Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Jul 14, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 26 By Jeff Ennig

It was a busy morning for me the next day. I dropped into the shop to grab a quick coffee and breakfast, visiting briefly with customers and staff, before heading back home to prepare for a meeting at the college. I had decided to become more active with an advocacy group housed at the college that focused on rural and small town issues in our state. Participating in their seminars and discussions previously, I knew that I wanted to be more involved with their work, as it aligned with my own hopes for how I could make a difference in the area. It was the final nonprofit involvement I had resolved to dive into with my newfound scheduling freedom, on top of the parish, chamber, and my little Welsh Zoom group.

The meeting lasted the rest of the morning and a little bit past lunchtime, as we planned a slate of events for the upcoming semester, along with a big event later in the fall up in the state capital, to raise awareness for our issues while the legislature was in session. I volunteered to help organize the legislative event, figuring that would be a good introduction for me. Plus, the smaller city that was the state capital was a little more than halfway between Spartanville and the outer suburbs of the big city where my family all lived, so I could probably use the occasion to make my mother happy by swinging by for a visit.

I was getting pretty hungry when I left the campus, so I dropped in to the Apollo for a late lunch. Jake had just arrived for work, dressed in his best male-slut outfit of scandalously tight, free-balling little running shorts that showcased his massive manhood and chest-hugging cut-off shirt that flashed his 8-pack abs for all to see. Clearly, he wasn't quite ready to look the part of a business leader, but I didn't really mind. I sat at one of his tables, and he found repeated excuses to rub his thinly-veiled package on my arm as he stopped by the table.

I looked over at his 'little bro' who by now was well versed in how to handle waiting on his own tables. Ollie was taking his cues from his 'big bro' and was dressed in his tiny little running shorts, also free-balling to give customers a view of his ample package, but with a marginally more modest skin-tight shirt that exposed just his treasure trail and defined V that helped direct eyes downward to his barely-disguised flopping dick. Sondra was still on hand as well, helping to manage the place with a more professional looking outfit of shorts that went halfway to her knees and a semi-open blouse that lured eyes toward her bosom. Kai stood behind the counter, not seeming to mind at all the view that her buxom subordinate was displaying.

There seemed to be more customers than usual for that time of day, at least at Ollie's tables. Ollie was handing Brett his check while they discussed the soccer practice later that evening. He didn't come in too often to the shop, but I figured out his reasons for coming that day when I noticed his eyes follow Ollie's ass as the teen made his way to the next table. Brett looked over to me and I winked at him before waving hello. He seemed to blush slightly at this, but I didn't call attention to it.

At Ollie's next table, I saw Eric sitting, practically drooling over this little wet dream who hours earlier had had my cum dribbling down his leg. At the next sat a ladies knitting group, a standard Thursday afternoon sight. This little gathering of cougars seemed barely able to contain their urge to rip away what few pieces of clothing this sexy boy wore. They also made sure to find reasons to ask Jake over to their table now and again. At yet another table, Maria's handsome young clerk Paul sat, pretending to be catching up on paperwork, while keeping half a lustful eye on Ollie. At still another table, I saw Chief Barrett sitting alone, also pretending to be doing some paperwork while longingly gazing at Ollie every chance he could get. I felt more than a small measure of self-satisfaction knowing that none of these people would get to 'know' Ollie the way I did.

There was one more table I noticed Ollie visiting, off in a semi-private snug in the corner, around which sat the construction crew. Stu, a massive 6'8" rugged man in his early 40s, sat on the outside, with young little 5'2" 16-year-old Lance wedging his tight little gymnast's body into the large man's side. Stu's massive left paw rested high up on the boy's inner thigh, while four other tall, buff, handsome young construction workers sat around the other sides of the table. Mine was the only table with an angle to see Stu fondling the boy while they sat there, and the only table that could see Stu's face as he licked his lips watching Ollie come over to them and as he reached his hand out to approach Ollie's teasing display of teenage cock in those little running shorts.

I set down the book I had been halfway attempting to read and made my way quickly over to Ollie's side to mark my territory. I liked Stu, still remembering how he helped set up a therapeutic sledgehammering demolition session for Ollie, but based on what I assumed about his relationship with little Lance, I doubted his ability to respect boundaries. Standing at an angle that would disguise our positions to others in the restaurant, I took up a stance directly behind Ollie, placing my crotch against his tight buns, while with one hand, I held his hip, stretching my fingers over his penis and blocking Stu's hand. With the other hand, more visible to others behind me, I grabbed the wooden post framing the outer edge of the snug.

"Hey there, Stu! Hey, Lance! Hey there fellas," I said, greeting the table as I took possession of Ollie before their eyes. "I hope Ollie here is taking good care of you gentlemen."

Ollie, taking his cue, leaned over the table to grab an empty plate, pressing his firm little buns into me and wiggling his ass slightly to and fro, reinforcing who had dibs on his hot teen body.

"Oh yes, he always takes great care of us. Me and the fellas sure would love if he could take care of us in other ways sometime."

"Sorry, guys. Afraid this young man has his, um, 'hands' full already," I said as I thrust into his ass.

"Too bad. Lance here does a great job of serving the needs of our crew, but we could always use a little extra service, if you know what I mean."

Lance blushed slightly at this, while at the same time snuggling up to Stu and moaning slightly while Stu's big hand began to rub over the boy's crotch.

"Are you staying here past the summer now, Lance? Weren't you heading back to your family in the big city for school?" I asked.

"Nah, we convinced them to let the boy transfer schools, stay with me, and keep working with our crew, didn't we, son?"

"Yes, daddy," Lance purred.

"That's a good boy. He sure works hard to keep our guys happy, doesn't he, fellas?"

The rest of the crew nodded vigorously as they leered at the small teen.

I definitely needed to pretend I didn't know what they were hinting at. He seemed pretty happy with his role in the group, and technically the age of consent in this state was 16, but there were numerous exceptions to that, and I didn't feel comfortable clearly endorsing any activity under 18.

"Well, I'm glad you've liked Spartanville enough to stick around, young man. Can we get anything else for you gentlemen?"

"No, I think we're good here, Jeff. Thanks for taking such good care of us, Ollie."

I thought to myself that they had better leave Ollie a pretty big tip after this little episode. I hoped that my message was received clearly enough.

I was still at my table, reading my book, long after Stu and his crew has taken off, and all but the Knitting Cougars remained. Ollie came by my table and sat down for a moment.

"Thanks for helping me out there, boss. I could tell Stu was about to grope me when you came up behind me. I like the tips, and I usually follow Jake's lead and let customers cop a feel here and there, but I just wasn't crazy about Stu doing it. What you did was just exactly the right thing to do with them there. Plus, it felt kinda kinky to be marked as your 'territory' like that."

"Well, I just felt like I needed to speak their language. But don't think for a moment I think I own your body or anything. I've meant it when I've said that if you never let me get inside your ass again, I'd still care about you just as much.

"I know, boss. It's still nice to hear again though. So what do you think they've got going on with Lance? I think Lance must be actually gay, because he seemed to really be into the whole scene there."

"Probably not exactly illegal, but borderline at least. Better not to ask, in my opinion. If I thought they were hurting him, though, I'd report it in a heartbeat. Lance strikes me as the classic power bottom, as we say."

"How is that really any different from me?"

"Well, for one thing, you're straight. Any guy, with the proper preparation, would respond favorably to the stimulation of a cock on his prostate. That's just biology. Ours is a deep bond that just happens to come with a little dick play, that's all. Don't think beyond that."

I hoped I had staved off any creeping doubts of sexuality in his young mind. I knew that if he entertained such thoughts, and began to overthink things, it wouldn't be long until that fine ass was closed to me forever.

"I do enjoy the dick play. You're right, it's not the same." He shrugged and seemed content with this logic.

"So, did you do alright in tips today? You're certainly dressed for success."

"Sure did! Eric always tips me well. I paid him back in class yesterday with a little show in the front row though. Stu and his crew left $300 on the table for a $120 tab, which is a helluva lot more than they usually tip. The cougars over there are just hanging out, they settled their tab a while ago. I let them all grab my ass a little, and one even tickled my balls for a second. They tipped me real well. Paul and Chief Barrett were both generous, but not outrageously so. They both seem to just like to look is all."

"Wow! That is some haul, kiddo! You're saving most of your take on that, right?"

"Yes, boss. Don't worry. I promise I won't go blowing my wad on anything stupid."

"Good. I'm proud of you, kiddo. So tell me more about this show you gave Eric yesterday though. I didn't get to hear the postgame yet."

"Oh, that. About halfway through class, while he was right in the middle of making some important point, I rubbed my dick a little to make it hard, let it peek out the end of my shorts, and then spread my legs. I felt a little wind on my balls just then, so I'm pretty sure I was showing a little of that too. He choked mid-sentence when his eyes wandered underneath my desk. He recovered quickly, but I was glad to get the result I was looking for. I stayed in that position for ten minutes or so, letting him get a good look. I'm pretty sure I've adequately thanked him now for letting me in his class."

"Hahaha, that is hilarious, kiddo. You know he's gonna wack off to that mental image for weeks to come, right?"

"That's the idea. I figure God gave me a great body at this age, and I'm happy to share it however it seems appropriate to do so."

"It's very generous of you not to hoard your gifts, kiddo. I know I for one am extremely grateful for that."

"Yeah, I could feel your gratitude running down my leg this morning as I walked to the bathroom."

"I think you might have been spending too much time around Jake lately. You were so sweet and innocent when I first met you."

"Hey, don't blame it all on my big bro, boss. You're the one who deflowered me after all."

"Point taken."

"Did somebody say my name?" Jake said as he walked up to our table.

"You heard that?" I asked.

He rested against my arm with his floppy set of big balls and long dick, covered by the thinnest layer of fabric, as he leaned over our table to join our chat. "I was just standing right there, but no, not really. I heard my name is all. Whatever dirty shit you two were talking about has stayed private, don't worry."

"That's good. Because we were discussing how the boss's cum was dribbling out of my ass this morning."

"Oh, I see. Bossman, you dirty dog. Don't worry, little bro, I'll keep this old dog off your ass by throwing him another bone soon."

"I know I can count on you to give me a bone now and again, kiddo. When you have something leftover after all your sexy coeds are done with you, that is. But we were actually talking more about how much this kid is raking in on tips. I think you've taught him pretty well."

"Aw, I'm so proud of my little bro, whoring himself out to customers just like his big bro!" Jake said, shaking Ollie's shoulder in his hand.

"I've learned from the best," Ollie said with a smile.

"Warms my heart to see you two getting along so well. But if you're both ready to get back to work, I've got to start reviewing my lecture notes for tonight."

"Oh, that's tonight you're returning to teaching, bossman?" Jake asked.

"Yup. It's been six years by my count."

"Wow, time flies. I'm happy to see you getting back in to that. Ok, little bro, let's leave Uncle Jeff alone now," Jake said.

"I just have to go finish up a few things and then I'm done for the day, boss. I'll take care of the furbabies before I head to soccer practice, so you don't have to worry about them," Ollie said.

"Thanks, kiddo. See you boys around."

I planned to be teaching basically the same material I had already taught four years in a row at the school, albeit now with a six year gap, I figured I'd be a bit rusty. I really did miss the classroom dynamic, interacting with students. And teaching upper-level courses usually meant that the students were that much more engaged in the subject matter. Plus, teaching an evening class meant I would have more older or working students capable of thinking for themselves, making it even more interesting. I spent the next couple hours preparing, then gathered my things and headed out the door to walk up to campus.

I came into the classroom an hour early to set up. I had also emailed students to let them know they would be able to catch me before class if they had any questions. Only a few minutes after I arrived and had begun to unpack and arrange things, a young woman walked in the door whom I recognized.

Maggie was the wife of Derek, another of the sexy strays I had taken under my wing and into my bed, about four years prior. He was incredibly skilled and a little wild in the sack, so I definitely missed our 'bonding' sessions, but we had given that up when he married Maggie two years ago. He was also the caretaker of all my rental properties, which was enough to keep him busy and for which he and Maggie got a decent salary and a nice sized apartment big enough for their little toddler and maybe even a couple more kids, should they continue to grow their family. Maggie had been taking evening classes at the college while working when they had met, and stopped working when little Toby was born, although she had continued with her classes.

"Well, hello there, Maggie! I didn't expect to see you here. How are you?"

"Hi Jeff, er, Professor."

"You can call me Jeff right now. But yeah, I'll appreciate the 'professor' label when class is in session."

"Sounds good. Not sure if you knew that I added a minor in history on to my major in business here."

"No, I didn't, but I'm glad to hear it. I'm of the opinion a plain business degree is a bit bland, so it's nice to mix it up with something a bit more interesting."

"That's what Derek and I thought as well. He wants at least one of little Toby's parents to be smart."

"Derek is plenty smart. Anything mechanical, and he's a downright genius. How's Little Toby? 18 months now?"

"Yup, he's a handful! But we're getting the hang of the parenting thing enough to where I'm taking three evening classes this semester. Hoping to be done this spring. Just hope Derek doesn't knock me up in the next couple months. You know as well as I do he's hard to keep your hands off of."

"Indeed I do. But I imagine you're tough for him to keep his hands off of, too!" She really was a quite stunning woman.

"Haha, seems that way. If we're not careful, we'll end up with a whole gaggle of kids before too long."

"Well, beautiful, kind, and smart people like you two owe it to the world to churn out those kids, in my opinion. If not, we risk making Idiocracy into a non-fiction film."

"Thanks for saying that, Jeff. So tell me how tough this course is going to be. Are you one of those adjuncts who phones it in, or one who is over-the-top passionate?"

"Closer to the latter, I'm afraid. But I'll be happy to come over for a visit anytime and help you through the material. It'd be a good excuse to hang out with Little Toby a bit too."

"Really? Derek and I would love that!"

"Of course! Besides, I've just turned over the keys to my cafe now, so I have more time on my hands. I plan on spending at least a little more time focusing on my rental properties, so you'll be seeing more of me anyway."

Another student came in just then, so we wrapped up our chat. A few students came in early, making me hope I'd have a room of go-getters on my hands. Once the class time started, I led the group in a couple ice breakers, which I felt was important for how discussion-heavy I intended the course to be. I was mildly disappointed to find not a single bit of eye candy among them, but it was probably for the best. I quickly found that I did indeed have a group of thoughtful, engaged students there, including Maggie. The perfect group to ease me back into teaching.

After my first evening back in teaching, I felt energized and happy. Walking in the door to my condo, I was greeted by Ollie standing there facing me, wearing only his jock-strap. My mouth watered slightly as I took stock of his tight young body. His sinewy, muscled legs ran into the stretched-out strap on his waist, with the sweat-dampened cloth pouch emptied of the protective cup and clinging to his ample package. His happy trail and V rose up from the upper edge of the waist strap as is sat low on his narrow hips. The smooth, youthful skin on his tight, flat stomach glimmered with a sheen of masculine sweat. His chest stood out proudly, showing his developing pecs and budding bicep muscles. His face, framed by a mop of sweaty brown hair hanging down over one eye, was strong, yet beautiful, with fine, angular, perfectly symmetrical features and deep brown eyes. Ollie smiled as he saw me feasting my eyes on the sight of him, and turned his back to me before looking over his shoulder to talk to me.

"Hey, boss! I just got back from soccer practice with Brett, and was gonna hop in the shower. Want me to stand here a while to let you enjoy the view?"

I did take a mental snapshot of the sight of the two tight, muscled globes of his magnificent bare ass hugged by the straps of his skimpy attire as he stood there briefly.

"No, you go ahead kiddo, it's bedtime for me anyway," I said as my eyes remained fixated on his bare buns as he sauntered off to the bathroom.

Since I had to be up extremely early to open the shop with Phoebe the next morning, I went straight off to bed. Ollie must have taken his time in the shower, because I was deep asleep without having felt him climb into bed.

It was a bit strange to wake up the next morning with Ollie lying in bed next to me, but not cuddled into me. I held the sheets up for a moment to check out his gorgeous sleeping body, sighed happily, and then flung myself out of bed to get ready for the morning.

The morning was great fun, slipping right back into my work routine with Phoebe as we churned through the early morning regulars on our own. Ollie and others came in by 7 o'clock and got right to work. It quickly turned into an extremely busy morning, as morning regulars had returned to more regimented work schedules for the fall, while the ranks swelled of students and faculty coming in for their morning fix.

Also back to normal was the morning lull that hit just before 9 o'clock. As I caught my breath, Ollie came by the espresso machine where I had been camped out.

"Pretty tired last night, boss?"

"Yeah, that I was."

He leaned toward me to whisper into my ear, "I thought for sure you'd want to have some fun with me when you got home, after the show we put on for Stu and his crew."

"Haha, yeah, that was a good show, wasn't it?"

"It was fine by me. I was pretty tired after practice, myself."

"So you weren't really in the mood either? You know you don't owe your ass to me, right?"

"I know, I just enjoy having something extra to offer you."

"Oh, it's much appreciated."

We both laughed at this, but soon the bell above the door clanged to signal more customers coming in.

"Back to work, best not to upset the boss!" I said, loud enough now for Kai to hear me as she stood nearby. That caused a small smile to break the otherwise dour expression on her face.

Ollie's tight buns, wrapped neatly in his skimpy little orange shorts, flexed as he bounded off behind the counter to get back to work.


Next: Chapter 27

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