Bdsm Matchmaker Got Matched

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 5, 2020


So, as it happened, that time that Adam walked into my offices, was not the first time we had met. Honestly, I hadn't remembered, but he did. See, I worked a whole bunch of different jobs in the field of "adult entertainment" before I settled down as the matchmaker. One of them was owner and manager of a very popular brothel - yup, don't laugh, the matchmaker was a Madam. In fact, one of my nicknames, was Madame Seth. Whatever.

What I did to try to make my brothel stand out, was to cater to both gay guys and straight people: men AND women. The place had alternating floors. If you were a gay guy, you went to the 1st or 3rd floor. Straight folk : 2 and 4. And you read right: we had women clients too. We would even cater to fantasies. I remember in particular one woman, who had a thing for fantasies involving plumbers. And I had one "model" who loved to put on a tool belt, a pair of drooper jeans, and a t shirt that didn't make it all the way down his belly. AH MATT! He'd add a baseball cap (he had one for each team even!), and the ladies went nuts. Then for gay guys, we had a model who played "the cable guy." I had no idea that so many guys into B and D had a fantasy of screwing the guy who fixed the cable tv. But they did. And Randy took care of that niche. They weren't the only ones, but they're the ones you might have heard of.

Now, it was Matt, the plumber, who inadvertently brought Adam and I together the first time. One of our gay clients had had a bit too much to drink before he showed up. Not a horrible enough, but enough to, ahem , let him lose his inhibitions. When he saw Matt, walking through the corridor to get to his "working room," he got a little out of control. I admit: Matt was more than a little attractive, and I could understand why that former client lost it. He wanted Matt. Not now, but NOW. And when he learned he couldn't have him, well, first he did a bit of a trash job in the lobby. Then, when my "enforcers" Craig and Tom threw him out (yeah, they worked as models too), he called the police. Claimed there was underage sex going on in the halls. Next thing I knew, there were six uniformed in my lobby. Yes, there WERE clients who thought it was part of an elaborate scene. It wasn't. Adam was one of the uniforms that night. He told me that he was impressed by how well I kept my records (I had copies of everyone's driving license or ID), and how polite I was to everyone. He SAYS I even remarked on how well he filled his uniform. I don't remember THAT, although it IS something I would have said.

Well, nothing came of that, and after a few hours, the guys were gone. But it made the papers. And the brothel didn't last much longer than that. GEEZ. Some of the people protesting could have used a few sessions in the brothel, let me tell you.

But I'm digressing. My whole point is that we had met each other once, years before. That's when he had heard of "Madame Seth" and when he heard of "Matchmaker Seth," well, it wasn't too big a leap.

So we sat there, and he very calmly, and a bit shyly, told me what he was looking for. Now, I didn't have a book of Doms because, honestly, I didn't have many sub clients. From his answers to my questions, it seemed he was looking for a down to earth kinda guy. Someone who was big enough, and strong enough, to control him physically, but who didn't have to, because his personality was so dominant. He wasn't looking for someone pretty or handsome. The adjective that kept on coming up was "rugged."

"I have someone in mind" I remember telling him. "Let me pull up a few photos of Pete." Pete was someone whom I had known for years. Interesting character. Son of two ministers (aren't they all, friends?). Did a doctorate in philosophy (German philosophy. Good rule of thumb: if your date says he studied German philosophy, in Madame Seth's experience, you'll be in the sling before you can say Martin Heidegger. ), worked in academia, and then left to work construction. BIG man: 6'4" maybe. Full beard, somewhere in between brown and red. Rugged? Rugged like an unpaved street. Those hands! Big, worked, and strong. So I pulled up his photos. When I saw Adam's mouth drop I thought "THIS is gonna be easier than I thought." "Hell yeah. Can I marry him NOW?" is what Adam said. "Well, let's get you a first date, hon, ok?" He laughed. He knew that's how it worked. "Tell you what. Let me call him now. If he's home, we'll go to face time and see." I got Pete on the phone. "Hey, Pete? It's Seth." He said something foul to me, I remember, and I laughed. "So, if you feel that way, I'll get off the phone. I just wanted you to see the picture of someone who's interested in meeting you, but if it's not to be..." Well, it had been a while between relationships for Pete, so his tone changed. I got Adam on zoom with him, and they chatted just a bit. I remember how, almost immediately, Adam dropped into submissive language, using "Sir" and "you'd know best, " and that kind of thing right away. And then, they had a date: drinks two days away. Outdoor cafe', about half a mile from my place. When the facetime was over, I smiled. "Now how do you like that? First time, and boom. A date." Adam smiled shyly. "Now I'm scared." I patted his leg. "of what hon? For heaven's sakes, you've dealt with rougher guys than Pete. And let me tell you, however rough and tough he is in the sheets, in person, he's a gentleman." "No. I'm afraid I'll screw it up. I won't dress right, or I won't act right. " Adrienne was at her desk. She looked up. "Can I make a suggestion gentlemen? Seth, why don't you make it a date for three? You can go as the friend to make sure things work." "Oh, do you think Pete would be ok with that Seth? And would you do that for me?" Adam flashed his smile. I was ready to do it anyway. A chance to have a glass of wine, perhaps seal a deal, and get to sit next to this hunka hunka for a few hours? Yeah, I'd do it for him. "Let me just make sure Pete is ok with it, and then we're on." Well, it wasn't IDEAL for Pete, and he made a joke about Seth needing his mommy around, but he was good with it." "Ok, so, why don't we do this? How's about you come by here, about half an hour before we're meeting Pete, I'll check out how you look, and then, we'll be off." Again, the smile. "Thank you Madam Seth." I looked at him. "Adam , hon, you can call me a lot of things. But my Madam days are over. Don't use that, and don't use Momma, or Mother, or any maternal nickname, and we'll be fine." "Yes sir" He smiled again. GOD I liked this man!

I liked him more when he came back two days later, right on time. He didn't shave that day, so he had just a bit of a beard, which made him look even hotter. He had put on a black t shirt, a pair of 501s that clearly weren't tailored to his body, but could have been if you know what I mean, and a pair of boots . And it was clear that he hadn't bought the boots for his date. Uh uh. These were work boots he had worked in (I found out later that his hobbies included auto repair and rehabilitation, and rodeo. And I got to see him in full wrangler mode, but that's for later). "So, how do I look? Am I date bait?" If I told you how many clients make the wrong first impression... Adam didn't. As Adrienne put it later " I wanted to get a cup to catch your drool." "Adam, perfect. If I can suggest, though, maybe a few accessories from my collection? See, that black t shirt is very hot, but a Dom might think it a bit much for a sub to wear black. So let's soften it a little: make it "subworthy" with a few touches. " We went down stairs to where I kept my own "play rooom." "WOW. " He said as he admired my restraints, my toys, my tickling tools, everything. "I had no idea." "I try not to mix business and pleasure, Adam. So far, it seems to be working. I'm very busy, and I think the metal is beginning to rust." He laughed. "Well, that's clearly your choice Seth. You're a very attractive man." I know what you're thinking. RIGHT?????

So, I went to my jewelry box and I took out a slave necklace. Just a simple metal chain, with a lock at the end of it. "It says 'lock me up, Sir.' Try it tonight. Also... Hmmm. I went over to my closet, and I pulled out a leather vest. Very simple. It fit him perfectly. "Take a look in the mirror Adam. What do you think?" He did. "I love the look. If this necklace doesn't get back to you, you know where it went." I smiled and opened the box where I had five others." "DAMN " he joked. "I thought I could talk you into a strip search."


So we went off to the date. I know the Japanese have a term for this. I think it's called "miai" It's very old fashioned: a combination of "Look" and "love" The miai was always chaperoned, usually by the parents' of the two intended. So I guess I WAS Mama Seth that evening. And Mama thought "well, no strip searches, no more compliments," because the minute Pete held out his hand, and shook Adam's I thought Adam had melted like a Hershey bar on a NY street. It was Pete's hands. "You do manual labor Sir." "Yeah, I do. Love it. Love the feel of stone, or steel in my hand. Almost as much as a fim ass" Ok, I didn't say Pete was subtle. So we ordered drinks. Beer for Pete and Adam (bonus points for Adam saying "I'll drink whatever Sir is drinking), and white wine for me. Hell, I wasn't going on a date (at least I hadn't planned on it). So I sat back and let the boys talk. It was, as I say, an outdoor cafe', and it was NY summer. It was warm, and if the boys had been able to, they both would have pulled off their t shirts (bottle gray for Pete: sort of like what sanitation men wear. Bonus points for Pete: he had listened carefully to Adam). At one point, he clapped his hand on the back of Adam's neck. If I hadn't already written that Adam had melted like a Hershey bar, I would write it now. How about "like one of those wax soda bottles the kids used to buy for a penny?" (Or at least I did. ). This seemed to be working. I could see Pete move to curl his left leg around Adam's right ankle.

And then the mouse ran out from some trash cans nearby, across Pete's right foot.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK" . A scream came out of Pet's mouth that might have gotten him a job at the opera. He jumped up. His voice was at least two octaves higher as he yelled. 'GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK"

In my various jobs, I've had to deal with vermin of various types. Most of them were far more problematic than mice. I can't say I'm ready to get a pet mouse, but... In any event, Adam was the gentleman. "Oh, he's just looking for something to eat. 'DON'T FEED HIM. GET RID OF HIM!!!!!!" I didn't know anyone could keep up that high a voice for that long. Anyhow, Steve took a glass that was on the table, put it over Mr. Topo Gigio (if you don't know the reference, look him up. Your great great grandparents and I used to watch this show called Ed Sullivan. We saw Mr. Gigio every week), slipped a cardboard menu underneath the glass, excused himself and was back right away. "I'm sorry gentlemen. This has been a bit much for me. I'm afraid I need to go home and process this." That's right. Our big hairy Dom had to "process" being assaulted by the mouse. I put on a brave face, as I saw 20,000 disappear down a mouse hole, but wished Pete a good evening, and told him to call me when he was ok - or did he want me to call him? "Please Seth. If you could look in on me tomorrow morning? " He turned to Adam. "Apologies bud. hasta la vista." Adam tried to shake his hand and he held out the hand that had taken the offending mouse away. Pete looked at it as if it were diseased, and was on his way. After he turned the corner. I turned to Adam. "I'm really sorry about that. I had no..." I didn't finish. I saw Adam's face and he was desperately trying not to laugh. So I started laughing. And the two of us just cackled like hens. He, he, he... HE HAD TO PROCESS IT." I was howling. "OH MY GOD. And I was gonna hook you up with him." I put my hand down on Adam's. He looked at me and started again. "Are you sure? I mean, I know that it doesn't bother you that I jerk with this hand, but..... I TOUCHED A MOUSE AND IT WASN'T PART OF A COMPUTER.!!!!" Our waiter, who had seen everything, and saw an opportunity came over. Pretty thing. Blond. Blue eyed. Perfect candidate for some of my clients. Not this one. "Is there anything I can offer you for tonight?", as Ssshawn (that's what it said on the tab) asked us. He didn't take his eyes off of Adam's crotch when he said it. Adam noticed. "Thanks. I think we'll just take the check. My boyfriend and I are going home." Well, blond haired blue eyed Ssshawn became Eric the Red when he heard that. I smiled. "Bring me the check please. This is my treat. " I could SWEAR I heard Ssshawn whisper 'and he IS a treat' under his breath." The battle of the cards followed, but I won that one. I did hurry after Ssshawn and dropped a 20 in his apron pocket. "Listen love, I do have to apologize. We almost broke your table. But please. Get yourself a drink or something. And I took the liberty of leaving my business card. Give me a call if you ever want to consider giving up waiting tables." (He did call. Three months later. I had him change his name. Now, I'm looking for a Dom for patrick. So, if you have a thing for thin blonds with blue eyes, about 35, very long arms, tiny ass and big feet, call me). As we got up, I apologized to Adam again. "You can keep the necklace for next time. I'll do a more careful screening if you'll let me look for a new date for you."

"Tell you what Sir Seth," he said. "Remember I mentioned a strip search?" "Indeed I do." "Well, why don't we go ahead with that. Why don't you dust off that dungeon, and find out more about this sub? After all, you may learn something about me that makes me more, uh 'marketable."

And if you want to learn about that, gentle reader, you will have to wait for the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 3

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