Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Aug 25, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 19

And so the weekend went on, and ended, and the guys and myself went to the next location. And that is how it pretty much went for the next month or so. Of course, I had to get home every so often to check on the apartment, and my cat, and she was crawling over me so much, that I had to stay home for at least a couple of hours. Eventually, she fell asleep, and I filled up her feeder, and went back to the guys. I actually thought it would be easy to split my attention between my baby and my boyfriend, but it was harder than I thought. Even with my magic!!

So, the tour was slowly coming to a close, and Drew and I started talking about what was going to happen with us.

"I want you to move in with me." he told me, after the last concert.

"What??" I replied.

"I am serious. I have never loved anyone else so much in my entire life. I believe that we deserve to be with each other forever." He said, and with that being said, he got down on his knee, in front of all the guys, and opened a tiny box, with the most gorgeous, three karat diamond ring in it. "Please, marry me?" he asked.

"Oh, my god. I..." I said, then I was cut off.

"How about you say yes. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Just you, me, Midnight, and our place out in, well wherever! Just so long as we are together, I could care less if we were in a box!!" Drew told me.

"Of course! Yes! I would love to be with you forever. Nothing would make me happier than to be yours." I replied. He slid the ring on my finger, and we kissed, long and hard. "And just so you know, we will not be living in a box." I said very flatly.

"I know, I actually already have someplace to go, and it is not out in California. I am way too tired of paying $5 for a gallon of gas. I was thinking of getting my stuff and coming back here, to the great state of Missouri, or as you say it, 'The great state of Misery'!!" he told me. And at that one, we all laughed. I had totally forgot about everyone else in the room, except for the two of us.

"Sorry guys, we got kind of wrapped up in ourselves." I said to them.

"No big deal, you are getting married. If you feel the need to ignore us, then so be it!!!!" Nick said.

"Enough talk, lemme see that diamond!" Jeff said.

And with that said, my hand was slowly passed around the room. "Did any of you guys know about this?" I asked the room.

"No." came from 2 of the 3 of them.

"Yeah," came from Nick. "He brought me with him when we picked out the rings. I also have one for Brit." he told everyone.

"So, when are you planning on asking her??" I replied to his statement.

"Not till sometime next week. I didn't want to take away from his moment, and since you are always around, I knew it would happen eventually." he said.

"And since he didn't tell you, you don't get to tell Brit. I know that it will be hard, but you can't do it, ok?" Drew said to me.

"I won't tell her anything. Believe me, I won't say a word to her. I probably won't even remember after tonight." I told him.

"What in the hell is going to change tonight that you wouldn't remember this?" Justin asked.

"The same thing that you did with Jake for the first time last week!" I replied, unable to hold in my excitement anymore. I figured it was a time to share, since all the secrets were coming out now anyways.

"You said you wouldn't tell them that yet!" he shouted, then smiled and said, "Ah, it's cool. I was planning on telling you guys tomorrow, but I guess I am 'coming out' with it tonight. Jake and I are going out now, and we finally slept together last week!" he said excitedly.

"About time. I knew he loved you!" Jeff said.

"How did you know about this?" Drew asked. "You didn't..." he started before I cut him off.

"I was looking for Justin to talk to him last week, and walked in on him and Jake, well..." I started, but I was even interrupted.

"He didn't startle us, just walked out. He told me about it the next day." Justin said, unable to stop smiling.

"And you didn't even tell me?" Drew asked to me.

"I made him promise not to tell. And he held that until tonight. So you may want to ask Brit sooner before later, cause I don't think he will be able to hold out that long." Justin said.

"I just broke tonight because I was too excited about MY engagement, thank you very much. Now, the tour has ended. Tonight was the last concert. I am going to go back to my apartment, and spend time with my little baby. Drew, you can come if you want, or spend time with the guys." I told him.

"Actually, I am going back with you. Sorry guys, but I need to spend more time with my fiancee. Have fun!!" he told them. So he took my hand, and we were zapped back to my apartment.

"You do know that I have to buy you a ring now, and I don't have that much money, so," I started, then snapped my fingers. "Now you have one, identical to me. And since our hands are about the same size, there wasn't that much altering to do to it." I told him.

"You didn't have to do that. I could have actually bought another ring. I just want you to be happy baby." he told me.

"I have never been happier in my entire life. Trust me when I say this, but you have totally turned my life around." I told him. Then we started kissing up a storm.


"That damn door. I wish we could actually have some privacy tonight." I told him.

"Well, do they actually know that we are here?" Drew asked.

"YES SAM! WE KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE!!" I heard Brit's voice coming from outside my apartment.

"Shit, run while you still can, or the straight women will destroy you!" I told Drew while I answered the door.

"Hey guys, whats up?" I asked to see Brit, my cousins, and Andy standing outside my apartment.

"Nick called me and told me to get over here, right away, he said that you would have something to show us. Well? We're waiting!!" Brit said very anxiously.

"Drew! The girls are pestering me! Can we dispose of them? Please??" I yelled behind me.

"I don't think that they will be going away until we tell them baby." he told me.

"TELL US WHAT!!" Tammy yelled.

I just raised my left hand up and showed them the ring.

"OH MY GOD!!!" They all yelled at once.

"Drew proposed, and we are getting married!" I yelled.

"I am thinking maybe sometime in the late spring, just before it gets too hot maybe?" Drew said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I am not too sure how, but he seems to know everything about me. And, not to mention, that late spring is my favorite time of the year. Maybe mid May?" I asked.

"Perfect, baby, just perfect," he said as he looked up and kissed me.

"Eww, I never thought that the gays could be so mushy. Make me sick!!" Sarah blurted out.

"Okay, let's get inside before the bugs kill my skin here!!" Andy told everyone. We made our way inside, and took seats in the living room of the apartment. After everyone got comfortable, I snapped in some refreshments, since we were all thoroughly famished. Then we started with the details, even though there weren't that many to give. Seeing as it only happened less than an hour ago, we were more prone to giving the details of the wedding, that we began talkng about immediately.

"I have always looked into getting married outdoors. I actually know this place, but I am not sure if anyone would actually be able to do the ceremony. So, maybe we should just go to Vegas, that way we could be together at least." I said.

"No, you deserve a dream wedding, hell, so do I, seeing as we seem to love all of the same things. My only stipulation is that I get to wear the black tux. You can wear the white one." he said.

"I will wear pink if it means getting married to you, I don't even care about the color. And I want Andy to be my bridesmaid...I mean best man." I said laughing at the mistake that I made. And everyone joined in the laughter, except for Andy, who sat in his spot, with a shocked look on his face. "So, are you more shocked at the question, or the way that I said it?" I asked Andy.

"Well, both kind of. I am just honored that you would ask me to be there for you." he told me.

"Well who else would I ask? Brit, Tammy, Sarah? Any of you guys want to be my best man for the wedding?" I asked, as I looked around at them.

"No, I think that we will leave that up to Andy here. Congratulations Sam..." she started, and I cut her off.

"And now there is one more announcement. I am now officially Steven again. And I would appreciate it if all of you respect my decision." I told them.

"It's about time! I thought you were gonna stay Sam for the rest of your life." Sarah said.

"Nope, it is time to take back the pat of my life that I threw out. Drew, are you okay with this?" I asked him.

"I actually like Steven better. So, do we need to go about changing this?" he asked.


"Already done!" I said. "And now we get to get married with my friends, family, and my real name. I don't think I have ever been happier in my entire life!"

"I feel the same way baby." Drew said to me. And we sent everyone home, and went back into the bedroom, where we spent the rest of the night professing our love to each other.

End of chapter 19

Okay guys, I want all kinds of feedback on this. Good and bad. Also, just for those of you out there who are actually reading this, I am going to be ending this by about chapter 25. Don't be mad or anything, but it is getting really hard to write with how busy I have been getting lately, as you can see by my short chapters, and the fact that it takes too long to actually post the chapters. Email me with comments!

Next: Chapter 20

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