Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jul 21, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 12

Went to class, all of them, and finally got back home to the apartment where I could be with my baby again. He wasn't there yet. Confused much? It was almost 8:15.

Door opens and shuts.

"Yes, its about time. I was starting to get worried." I yelled.

"You shouldnt have to, I am fine, and so is he," someone said.

I turned around to see Jeff and Drew standing there, starting to walk in the kitchen.

"Well, since you are here too, you might as well join us for dinner." I said.

"I just came to drop off your lover. I have to get back to the hotel." He said.

"You can stay for dinner if you want. I am not mad about it anymore." I replied.

"Nah, you and Drew need to be together tonight. Besides, all you have is this weekend." he said. Then he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Then he is mine!"

"Don't even think about it. You have absolutely no idea what you are getting yourself into." I whispered back.

"You can't be with him forever. The tour lasts for four months. I seriously doubt that you will be there with him every step of the way." he replied.

"No, but I can do something about it." I replied. "Good luck trying to steal him away."

"Okay, bye guys!!" he said cheerfully as he walked out the door. Then I turned to Drew, "We have a serious problem. Don't talk, just listen."

He nodded.

"Jeff is CRAZY! He still wants you, bad, and I have to come up with a way to stop it." I told him.

He nodded again.

"Give me one hour. I will brew up a potion that will keep him at least 2 feet away from you for the duration of the tour." I told him.

He nodded one last time, and I went to my room. Potion time!!! I am not going to get into the details, but about 40 minutes later, I came out the door and walked into the living room with 2 potions. "Here, Drink them both, and you won't have to worry about anything for the rest of the tour."

He drank them both, one at a time, and not only does he not have to worry about Jeff any more, but he no longer has to worry about the voice thing.

"You are the greatest man that I know. I love you so much. Please, tell me that I won't have to worry about you while I am gone." He told me.

"You won't have to worry about me. Trust me. Although, I was sure that I could actually trust Jeff. Well, I will take care of him."

I actually summoned Jeff to the apartment.

"That which was an ailment to Drew, shall not be transferred into you." I rhymed at Jeff.

He mouthed the words, 'What did you do, why can't I talk!'

"Remember what happened to Drew so that he couldn't talk before a performance? Well, I have modified that. The only way that you are able to speak is when you are on stage. Have fun trying to do anything anymore." I said, then he vanished when I snapped my fingers.

"Thank you, I never knew how much you loved me till now." he said.

"Well, I have strange ways of showing things like love. Just know, that if you need me, at all, know that I will be there. Call my cell, or call out my name. Just be wary of the time that you do it. When I leave school, expect a surprise on the tour bus." I said.

"Okay sweetheart, but we should probably get to bed now. I have a concert, and you have work to do." he said.

"Actually, I requested off for tomorrow in anticipation of the concert." I said. "That means that we have all day, until you need to go, where is it being held again?"

"The Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre." he said.

"Ooh goody. I have seen Jessica Simpson out there actually. I preferred to watch Ryan Cabrera when he was out there though. He was her opening act. What a hottie!!!" I said.

"True, he is quite attractive. Not quite so much as you, or me, but still rather attractive at that." Drew told me.

"Okay, now you earned yourself some fun in the bedroom!" was my reply, and we walked hand in hand to the bedroom, where we had the best time of our lives, up to this point.

We walked in the door and started the hardcore makeout session. move to the bed, flopped down, out clothes still on, as our lips pressed against each other.

His lips withdrew from mine for only a moment while he said to me, "This time, I want you inside me."

"Are you sure? Only if you are ready." was my reply to him.

"Trust me, I feel like I have waited for this moment my whole life." he replied.

"Okay, but if it gets to be too much for you, please let me know so I can stop. I don't want you to get hurt, especially with the concert tomorrow night." I told him.

"Trust me, there will be nothing to worry about." he whispered in my ear.

At that point, we both started to remove each others clothes. One article of clothing at a time, making out a little between each piece, until we were both lying on the bed, me on top of him, totally naked, our hard pricks rubbing against each other in the moonlight.

I whipped around on top of him and began to take his hard member into my mouth, only stopping when I thought I would choke. It seemed to have gotten bigger since last time. Oh well, I plunged my mouth down till his entire shaft was resting in my expanded throat. At the same time, he did the same thing to my own 8 inch rock hard prick.

I had to concentrate a little, because we would need the lubrication and condoms for the night, who knows how long, or how many times, this would happen.

Then I turned back around, greased up my finger with the lube, and made my way to his hole. I started to penetrate it, slowly, so he wouldn't feel much pain. After a few minutes of the first finger, I inserted a second one. I was being too careful, because he said, "Just stick it in already!"

"Ok, if that's how you want it." I replied. I rolled on the condom, and lubed it up, and began with the insertion. Apparently, he had control over his ass muscle too, because he didnt even feel any pain. I started to make my entrance into him and he inhaled sharply.

"Keep going. I am okay," he said.

I kept going in, further, until my balls were pressed against his ass. I rested there a second to let him get used to it, which was interrupted by him saying, "What are you waiting for?"

I began to slide myself back out, then in again, back and forth, again and again, until I was moving with the force of a tropical storm. I kept going in and out, over and over, making him moan every time that i pushed back in.

I shoved myself in two more times, then his ass pulsated as his dick spurted out onto his abs and chest. The constriction pushed myself over the edge, and I began to blow my own load into the condom.

My thrusting slowed, and I looked into his eyes, with my dick still inside him. He began to glow a bright pink color, as did I.

"You are glowing again." he told me.

"So are you!" I replied. He looked down and noticed that we were both glowing that bright pink color that had happened only days earlier to muself.

"I guess we are connected now." he replied. Then he reached up, pulled me down to his chest, and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. So much passion and desire in a single kiss. It was simply too much for me. My dick started to get hard again inside his ass, even though I knew that I had nothing more to give. I pulled out, and just rested myself on his powerful chest. Then I rolled off of him, and embraced him from the side, the condom was still on, and we were sticky with the dried cum from Drew's chest.


Morning came again, not exactly happy about it, and I realized that Drew was missing again. "Shower is running, maybe I can sneak in on him." I said.

I tip toed to the bathroom, after removing the condom from last night, and checked the door. He actually locked it. So...I just teleported in, and it was so steamed up in there, he couldn't see me.

"Next time you go for a shower, let me know about it first." I said, making him jump. Then he turned around, and kissed me furiously. "Wow, not if I get that every morning, I will never have to worry about anything again."

"I wish that I didn't have to leave. I want to be here with you forever. Just the two of us, with an occasional visit from my brother and his girl." Drew said.

"His girl? When did this happen??" was my reply.

"Last night. Brit came by the hotel after she left school, and her and Nick are finally official." he said.

"Well, its about time. They deserve each other. She hasn't been happy in a while." I replied.

That ended the conversation, and we washed each other off. Then he reached for my dick again. "Uh uh uh mister, I am not able to do anymore after last night. Catch me after the concert, and we will see." I said.

"Okay, fine. Also, I have something special planned for you tonight. Just keep your eyes on me, and you will see." he told me.

"You got it loverboy. Do you need to go back to the hotel?" I asked him.

"Actually yeah, but we can have breakfast first." After that, we proceeded to get dressed, and went to the kitchen, where I made up a gourmet breakfast.

About 20 minutes later, we finished, and said goodbye, then he was whisked away to the hotel, seeing as Jeff dropped him off last night.

"Now, Jeff is going to pay for what he said." I said out loud.

End of Chapter 12

Feedback is greatly appreciated. Not that I am expecting it, becasue no one seems to care to actually send any feedback in. Oh well, if you actually feel as though the story is good, let me know

Next: Chapter 13

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