Beach Cruising

By dale

Published on Sep 25, 2007


It was almost too good to be true and I had to pinch myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming! I was at my usual spot on the secluded beach, and since it was a warm, but overcast, day, I seemed to be the only one here, So, I'd spread my blanket out, stripped naked, and was laying back, softly stroking my hard cock, thinking about some of the other encounters I'd had here. I had been laying here maybe a half hour, when a slight shadow moved over me. My eyes shot open, suprised, and saw a young guy standing by the big rock next to me. He was absolutely adorable, but I was worried that he was perhaps jailbait, since he looked so boyish, and I only dally with guys 21 & over. He was wearing a pair of the shortest and tightest red shorts I've seen in a long time and a white tank top. He smiled when he saw me looking.

"Um.. Hi... I hope I'm not intruding...would you be Dale?" he asked shyly, a hand now hovering over his crotch, which on second glance, seemed to be bulging nicely.

"I would be" I answered cautiously. "And who might you be?

"Um... I'm Dennis... and, well, um, I heard some of my friends talking about this beach, and it's been on my mind day & night since. And one of them mentioned a guy named Dale he'd met here, how much he'd enjoyed being with him, and how easy-going he was... and, well, I came here hoping you were here." he blurted out.

"Your age?" I asked, hopefully.

"21.. last week.. I know, I look younger, so you can check my driver's license if you want..." he said softly. Then he continued rapidly blurting out his life story.

And this is where I had to pinch myself. Turns out he was here for college; had harbored hidden gay/bi yearnings since his freshman year in high school; was one of those shy, academic-types with few friends; and, would, you believe, the only sex he'd ever experienced was with his own hands, locked in the bathroom or alone in bed!! A virgin!! I thought they were extinct! He'd tried dating a few girls, but nothing other than platonic relationships ever developed, and he secretly fantasized for years about being with another guy sexually. He'd even tried befriending one of the guys here on campus that he knew was gay, which is how he heard about me, and although the guy never did try to seduce him, he at least talked about things sexual with him. And so, here he was, standing in front of me on a deserted beach, telling me he was a virgin and very interested in changing that. My mind raced with the possibilities this presented. When he finally finished talking, I smiled up at him, sat up, and suggested he sit in front of me on the blanket. He almost dove onto the blanket, and once he was settled, I asked him numerous questions and answered almost as many. So far, except for the initial contact, he almost made a show of not looking at my naked crotch. We chatted for quite a while before, finally, I decided to go for the jack-pot.

"Well, Dennis" I started, "Would you like to go home with me and see what develops? I've got the whole week-end free, so we can go as far as you'd like, if you have the time. Your call."

"YES!" he almost shouted. "I'd love to, and I have all week-end free also. And I want to go as far as possible with this. This might be the only time I have the guts to do it, although I hope it isn't, so I'm ready to go all the way." he continued, this time looking right at my bobbing hard cock.

He was so damned cute and innocent looking that I almost reconsidered my plans, but in the end, lust won, so I stood up, taking my shorts with me. I was standing with my hard cock bobbing right in front of his face, and his eyes never left my cock as I stood looking down at him. Reluctantly, I finally slipped my shorts, shirt & sandals on, extended my hand & pulled him to his feet, then gathered the rest of my things.

"Ready?" I asked softly, looking deep into his incredibly blue eyes. When he nodded yes, I decided to push the envelope a little and extended my hand to him, in a manner suggesting we hold hands as we walked off the beach. He didn't hesitate a second and when he took my hand, I led us off the beach and to my car. Ten minutes later, we walked into my living room, the size of the place registering impressively on his face. I mentioned that I needed a shower to get the beach sand off, and that he was welcome to join me, then, when he assured me he was, pointed towards the stairs. I grabbed his hand and led him up to the master bath, and when he asked when he could see the whole house, I told him I'd give him the grand tour later in the day. He stood facing me, with a look that said he didn't know what to expect, or do, next, so I slid my hands over his hips and pulled him gently against me.

"Put your arms around my neck, Dennis" I instructed softly, "And then I'm going to kiss you. That OK with you?" I continued.

"Yes" he answered quickly, as his hands found their way over my shoulders, His face was tilted towards me at just the right angle, so I moved my head until my lips touched his, then started to kiss him, gently at first. He had a lot of pent-up lust buried inside and not long after our kiss began, he was kissing me as passionately as anyone ever has. I could feel his now-hard cock pressing against my equally hard one through our shorts. We kissed for a long, long time, then I eased my lips from his and grabbed the hem of his tank top & eased it up over his head and off. I pressed my lips to his again briefly, then started licking & kissing my way downward, pulling his shorts down as I went. When my tongue reached his navel, his cock was already banging against my chin. I leaned back for a peek and was rewarded by seeong a very lovely cock: about 8" long and close to 2" thick; perfectly straight; with a large, mushroom-shaped head. He lifted each foot in turn as I eased his sandals & shorts off, then stood before me in all his naked glory. I grasped his cock, bent it towards me, and slid my lips over the head. He gasped loudly as I started suckling just the head, and moaned when I finally swallowed his entire cock. I intended to just suck him briefly, and move to a much more extended suck-session later, but he had other ideas. I'd moved my lips up & down his cock 3 time and as I started down for the fourth time, he suddenly, grabbed my head, cried out loudly, and began filling my mouth with hot, thick mancream! His cock was pulsing and spasming as spurt after spurt of hot, creamy cum shot straight into my throat. After four incredibly strong spurts, the cum then just flowed thickly over my tongue until he finally finished cumming. I sucked the last drops from his cockhead, then slid my mouth from him and licked back up until our lips met again. I kissed him brifly, then leaned back and looked at him.

"Sorry" he exclaimed. "I should have warned you, but I couldn't hold back. That was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced. Wow! Have I been missing a lot!" he continued.

I laughed and assured him it was OK, and noticed that his cock was still rock hard. I quickly slipped my own clothes off, turned the shower on, and turned back, slipping my hands around his hips again and pulling his naked body tightly to mine. My lips mashed hard against his and I kissed him hard & passionately until I figured the water was warm. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shower with me and once we were wet, proceeded to lather him up. Once he was lathered, I tossed the soap to him and when he had me lathered, I slipped my hands around his hips and pulled our slippery bodies tight. His lips found mine and we again kissed passionately as the warm water cascaded over us. Once we were clean, I pulled my lips from his, turned the water off, and grabbed a towel, drying us both off. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bedroom, pulled the covers back and told him to slide in. I watched as he climbed onto the bed, and still couldn't believe my luck: exceptionally attractive and virgin!! I slid in alongside him and rolled him so we were on our sides, facing each other, then slipped an arm over him, pulled him tight and kissed him. In moments we were kissing as passionately as two guys can, and our hard cocks were doing a good imitation of a swordfight between us. We kissed for a long, long time, then I rolled him onto his back, eased my lips from his, and began licking, kissing, and sucking my way down his body. By the time I'd finished working his taut nipples over and reached his pubic bush, he was once more moaning in pure ecstacy. I wrapped a couple fingers around his hard cock, held it straight up, and started licking it from top to bottom. I licked his hard cock for several minutes, then pulled his smooth ball-sac taut and licked them for another minute or two. I moved back to his thick cock and began giving him the best blow-job I could muster, my lips moving slowly up & down his hard cock, tongue flicking the head, fingers tugging his smooth balls, and another finger sliding back & forth over his tight ass-pucker. He was moaning loudly as I sucked his cock, and the pre-cum was flowing freely onto my tongue. I sensed he was getting close again, so I eased up my sucking, then let his cock slip from my mouth. I licked his balls a bit more, then pushed his legs back and started licking his asscrack and bunghole, causing him to really cry out in pleasure. I eventually worked back to his cock and managed to suck him for several more minutes before he was once again on the verge of cumming. I repeated the moves, bringing him to the edge and backing off several more times, until he was begging me to make him cum. I figured he had several more cums left, so I decided to go ahead and bring him off. I started sucking him vigorously, my hands working his balls and ass. He began humping his hips up to fuck my mouth and this time, when he got close, I sucked even harder and slid a finger into his tight asshole. Seconds later, his cock pulsed & spasmed, his cock-head swelled, and he cried out loudly that he was cumming. One, then two huge spurts of cum shot into the back of my throat as I sank my lips all the way down his pulsing cock, then a couple more spurted in, followed by a long, steady flow of thick mancream. His body was shaking as I sucked him clean, and when his cock started to shrivel in my mouth, I let it slip free, then licked back up until we were kissing again. After a nice, long kiss, I pulled back and looked at him.

"How about doing the same for me now, Dennis darling?" I coaxed. "Making love with you has me very hot, and maybe I can give you a few pointers as you work me over."

He smiled, pushed me onto my back and dove straight for my nipples. He licked, sucked, nibbled, and fingered my nipples until they were as hard as marbles and tingling, then started licking & sucking his way downward. He held, then licked my cock for a bit, then eased his mouth over my cockhead and took a few inches into his mouth. What he lacked in experience he more than made up for in enthusiasm. Although I had to caution him a few times to be careful with the teeth, he was soon sucking my cock like a starving man. One of his hands began fondling my balls as he bobbed his head up & down on my cock, and in a few minutes he had me close to cumming. I had him stop sucking then, since I wanted to last a lot longer and it takes me much more time to recuperate than him. Imitating my actions, he pushed my legs back and started licking my asscheeks, slowly moving closer to, then into my asscrack. He was a bit tentative at first, but when I grabbed my legs so his hands were free, he pulled my asscheeks apart and speared my hole dead center with his tongue. He went after my asshole with wild abandon, licking it, sucking it, and trying to slip his tongue all the way in, and kept at it for a good 5 minutes. When I let my legs down, he quickly attacked my cock and started sucking me ferociously again. Once again I got too close and had to stop him, at which he immediately started working my smooth balls over.

"Dennis. " I called out quietly. " I want to fuck you, hon. And then I want you to fuck me. That O.K. with you? And then we can start all over again if you'd like"

He stopped licking my balls and moved up until he was looking me right in the eye, a slightly worried look on his face.

"Yes, Dale, I want us to fuck, but I'm a little nervous about it" he responded softly "But I DO want to."

I had him get on his hands & knees as I grabbed my lube & condoms, then knelt behind him, spreading his sweet-looking ass cheeks and letting my tongue start working over his tight pukered hole. I rolled a condom on and lubed it, applied a generous gob to his rosebud and smoothed it around, then let a greased finger slide into his hole, making him gasp. I finger-fucked him a bit, working my finger around to stretch his hole a bit, then rolled onto my back and told him to straddle me, so he could take things at his own pace. As I held my hard cock upright, Dennis moved into position, lowering his hips until my cock was lined up & pressing against his tight manpussy. I coached him on how to relax and push out, then felt his asslips slowly stretch open until my cockhead slipped in. He winced when the head popped in, but my coaching soon had him sliding down, slowly, until his asscheeks were touching my thighs and my cock was buried balls deep in his incredibly tight hole. I flexed my cock several times as he sat still on me, causing him to twitch a little each time I flexed.

"Whenever you're comfortable & ready Babe" I instructed softly "you can start sliding up & down on my cock. Take it at your own pace."

After a short itme, he slowly lifted his wonderfully tight ass canal up the length of my throbbing cock, paused and slid back down again, then started a slow but steady pace of riding me. His eyes were closed, and he had a serene expression on his face as he slid up & down on my cock. His cock was hard once again, so I reached down and let it slide gently in my closed hand as he fucked himself on my cock.

"Look at me while you ride my cock, Dennis" I told him. "I want you to watch me while you fuck your tight ass with my cock".

Those deep blue eyes bored into mine as his clenching asspussy rode my cock and I started humping my hips up to meet him each time his ass slid back down on my cock. Soon, his ass was bouncing rapidly on me and my hips were slamming up, making a slapping sound when our crotches met. Before long, I could feel my balls getting ready to unload, so I reluctantly had him freeze, my cock buried deep in his ass. The sudden stopping brought a confused look to his face.

"I want to fuck you in my favorite position, Hon" I explained. "Ease up off my cock and lay on your back & pull your legs back."

He smiled understandingly, then quickly complied with my request. As I knelt between his legs, his legs pulled back & spread wide, I could see his puckered asshole aiming right at me, already looking well fucked. I added another dab of lube to my cock, then pressed the head against his asslips & applied a little pressure. He was a quick learner! As I pressed in, he strained out and my cockhead slid right in, making him wince a little, but when my upper arms pressed against his thighs, he let go of his legs and arched his hips up, causing my cock to sink balls-deep in that tight hole. I let him adapt a bit, then started to fuck him slowly, the full length of my cock diving in & out. Soon we were fucking like rutting teenagers, my balls slapping loudly against his ass when I drove in and his hips thrusting up to meet every stroke. Before long, I knew I was going to cum, so I sped up and really started rabbit-fucking him. When I reached the edge, I slammed in hard and held there, my cock throbbing & pulsing deep in his ass as I filled the condom with spurt after spurt of hot cream. When I finished, I let his legs slip down and guided them around my hips, then pulled him up until I was able to slide my own legs into position so he was sitting on my lap, my drained cock still hard inside him.

"Kiss me, Dennis" I croaked. "Kiss me, while my hard cock is soaking deep in your asspussy."

His lips were on mine almost before the words were out of my mouth. We kissed for quite a long time, until my cock finally softened in his ass. I grabbed a paper towel, the let him slip back down onto the bed, wrapping th towel around my cock as it slipped from his well-fucked ass. I watched him as I slipped the very full condom off,, a smile on his face and sensuously licking his lips. The licking 'inspired' me, and I reached up to hold the open end of the condom over his lips.

"Open up, Sweetie" I coaxed. "Don't want to waste any of this sweet cream do you?'

Suprisingly, his lips parted & his tongue stuck way out, so I let my cum flow out onto his outstretched tongue. He swallowed every drop, then licked his lips loudly and smiled hugely at me. Wasting no time, I dropped between his legs and slurped his still hard cock into my mouth and began sucking him voraciously, as I grabbed the lube with a free hand and squirted a generous gob onto my asslips. Quickly pulling my mouth off his cock, I rolled a condom on it, gave it a quick coat of lube, then moved up to straddle him. As I lowered my hips, I ceneterd his cockhead on my hole, strained out, and sat all the way down on his cock. He gasped & moaned loudly as my ass inhaled his thick cock, and again when I started riding him with a steady, fast pace while clenching my ass canal down tight on his cock. I knew, since he'd just creamed a short while ago, that he'd last a while longer this time, so I rode his cock hard & fast for several minutes before he gurgled he was getting close. I slammed down hard, and held there, squeezing hard with my asslips to keep him from cumming. Once he'd seemed to calm down, I slowly started milking his cock with my inner muscles, causing him to moan with pleasure again.

"You HAVE to show me how to do that, Dale" he cried out. "That feels SOOO good."

Chuckling, I assured him I would do just that, then began riding his cock rapidly again. He'd just started fucking hard up at my ass when he cried out loudly that he was cumming. I clenched hard and wiggled my ass as I felt his cock pulse inside me and felt the heat as his cum filled the condom. Once he'd finished, I did a repeat of earlier, only with me sitting on him as we kissed. Once his cock shriveled, I eased off it, slid the condom off with a towel, then tilted my head back, opened wide so he could see me clearly, and emptied the condom into my mouth. His cream was sweetly salty, and actually tasted good, so I madea mental note to self to sample more direct from the spout ASAP.

Both of us being well fucked & drained, we snuggled together on the bed, softly caressing and kissing each other for quite a long while, then apparently dozed of. I awoke still being held tightly, Dennis fitted to my body like a finely tailored suit. And since I could feel his hard cock pressed tight against me, I just had to ease him away so I could suck him back to wakefulness. Which I did, and sampled that fresh cream from the spout. Happily, he had no plans for the weekend and ended up spending all of it with me: most of it in bed or otherwise engaged in intimately pleasurable activities!

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