Bdsm Matchmaker Got Matched

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 23, 2020


Well, ok, I told you just about all I'm gonna tell you about the first date I had with Steve (Gentle Readers, at the risk of confusing one and all, when I write about he and I together, I will call him Steve. When I speak about my attempts to match him up, I will use Adam. Sorry, but... that's how it was). As soon as I sent him on his way, I had regrets. And I spent about an hour twisting and turning in bed, wondering what I "should" have done, before I fell asleep, smiling, thinking about what a good time I had had that night. Adrienne is an early bird, so she was at her desk that morning, when I did make my way downstairs. "And good morning to you sunshine," she said, not looking up from her computer.. "Do you want to explain that?" She pointed to a large bouquet of flowers: a mix of blue and dark purple (it's hard to find black flowers). Tulips, dyed roses, you name it, it was in the bouquet. There was a note: "I didn't know what your favorite was, so I sent some of all. Thank you for a wonderful night. Hope it's not the last one. Adam."

Since I knew that Adrienne had read the note, I blushed even more rosy than I normally would have. She faked the voice of Ricky Ricardo (look him up young folks): "OH LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCY. You got some 'splainin to do." One of the reasons I hired Adrienne, is because she can smell a lie at 90 paces. Seriously, I cannot tell you how many times I've interviewed a candidate, they've left, and Adrienne has sucked her teeth and said "I think you better check.....," or "There is no way that man is 45." And she's always right. So, there was no way I could keep what had happened from her. When I finished she looked at me, over her glasses. "AND YOU LET HIM GO HOME? " I babbled some kind of answer, but she wasn't having it. "Seth, let's be real. You haven't had any real nookie in well over a year, and when you had it a year ago, it was a one night stand. No, no no. This has got to end. The goddess (don't ask) dropped a hot cop in your lap, who's a bottom, and a sub, and YOU LET HIM GO HOME? GEEZ. He should be chained to your bed right now." I tried to reason with her about client issues, etc. She was having none of it. "You have enough money. Hell , if it doesn't work out between the two of you, send him to another matchmaker. " "If he comes back, Adrienne. " She laughed. "You did read that card, didn't you? He's coming back. Unless you send him away again. And honey, if I have to paint on a mustache and wear a falsie, I'll take him myself (keep in mind that Adrienne is very happily married to a very high powered partner at an investment bank. And he's handsome. ). "Ok, ok. I got ya. But can we get to work?"

There were three appointments on the calendar that day: all Doms who were looking for particular types. I had already dictated a letter to the guy who wanted a pair of red haired twins, preferably under the age of 25. I can do amazing things, I don't deal in miracles (although there WAS that time with the twin red heads who were Marine recruits. You wanna hear about that story? Let me know and if you do , I'll tell it when this one is finished). So, I began doing the research in our "candidates" book with Adrienne, when the phone rang. Adrienne answered it. "It's Pete. The guy you went on the date with." I sighed. Pete is a good guy. He'll make someone an excellent Dom. This one though, was just not gonna work. "Morning Pete. How's it going?" "Oh, much better Seth, thank you. I had nightmares about that critter all night long, but... hey, I wonder if getting a second date with Adam is in the cards?" I had actually had time to prepare for that question So, I took a big sigh, and began. "Pete, it's Adam's loss, and my loss. He's seeing three other matchmakers, and he told me after the date that he was actually going to go with one of the other guys he met: some Asian businessman who has a black belt, and a 10 inch cock. At least that's what he told me." "DAMN. I shoulda paid for the drinks. I understand Seth. But listen, if he changes his mind, keep ME in mind. And let me know if anyone else crosses your desk who I may like." "I will Pete, darling. You have a good day." I put down the phone. Adrienne had already read my notes about that date, so when she saw me purse my lips to try not to laugh, she started laughing, then I did. I was out of breath when I told her how he had to "process" the mouse, and that just started her howling again.

As we were laughing, the phone rang again. I saw Adrienne smile. "Hi Adam. So nice to hear from you. Yes, the flowers arrived. How thoughtful. And yes, Seth is here." She said that even as I was furiously shaking my head NO. "Hold on one minute, I'll put him on the phone." I whispered "BITCH " to her and she answered with another whisper "CUNT." I put on my phone voice. "STEVE. So nice to hear from you, after those flowers. They are wonderful." "Aw, hey, do you really like them? I couldn't decide on one kind. Do you have a favorite?" "I do, honey, but you'll have to guess that one." He snickered. "And I guess you'll have to force me to tell you mine." OOOH. That sounded good, but I moved ahead. "Well, Steve, the good news is that I think I have persuaded Pete that the two of you are not right for each other. I told him you were working with another matchmaker and decided to go with someone you met that way. How about, oh, I don't know, you're probably working today." "I am. Until 4." "Well, I have a full plate of meetings, but I'll be done at 4. How about you come over and we'll look at some more possible dates?" There was a pause on his end. "Ok , on one condition: you agree to have dinner with me after we meet." "Dinner? " I looked up, and Adrienne was giving me her "DUH" face. "Oh, that sounds lovely. Sure. I don't have any plans tonight. Adrienne muttered "why is this night so like every other night?," and I glared at her. "I'll see you then." "Oh, before I forget, I'll be riding my motorcycle, so wear something that lets you straddle the seat."


I got off the phone and looked at Adrienne. "He's coming after 4. On his motorcycle. "FUCK" she yelled. 'FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. If you don't think I'm gonna be taking snapshots as you head off, 'uneasy rider' you don't know me very well." "He told me to make sure I was wearing something that let me straddle the seat." "DOUBLE FUCK. TRIPLE FUCK . FUCK CUBED. FUCK TO THE NTH POWER. Seth, if you let this one get away...." As they say with some games "Now it began to get interesting."

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If you thought Steve was on my mind all that day, you'd be right. Still, the work had to be done. My first client, a nicely built gentleman who was married to a woman, looking for "action on the side." Now, as it happens, I DO have a small group of married men who are also looking for action on the side. As he described his ideal man "30s, dark, I find a dad bod really really hot," I immediately thought of one of my newest candidates, Nick. Nice head of hair, moustache, hairy. I sent my client his photo. He paused. "Done deal." I called Nick and after a little bit of time wangling, had them on a Saturday afternoon date, going golfing (I will alienate many of you, but I agree with Rosie O'Donnell statement that golf is not a sport, just two men in ugly pants walking. To each his own, I guess). Nick called back about 5 minutes later, asking what he should wear. I turned that one over to Adrienne. She bought her husband all his clothes, and he was a golfer. Smooth as silk, that woman.

Next client was a man of color: Rich. Another one who was on the "down low." Two in sequence: that almost never happens. Rich, however, was gay. He had a job that made it difficult to be "out," or so he said. I have to tell you: Rich was one handsome man. His problem? Too gifted. He had 10.5 inches, and it was thick. Finding a true "dick pig," was not that easy, especially since he preferred younger guys. In this case, I decided that it would be best to send him on a group date, with three of my resident twinks. Cute guys, but annoying. I could count on at least one of them calling me every day, asking "did you find someone for me?" Before I set up the date, I told Rich that we would have a game: one of the boys liked being gagged: could he figure out which one? If he did, I'd refund 20% of his fee.

Last client was one of my favorite people in the world. Roscoe. Very wealthy, very old, very lonely. He was looking for someone who wouldn't mind a man who could only "get it up" maybe once a week, and only with help. Roscoe wasn't really a Dom looking for a "forever sub" as I called them sometimes, but just some company. Roscoe and I went back a long, long time: he had been a custodian when I went to school, and in one of those "It really happened " moments, a wealthy alumnus whom Roscoe had befriended when he was lonely, donated his entire estate to the man. It was somewhere in the vicinity of 4 million dollars. It made all the papers and, to be honest, it couldn't have happened to a nicer man. But at 76, Roscoe needed some help. I called a young man named Joey. Southern Italian/American, sweet as can be, Joey had always favored older men. "Could you do me a favor dear? While we're looking for your one and only, could you maybe spend some time with a man who won't ask too much from you?" I have to say: when they met, and I saw Joey's smile, I crossed my fingers. And eventually, it worked. But again, that's another story.

Ok, I've kept you all waiting long enough. Now, it was just about 3:45, and I heard a motorcycle revving - or was that my heart? No, it was the bike. Steve pulled up on a black motorcycle. In his helmet, there wasn't much to see. Once he took it off, I found myself thinking "is there a slight resemblance to Robert Conrad?" He was smiling shyly as he came into the waiting area. I came out of my office to see this HUNK standing there. Black leather jacket. Blue denim shirt, snap pockets. Those black jeans, those boots. I heard Adrienne whispering "Momma's in trouble/momma's in trouble."

"Adam. It's so good to see you again." I held out my hand to shake it in front of Adrienne. "Why don't we go to my office? I have another candidate I'd like you to consider." "Do you want me to close the door, Seth?" Adrienne asked coyly. "I wouldn't want to hear what I'm not supposed to." WHY do I keep her on staff?

She didn't have to close the door. Steve did. "So. Is a handshake all I get?" I laughed and went over, and kissed him. I could feel his lips open, but no, not when I'm working. NO NO NO." He sucked my tongue in. DAMN." I put all my will power behind it, and pulled myself together. "ADAM. You are still a client. Now, let's take a look here. I want you to see if you like Tom." Tom was one of the few sexy accountants I had ever met. Disarmingly cute, with a mischievous streak. Just about Steve's height, bit smile, thinning hairline: looked like an ordinary Joe." I saw Adam flip through the pictures. "He's a catch Adam. He really is. " "Not interested." He said to me. And he locked his eyes on me. Ok, I knew what was going on. "Steve. you're flirting with me aren't you?" "Yes. Is it working?" I laughed "Yes. It is." "Then you'll go to dinner with me?" "Oh of course." Then I saw him blush. "I hope this isn't too forward. I brought an overnight bag. Was it?" I had to think that through for a minute. Then I thought about how much fun I had had the first night. "Of course not."

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There was a bit more kissing in my office, and then we walked out toward the motorcycle. Adrienne was packing herself up to go home. "Adrienne, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Adam went over and took her hand. "So good to see you again. I hope your husband knows how lucky he is." "Hold on darling. Let me get a photo." She took a snapshot. "Now, I'll show him this, tell him I could have gone out to dinner with you two, but I decided to come home to him. He'll know." She smiled at me. "Enjoy your dinner. Have something sinful for dessert."

I hate her. And I love her.

So, Steve left his bag in the house, and I took the seat where the bag was. He gave me a helmet to wear, and told me to put my arms around his middle. No problem there. And away we went. You know all those movies about how the guy sitting behind on the motorcycle gets aroused on the ride? Believe them NOT. I was so scared that, as my mother would have said " I didn't know whether to shit or go blind." My legs were a bit rocky when we got to the restaurant. "I don't go out too often, so I hope burgers and that kind of thing is ok for you." All I could think of was the beef I'd be feasting on later, so I really didn't care what we were eating . To say Steve was a charming dinner companion would be an understatement. He told me about his two sisters and his brother, about why he decided to be a cop, and how he had gotten interested in rodeo. At one point I asked the obvious question: "have you ever wanted to be the steer that gets roped?" He paused, and reddened. "Yup. Every day."


I stretched out one of my legs, and I put it on his shin. "So, steve. What kind of scenario did you have in mind tonight? What would make you happy?" He smiled. "Well, I'm happy now. I was hoping that whatever we did would end with you inside of me, Seth, but beyond that...anything where I get my nips played with, and I get tied up." "Hmmmm. I have an idea... " I explained the roleplay to him. My house had been burgled by the same guy, three or four times. A guy who rode a motorcycle and always slipped in with a fake key. This time, though, I was ready for him. Hiding in the house with the lights off. I was going to take him, and make him pay."

Steve slipped over, took my hand, and put it on his crotch. He liked the idea.

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When they got back to Seth's neighborhood, Seth got off the motorcycle first, so he could get in the house, and position himself for the roleplay to come. He worried a bit about Steve stumbling over things that Seth just took for granted in the house, but that would only make it more interesting, he thought. And, he had a surprise for Steve, too. He hoped he wouldn't freak out.

They had agreed to give Seth a ten minute head start, and so, at 9 minutes, Seth positioned himself so that he would be behind the door when it opened. The neighborhood was quiet at that time of night, so there wouldn't be any neighbor problem. Steve came to the door, and slowly opened it, just like a burglar would. He closed the door. That's when Seth pounced. He got Steve in a choke hold and when Steve tried to yell "HEY. WHAT THE FUCK?" He moved his hand up over Steve's mouth. Steve was a strong guy, but Seth was stronger . He clawed at Seth's hold, but it wasn't moving. "Big surprise, huh guy? I got a whole lot more for you." "MMMPH . MMMPH... Steve tried to say something but Seth had him gagged real tight. Then, the surprise. Seth began applying a sleeper hold. Now, Steve was NOT prepared for this, and as he felt it, he knew what was going to happen. He struggled harder, which just worked to Seth's advantage. In no time, he was out. Rather than go to the basement right away, Seth moved Steve to a chair. He didn't even take off his leather jacket, but just roped his wrists behind him, tying them tight. He took Steve's wallet out of his pocket. Steve was still unconscious from the hold, so Seth gagged him. Then, as Steve began to stir , he pulled up a chair opposite him.

"MMMMPH. MMMMPH.. MMMPH. " Steve struggled at the ropes. The sleeper hold HAD surprised him, and while he knew that ropes were in his future, he didn't know about Seth's plan to gag him. Now he was sitting there, helpless, as Seth smiled. "So.... steve. Yeah, I got this. Now I know who you are, where you live, and a whole lot more..' "MMPH! MMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHHS!" "Go ahead. Keep struggling. It won't do you any good. And..." Seth stood up and undid his zipper. "It'll only make me more excited." Steve struggled a little more, then calmed down. "No screaming, and I take out the gag. One sound, and first of all." Seth slid his hand over Steve's bulging crotch. "You get a beating, AND the gag. Understand?" Steve shook his head. When Seth took out the gag, he pleaded. "Please. Let me go. I didn't take anything. I won't come back. " Seth laughed. "You can do what I tell you to do, or I can call the police. Up to you. If the cops take you, well, who knows what? Me? I'm gonna keep you at least a night. More than that, we'll see." Steve sighed. "Ok. Ok. What do you want?" "To FUCK you steve. To treat you like a woman." Steve began to struggle again. "HELL NO. NOT MY SCENE. YOU CAN SUCK MY COCK, BUT STAY AWAY FROM MY ASS." Seth just laughed. "Oh, trust me, steve. By the time I'm ready , you'll be begging me to take your ass. "I don't think so. No one's ever had that ass before." As soon as steve said that, and he saw the look on Seth's face, he knew he had made a mistake. "Oh, is that right? Then it's gonna be nice and tight. Virgin cherry. I love it." "Please, no, don't.. I'm not gay. I don't do that." "Even better. Straight cherry ass." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE. " Seth acted like he didn't hear him. "I'm gonna change that NO to a yes. Starting now.." He stepped behind Steve, and slid his hands inside his shirt. The snap buttons on the denim fabric popped open, and steve's chest was exposed immediately. He felt Seth's fingers circle his nipples and then close on them. He began to squirm. His breathing got faster, and his cock got harder. "FUCK. Why are you doing that?" "The same reason I'm doing this..." Seth covered one of steve's ears with his mouth and began licking, then chewing. He whispered. "you like that str8 boi? You like that ? You like that you're gonna be my bitch?" "OH SHIT. OH GOD... " Seth tightened the grip on steve's nipples. He moved his chin down to steve's neck and began rubbing. He chuckled. "Never had that happen to you before did you?" "OH GOD NO. GOD... I... I never felt anything like that.. " "How about this?" Seth moved around front, and began nibbling Steve's nips, one at a time, while he squeezed the other one. "OH GOD. SHIT. .." Steve moaned, and his face contorted. Then he said "More. Please Sir. More." Seth knew that he was stepping out of the fantasy. He just wanted to be used. He put a finger under steve's chin and lifted up his face. "Kiss me like you did this afternoon, handsome." "Yes sir. For as long as you want." They locked lips, with steve still bound in the chair. He wanted to embrace Seth, but the ropes were tight. While they kissed, Seth continued the nip work. When he broke the kiss, he immediately moved his scruff to steve's nips. He looked up. "You want it, stud? You want cock?" "Yes sir. Please. Please. Take me to your bed. FUCK ME. Fuck this hot cop ass. FUCK IT. " Seth grinned. He pulled steve out of the chair. The dungeon was downstairs, but for tonight... the bedroom. Upstairs. He walked steve, bound , up the stairs. "Forewarned is forearmed. No one's been in that bed but me, for over a year. " "I think it's like riding a bicycle Sir. Treat me like one. Please.." He untied steve and signalled for him to get undressed. Steve noticed there weren't any restraints on the bed, and looked disappointed. "Don't worry, handsome, don't worry. . Best restraints I got... are these.." Seth held out his hands. When steve was naked, he had him lie on the bed, and he pinned him down, while he scruffed his neck, nibbled his ear, and kissed him some more. Steve was in heaven, shoving his crotch up toward Seth's cock. Seth smiled. "Think you can get up if I let go of your wrists?" "No problem. " Steve began to buck , and Seth squeezed his nips even harder "HOLY... HOLY FUCK... " he fell back down on the bed, flat. "I can't get up if you do that." "That's right," Seth laughed. "So you're gonna stay right there, or I'm gonna do it even harder." When steve had undressed, , Seth discovered that steve hadn't work underwear. ' "I figured you were gonna gag me, but not with MY shorts." Another evil look from Seth. "I wore them today.." He heard steve gulp. Seth slid out of his own clothes. He took off a jock, and balled it up. "I actually wasn't planning to do this, but.. wothehell." He shoved the jock in steve's mouth. "Thank you Adrienne," he thought, as he saw that there was a new jar of lube, and new condoms. He had no idea how old the set that had sat on his bed table were, but... new was better here. When he lifted steve's legs, he saw his ass was hairy. "FUCK. You're even more of a dream than before.." Seth smiled, and ran his finger up and down steve's ass crack, and saw his face dissolve in even more pleasure, as a moan, something like a purring wolf, came out of him. "Bucking bronco, you're about to get ridden.." Seth slid his sheathed condom into Steve and found out that steve was right. It WAS like riding a bicycle (even though Seth didn't ride a bike. ). GOD YES. Take me you handsome fucker. TAKE MY COP ASS." Seth proceeded to do so. He moved slowly, going back and forth and then speeding things up. "PINCH MY TITS FUCKER. PINCH MY TITS." Steve yelled and then turned white. "OOPS. Sorry Sir. " He had managed to get the ball gag out of his mouth, and the words slipped out. Seth looked at him. 'FUCK BITCHES DON'T ASK FOR THINGS. BUT YOU'LL GET THAT. AND A SPANKING. " Steve smiled. "Yes sir, " as Seth took his nips and squeezed them. "Sir. I can't hold off anymore. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum before you. OH SHIT .I'm in TROUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLE" Steve shot a huge load in the air. It caught Seth in the face and he laughed. He was at the edge and shot, He pulled out and whipped off the condom. "Turn about is fair play bitch", and he shot his last load on Steve's face. When he did that, steve started laughing. "Get down here top man. " He reached for Seth and pulled him in. He kissed him and in a low voice "that was the HOTTEST sex I've had in a long time. Why've you been depriving bottoms of your technique." Seth smiled. "You're a true romantic steve . Flowers, and compliments on technique. I think I was 14 when I last got that. " "You're gonna get a lot more compliments when I'm around." He stopped and looked at Seth. "Ooops. I stepped into it again, didn't I?" Seth looked at him directly. "You're gonna be around a lot, hot bottom. Maybe I WILL put restraints on the bed, and maybe I won't let you up."


Gentle reader, you may think that "that's all folks." Ah, the path of true love is never easy, and the path of true lust is even harder. In many ways. More to come. Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 5

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