Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Aug 4, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 28 By Jeff Ennig

After our blissful evening of lounging together in our sweats on the couch, Jake, Ollie, and I headed for bed. Jake had decided to spend the night. Both sexy young men had only a late morning class to worry about the next day. We all shed our single article of clothing and climbed into my king-size bed, spooning tightly together. Once again, Jake was biggest spoon, Ollie was littlest spoon, which left me delightfully trapped in the middle. Neither of them was aroused, and I was only briefly so, hardening up slightly as I made contact with Ollie's bare backside. It was a sweetly innocent night of cuddling together with my two favorite boys.

I woke up early, feeling Jake's massive, steel-hard, throbbing morning erection pressed against my crack and lower back, and my own pulsing member pressed into Ollie's backside. I slipped my hand around to find that Ollie was similarly chubbed up. When I began to wriggle my way free of the Jeff-sandwich my bed had become, both boys moaned groggily, barely stirring before proceeding to move in close to one another and fill in my absence. I watched and smiled as Jake's thick sausage slipped in between Ollie's tight buns as they snuggled tightly together.

Neither of them needed to be up anytime soon, so I let them continue sleeping undisturbed while I went about my morning routines, finally resting on the porch, freshly showered and dressed, and sat looking out over the town. I multitasked by listening partly to the news on the radio, partly to the sounds of the town through my window, while also reading some news on my phone, sipping coffee, and petting Tom and Jerry. Once I had caught up on all the world's concerns once more, I switched off the radio and rose to return to the bedroom and let the boys know I'd be making breakfast.

Once the sound of the town and the radio had faded and I approached the bedroom door, I thought I heard some familiar sounds. Soft groans were emanating from the room, and some sounds of skin slapping together and unsticking again. Not too loudly, and not too fast came the sounds, but I was pretty sure I know what it meant.

Just as I reached for the door knob I heard a low groaning voice, Jake's voice, saying, "Oh shit, little bro, you are so damn tight."

"And you're so huge, big bro!" Ollie groaned back in return.

I paused to consider the moment and my reactions before opening the door. I was only slightly surprised at this development. Although they had both indicated previously that I was the only man they'd be with in this way, they had grown so comfortable and trusting with one another that this moment was practically inevitable. I didn't them to make it a regular thing or anything, but merely that it might be an occasional way they could show their 'bro' how close they felt to each other. It was really very sweet. But also pretty hot. My heart raced with excitement and I took a deep breath in before I finally opened the door.

"Rise and shine, boys!" I called out as I burst through the door.

They both swung their heads rapidly toward the door, continuing their slow rhythmic coupling motions while they flashed looks first of surprise, then of amusement as big smiles crept across their handsome faces.

"I couldn't stand it anymore, boss. I had to see what it's like for you when you're in my little bro's ass."

"And I had to see what it's like for you when my big bro plows into you with his big fat cock."

"So this is just a research project then?"

"You could say that," Jake uttered between grunts and thrusts.

"And what are your findings thusfar, gentlemen?"

"I think we both see the appeal," Ollie said with a smile as his brow dripped with sweat and his face grimaced ever so slightly with each inward thrust of Jake's massive schlong.

"Well, I guess you both know what I know now. You're both absolutely incredible. I'll leave you to it then. I'm starting breakfast now. Maybe you want to keep fucking in the shower so you can multitask a little before it's time to eat."

"Good idea!" Jake cried as the big lacrosse stud thrust all the way into Ollie's tight little soccer jock ass, wrapped his powerful arms around the younger man's back, and pulled him up into his lap, still firmly implanted inside. Holding one arm tightly against Ollie's back, and wrapping one arm under his ass, he flung his legs off the bed onto the ground and began to stand up. Ollie wrapped his well-toned arms tightly around the thick neck of his 'big bro' while he was lifted effortlessly into the air, remaining fully impaled on a 9-inch long, impressively thick dick.

I held the door open long enough for Jake to get his foot in place to hold it open, then walked ahead of them to the bathroom and opened that door for them. I drank in as much of the sight as I could, before leaving them to their shower while I went off to the kitchen to work on breakfast. Knowing Jake's stamina as well as I did, I knew I had time to be a bit elaborate in my meal prep. An hour went by before I finally heard the bathroom door open again, and saw Jake and Ollie strut out in their birthday suits with shit-eating grins covering their gorgeous faces.

They walked toward the kitchen to greet me, arm-in-arm. Ollie was walking a little bow-legged, having spent at least the last hour and a half getting plowed by Jake's champion cock. Jake was still half-hard as he stood proudly beside his little bro.

"You two sure look like you had fun. Now hurry up and get dressed. Food's almost ready. I know Jake, you have class soon, and Ollie, you don't want to be late to Sarah's. She's big on punctuality."

"Ok, uncle, we'll be good little boys and get dressed for breakfast," Jake said with a sly grin.

Once we were all seated and eating together, I looked over at both these sexy young men seated at my table.

"So what made you two finally decide to hump this morning?"

"I just love being close to my little bro so much that I thought I should finally try squeezing my big fat cock into his tight little ass. And damn, that is an amazing ass."

"Same here. I see why you enjoy having Jake to yourself, boss. But I'm pretty sure my ass can only handle that big thing of his once in a blue moon."

"Haha, yeah, I have a feeling you'll be walking funny all day, kiddo."

"He better! I worked hard this morning to wreck that little ass!"

"Your hard work paid off, big bro. And boss, I'm not sure I'll be tight again for you anytime soon."

"That's ok, kiddo. I think I can resist the temptation of your fine ass for a few days. Selfishly, I'm glad you won't be making this an everyday occurrence, but I'm also glad you boys have become so close to each other. You both know I'll do anything for you, but it's nice to know you'll both be there for each other as well."

"Damn straight. I'd do anything for you, little bro," Jake said as he stared into Ollie's eyes with a deep, penetrating gaze.

"Same here, big bro. Same here," Ollie replied, meeting Jake's look with a sincere one of his own.

"Ok, enough mushy stuff. Now help me clean this mess up and then you boys need to be on your way."

In a whirlwind of activity, the dishes were cleared, the kitchen cleaned, and the door to the hallway was swinging closed, with Jake and Ollie off and running to the morning's activities. Before I could blink, I had the place to myself once more. I had an easy day ahead of me, with a few errands, some light catch-up work on this-and-that, and otherwise just taking time to read and hang out with the cats. With evening approaching, it was time to head off to Brett's.

It was only a 20 minute walk to his house, so I left the car at home and strolled down the sidewalks, stopping briefly to pick up a bottle of wine. I had to stop a couple of times to say hi to people as I walked, so I ended up being a few minutes late.

Walking up to his house, I was immediately struck by what a warm, inviting place it appeared to be from the outside. It was a light gray story-and-a-half home with dark green trim, and a small, white screened-in front porch. The lot was pretty small for Spartanville, maybe 30 feet wide, and the sides of the house were but a few feet from the neighboring homes, which again was tight for this town. The front yard stretched perhaps 20 feet from sidewalk to front porch, and there was presumably a cozy little backyard and garage off the rear. There were colorful flowers and shrubbery near the street and lining the walkway up to the porch. To the left as I walked up was a small plot of herbs and berry bushes, and to the right, a small vegetable garden. The large window to the right of the porch had the blinds drawn up and gave a clear view through his living room and into his kitchen. I waved from the sidewalk at Brett as he stood in his kitchen working, and he made his way to the front door to greet me.

"Come on in, Jeff!" Brett said with a genuine, albeit slightly shy, smile.

"Thanks, man. Sorry I'm a little late," I said as I entered and handed him the wine.

"No worries. I'm a pretty punctual guy, but that doesn't mean I expect others to be like me."

"Phew, that's a relief. Otherwise I might've driven you crazy sooner or later."

"Come join me in the kitchen. I'm just finishing up. Want a drink?"

"Sure! What are you drinking?"

"I was just going to fix myself a Manhattan while I wait for all the food to be done. Want one?"

"I like your style, good sir. Yes, please."

I sat on a stool on the other side of a counter, looking into the kitchen and watching Brett work while I sipped my cocktail. Something about watching him in his kitchen, clearly in his element, made him extra sexy. This otherwise shy, young, nerdy professor seemed confident and at ease in this setting.

"Do you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, Brett?"

"Every chance I get. That or with my plants. I'm a bit of a hobbit, I guess."

"I appreciate the Tolkien reference."

"Thank you. And although my last name is German, most of my family is French. All the men in my family are pretty much expected to love being in the kitchen and the garden. Didn't have much choice, I guess."

"I didn't know you were so French. Well, I love being in the kitchen too, as you know. But I think I sort of accidentally fell into it. Most of the men in my family can barely manage grilled cheese."

"Hey, grilled cheese can take some skill too. Definitely have to be able to accidentally start a fire."

I smiled and chuckled a bit at this. I wasn't sure I had ever heard Brett crack a joke before. He was definitely at ease in this setting. Note to self.

After a bit more banter over our drinks, it was time for dinner. A truly fantastic meal. And the wine I brought met with the approval of my French host, which was a relief. We talked easily and freely, and I could see him getting quite comfortable around me. I helped to clear the dishes and we worked together in the kitchen washing up, making short work of it. As he was reaching up to place some dishes on a higher shelf in his cabinet, I noticed a wince go across his sexy face.

"Something wrong, Brett?"

"Huh? No, all good."

"Just that I saw you wince a bit there. Did you pull something?"

"Oh, that. Yeah, I messed up my shoulder the other day. That and I have pretty crappy posture in front of the computer to begin with, and I guess I'm a bit of a mess around there. It's all good, though. I'm used to it."

"You sure? I give pretty decent massages. It's the least I could do after a great meal."

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"No, no. Please, let me try. Sit back at the table there and I'll see what I can do."

"Ok, I relent," he said with a half-smile and a shrug, before walking over to the table and sitting down again.

I came up behind the chair and began running my hands along his neck and shoulders, gently pressing in to assess the problem areas. As I did so, my heart skipped a beat at being allowed this kind of access to any part of his body like this. He was well-built, clearly worked out a fair bit, but he was indeed extremely tense all along his neck and shoulders, and he had one spot around his left shoulder that was both tense and sensitive.

I let him know I planned to focus my energies on the tense parts first before attacking the sore spot. I dug in my fingers, kneading with my thumbs, and then caressed along his neck and shoulders repeatedly, in a continuous cycle, carefully avoiding the sensitive spot.

"Mmmm," came the low, inadvertent moan from deep in Brett's manly young throat.

"That good?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry, um, I just, uh..." he stuttered as his face turned red.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, man. My aim is for it to feel good. I just want to know if I'm failing in my mission here."

"Um, yeah, it's good. Thanks."

"Good. I appreciate the feedback. Now just keep relaxing and enjoy it, for fuck's sake."

He let out a little chuckle and nodded in agreement.

As I continued the cycle of digging, kneading, and caressing, my fingers savored the smooth, slightly sweaty texture of the skin on this sexy, muscular, 20-something nerd sitting with his back to me. It was lucky that he was facing away from me, or he might have noticed my loose-fitting trousers tenting out quite conspicuously. I diligently checked to ensure I stood with my groin far enough away from the back of his head to avoid any accidental contact. Too soon to take it to that level, I reasoned.

Somewhere between five and ten minutes into having my hands all over Brett's neck and shoulders, I brought my hands to a stop on his shoulders, rested my fingers on his clavicle, and spoke in a soothing voice.

"Man, you're pretty friggin' tense. But I think I'm making a little progress here."

"Yeah, man. I've never had a massage that good. You don't have to keep going though."

"No way I'm stopping now that I'm making some headway. Just close your eyes and relax. I'm just getting started."

Brett took a deep breath in, and nodded slowly as he exhaled. I resumed my cycle of digging, kneading, caressing, feeling the tense fibers of his tight muscles begin to give way to my firm manipulations. Perhaps another ten minutes went by before I stopped again. This time I slowly, sensuously ran my fingers from the back of his head, down along his neck and onto his shoulders as I spoke in the same smooth, soothing voice.

"Ok, I think I'm finally ready to attack that sore spot now, so it might be a little uncomfortable. Just let me know if it's ever too much."

"Mmmmm.... ok," he moaned in consent as I continued to slowly, sensuously run my fingers through the hair at the base of his skull and down his neck to his shoulders.

I became concerned about my arousal being detected, so while I moved my left hand onto the sore spot to lightly prod at the spot, I surreptitiously swept my right hand below my waistband and with a quick motion of the fingers, safely tucked my hardened weapon under the elastic of my underwear, concealing my state of excitement. I then returned my right hand to the spot as well, and began gently working all around the spot, rubbing and stroking along it to ease the pain. I noticed from the side of his face as Brett winced slightly on a couple of occasions, signaling for me to ease up a bit as I carried on. I went on like this for another five minutes or so before I figured that the sore spot had all the manipulation it could reasonably handle.

My hands came to rest again on both his shoulders as I gently spoke. "Ok, I think that's about all I'll be able to do for that. How's it feel?"

"Wow, man. Much better. Thanks," Brett said as he let out a long, deep sigh of contentment.

"Glad to be of service. Now get your sexy ass up and make me a drink so we can keep hanging out."

"Haha, ok. Another Manhattan?" he asked as he slowly emerged from his state of total relaxation and rose from his chair.

"Sure, why the hell not?" I said as I playfully slapped his ass with an open palm as he rose to his feet. I didn't allow my hand to linger, although I longed for an opportunity to cop a real feel of the firm flesh of his fine derriere. I could tell the whole evening had gone well beyond his normal comfort-level with human contact, but I was intent upon continuing to push the boundaries bit by bit.

I made my way to one end of a couch in his living room, angling myself in the corner as if to invite him to sit on the other end of the couch rather than on the chair toward which I now more or less had my back turned.

He returned a minute later with two drinks in hand, and thankfully chose to follow my subtle cues and seat himself on the other end of the same couch as he handed me my drink. I raised the glass to him in toast, and after he sat down, he raised his glass to meet my own.

"Here's to finding the time for the two of us to hang out," I offered as I drew my glass toward his.

"Cheers to that."

We each took a sip of our drink and then looked up toward one another, smiling warmly as we met one another's gaze. We returned our eyes to our drinks as a comfortable silence hung in the air for an extended moment.

"Thanks for letting me practice my massage skills on you. I know it can be a little awkward, but hopefully I helped."

"Oh, yeah, it really helped. I don't think I've felt this relaxed in ages. And I'm definitely less sore on my shoulder too."

"Glad to hear it," I said with a look of self-satisfaction. "I'm no professional masseuse or anything, but I like to hone my craft now and again."

"Happy to be the practice patient anytime. And on that note, I think it's my turn to return the favor."

"Let me take a raincheck on that, my friend. We'll have a little competition next time for who's better at beating the shit out of the other's tensions."

"But who would be the judge of that competition?"

"How about, whichever one gets the other to moan the loudest, wins?"

Brett turned red at the reference to his earlier outburst, but quickly composed himself. "You got a deal."


We again let a comfortable silence descend between us as we sat on either end of the sofa, half looking at our glasses and half looking at the coffee table. Brett broke the silence first.

"So how long Ollie been staying with you?"

"Just a couple months. He showed up in the middle of the summer looking for work. I couldn't resist those puppy-dog eyes, so I gave him a job and a place to stay."

"Well, from what I see of him at soccer practice and at the cafe, he sure seems to appreciate what he's got here in Spartanville. Got himself a job, a girlfriend, his own room, and a boss and mentor to boot. Not bad for him."

"Yeah, he's a good kid. He's not that spoiled though to have his own room. He has to share my bed."

Brett looked confused and intrigued at the same time, so I decided to press on.

"Yup, neither of us is with our girlfriends, he and I sleep together just about every night. Sometimes, we even 'sleep together' too," I said, making air quotes with my fingers.

Brett nearly choked on his drink. I allowed the silence to linger between us once more, waiting for him to be the next to speak.

"Oh, uh, ok. Yeah, I, um, wouldn't have, um, guessed that, um, you guys, um, were, um, ah, you know, um... gay or whatever."

"Well, Ollie has his girlfriend, Diana. And I have my lady friend, Maria. So if we were to put a label on it, I guess you would say 'bi'. But really, it's more just that we've come to really care about each other and to like being close to each other. Beyond that, we don't really overthink it. Plus, our women are cool with it. Besides, in case you hadn't noticed, Ollie has a truly spectacular ass."

"Yeah. Er, um, I mean, huh, that's interesting, I guess."

I smiled to myself at Brett's little slip of the tongue, slowly breaking down his walls.

"So how about you?"


"You have a girlfriend back home or any prospects here in town?"

"No, not really. I've always been to focused on work and whatnot."

"That's cool. I get it."

"Can I admit something to you?"

"You'll get no judgment from me, man."

"I kinda figured that. Well, I'm actually, um, kind of a virgin."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Thanks for saying so. But it's really just because I get super tense whenever any intimate situation comes up."

"I think that's actually pretty common, dude."

"You think?"

"Yeah. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it. You're not weird at all."

"I'd like to think you're right. Like, even earlier, when you were giving me a massage, that was as close to another person as I've been in a long time without totally freaking out."

"Well, I have to say, I'm honored you'd trust me enough to be comfortable with that then."

"Yeah, I guess that's kind of what it's all about."

"What's that?"



"I guess I just don't trust most people not to judge me or whatever. I know I'm not the most outgoing guy. That I'm just this science nerd and stuff."

"Hey, you're more than just a science nerd. You're also a choir nerd, too," I said with a smirk as I playfully punched his arm.

"Yeah, well that makes you a choir nerd too, man," he smiled back as me lightly punched me in the arm in return.

"So that's one nerd point for me, two for you. So I win!" I said as I held my arms up in the air in triumph.

Brett then surprised me by lunging for my exposed armpits with his fingers, calling out "I'll get you for that!" as he proceeded to tickle me. I purposely fell backwards as he lunged toward me, causing him to fall slightly onto me, pressing part of his weight into me as his thigh fell between my own thighs and his head hung over my own.

I reached up to 'tickle' his sides, while subtly tugging on his torso to pull his waist into mine. He lost his balance and fell into me, pressing his crotch squarely into my own. He was as yet unaroused, but I was certain he could tell I was. He stopped tickling me and looked into my eyes as he planted his hands on either side of me on the couch. Our faces were not more than two feet apart as we held onto the moment, my throbbing cock pressing into his now-inflating dick through our layers of fabric.

Perhaps with enough liquid courage coursing through his veins, a look of determination flashed across Brett's soulful black eyes as he swiftly moved his face toward my own and met my lips with his.

He came in with such passion and force that I was momentarily stunned, unable to react fast enough to match his passion with my own. Just as quickly as he had lunged forward into me, he withdrew with a look of shock and horror on his face.

"I, um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he stuttered as he sat upright again and cowered in his corner of the couch.

Finally gathering my wits about me, I sought to put his mind at ease. "Whoa, whoa, easy there. It's ok. Nothing to get freaked out about. We've just had a great evening of feeling close and trusting with one another, so what happened there was totally understandable. Please, please, please go easy on yourself and don't overthink it, Brett." As I spoke, I remained in my own corner of the couch, resisting the urge to reach out and reassuringly take his hand. Invasions of personal space were not the right move just then.

"I can't believe I did that. My first real kiss, and it's like this. I'm so fucking embarrassed."

"Well, for what it's worth, you're a fantastic kisser. But really, it's not a big deal. Nothing to freak out about. Not like anybody's wiener went in anyone's pooper tonight." He chuckled slightly at this as I continued. "Please don't overthink it. It's ok for guys to be close with one another. You're just not used to being close with anyone, and you got swept up in the moment. It happens. Don't beat yourself up about it. It's ok. Really. I hope we can still be close with each other and trust each other. You're easy to be around.

"Yeah, so are you," Brett replied with a half smile as he began to appear more relaxed again.

"Good, so it's settled. We're not going to read anything into what just happened. We'll hang out again, and try our best to keep our tongues out of each other's throats."

"Haha, very funny. Ok, thanks for trying to make the situation a little less mortifying."

"Oh, it's entirely selfish on my part. I'm expecting a world-class massage next time we get together, so I couldn't have you bailing on me."

"I think that's what I call selfish-selfless."

"I've been called that before."

We finished our drinks in relative silence, then made comfortable small talk before making our excuses to call it a night. I resisted the part of me that wanted to push him into the couch, attack his face, rip off his clothes, and jump his bones right then and there. Instead, I rose and held my arms open for a hug, which he moved in to meet. We held each other a moment longer than 'normal', forgoing the requisite triple pat on the back men often do to demonstrate the heterosexual nature of the embrace. Upon releasing each other, I met his eyes, smiled warmly, and bid him farewell.

"Good night, my nerdy friend. I look forward to the next time we can do this."

"Me too, Jeff. And thanks for being, you know, so understanding."

"Think nothing of it. Good night," I said again with a half wave as I proceeded down the garden walkway out to the sidewalk. I looked over my shoulder after walking two house-lengths, only to see Brett standing on his front porch watching me, his face partially illuminated by his porch lights. I waved once more over my shoulder, as we gave a wave back to me and turned toward his door once more. They say once you get an introvert to open up and befriend you, you have a fast friend who will stick around. I was certain this was what I had just achieved.


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