Beach Bum

Published on Apr 17, 2022


Beach Bum 6

Chapter 6

A week and a half after the boys were released from the hospital, I noticed that their stitches both looked to be ready to come out, so I called my doctors office and explained things and made an appointment to come in. We were told to come right down, so we headed out right away, and only a few minutes after arriving, the boys were having their stitches removed. The doctor did ask several questions, since he is taking the boys as new patients, and he even did a quick exam of Ashton and I, since we are there as well, said he may as well get us all taken care of. He never asked why the boys wear diapers, though he knows about me, so he probably assumed it was the reason I adopted them as well.

Since it is almost lunch time by the time we finish our doctors appointment, we decide to go ahead and get some lunch out, so hit a nice diner and had a good lunch.

Another month and a bit has managed to go by for us, and we are all doing amazingly well. I have answered a few questions via both phone and email(mostly email though), thus making a few bucks here and there, and by the way the guys at the Canadian Space Agency are sounding, I may soon have to go on another trip and go see them. Sometimes I do that, because there are simply some things you have to do in person, with the people who are working on it right there with you.

All three boys and I have healed even more, the twins physically so, in fact they claim to be in far better physical shape than they ever have been before, and their gunshot wounds are now nothing more than just minor scars and cause them absolutely no concern whatsoever.

We are always going out and doing something as a family as often as we can, but at least once a week or so, otherwise we always just kind of stay in and work and play at home. I have signed the twins up for home schooling and they are doing that now every day for a few hours, and all of us feel that they will likely be completed school by the time they are fourteen as well, since they are already working on the grade six and seven work without problem.

It is Sunday afternoon, and the boys and I were out shopping and playing, we had a good time, but we are now getting tired.

Just as we got home, I happened to notice the light on the phone blinking, saying that I had a voice mail, who knows when that came in, I rarely even look at the phone, and I honestly have no idea why I even have it, I use it maybe once or twice a year, but then, I use my cell phone only ever so slightly more.

I grabbed the phone and hit the buttons, then listened to the message. The boys standing there curiously to see what is happening.

“Well boys, wanna go to Quebec?” I asked.

“Why?” They all asked.

“The head of the Canadian Space Agency's math department would like me to come in and go over some things. He emailed me a while ago with another equation they needed help with, as well we've emailed back and forth a few times since, I told them they were wrong, but that I did know the right answer, so it seems he found the funding to pay me, so I need to go and go over it with them. I'll call him back and get permission for you three to come with me as well, and you'll get to see what regular people never get to see. Would you like that?”

“Hell yeah.” All three said as one.

“Thought so.”

I went to the office and made the call, explained what I wanted and that it was non negotiable, and was granted my request almost instantly. He even told me he would be happy to arrange a tour of the facilities for all of us. I told him that we would be out as soon as we could make it. As soon as I hung up, I called up the airline that I usually use when I go there and booked the four tickets I need, they are for tomorrow, then I called the same hotel I stayed in a few times now and booked a room with two king size beds for tomorrow night and for three days.

I went and told the boys the good news, and they are ecstatic. We decided to go ahead and pack right away, so I told Billy and Bobby to pack enough diapers for a full week, but only enough clothes for three days, because we could wash them if needed. I also warned them to not bring their toys or anything, and they agreed. Ashton and I went to our bedroom and did the same, though I did have to find a suitcase for the boys first. I only have two, so I realized that we may not have enough, so we packed our stuff into them, then went and found that the boys had just stacked their stuff on the bed for now. Bobby was about to tell me the issue, when I told him we needed to go shopping for luggage.

Since we had undressed on the way into the house, as we usually do, we all got dressed quickly, just into the same clothes, and headed right out. We bought the boys a good couple pieces of luggage, and then we grabbed a few things for the trip that might come in handy, and were back home in under an hour. We stripped right back down to just our diapers as soon as we entered the house, and the boys went and packed their things right away.

“So, you boys excited about flying?” I asked as soon as Billy and Bobby joined Ashton and I in the living room.

“Not too sure, never flown anywhere, it might be okay, but I'm a little nervous too. Mind you, I'm so excited to be going to the space centre it's not even funny.” Bobby said.

“Same here.” Ashton said, for he and Bobby are the same there, whereas Billy and I are the same in math.

“Yeah, well I'm really excited to go too.” Billy added.

“Yeah, I do love going there too, they've got some pretty cool things, that's for sure.” I smiled.

“So, what time do we leave in the morning then?” Ashton asked, because I had never told the boys.

“Our flight leaves right from the local airport at nine am and we'll arrive there at roughly eleven am.”

“Oh, it's only a two hour flight?” Billy asked in shock.

“Maybe if we were flying in a concord, but no, it's closer to five hours. You're forgetting Quebec is three hours behind us. So, currently, the only way we can go back in time.” I laughed, but so did the boys.

“Oh, I get it, that's funny though.” Billy snorted cutely.

“Glad you think so. Most people find me not at all funny.”

“Yeah, well we all think you're the greatest.” Bobby smiled warmly.

“Yes, well, the feeling's mutual. So, since we seem to have a couple hours to kill before dinner time, you boys wanna go play in the games room?”

“Okay.” They all said, and so we headed downstairs to play.

After dinner we played for a while longer, until bedtime, and when bedtime arrived, we all headed to our bedrooms for the night. I told Ashton that I needed to be well and truly drained, so that we could last the next few days, and he took that as a personal challenge.

Let me put it to you this way, we made love to each other so many times, and Ashton made me cum so many times, I lost count and passed out. He must have managed to get my diaper changed though, because when I woke up, I am thickly diapered, very soggy, but not leaking, thankfully.

I look over to see that Ashton is also awake and is grinning brightly at me.

“Good god Baby boy, what'd you do to me last night?” I asked, and even I thought I sounded rough.

“Oh, nothing much, just made you cum nine times and made you pass out. My god, the sound you made as you came your final time, just as you passed out, it was so hot, it made me cum too. I came ten times though, I barely stayed awake enough to change our diapers, and I only just woke up as well.” He giggled.

“Wow. No wonder I'm so wiped.”

“Same, but we should be good for at least a couple days at any rate.”

“No shit.”

“Yeah, but we probably should get up and get ready to go. We need breakfast and we still haveta get our things in the car.”

“Yeah, problem is, though, I don't seem to be able to move.”

“I'll get outta bed first and grab our diapers so that we can get changed.”

“Okay, but grab our thicker diapers, we'll just haveta wear bulkier clothes to hide it, because otherwise we might not last the whole flight.”

“Right, good idea.”

Ashton hopped out of bed and went and grabbed our diapers, and by the time he made it back with all the diaper change supplies, I had managed to turn myself to diaper change position. He changed me first, then I managed to stumble out of bed and change him. We then dressed each other, making sure that what we are wearing will cover our diaper bulges, and we are both satisfied that no one would likely notice.

We headed to the boys' bedroom next to wake them up if they are not already. When I knocked, one of them said to enter, so we did, and found that they are just laying there cuddling each other.

“Morning Babies, time to get up and get ready for the day. Come on out when you're ready, but make sure and wear your thicker diapers and looser fitting clothes to conceal that fact.”

“Good morning.” They both said.

“Okay, we'll be right out.” Bobby said.

Ashton and I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for us all, and by the time the boys made it out, we were nearly done. We both checked them out and even though we can tell that they are diapered, most people would not notice it at all.

We sat down to eat a few minutes later, the boys excitedly talking about our up and coming trip. Then Bobby asked something silly.

“Um, don't they speak french in Quebec?”

“Yeah.” I answered.

“Um, do any of us?”

“I do.” Both Ashton and I said as one.

“Though I don't speak it very well, I've only just learned what they teach us in school, but I've always gotten A's, so I'm decent at it, but not perfect yet.”

“I'm nearly fluent.” I said. “Though, while in the space centre, you'll probably find everyone there's bilingual, so they know English as well.”

“Okay, but what about elsewhere?”

“Don't worry, you'll always be with us anyway, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.”

“Oh, okay.”

We finished eating a few minutes later, and then we cleaned up, went and grabbed our luggage, and then went and got loaded up in the car. The luggage just barely fit with all four of us in there as well, but it did, and before too long, we are off.

When we arrived to the airport, I could already see the aircraft that we are about to fly in. It is only a 727, but it is a nice plane, I have been on it before. It is just taxiing to the terminal after getting refueled, so we have about half an hour until boarding, so that is perfect. We parked and paid, then grabbed our luggage and headed inside. At the boarding gate I had to prove I am the boys' legal guardian, we got our tickets, then went and waited until they were ready for us to load.

When we were called, we headed inside and found our seats, they are neither huge nor extravagant, but they are reasonably comfortable, and we are directly across from each other, so two each in either side of the aisle. The 727 only has two rows of two seats, and I remember it having only sixty six seats in it, so not huge, but like I said before, nice.

The flight attendants went through all the safety information, got us all stowed and buckled and generally ready to go, and then, before too long, we are heading down the runway. Before the boys know it, we are in the air.

Thankfully our flight was reasonably nice, a little choppiness here and there, but no real turbulence to speak of, the weather was nice and cooperative, the boys each took turns looking out the windows to see all that they could see, and we ordered food and drinks when the time came and played games and whatnot to kill the time.

Our landing was nice and smooth, and then we are walking off the plane and collecting our luggage. I pointed us to a taxi stand, hailed a taxi, and had her take us to the hotel we are staying in. When we arrived there, I got us all checked in, and we took our luggage upstairs. It is a nice hotel, but nothing too terribly spectacular, we are on the twelfth floor, and our room is large and nice, just not grand. We got our luggage all stowed, changed our very soggy diapers, because we would have likely started leaking soon had we not, and then headed out to find lunch.

Ashton had actually done very well while ordering his lunch, he apologized to our server, telling him that his French is not great, but he laughed and said his French is better than most of the locals. I am fluent, so he never would have noticed, other than my accent, and of course Billy and Bobby had to rely on me to order, even though I was certain that the server probably spoke English as well. Shortly after, though, we are eating a nice meal.

“So, where to next?” Ashton asked once we were fed and paid.

“Now back to the airport and the space centre. Remember me pointing it out to you as we left the airport. So, now back into a cab.”

“Cool.” All three boys said as one.

As soon as we arrived, I explained who I am, though the person at the counter did recognize me too, and he had already been told that I would have the boys with me, so we were all given our guest badges and told to come in. The head of the mathematics department was called, and he came and greeted us, then took us to the room he was working in. The lead scientist was also there and we talked for a few minutes. As we were talking, the boys were understandably curious and were looking all around, though they never left my side, and they certainly never touched anything.

“Feel free to look at anything you care to, but please do not touch any of the models or the experiments. There's nothing in here that's classified, though we do ask that you do not divulge anything that you see or hear here.” The scientist said to the boys in English.

“Thanks.” All three of them said as one.

Us adults continued to talk for a few minutes more, even I was shocked at how easy I was finding this now. I guess it really makes a difference being exceptionally happy. Finally the lead mathematician led me over to where he was working. I called Billy over as well.

“So, Billy, this is the equation that they're having troubles with. Why don't you look it over with me.”

“Wow, I've never seen a math problem with so many variables and functions before.” He said in awe.

“No, probably not, but you really like math, well this is a mildly challenging math problem.” I laughed.

“Mild, yeah right, maybe for someone like you, but even I can't figure this one out.” The mathematician said.

“I was being sarcastic, even this one's tough for me, but I do know your answer. Billy here's a budding mathematician though, so I want him to see and understand the sorts of things he could be expected to solve soon.”

“Oh, good.”

“I'm finding it hard to concentrate with you two talking.” Billy snapped.

We just chuckled and left him with it for a few moments, but then he must have got it, because he smiled.

“Here,” He said, pointing at the screen. “This is where your problem is, the equation stops making sense right here.”

“Perfect.” I said.

“What, I wrote this myself, there shouldn't be any errors.” The head said.

“Nope, Billy's right. That's where your calculations fail, hence the reason you can't seem to figure out what you want. You over thought that one. What do you think would make it work Billy?”

“Yeah, it's supposed to be a negative number, not a positive. You have a negative up here, but nothing to counteract it and bring it back to a positive.” He said.

“Exactly. Though there's more issues after it, because after that the entire equation goes off, just because that one error.”

“Yeah, I see that, but without knowing what it is we're trying to achieve, I don't understand how to fix the issue from here.” Billy said.

“No, you probably wouldn't, but even I don't know that. Between all of us though, we should be able to work it out from here. Good job Buddy.”

“Wow, I've never seen anything so complex before, but that was pretty easy to figure out.”

“Easy for you to say, most people would faint if you asked them to solve that.” I Laughed.

“No kidding, and I can't believe that I missed that one. I input it to the computer and had it run the information, but no matter what, it always failed spectacularly. No bloody wonder why. One bloody number is wrong and it can throw off months of work. No one else managed to catch it either. So, now, any clue how to fix it?”

“I have clues, and even Billy probably has an idea or two, but, like I said, without knowing the end result, I have no idea where we need to go.”

We talked it over, and even the head scientist came over, with Bobby and Ashton, because he had been showing them some really cool things, and he told us what they are trying to achieve. As he was talking, Ashton got a curious look, then a puzzled look, and I knew he was seeing a problem in what the scientist was saying. Apparently he saw that as well.

“Something wrong with what I'm saying Ashton, do you think I might be off on something?” He asked politely, because he had already seen how bright both Ashton and Bobby are in his field.

“Not really wrong, but I don't think totally right either. You keep talking about gravity as if it were a constant, but it isn't. For all intents and purposes, in every day life we can treat it as such, but not when we're dealing with such things like what we're working with here. Even just the tiniest fraction of a percent off on your calculations could throw your entire project off. The problem, though, is how do you compensate for such a variable.” He said, looking to me.

“Ah, you don't, at least not where we're concerned. In that regard, you're both wrong. In math we treat it like a fluid, ever changing, wildly varying, which is where this number comes into play. This one, right here, this has to change every time you run your calculations, you need to know the exact G-force you're dealing with. Once you know that number, then you should be able to make the entire thing work.”

“I thought we were working on a space issue, gravity is a planet issue, isn't it?” Billy asked.

“Nope,” Bobby said first. “Space is full of gravitation influence, every planet, every star, everything that moves exerts some force of gravity, and I think the key to knowing how to travel faster than the speed of light, is to be able to calculate how that gravity will affect you.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Ashton and the head scientist said at the same time.

“Oh.” Billy said.

All of us working together for the next few hours, managed to get a pretty good understanding of what it was that they were trying to achieve, and between all of us that are good in math, because there are several others in that department as well, we managed to make the equation work. We tested it, using the gravitational force of the sun, and the answer came up. Everyone cheered.

“There you go. Now you know that answer, which leads you one step closer to going faster than the speed of light.” I said.

“One more step in a million step dance, and we're only on step twenty or so, but you're right, this was a large puzzle that we needed to solve. I've been working at it for months, and you two fixed it in hours. You truly are amazing Corbin, and I truly wish that you'd come and work with us full time.”

“I know, and you know I have no desire to move here. I'll come and help when needed, and you really can't afford my rates on a permanent basis anyway.” I smiled.

“Ain't that the truth. As it is, your being here's costing me huge, but it was worth it, because you saved me probably months more work. If we added the four of you, with us all working hard on it, I bet we could manage to get into space and going two or even three times the speed of light in only a couple or a few years, ten tops.”

“No, I don't think we're anywhere near that close yet.” Ashton said.

“No, you're right. We have ideas on how to get us going fast enough, but no idea how to store the amount of energy that it'd take us to keep us going that fast. At present, there's just no conceivable way to fuel such a thing.”

“It's out there somewhere, we just have to find it.” Ashton said.

“I know, and we've been looking for that answer for decades, and until we do find it, I doubt there's anything we can do. It'd at least get us moving far faster within our fuel limits, so we could search far more, far faster, but still, I can't foresee us going more than just a few light days range on a round trip.”

“Yeah, but the closer we get, the better.”

“Well boys, it's dinner time, I'm starving, and I have no doubts that you are as well, so let's head out. Guys, we're in town for two more days, so if you need anything else, be sure and call, otherwise I'm gonna take the boys and sight see.”

“Thanks, and I don't think we'll need anything else, so enjoy your visit.”

Once the boys and I were in a restaurant and eating, I congratulated the boys on all their work today, how they had all helped a considerable amount as well. They all claimed that it was nothing, more fun than anything, but we all knew that what we had achieved today was not nothing, in fact we had done probably two years worth of work for them, all four of us together. We do work well together.

After dinner, we went and toured many of the sights that we could see, and finally at well after bedtime, we headed to our hotel, changed, and passed out.

We were not called back for any more help, so for the next two days, the four of us enjoyed touring the city. Quebec is incredibly old and very beautiful in many ways, far more so than home, however, it is also kind of dirty in areas, and as with all big cities, hides an ugly truth that no one wants to acknowledge. They do have many things for tourists though, and we enjoyed many of them.

“So, boys, how'd you enjoy your trip?” I asked as we were getting off the plane at home.

“It was really nice. With all of us together, it was easy to forget that I'm not good around people.” Ashton said.

“Same.” Billy and Bobby said at the same time.

“Good, and it was good for us as well. We really do need to get out more often and do stuff like that, and now, with you boys, I actually wanna do stuff like that. I never wanted to before.”

“Me neither.” All three said as one.

After that, for the next couple months, life actually started to become somewhat routine. Before we know it, it is winter time and almost Christmas. We are all doing so well together though. We love to just sit and talk together for a couple hours at a time, all of us going over our favorite topics, we just sit and cuddle and watch TV, we play games, and we swim a lot. We have also gotten out a huge amount and just mingled with other people. Just near the end of summer, we all headed out on the lake for the lunch cruise again, and we all had a blast. We had to talk to everyone around us, and the boys are doing so well. We are all doing well I should say.

Even I myself have started to find that being so happy, and frankly (forcing myself to do so for the goodness of the boys entrusted to me) just getting out there and talking to other people, all of us forcing ourselves to not bore those around us to tears, and of course nudging each other when we hear each other doing so, has started to make dealing with other people far easier.

I had to deal with that shit for far longer than the boys, and got myself into such a massive rut, that I have to admit that this has been far harder on me, yet I can tell that it is still just as hard for the boys as well. It is good for us though.

“So, Boys, Christmas is coming up soon, what should we do for that?” I asked, it is almost exactly a week before Christmas.

“What do you mean Baby?” Ashton asked.

“Well, we put up our tree and decorated the house, we've gone and got what few gifts we wanna get, I think we've done all the shopping that we need to do, but what else do you wanna do?”

“Oh, not a clue.” Ashton shrugged, and Billy and Bobby gave the same response.

“Fat lotta help you three are. I wonder if there's any Christmas plays going on, and we should check to see what all's happening for Christmas around here. I've never had the desire to go out at Christmas, but this year I do. So, let's go check it out.”

“Okay.” All three boys said as one.

We went to the office and I booted up the computer so that we could do some research. We found a local large greenhouse and store that does a massive Christmas display in their gardens and has lots of Christmas crafts and things for sale, we found two different Christmas villages that we can tour, and we found that the local players guild is hosting a Christmas play. We also found a map that shows all the best decorated houses, so I printed a copy of that for later as well. The play is for three nights only, and as luck would have it, tonight is the final night. It starts in four hours, so that will give us plenty of time to tour a few of the other attractions as well.

“Well, there we have it boys, let's get soggy bums changed, diaper bags packed, and then let's go do some Christmas touring.”


Next: Chapter 7

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