him. I was relieved too when I saw his smile. It seemed like a big weight had been lifted.

"Me too..." I then said. Now that shocked me! I couldn't believe I admitted either. We began to talk about it to each other for perhaps half an hour. It explained why he had not had a girlfriend for ages, despite many girls actually fancying him for his boyish charm. Ok, they were not great looking, but better than nothing at an age when he should be jumping in bed with anything with a pulse. They loved his sense of humour, like I did, but I also loved his weight. We discussed our taste in men. I described James perfectly when describing my guy, and I think he realised as he smirked. He described liking chubby guys too. Older than him, though. He was describing me.

"I have fancied you for ages you know!" He said to me.

"Same here. Fancy you something rotten" I said. He giggled and looked away sheepishly.

"Well, er..." He trailed off.

"Well...?" I asked.

"Well, dya wanna...I don't know"

"Do something?" I finished for him.

"Yeah" he said.

My heart leapt! He wanted to fool around; I was almost gagging for it. There was stirring in my pants already.

"I would love too" I told him, "How about now?" I was gagging for it, as I said, I didn't want to wait.

"Can I kiss you" He asked. I agreed. Then, he leaned in slowly to kiss me. It was tentative at first, unsure. We kissed slowly and got a rhythm going. We then slowly began to caress each other and then to undress each other, right their in the pub. I was soon down to my underwear, as was James. I saw the bulge in his boxers; it was larger than yesterday as he was rock hard. I was too, but I was much bigger than him. Both our nipples were pointed and hard, though I doubt from the cold.

You're in charge OK?" I said to him, as he stood in his near-naked splendour, "we go at your pace."

He rubbed my nipple with his finger, more out of my own curiosity than with the intention to give me pleasure, though it did as my moan was evident.

James' point of view

Glen reached into his boxers and pulled his dick out. It wobbled in front of me. It was 8 inches long, uncut and there was a clear liquid oozing from the bulbous head. The foreskin was about a 2cm long and tight around his knob. I could only just see the piss slit. "Will you suck it?" Glen asked. I got on my knees and without hesitation I took the head of his prick into my mouth. It tasted warm but the precum was cold in comparison. It tasted as his cock smelled but stronger. His crotch was musky and sweaty. I would definitely say it tasted nice, I loved it. I wanted his cum in my belly now. I licked up the precum as best I could. What I enjoyed the most though was the fact that I had a man's cock, a big cock, in my mouth for the first time. Well, technically, the first time was a friend's while he was asleep. I just held it in my mouth though; I didn't suck or lick it like I was now. So it didn't count really.

I began to suck the head of Glen's cock like I had seen the guys on gay porn on the Net do it. I went up and down on it and twisted my tongue around the shaft. "Are you sure you haven't done that before?" Glen asked while looking down at me. I shook my head as I did not want to release his cock from my lips. I took another inch and a half in to my mouth and could feel it pulsing and throbbing. Glen was purring like a kitten.

"Get up" Glen instructed. I obeyed and soon found him kissing me again. He was pushing his tongue far in to my mouth and moving it around more confidently now. "Your turn" He then said to me. He fell to his knees and my cock was pointing outwards, almost 90 degrees to my body. Glen looked at it from sideways on before rubbing it through the material. It felt really good, but I was nervous. I considered myself a little small, at least in comparison to him. I was around 4 inches when hard with a tuft of brown hair above my cock and across my pubic fat. It went all the way up to my overhanging belly and apron, and down the inside of my thighs a little way. The brown coarse hair also went between my legs and up my arse crack, but it left my arse cheeks relatively smooth.

When Glen pulled my boxers down to my ankles and then completely off me, so I was standing naked in front of him, I was scared he would be disappointed with my size. However, he looked up and me and grinned. He stuck his tongue out and licked the tip of my dick. The feeling was intense. I had never had anything other than my hand on my dick before, and in one night it had had Glen's hand and tongue.

"First time, ain't it?" he asked, though not needing to, he knew I was a virgin. "You'll cum very quickly" he said, licking the tip again. My body shuddered up from my crotch when he licked, like some one had sprayed cold water on my balls. "I am gonna swallow your cum" he said, before completely taking my cock in to his mouth and sucking on it quickly, only ever taking an inch of it out with each suck up and down. He had sucked cock before! He was doing this quickly, almost as fast as my cum came rushing from my balls. "I'm gonna cum" I squeaked as I unloaded all the cum in my balls in to his mouth. Glen continued sucking and licking my cock clean until I could not take the tickling feeling anymore. He let go and giggled. "Mmmm that was nice. Tasted fresh" He grinned. I could not thank him enough for it. My legs felt like jelly and I was feeling embarrassed for cumming so quickly. I actually apologised between my thanks.

"Don't apologise! Everyone cums quickly their first time" he assured me. Feeling less embarrassed now, I caught my breath before asking Glen if I could suck him again. I had wanted for so long to have this heavy man lower his cock in to my open mouth that I wanted to make the most of the opportunity. Who knew if we would be doing anything like this again? I fell to my knees as Glen stood up; I pulled down his boxers as they were still resting just under his cock. Seeing his balls for the first time was great, they were large and hairy and looked heavy like the rest of him. My balls had gone small again, as had my cock, which rested on my fat thighs. I held my mouth open and Glen grabbed hold of his cock and dropped it on to my bottom lip, and still holding the root, pushed it in to my mouth. My dream come true. I took about 3, maybe 4 inches this time. I sucked on it like a baby does a bottle. I had gripped his thighs for support as I kneeled and sucked my first dick.

More purring came from Glen. I had my back to the bar, so he leaned over, placing his hand on top of it, and let me suck at my own pace. After several minutes, he slowly moved it in and out of my mouth himself but it was not a proper face fucking, after all, this was my first time. Soon, Glen was to come. He pulled his cock out and sprayed on my face. It was warm cum but it quickly became cold on my sGlenet cheeks. A little of it landed on my chin. I hadn't wanted Glen to pull out as he came, I wanted his cum badly. I would always eat my own cum when I wanked. I would cum on to my hand then lick it clean. I liked the taste of my own, so I wondered if his tasted the same or if it would be different, and if I would like it. I stuck my tongue out and licked it up. It tasted thick and a little salty, I loved its taste and texture and that it was someone else's sperm that was going into my round belly. I used my fingers to collect the rest of it from my face to my lips.

Glen was looking down at me when I looked up. He had a smile curling on his lips as he looked at me, his jizz-covered boy, kneeling on the floor between his legs. I had taken his cock back in to my mouth and was suckling on it like a teat. There was still a residue of cum under the foreskin as it was little tight. He took one of his large hands and rubbed my hair. "Thanks big lad" he told me, before handing me a kitchen towel we used behind the bar. I liked him calling me that; I tingled a little when he did.

I wiped my face clean and threw it back on top of the bar. I reluctantly gave Glen his cock back as he kneeled next to me and kissed me and stroked me for another 10 minutes or so. He kept grabbing my arse cheeks a little roughly and stroking my balls with his index finger. We were on our sides but he was resting on an elbow, so he was a little above me and I felt the weight of his belly on mine. I felt warm and wanted, as he kept kissing me passionately and rubbing my body all over. I tentatively did the same.

We soon had to get dressed and leave, so we hurriedly dressed. Glen kept saying how great I was, how he had wanted to do that for ages. Me too, I replied. "Fancy doing a shift tomorrow night?" He grinned, "We'll work late again." I jumped at the chance, so he gave me a bear hug, told me I was special and kissed me again. We quickly inspected the area, making sure nothing was left behind, though Glen seemed more able than me. He definitely had been with men before. He dropped me off home, giving me a quick peck as he was worried about someone seeing, and then squeezed my thigh before I got out of the car. I assured him that I would see him tomorrow.

As I went up to my house, Glen didn't leave. He was making sure I got in Ok.

He did look after me, I thought. I looked back and waved, grinning like a school kid at him. I wanted to go home with him, but had to go out with my family in the morning. I went inside and waited at the door for a few minutes, recollecting what had just happened. I could still taste Glen in my mouth and on my tongue. I could still feel the weight of his belly as it lay on me when we kissed. I didn't have a shower like I usually would after work; instead I went to bed with the smell of him still on me. My balls were empty that night, so I didn't cum again, but I still wanked. I thought about all the things we would do. More sucking I hoped. I wanted more now I had tasted it. Maybe I could spend the night with him sometime too. Maybe.

Glen's point of view

After dropping James off, I drove home. I still couldn't believe it. I had finally got together with James. He wanted to fool around again. I wanted to fuck him so badly; I would next time.

I had watched his arse as he got out of the car and walked up to his house. He had such a gorgeous arse, round, slack and soft. I wanted to be in there desperately. I wanted to hear him moan as he took my 8 inches in to his colon and begged me to keep going and cum inside him. I imagined it in my head and got hard again. I thought back to when I came on his face. I must have shot 7 or 8 lobs on to his cheeks and chin and he licked them up hungrily like it was yoghurt around his mouth. He definitly enjoyed it, the sounds of appreciation he made as it met his tongue told me that. I loved it when boys loved cum, I had a thing about feeding them their own. I enjoyed watching them taste it and want more. I don't know why. I went to bed with a big smile on my face that night and anticipating tomorrow night. I would invite him back to mine, it was a Bank Holiday Monday after all, so he didn't have to get up for University, so maybe he would. Maybe.

The end

Next: Chapter 2

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