Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Oct 31, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all

Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 14: Wake the Witch In The White Room...

Shut up and put your money where your mouth is that's what you get for waking up in Vegas get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now that's what you get for waking up in Vegas... "Kadeem wake up! Your going to be late!" I hear my mother tell me and I jump up from my bed and I see that Katy Perry's Waking up in Vegas music video playing.

"huh? Late for what?" I ask her

"for school..." she says "now get up!" and closes my door behind her.

This is so weird something just doesn't feel right I think to myself, but I just push it aside and get ready for school. I go out to the kitchen to grab a bite and see my sister and cousin's all there eating like it's a normal day.

"well look who finally woke up" Phylicia says to me

"sorry I need my beauty rest to wake up like this all the time." I say and grabbing some eggs and toast

"you must be dreaming still so woke up, if you think your got beauty rest looking like that." She says sorcasticly

"whatever." I just roll my eyes "hey so I guess that means Tommy won if I'm here now." I say

"Tommy won what?" Myisha asks

"you know the hole charmed one tournament thing..." I say but I only get blank stares from everyone "you guys know that only thing me and Kris was there... you know what I'm talking about gop right?" I ask but nothing.

"I think you had one of your crazy dreams from eating all those gummie bears last night." Myisha says "come on we're going to be late for school." And they all get up and head for our cars. (I'm not crazy or I Ôm not dreaming... am I ?) I think to myself

school was weird to it's as if I hadn't miss a day when I was out for four days it's like major dŽjˆ vu. I was just stareing into space when my friend Vicky comes up to me "what are you daydreaming class away?" she asked while waving her hand in my face

"huh?" I ask

"wow you so were like zoned out ahah well wake up, you said you wanted to be the model in digital and I can't have my model with a dead spaced out stare in my photos. I need you alive and awake so get some coffee or whatever you need to wake up." She smiled as she set up the tripod and camera.

"hey sorry I've just been having a really weird day, like I've been out sick for like four days and it feels like I haven't..." I told her

"well that's because you haven't you've been here like a normal school week..." she tells me

"no I was out sick for like four days Vicky don't you remember me saying I was "going away" for a few days and not sure when I'd come back?" I asked

"no this is the first time you saying this to me unless there's another girl who looks like me..."she said

(this isn't making any sense I told her I'd be out, I know I didn't tell her why but I said I'd be gone and I don't know when I'd come back) I think to myself and I like at the clock and it isn't working and I than I look at my cell and its hasn't changed time either. I grab my bags and rush out the room but I feel like I'm moving in slowmotion, Vicky yells at me "where are you goinggggg?" and even her speech is slowed, I just look back and it's all blurry so I rub my eyes and than everything looks normal again. I call my sister and cousins and tell them to meet me at Panera Bread.

"what's so important that we have to leave class early?" Kris ask's

"I think a demon is causing us to live this day over?" I tell them

"a demon?" Phylicia asks

"yea maybe it's tempus but he's like long gone, I'm not sure he can slow down time like that's something I might be able to still do but I don't it I haven't done that in like years since we were kids..." they all just like at me like I'm crazy

"Kadeem you okay?" Phylicia asks me

"yea I'm fine or I well be when we get this demon" I say

"Kadeem can you stop joking around we're not kids anymore, this hole thing about be a witch and "charmed ones" like it's getting old and frankly your starting to worry as..." Myisha says

"I'm not joking what are you talking about?" I ask confused

"Kadeem we're not witches we never were and all that was a game we used to play so wake up and stop." Myisha yells at me

I just look at them and I finally get it "okay, okay, okay like you had me there at first with like the hole let's play a joke on Kadeem and stuff with the hole we're not witches and blah but ahaha come on now it's time to get serious there's a demon and we need to get him and like Riix too so come on the sooner ..." but I got cutt off be my sister

"okay if we're witches freeze something, blow up this cup, or better yet orb" she tells me

"come on you know we can use magic in the open Myisha it's rule number one no expouser hello" I say

"come do it!" Kris yells

"yea let's see this cause we're all getting tried Kadeem" Phyicia says

"fine if you really want me to but like you al have seen me do this like a million times so" and just as I was about to I freeze like not like bang I freeze a demon or something but like I can't move or I can't try to use my powers.

"we're waiting..." Myisha says impaitionly

I try again but I can't move "look I don't know what's everyones deal but we don't have time for this and I don't have to show you my powers that you all know I have come on we're wasting time here..." I say

"no your wasting time so the sooner you wake up the better. This dream your in you've been living it too longer now wake up Kadeem WAKE UP!" Myisha yells

(you know what I'm getting really tried of everyone telling me to wake up when I...) I stop myself from thinking and I look at everyone (I've notice that everyone keeps telling me to wake up like I'm dreaming or something...) why do you all keep telling me to wake up like I'm sleeping when clearly if you look I'm wide awake..." I ask

"but your not witches and demons are in your dreams and a kids game we used to play and ever Halloween you're a witch it's getting old and your too big for that so the sooner you wake up the better" Phylicia says

"okay so if I'm not awake than why you three in my dream than?" I ask

they just smile, and that's when I knew they were right I was dreaming and I needed to wake up but how. The only way I could think of was getting killed but if I wasn't dreaming than I'd be dead for real but I had to make sure so I ran out in the street in front of a car and just as it was about to hit me I woke up. When my eyes finally open I saw that I was in a white room that only had two doors and I saw Odd the elder standing there at the side of me.

"ughh" I graon as I get up "what's going on, where am I?" I ask

"you have passed and make it to the room of destiny" he says

"the white room ahaha" I laugh but he doesn't "sorry, but where's Tommy?"

"back home but we don't have time to talk about that" he says and hands me a key. "you must choose wisely that key may open both doors, but which shall you choose". Odd tells me "behind me one door is what you dream of and can live it a free of demons, you well have all you memories of being a witch but only your family well remain witches, and on the other one you well be a charmed one but live life of danger and as you know it maybe be short lived, until the next one's come to power. So which we'll it be?" he asks

"if I live my dreams I'll never be with my family or friends again well I?" I ask

"but that is the price one must pay to live their dream, we all must give something up of equal value." Odd says

I take the key and as I'm holding it I start to think (like how can this guy think I'll choose my dream over my family and friends when I dream about sharing my dreams with them like really you think I'm going to live my family and friends in hurts ways I love to have my dreams come true now rather than later but not that the risk of the ones I love and hold dear) so I walked up to the door on the right and unlock it and I am bathed in white light "ahhhhhhh!" I cry out. and that was the last thing I saw and everything went black....

"Kadeem...Kadeem....wake up come wake up!!!" my sisters voice I hear

"Wyatt try healing him again!!" Phylicia's voice I hear

"I tried five times, it's not working I do?" Wyatt's voice

"wait look he's waking up look" I hear Kris's voice

"I'm not a sleep I'm dead I ran in front of that car remember..." I said as I started to open my eyes

"you dummy don't ever scare us like that!" Myisha says and hugs me and than my cousins join in the hug.

"if you guys don't stop I'll die for real this time!" I joked and they let go "so much for me dying in that vision eh?" I rise my eyebrow at my sister

"hey look my vision aren't always that clear are right you should know that." she says and smiles "I'm just glad your alrigh!"

"yea hey where's..." before I could finish Tommy walks in

"yea I'm here so shut up and don't worry about me!" he says and winks really quickly so no one see's

I just smile and everyone is looking at the both of us

"wow something big must have happen to you two in there if Kadeem is just going to smile after that comment" Chris said and Wyatt elbows him "heyyy"

"Kadeem I'm glad your okay" Wyatt says and hugs me and than blushes

"Wyatt your hugging to tight ahah" I laugh

"oh sorry" he laughs

"so you won you what now?" Tommy asks as he pulls Wyatt for a hug

"that's a good question..." I say

Piper and the sister's and our parents walk in the attic "Kadeem won okay we don't have much time the three of you go to the books and say the spell and than touch the book" Piper says

Invoking The Powers Spell "Hear now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of gods are invoked here, The great work of magic is sought. In this night and in this hour, I call upon the ancient powers. Bring your power to us three, We want the power, give us the power." Wyatt, Chris, and I said together but at the end I said "The power of three we set us free!" and they both looked at me and I just smiled. I was in the middle and Wyatt and Chris the side of me and when we touched the book it glowed and at that moment we became Charmed.

"so now that we're the new Charmed ones I think demons better watch out!" Chris say

"yea but I think we should pay our good friend here a little visit first" I say as I point to Riix's page in the book of shadows.

(the underworld)

"where are my demons?" Riix asked one of his demons

"I don't know sir much of them have been killed

"but don't worry you'll be joining them to soon" I say "hi ya" I wave and than blast him sending him flying back

he get's up as Wyatt, Chris, and I walk over to him "ahaha don't you get tried you can't stop me without..."

"yea the power of three we know that." Chris says "hey is it me or does he not see that there's only three of us standing here?"

"I'm not sure but you'd think the news would have gotten down here fast huh? I guess not" I says

"guys come on you two had your fun but like let's just get this over with" Wyatt sighs

"wow for a Charmed one you don't seem all that happy to kill your first demon using the power of three..." I smile at Riix who's mouth just hit the floor "oh yea that's right we're the new charmed one buddy and this spell here is the last one you'll be hearing"

he throws a fireball at us but Wyatt blocks it with his shield and we chant the spell "Your time has come it's now the end, by the power of three your soul shall bend, rip the tide that you have created, with these final words your now disamatited." and Riix brust into flames.

"now I call them a vanquishing spell." I smile

"come on lets go celebrate!" Wyatt says holding on to me and Chris and robbing us back to the manor.

"so this is the new power of three, and Riix is finally out the way I think it's time I make my move. Seer tell me what you see." a dark calothed demon says

"my lord I see... the end of the Charmed ones and the rise of the underworld. she says as her eyes turn white "but we must move quick if this is to work my lord"

To Be Continued

Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 16

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