Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jun 22, 2008


Legal stuff: If you are not old enough to be reading this than go watch your cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this work, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and should not be taken seriously.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.

Otherwise, enjoy!

Because of Drew - Chapter 2

"Yes, that is who we are, now would you please take our order so we can get back to the hotel?" Drew asked.

"Now hold on a minute little brother, I wanna talk to this umm...Brittany for a couple of minutes," Nick said.

I wasn't too sure as to why Drew wanted to leave so quickly. Although it may have been that I have been staring at him ever since he removed his shades. Nick and Brit were lost in some crazy conversation that I haven't been paying any attention to. By now, you should know,that I have a huge crush on Drew. After all of this thought, I finally decided to open my big mouth.

"We both get off in a couple of minutes, and if you guys want to talk some more, maybe we should go someplace a little less, well, public. Who knows what kind of old fans may be in here any minute."

"I am not going anywhere unless you are there with me," Brit commented, "And I am definitely not going anywhere with these fine ass guys in this ugly ass uniform!" she added under her breath.

"I can take care of that, if you will let me." I said under my breath.

"Really? How is that??" she asked.

"You don't know everything about me, just so you know." This was a very true statement. Although she knew most things about me and my life, there was one secret that I simply could not tell, until today. I had a few powers that came in handy every now and then. One of them was to manipulate the cloth and fabric that a person was wearing to something totally different. I could even change the colors of the clothes in question. Now the big secret is out of the bag.

I took the guys order and decided not to charge them for it, seeing as they are celebrities.I brought their order out to them and asked very nonchalantly, "Hey guys, where are Jeff and Justin?"

"They are at the hotel still. Jetlag. My little bro and I got hungry and decided to get something to eat far away so we wouldn't be followed or recognized. Guess that didn't exactly happen." Nick commented.

We both clocked off a few minutes later and I dragged Brit into the restroom so I could show her my powers.

"Now don't hate me for not telling you this earlier, but I guess this is the best time. I am a witch. I can do things that most people cannot do." I came out (no pun intended) with the truth finally.

"Yeah, right. Whatever crazy man!" she commented

"No really! Watch." Then I concentrated and turned her black t-shirt into a black halter top and her uniform pants into a black mini skirt.

"OMG!!!!!!! Of everything you have told me, this is definitely the most outrageous, but its really cool. I will keep your secret if you want me to." "Thank you Brit. Now let me change really quickly." I transformed my own uniform into a button down shirt with the first few buttons un-done to show off some of my pec muscles and my pants into a pair of dark blue jean shorts.

"Very nice," Brit commented.

"Thanks girl. Hey do you think Drew might be, you know, family?" I asked.

"Sam, he is married, keep dreaming." she retorted. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, I hope the guys don't ask where our uniforms went." I replied.

We both stepped out of the restroom, and when we walked out, the jaws on both of the guys dropped to the floor. and for some reason, Drew could not take his eyes off of me. Then I thought to myself 'Isn't he supposed to be married? And have an adorable little girl??' "Well guys, you see something you like? Drooling is not exactly attractive." I commented.

Nick returned to eating the rest of him meal, but Drew kept staring.

"You see something you like?" I asked Drew. "You haven't stopped staring at me since I walked out of the restroom."

With that said, he returned to his meal and blushed a deep shade of red. At that moment, I knew that he was not straight, by any stretch of the imagination. 'Maybe he is bi,' I thought to myself, 'Cause he is married, yet for some reason he won't stop staring.

"We are almost done here, then you guys can follow us back to the hotel so we can all talk, and you can meet Jeff and Justin." Nick said.

After he said that, Drew looked up at his brother and gave him the stare of death. Upon noticing this, I decided to use another of my gifts and read the emotions of these 2 hotties sitting in the dining room. From Nick, all that I got was a deep feeling for Brit. 'Good, she hasn't exactly been happy since her failed engagement.' I thought to myself.

When I read Drews feelings, I sensed 2 major ones there. A searing hatred for his brother, then a strong attraction for me.

'Oh shit, why is he attracted to me? I am nothing special.' Remember that I still had severe self confidence issues and didn't feel like I could actually have anyone attracted to me at all.

After about 10 more minutes of talking and pleasantries, Nick talking to Brit and myself speaking with Drew, the guys donned their guises again as we all walked out of the building. Surprisingly, neither of the guys asked what happened to our work uniforms. That meant less explaining to do for now anyways, seeing as we barely even knew them. We all drove separately as we followed the black SUV back to the Hilton hotel in Downtown St. Louis. Brittany had been right. Hate that bitch.

I was on my phone to Brit the entire way, telling her about what I felt with Drew. "I am telling you, I felt it. Nick has the hots for you and Drew is showing some form of interest in me." I screamed inthe phone.

"I have no doubt that Nick has the hots for me, but Drew is married and has a daughter. Nick just broke up with Vanessa so I can have him all to myself." she told me.

"How did you know that Nick broke up with Vanessa? They were so cute together!" I asked.

"Try reading Star magazine sweetie, they always know what is going on with the celebs nowadays." She retorted. I hated reading those stupid things. I never thought that they had any real truth in the things that they printed.

"All right then you lucky ass bitch, see you in a few minutes when we get to the hotel. I can't believe that we are hanging out with 98 Degrees! Do you think that they could get us tickets to the concert?" I asked

"Not sure if they have the authority to do that kind of thing. THey are just the performers. We can ask, but don't get your hopes up." she replied.

We hung up the phone which left me with my thoughts. Could it be possible that Drew was gay? Or maybe at least bi? Anything is possible. Since he is in the public eye, he could never truly come out. Then I asked myself why? Lance from N*SYNC came out, and he is happy. Oh well. If things are meant to happen, then they will happen. I believe that if destiny throws the 2 of us together, then it is truly meant to be.

30 minutes later, we arrived at the hotel. The guys had us park around the back so we would not get destroyed by the impending mob outside the front. On the way inside, Nick grabbed Brit and started talking to her quietly, leaving me with the silent wonder.

"So, what's up Drew? Wanna talk or something? From what I remember, you never were the silent one," I stated.

I could tell that something was on his mind, so I was making some small talk to get him to open up a little bit.

"I wish that I could tell you the truth." he said under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing, forget it." he replied

We made the trip up the elevator with Nick and Brit talking like they were crazy people. I kept stealing glances at Drew, wanting to know if he had been looking at me also. I couldn't help but feel that something was there. And I didn't even need to use my gifts to tell me that one.

We approached their rooms and Drew said that he needed to talk to Jeff for a couple of minutes before he would be over.

"That's cool bro. We will see you in a bit." Nick retorted.

Brit and Nick continued to talk about Brit and her past while I sat there and absorbed every word, occasionally throwing in some retorts about Brit and how crazy she was. Nicks voice was heavenly. Drew returned to the room about 15 minutes after we had started the conversation and sat down next to me.

"Can I have a word with you, in private please?" he asked me.

"Sure, but where? The bathroom I guess?" I suggested.

"Not here, can you come back with me to my room?" he asked.

"I suppose, if that is what you want." I replied

We walked back to his room which was on the other side of the hall. He led me over to the bed and asked me to sit down, which I did. I kept staring into his eyes, such magical eyes. (Again, no pun intended.)

"I have something to tell you. I saw the way that you were staring at me earlier, and it was starting to make me think..." he started.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I am gay and I was attracted to you. You are married and you have a child. I would never dream of thinking to end that. I just have a little crush on you and I am sorry if I was any inconveinence to you." I stated. With that said, I got up to leave.

I was almost to the door when he caught up with me and pushed me against the wall. He was much shorter than I but commanded such power with his build.

"Leah and I aren't married. Her child was by some other guy. She knows that I only think of her as a friend, and that is the way that it is. Only Jeff knows my true feelings, and he swore never to tell anyone. I am gay, and I have known that for years also. Management said that I should fake a marriage to Leah for the publicity. They know that I don't love her." He looked up at me, truth showing in his eyes.

"Wow, that is quite a revelation. I am surprised that you can trust me with something like this." I replied.

With that said, he took hold of my head, and kissed me on the lips. No tounge, just a kiss.

"That is why I can trust you." he replied.

"Wow, now that I did not expect." I said.

"Why is that, you're hot." he said. After that, I proceeded to tell him about my past and self confidence issues. After I finished, he only stared at me. "Now I understand why you didn't think you had a chance with me."

"Yeah, you actually think I am hot?" I aksed

"I think this will answer that question." he replied. And he looked up and kissed me again. This time, a little more than last as he opened his mouth and tried to push his tounge in mine. I was not about to resist that. This was my first kiss.

At that moment, something happened that we did not expect. Nick walked through the door and started talking to us. "You guys still alive in here...DREW!!!!"

End of chapter 2

Please give feedback, I really want to know what you guys think. Also, I will continue writing because that is what I love to do. All feedback is welcomed, positive and negative.

Next: Chapter 3

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