Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Dec 26, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 27

And so time went on, the week had long since passed, and my book had passed hands to Jason, who ended up staying at my place even more than his. Even though halfway across the country.

It has been about a month now, and Jason and I have moved past the bonds of friendship, and straight into lovers. I never imagined that would happen, but, well, this has been an entire thing of firsts.

Christmas was rapidly approaching, and paying for the house, and everything else was straining on my life. Even with Jason there, he was working in the STL and living at my place, tough, right?? The two of us together couldn't really afford the place, but we decided to stick it out for a while, hoping that something good would happen soon.

I was on my way home from work one day, Christmas Eve, when my cell phone started ringing. It was Brit.

"Hey girl, what's going on?" I asked her.

"We have major problems, that is what's going on!" she almost screamed back in the receiver.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Drew has powers." she said very flatly.

I fell silent for a minute. This could not be happening now. I was with Jason, and was slowly getting over Drew. Yes, we were engaged, and very much in love, but that was then. "What do you need me to do?" I asked her.

"Well, since these were your powers, I suggest you get over here and help him! Maybe it will spark some memories?" she said.

"That could work, if it weren't for the fact that I am with someone else now!!!" I yelled at her.

"What? You met someone else??" she asked.

"Yeah, and I can't afford to risk anything with him right now." I said.

"Well, like I said before, you need to get your ass here and help him control this shit, because it is driving us nuts!!" she said.

"All right, I cave, let me call Jason and tell him really quickly. I will be right over there." I replied.

"Please hurry!" she yelled back at me.

I hung up and called Jason and gave him the low down on the situation. He actually encouraged the whole thing.

"You guys looked really cute together, and if it ends up working out, I will respectfully back away." he said.

"Really? Well I don't suspect anything like that will happen, so I am just letting you know that I will be home late, so don't worry!" I said.

"See you tonight, baby." he said, and we hung up.

I arrived back at Brit & Nick's place, at least they were still together. I heard things flying around the house, and crashing everywhere, and that reminded me of my first time with the telekinesis. Then there was the molecular combustion. All of it was so new to him, so I had to help him with it, seeing as only I actually understood my powers.

I knocked on the door, and Brit answered. "About time! We are losing all of our most valuable possessions here!" she yelled.

"It's okay, I can fix it." I said.

"Okay," she said to me. "Drew! There is someone here that I want you to meet!" she called out.

As he approached, I started to feel the weak knees that I felt the first time I saw him in person, and it wasn't good. "Hi, my name is Sam, and I am here to help you get control of this." I said.

"Hi, I would shake your hand, but I may blow you up or something." he said.

"I am protected, so it is safe." I said, and reached out. He shook my hand, and I saw something in his eyes that happened to me. He was having a vision. I didn't know what it was, but it had to have been something good, because he opened his eyes, and smiled at me. I also noticed that things stopped flying around whenever he calmed down.

"Lesson number one, these powers that you have, are tied to your emotions. The more you get scared, upset, or angry, they will show, and get worse. You have to keep your cool. These are gifts, not a curse." I told him.

"I understand, but how do I fix the stuff that has already been destroyed?" he asked.

"With a spell, repeat after me. 'Let the valuables in this place be replaced with the fastest haste.' and everything should be okay again." I told him.

He recited the spell, and everything was put back in its place, and back to normal. Whatever that was. I never mentioned that Brit was nothing close to normal.

"Do you happen to have anyplace more private where we can continue this? These are special gifts, and should be treated as such." I asked him.

"Um, yeah. follow me." he said, and we ended up walking into his bedroom. "Wow, that spell even fixed all the crap in my room too."

"That is what it was designed to do." I replied.

"So, do you have any powers?" he asked me.

"No, well not anymore. I gave up my powers to save the person that I love." I replied.

"Wow, but you still remember everything?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I retorted.

"Because, when these powers started showing up, I felt as though something in my life was missing. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it, and still can't. But, when we shook hands downstairs, I had some sort of vision." he told me.

"We call those premonitions. They show us the future, and in some cases, the past. What did you see?" I asked.

"Well, it had to do with the two of us. I am unsure if it was the past, or the future though. I feel as though I know you from somewhere before, but I can't place it. Do you remember me? At all?" he asked.

"I will tell you everything in time, but first you need to tell me what it is that you saw." I told him.

"Okay, it was kind of weird though. The two of us were, well, sleeping together. I will admit, I think you're hot, but I don't sleep with someone for a while after actually getting to know them...oops." he ranted.

"Its okay. Your secret is safe with me. You have no idea about the secrets that I am hiding." I told him.

"Well, since I shared one with you, how about you share one with me?" he asked.

"I...can't. Not yet anyways, maybe, in time." I replied.

"I understand. And I am sure that you probably have someone to get back to, so I am guessing that we should end this up soon?" he suggested.

"I have barely been here an hour. And I can also tell that you seem a little uncomfortable with me being here..." I started.

"Actually no. Being here with you for this little time actually made me feel the best that I have in the last month or so. Ever since I woke up from the hospital...The hospital!! That is where I saw you before! Just after I woke up and everybody else talked to me!" he practically screamed.

"Yeah, that was me indeed. I was in the wrong room, visiting my friend and they gave me the wrong room number." I replied, as I lied through my teeth.

"Ah, that makes sense, then how did you get to know Brit?" he asked.

"Brit and I are old freinds, we have been for a while." I replied.

"That makes no sense. I remember Brit from the tour, and our first stop in St. Louis..." he started.

"I need to leave now. I have to work and everything tomorrow, and now it is getting rather late." I said, and I started for the door.

He started to grab at me, and I avoided it, and to my surprise, he transported out from behind me, and appeared right in front of me. "You are not going anywhere until you answer me this one last question. Brit mentioned me being very happy with someone before I went in the hospital. I don't remember anything about a guy that I was with, and then this vision, and I remember you from St. Louis too. Tell me how we know each other, because I have no clue." he demanded.

"Okay. Were you wearing a ring on your left hand after you woke up?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but what in the hell does that have to do with anything?" he asked.

"I can see that you aren't wearing it now. If you go and get it, you may be able to get a vision off of it." I replied to him.

"Why can't you just tell me what the hell is going on." he said.

"Because, you have no idea wether or not I will actually tell you the truth. I learned that premonitions don't lie." I responded to him.

"Okay, I will get the ring now." he said, and he went over to his chest of drawers to fish it out. He found it, and it was in a small jewelry case.

"Take the ring out, and hold on to it for a second." I said. "You should get a vision which will give you all of the answers that you are looking for." I finished.

He opened the box, and took out the ring. I noticed that he was getting the vision, and without sitting around, I bolted for the door.

I made my way out the front, and back to my car. I couldn't take the emotional crap anymore, and I had to get back to the house, to be with Jason. What if he remembered? What if something actually sparked his memory? It wasn't the time to find out. I was with Jason, and that was not about to change.

Or was it???

End of chapter 27

Okay out there, sorry about the delay, but life is rather hectic now a days. The timeline doesn't fit very well, but I started writing this about a week ago, and I hadn't exactly finished it yet.

Not really planning on extending this much further, but if you want to know the end, you will just have to wait!!!

Feedback is not necessary, but always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 28

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