Batmans New Robin

By Trevor Merlot

Published on Dec 10, 2019



The following story is fictional based on characters owned by DC Comics, Inc. No copyright infringement is intended. This story will contain gay erotic content. If this type of writing offends you, do not read any further.

Batman's New Robin

Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Watchtower

The day had finally come. After two years of rigorous training and fighting crime back in Gotham, Bruce had finally agreed to let me join the Justice League. Despite all my accomplishments since becoming Robin, my nerves were definitely getting to me as we soared through the night sky on the Batwing.

"Nervous Dante?" Bruce called out to the backseat, as if reading my mind.

"No way. Never been more ready," I fidgeted in my costume, the spandex sticking tightly to my junk. Probably should have worn underwear.

I'm 23 years old, about 5'10" and in great shape. I'm not a body builder by any means but I'm lean and athletic. I'd been training especially hard in the last few weeks. I'm of mixed Latino and Spanish descent, with deep dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Of course, in this moment my face was slightly obscured by my domino mask. Even though everyone in the League knew each other's secret identities, Bruce demanded I wear the mask to meet them. Something about protocol or tradition.

Bruce is Bruce, I probably don't need to explain what he looks like. He's freaking Batman. He's jacked. He's my biggest inspiration. They say not to meet your heroes but meeting Bruce was the best thing that ever happened to me. Here I was, not only his student and friend, but his newest Robin. It's an honor and a privilege to bear that title.

Bruce landed the Batwing in the League's aircraft hangar. Naively, I was expecting to meet the League all at once upon my arrival, but only one person was there to greet us - Superman. I tried to conceal my nerves as I hopped out and followed Bruce over to the man of steel. He was towering, even bigger than Bruce. At least 6'3" with the broadest shoulders I'd ever seen, and a chest so big I was sure his spandex would burst at any moment.

Bruce spoke first "Clark, this is Dante."

Superman extended his hand for me to shake. "Hello young man."

I knew he would be strong but his grip was like a vice.

"It's an honor to meet you sir..ah!!" I winced in pain and retracted my arm.

"My apologies! I don't know my own strength sometimes."

"It's okay. I've been training a lot lately so I'm just a little sore."

Clark smiled. Despite his imposing figure and strength, his demeanor was warm and friendly. "We're excited to finally meet you. Bruce has said a lot of great things".

"Has he now?" I smirked. Bruce rarely ever gave me compliments. It felt good to know he was praising me behind my back, to Superman no less.

Bruce chimed in, "I need to meet with Barry. Would you mind showing Dante to his room?"

"No problem. This way Dante", he lead me to an elevator as Bruce exited through a corridor.

Inside the elevator, Superman pressed a button marked 6 and the doors closed. An uneasy silence fell over us. It felt so surreal to finally be in the Watchtower; I was a little speechless.

"You alright son?"

"Yes sir, Superman, sir. Just.. honored to be here"

"Listen, don't be nervous. If Bruce brought you here it's because you belong here. You've earned it," he reassured me. "And please, call me Clark." There was that smile again. His genuine kindness started to ease my nerves.

The elevator door opened and we started down the hall, doors on either side of the walls designated with numbers.

"So where is everyone else? The other heroes?"

"They're working. Either out in the field or here, researching or training. There's a lot to work on here and a lot of work to be done. Are you up for it?"

"Absolutely sir. I mean, Clark".

"Happy to hear it." He stopped in front of a door marked 9. "Here's your room."

He swiped open the door with a key card then handed it to me. "This is also your key to the training facilities and showers. If you have any questions feel free to ask any league member you see. We try to be a community here so don't be shy. And welcome to the Watchtower."

With that he was off. I closed the door behind me and inspected the room. The first thing I noticed was that there were two beds. One was neat and pristine, I assumed for me, and the other messy and lived in. I wasn't expecting to have a roommate but maybe it would be good to start forming friendships.

I decided I would go check out the gym. Even though my body was sore I wanted to make a good impression out of the gate. I changed out of my costume and into athletic shorts and a tank top that showed off my biceps.

I planned on doing some light cardio just to get my blood pumping but I quickly decided that wasn't an option when I stepped into the gym. About a dozen massive guys were working out, and all of them made me look scrawny in comparison. A few looked me up and down but most were concentrated on their work out.

For some dumb reason I decided to bench press way over my typical capacity. I was doing it, but man were my arms killing me. One of the guys must have noticed me struggling a bit and walked over.

"Hey kid", he said. "You need a spotter?"

"No, I'm fine." I gritted my teeth, trying to hide my discomfort.

"Here, I got you."

He walked around to the head of the bench, his crotch just inches from my face. I could smell his musk through his shorts. The whole situation was overwhelming and my arms started to go weak.

"Woah, watch it!" He helped me to lift the barbell back up, essentially saving me from a gnarly injury. "Gotta be careful with these things". He put the barbell back on the rack. I sat up and got a good look at him. He had chiseled features, dirty blonde hair and a matching goatee.

"Yeah... I'm just all worn out," I explained. "Been training non stop lately. I'm new."

"No kidding. Just take it easy. I'm heading to the showers, see you around."

As he turned and walked away I noticed his muscled ass and muscular thighs. Damn, I thought, this guy must have a great training regimen. I decided to follow him to the showers.

After changing into my swim trunks I headed into the shower room. It was a large open space with tons of shower heads but no walls or curtains, so privacy wasn't an option. It apparently wasn't a concern either for my new friend who was showering completely naked. Suddenly I felt weird to be wearing swim trunks.

"Hey kid. Done already?"

"Yea, I'm pretty worn out," I smiled.

I walked over and turned on the shower head just next to his. I tried to keep my eyes up by his face. I didn't want to make this awkward or come off disrespectful.

But as he started soaping himself, building up a lather, my curiosity got the better of me. My eyes wandered down his muscular body, dripping with suds. Between his legs was a fat 9 inch uncut cock, surrounded by bushy light brown pubes.

"I didn't catch your name," he said.

I quickly turned my attention to soaping myself up, hoping he didn't notice me look.

"I'm Dante. I'm Batman's new Robin."

"No kidding!" he was now washing his junk, running his soapy fist over his cock.

"I'm Oliver Queen", he smirked and extended the same hand out for me to shake.

I firmly shook it and smiled, "Nice to meet you."

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Next: Chapter 2

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